View Full Version : ABC Banners...
Mr. Dead
12-13-11, 12:02 pm
For those that will not be in attendance... Does Corporate want the ABC Coordinators to mail their banners in, so they may be displayed at the Cage...???
maybe CORPORATE should do up a poster and list all of the ABC chapters and gyms that participate in the ABC's and give them out each year at the Arnold and use the group Photo for the Arnold from each previous year. example would be 2011 photo would go on 2012 poster with a current list of chapters and gyms.
12-15-11, 3:55 pm
maybe CORPORATE should do up a poster and list all of the ABC chapters and gyms that participate in the ABC's and give them out each year at the Arnold and use the group Photo for the Arnold from each previous year. example would be 2011 photo would go on 2012 poster with a current list of chapters and gyms.
That would be awesome.
Mr. Dead as far as sending them in, yes send them in if you are not attending. If you are, then bring it with you and we will hang it there!
I do not have signatures on mine, unless you want me to write Connecticut ABC, 2011 on it?