View Full Version : Cage Q & A
12-24-11, 4:13 am
Based on some posts I saw in other threads, I thought it would be a good idea to get a thread going for people to post up any and all questions Cage related....not just for The Cage itself, but for all that comes with it (Travel/Lodging/Food/etc.).
12-24-11, 4:22 am
I don't mind a 15 or 20 min drive, I wonder if i should fly out and rent a car or drive out....What is the usual schedule?
as far as check in check out, cage, abc? Sorry, this probably isn't the right thread for this.
I have no experience with car rental there, so I can't speak for that. I know that some people on here have rented cars in the past though.
Several of us get in on Thursday and leave Sunday after the expo. Some of the crew members get in earlier to start getting things set up. Usually people get together at Metro Fitness downtown (about a ten-minute walk from the expo center) and lift each night, with food somewhere nearby afterwards.
The Cage itself opens and closes with the expo schedule. A Cage-specific schedule is usually posted up in here once it's finalized.
As for the ABC, that's held on Saturday night with food catered right at the gym afterwards.
Hope this helps!
Thank You Phil, I'm really hoping I can pull this off, it has been a dream of mine for a few years now. So we're looking at Thursday afternoon to Monday morning if you want to participate in everything? This is really helpful. I had no idea hotels would be booked out a year in advance, that's kinda awesome.
12-24-11, 6:09 pm
Thank You Phil, I'm really hoping I can pull this off, it has been a dream of mine for a few years now. So we're looking at Thursday afternoon to Monday morning if you want to participate in everything? This is really helpful. I had no idea hotels would be booked out a year in advance, that's kinda awesome.
Sunday night or Monday morning, yeah. I think the majority of people head out on Sunday.
Yup, the ones downtown do. Further out if they do fill up it's usually not until a month or two before.
Hope you can make it, it's the experience of a lifetime!
01-20-12, 3:46 am
Just a heads-up if you haven't bought your Expo tickets yet, but they are cheaper online than they are at the door.
Tickets/wristbands at the door are going to be $15, but are only $10 on Ticketmaster.
If you're going all three days, the three-pack of tickets is $27.00. With all the fees it comes out to about $37.00.
I think when all is said and done with the fees, you probably won't save any money buying tickets for individual days online, but you definitely save some coin picking up the three-pack in advance.
01-20-12, 8:08 am
Great idea for this thread
What about Hotels? Best way to search for someone who has never been........
01-20-12, 11:38 am
Great idea for this thread
Thanks my man!
What about Hotels? Best way to search for someone who has never been........
Hmm...are you going to have a rental car or not? Or is that dependent upon hotel?
If you're not going to have a car, there's a map here of all the hotels downtown that are either within walking distance or on the shuttle bus route:
There's also a list here of hotels and distances:
This close to the Expo, stuff is probably going to be pretty booked up, so you'll want to move quickly.
Thanks my man!
Hmm...are you going to have a rental car or not? Or is that dependent upon hotel?
is parking a nightmare?
01-20-12, 12:59 pm
is parking a nightmare?
Not if you do it right. We usually park next to Metro Fitness (where we train at night). Costs about $5/day (you can leave and come back too), and it's only about a ten-minute walk to the Expo center. I've never seen the lot/deck there full.
There are lots and decks that are closer, but they get really full and some of them cost more.
I live in town and I am willing to hook up a ride if anyone needs one from the hotel to metro or whatever. I will be at the Arnold all 3 days. I am also going to be at the training at metro fitness all 3 days as well if someone wants a lift from the hotel to there. I love this time of year and I am also willing to help set up if you guys need me to (free help!).
I live in town and I am willing to hook up a ride if anyone needs one from the hotel to metro or whatever. I will be at the Arnold all 3 days. I am also going to be at the training at metro fitness all 3 days as well if someone wants a lift from the hotel to there. I love this time of year and I am also willing to help set up if you guys need me to (free help!).
Savior!, can you give a radios from where you live to look for a hotel? I was thinking to go lower end cause I'll just be sleeping,shitting and showering there.
What do most people do for meals? eat out all day long or bring like a GF grill?
Savior!, can you give a radios from where you live to look for a hotel? I was thinking to go lower end cause I'll just be sleeping,shitting and showering there.
What do most people do for meals? eat out all day long or bring like a GF grill?
The hotel I stay at has a 24-hour Meijer within walking distance, so we usually go and buy stuff for sandwiches to eat throughout the day.
Savior!, can you give a radios from where you live to look for a hotel? I was thinking to go lower end cause I'll just be sleeping,shitting and showering there.
What do most people do for meals? eat out all day long or bring like a GF grill?
I live in Lewis Center, Ohio which is 43035. The motel six down the road and the red roof are right off state route 23.
I just drive a small Elantra but I can certainly pick anyone up. I know it can get expensive staying downtown.
I just drive a small Elantra but I can certainly pick anyone up. I know it can get expensive staying downtown.
Chip in for gas and parking fo sure