View Full Version : First year at The Cage!
02-22-12, 10:49 am
Gonna be my first time at The Cage this year. Super Pumped!! But not to sure what to expect. Anybody got tips, advice or suggestions about anything would really be appreciated.
02-22-12, 10:55 am
That is awesome brother, Please come introduce yourself.
First, certainly get to the expo early, the lines are long and may take a while to move.
Dont wait until you have to pee, to actually go lol. It takes a while to maneuver through the masses.
I would eat before you get in there.
02-22-12, 10:56 am
At one point, remember to take a step back and take it all in. There's so much going on at all times, so many people, it'll go by in a second if you don't take the chance to look around and soak it all in. I'm sure a lot of other people will chime in. But a few of my suggestions are; make sure you clear your bowels before going in to the expo. You don't want to have to go #2 in that place, haha. Another suggestion would be to bring some sandwiches or similar. Food court prices are OK, and you'll be able to sample a lot of stuff while inside, but its best to bring something that won't spoil in a backpack or something.
Universal Rep
02-22-12, 11:27 am
Gonna be my first time at The Cage this year. Super Pumped!! But not to sure what to expect. Anybody got tips, advice or suggestions about anything would really be appreciated.
1. You will have a blast.
2. As soon as ya step into the CAGE, you will be family.
3. Bring some money for some LE Animal t-shirts. Some sizes/styles sell out as early as Friday.
4. Bring a camera. Pack extra batteries and memory cards.
5. Read this in it's entirety and memorize it...§ion=
Good luck.
Mr. Dead
02-22-12, 11:46 am
1. You will have a blast.
2. As soon as ya step into the CAGE, you will be family.
3. Bring some money for some LE Animal t-shirts. Some sizes/styles sell out as early as Friday.
4. Bring a camera. Pack extra batteries and memory cards.
5. Read this in it's entirety and memorize it...§ion=
Good luck
This... And... Be prepared for total sensory overload...
02-22-12, 11:50 am
Gonna be my first time at The Cage this year. Super Pumped!! But not to sure what to expect. Anybody got tips, advice or suggestions about anything would really be appreciated.
Take in as much as you can bro, your gonna be like a deer in highlights at first with all of the people and booths everywhere. Yoru gonna see your idols walking around and be pumped just to be there. Get in as much as you can and see as much as you can. Most of all have fun. Oh yea and make sure if you have to go #2 that you go before you leave for the expo bc those bathrooms get fuckin nasty real quick.
02-22-12, 11:52 am
But a few of my suggestions are; make sure you clear your bowels before going in to the expo. You don't want to have to go #2 in that place, haha.
I didnt even read this post until after I posted mine, thats fuckin awesome you said that too bro, great minds think alike. But seriously people for some reason lose all there respect for a public restroom for some reason there
Cage virgin here too. Looking forward to it.
I'm taking it we can bring in our own backpack/food?
Universal Rep
02-22-12, 1:15 pm
Cage virgin here too. Looking forward to it.
I'm taking it we can bring in our own backpack/food?
Yeah, bring a backpack for all the swag... Look wut this fella did at last year's Arnold.
Had to make a quick getaway from expo security.
02-22-12, 1:33 pm
This is Great bros thanks for all the tips and advice! Keep it coming whatever u can think of. I'm getting pumped just thinking about it... Does the LE gear really sell out so quickly?
02-22-12, 1:35 pm
This is Great bros thanks for all the tips and advice! Keep it coming whatever u can think of. I'm getting pumped just thinking about it... Does the LE gear really sell out so quickly?
It absolutely does, and so do the great deals on the supplements. I know a lot of guys and gals that stock up for the year on some of the packs because of the deals
Universal Rep
02-22-12, 2:02 pm
It absolutely does, and so do the great deals on the supplements. I know a lot of guys and gals that stock up for the year on some of the packs because of the deals
Wut he said... And because they are LE gear, they will never be re-made again... That makes 'em collectors items.
02-22-12, 4:51 pm
Wow I definitely am gonna have I try and make it to the cage early on Friday. Thanks guys!
02-22-12, 5:29 pm
Great advice, and a classic article by Byrd.
Here's a link to my "Cage/Arnold Expo Survival Guide" thread:
02-23-12, 7:42 am
also a newbie...drivin up from cincy friday morning, whats a good time to get there...i was gonna try and be there by 8:45ish so i'm not too far behind in line, or is that still too late??
02-23-12, 9:23 am
also a newbie...drivin up from cincy friday morning, whats a good time to get there...i was gonna try and be there by 8:45ish so i'm not too far behind in line, or is that still too late??
For Friday morning you should be fine, Saturday morning is a different story.
bulldozer, you are going to have a blast. Make sure you introduce yourself to us at The Cage.
Universal Rep
02-23-12, 10:19 am
also a newbie...drivin up from cincy friday morning, whats a good time to get there...i was gonna try and be there by 8:45ish so i'm not too far behind in line, or is that still too late??
Be sure to rep ur Animal t-shirt with pride as ya wait in line... So we can recognize ya, haha.
02-23-12, 1:44 pm
Be sure to rep ur Animal t-shirt with pride as ya wait in line... So we can recognize ya, haha.
Hell yea man, me and the wifey both will be reppin the Animal T's...I was like a kid at christmas when my first animal T came in. Love this company and show my pride and gratitude for it freely!!!!