View Full Version : Arnold Weekend VIP Tix...
Universal Rep
02-23-12, 12:42 pm
Lets say I had me some tix for the weekend... For various events like the Training Seminar, Party With The Pros, Meet & Greet and of course, the prejudging and finals... Lets say I wanted to get 'em off my hands. Wut could I do???
Mr. Dead
02-23-12, 12:44 pm
Lets say I had me some tix for the weekend... For various events like the Training Seminar, Party With The Pros, Meet & Greet and of course, the prejudging and finals... Lets say I wanted to get 'em off my hands. Wut could I do???
Give them to me... Thanks... *LOL*
But... On a serious note... I'm thinkin' a PROMO... But... Details seem to elude me at present...
Or... How about... The closest guess to Seath and Higa's combined totals at this weekend's powerlifting meet...???
Universal Rep
02-23-12, 12:53 pm
Give them to me... Thanks... *LOL*
But... On a serious note... I'm thinkin' a PROMO... But... Details seem to elude me at present...
Or... How about... The closest guess to Seath and Higa's combined totals at this weekend's powerlifting meet...???
Course Ima thinkin' promo... Am I a rep or ain't I???
Mr. Dead
02-23-12, 12:54 pm
Course Ima thinkin' promo... Am I a rep or ain't I???
I wouldn't think otherwise... I mean the name is there in black and white... With the perty avatar there...
02-23-12, 1:55 pm
promo please please pretty please
02-23-12, 2:00 pm
Def a promo!!! You got guys hungry as hell to learn EVERYTHING they can at the Cage...if nothing else me and Mr. D can share! and you can split em between us...problem solved! haha
Things I need in my life. This. PROMO!!
02-23-12, 2:01 pm
Things I need in my life. This. PROMO!!
i second this!! Breathing...iron..THIS
Seriously badss. A killer promo is definitely in order.
Universal Rep
02-23-12, 2:31 pm
Guess I need to be more clear... Ideas for specific promos??? How should one score said VIP tix?
Mr. Dead
02-23-12, 2:38 pm
Guess I need to be more clear... Ideas for specific promos??? How should one score said VIP tix?
Best pic/vid of themselves in Animal gear with their Animal supps...???
02-23-12, 3:11 pm
Best pic/vid of themselves in Animal gear with their Animal supps...???
Some of us arent as computer savy lol...we could do a What would you do for tickets fear factor style lol.
02-23-12, 3:13 pm
Some of us arent as computer savy lol...we could do a What would you do for tickets fear factor style lol.
haha I like that. Hmm users post pictures of themselves eating their favorite cheat meal
02-23-12, 3:13 pm
OR...What being a Animal member means to you??? maybe not as creative, but i bet we'd get some good responses
How many tix would be given to the winner? Hypothetically of course...
02-23-12, 4:48 pm
How about the best Animal Promo picture as there facebook profile pic. ... Or battle it out inside the cage or at Metro...that sounds more fun. Total maxes or most reps ....or just to the death whatever works for you Universal Rep lol
02-23-12, 6:01 pm
Wow sounds like an awesome experience, promo would be great, looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
02-23-12, 9:20 pm
...Or... How about... The closest guess to Seath and Higa's combined totals at this weekend's powerlifting meet...???
I think this is a brilliant idea Mr. Dead. It's going down this Saturday. A few prime days for people to lob in a guess.
02-24-12, 12:14 am
Give it to the guy who has been an Animal from the start? Longevity means alot.. :)
Mr. Dead
02-24-12, 11:24 am
Curious to see what U-Rep cooks up, for this...
Universal Rep
02-24-12, 11:29 am
Curious to see what U-Rep cooks up, for this...
U-Rep has no clue so is lookin' for assistance...
Mr. Dead
02-24-12, 11:33 am
Give them to me... Thanks... *LOL*
But... On a serious note... I'm thinkin' a PROMO... But... Details seem to elude me at present...
Or... How about... The closest guess to Seath and Higa's combined totals at this weekend's powerlifting meet...???
Best pic/vid of themselves in Animal gear with their Animal supps...???
haha I like that. Hmm users post pictures of themselves eating their favorite cheat meal
OR...What being a Animal member means to you??? maybe not as creative, but i bet we'd get some good responses
How about the best Animal Promo picture as there facebook profile pic. ... Or battle it out inside the cage or at Metro...that sounds more fun. Total maxes or most reps ....or just to the death whatever works for you Universal Rep lol
Give it to the guy who has been an Animal from the start? Longevity means alot.. :)
Any catch your eye...??? Or... For something as huge as this... Should the bar be raised...???
Universal Rep
02-24-12, 11:34 am
How much are one of these VIP tix packages anyways?
Mr. Dead
02-24-12, 11:38 am
How much are one of these VIP tix packages anyways?
The after party alone, is $31... I had almost considered snagging some, myself...
The package itself retails at $350...
Universal Rep
02-24-12, 11:41 am
The after party alone, is $31... I had almost considered snagging some, myself...
The package itself retails at $350...
$350??? Sonofa...
02-24-12, 11:46 am
The after party alone, is $31... I had almost considered snagging some, myself...
The package itself retails at $350...
Can we say SERIOUS HOOK-UP!!!
02-24-12, 11:47 am
u got guys chomping at the bit to get a hold of these U-rep, how about first person to grab em away from u at the A is the winner!!! Lol I'll get my tent and do it black friday style!
02-24-12, 11:50 am
could just play a good old fashioned game of russian roulette and the last man standing wins ;)
Universal Rep
02-24-12, 11:51 am
u got guys chomping at the bit to get a hold of these U-rep, how about first person to grab em away from u at the A is the winner!!! Lol I'll get my tent and do it black friday style! led_Bison_and_a_Bear_down_a_YellowStone_Road_Infin ite_Picdump_2-s500x300-101531.jpg
Mr. Dead
02-24-12, 11:54 am
$350??? Sonofa...
Yeah... That's why I offered to "take them off your hands"... *LOL*
02-24-12, 12:02 pm led_Bison_and_a_Bear_down_a_YellowStone_Road_Infin ite_Picdump_2-s500x300-101531.jpg
lol i love it!
Name our price U-Rep.... would love to get these..
A promo worth of a $350 package?? I have no clue...
Universal Rep
02-24-12, 1:50 pm
Name our price U-Rep.... would love to get these..
A promo worth of a $350 package?? I have no clue...
Obviously it would be $350 x 2 cuz who would wanna go to all the events solo???
Obviously it would be $350 x 2 cuz who would wanna go to all the events solo???
I will admit this... I go to the movies by myself if my wife doesnt want to (example- Ghost Rider). So.... I would hahaha. Growing up the only child I guess has left its mark.
02-24-12, 2:59 pm
Obviously it would be $350 x 2 cuz who would wanna go to all the events solo???
so does this mean you possible have more than one set to give away...if someone was to buy two, wouldnt that also mean there could be 2 sets to win as well...hmmm...haha
02-24-12, 6:37 pm
so does this mean you possible have more than one set to give away...if someone was to buy two, wouldnt that also mean there could be 2 sets to win as well...hmmm...haha
I'm pretty sure he mean's only 2 tix
Blondie Weapon X
02-25-12, 12:21 pm
How about promoting Animal to new ppl and see who can get the most ppl to sign up here on the Forvm.
Blondie Weapon X
02-25-12, 12:24 pm
I will get your Forvm name tattooed on my butt for some tickets :)
02-25-12, 12:26 pm
I will get your Forvm name tattooed on my butt for some tickets :)
yeah! I'm down to get the animal logo on my ass for some tix haha
Give it to the guy who has been an Animal from the start? Longevity means alot.. :)
That it does old friend. You've bled Animal red for as long as I've known ya.
Mr. Dead
02-27-12, 11:06 am
Hmmm... Guess I'll have to take off my dunce cap, and put my thinking cap on, to figure something out on this...
Mr. Dead
02-27-12, 11:32 am
Whatever happens... I bet it will be quick and decisive, due to time constraints...
Universal Rep
02-27-12, 11:46 am
Whatever happens... I bet it will be quick and decisive, due to time constraints...
I got nuthin.
Mr. Dead
02-27-12, 11:57 am
I got nuthin.
Hmmm... Gimme a few minutes...
02-27-12, 12:04 pm
I got nuthin.
what about whoever can rock the hawk...reppin the most animal gear!!
02-27-12, 12:28 pm
pick a number 1-100 closest wins. Fast, easy, and gets the job done haha
Mr. Dead
02-27-12, 12:31 pm
what about whoever can rock the hawk...reppin the most animal gear!!
pick a number 1-100 closest wins. Fast, easy, and gets the job done haha
Uhm... No... Just waiting on a return PM from the powers that be... Before moving forward...
02-27-12, 12:58 pm
Uhm... No... Just waiting on a return PM from the powers that be... Before moving forward...
haha sounds good MD
02-27-12, 1:41 pm
Uhm... No... Just waiting on a return PM from the powers that be... Before moving forward...
and the excitement builds even more....dun dun dunn!!!
02-27-12, 1:56 pm
STep up Dance battle... I knew this day would come!
STep up Dance battle... I knew this day would come!
I'm throwing salt down on a piece of cardboard as we speak... prepare to be served..
02-29-12, 7:36 am
We got an update on this promo status??
My idea - how about whoever can provide proof of the most limited edition arnold classic animal shirts (one per year) gets the VIP package?
Universal Rep
02-29-12, 10:17 am
We got an update on this promo status??
Mebbe sumthin will be announced in the CAGE on Saturday...
Give it to the guy who has been an Animal from the start? Longevity means alot.. :)
you sure about that one? because then I beat you on that.......
My idea - how about whoever can provide proof of the most limited edition arnold classic animal shirts (one per year) gets the VIP package?
i have 6 or 7...
02-29-12, 11:30 am
i have 6 or 7...
well since we know ghost aint playin around with the LE gear...we def should pick something else..haha
Universal Rep
02-29-12, 11:35 am
i have 6 or 7...
I have them all. Plus every limited edition Animal Gear evar made. Plus stuff you'll never see... Do I win?
I have them all. Plus every limited edition Animal Gear evar made. Plus stuff you'll never see... Do I win?
No way, Mr dead, you cheated lol
Universal Rep
02-29-12, 12:07 pm
No way, Mr dead, you cheated lol
I have products no one has seen before, tasted prototypes that are comin' in the near future... Jelly?
Mr. Dead
02-29-12, 12:09 pm
No way, Mr dead, you cheated lol
Cheated is such a harsh word... Perhaps temporary alteration of existing barriers would be more appropo...
Blondie Weapon X
02-29-12, 3:25 pm
I have products no one has seen before, tasted prototypes that are comin' in the near future... Jelly?
U Rep...You've been showing your age!!!
I have products no one has seen before, tasted prototypes that are comin' in the near future... Jelly?
Totes jelly, brah.
Universal Rep
02-29-12, 3:46 pm
U Rep...You've been showing your age!!!
Ima talkin about supps in the past year or two and supps gonna be released in the upcomin year...
Mr. Dead
02-29-12, 3:51 pm
Ima talkin about supps in the past year or two and supps gonna be released in the upcomin year...
I can haz sum...??? Gimme... Thanks...
I can haz sum...??? Gimme... Thanks...
Not before me :).
Mr. Dead
02-29-12, 3:58 pm
Not before me :).
Not after U-Rep addresses this:
You shall be moving farther down the line... *LOL*
Not after U-Rep addresses this:
You shall be moving farther down the line... *LOL*
I don't see anything....I think you're seeing things.
Mr. Dead is delusional, someone better bring a straight jacket to the Cage.
Mr. Dead
02-29-12, 4:00 pm
I don't see anything....I think you're seeing things.
Mr. Dead is delusional, someone better bring a straight jacket to the Cage.
Too late... *LOL*