View Full Version : The ABC 2012
03-04-12, 7:57 pm
This was my first ABC ever and I have to say it was incredible seeing all the Animals training. I got to lift with Vinny G and Chase Browning. We hit shoulders and triceps and got to say it was a great workout. I definitely was not used to the slow reps Vinny was telling me to do, but once I got into it I got an insane pump and could feel tons of blood in my delts. I wanna thank Vinny for letting me train with him and giving me some pointers. Also, wanna thank the Animal guys for being so down to earth and helping everyone out in anyway they can. I can't wait to hit another ABC and for now will be training hard and eating clean- 24 weeks from my first show. Thanks again guys!
sounds like a good experience. ABC's are a great time
03-04-12, 9:38 pm
Awesome that you had a great time. I know after my first ABC I was hooked. Knowing that the National was your first and with the Mentor Vinny G, it must be addicted now.
This was my first ABC ever and I have to say it was incredible seeing all the Animals training. I got to lift with Vinny G and Chase Browning. We hit shoulders and triceps and got to say it was a great workout. I definitely was not used to the slow reps Vinny was telling me to do, but once I got into it I got an insane pump and could feel tons of blood in my delts. I wanna thank Vinny for letting me train with him and giving me some pointers. Also, wanna thank the Animal guys for being so down to earth and helping everyone out in anyway they can. I can't wait to hit another ABC and for now will be training hard and eating clean- 24 weeks from my first show. Thanks again guys!
Glad to hear your first ABC experience was good! I can imagine how awesome it must have been to train with Vinny. He's been in the game long and has a ton of knowledge to pass on.
03-05-12, 11:38 am
Glad you had a reat experience bro, thats what this company is all about- bringing you an experience that will last a lifetime
Universal Rep
03-05-12, 12:35 pm
This was my first ABC ever and I have to say it was incredible seeing all the Animals training. I got to lift with Vinny G and Chase Browning. We hit shoulders and triceps and got to say it was a great workout. I definitely was not used to the slow reps Vinny was telling me to do, but once I got into it I got an insane pump and could feel tons of blood in my delts. I wanna thank Vinny for letting me train with him and giving me some pointers. Also, wanna thank the Animal guys for being so down to earth and helping everyone out in anyway they can. I can't wait to hit another ABC and for now will be training hard and eating clean- 24 weeks from my first show. Thanks again guys!
Thanks for comin brotha. Hope ya had a blast.
G Diesel
03-05-12, 12:54 pm
This was my first ABC ever and I have to say it was incredible seeing all the Animals training. I got to lift with Vinny G and Chase Browning. We hit shoulders and triceps and got to say it was a great workout. I definitely was not used to the slow reps Vinny was telling me to do, but once I got into it I got an insane pump and could feel tons of blood in my delts. I wanna thank Vinny for letting me train with him and giving me some pointers. Also, wanna thank the Animal guys for being so down to earth and helping everyone out in anyway they can. I can't wait to hit another ABC and for now will be training hard and eating clean- 24 weeks from my first show. Thanks again guys!
Great having you there bro. Welcome to the family.
Peace, G
03-06-12, 1:09 am
I appreciate it so much guys! Definitely love the Animal family. We walk around the gym with a different attitude on life and are set apart from the rest. Thanks Again to all you guys and what you do
This was my first ABC ever and I have to say it was incredible seeing all the Animals training. I got to lift with Vinny G and Chase Browning. We hit shoulders and triceps and got to say it was a great workout. I definitely was not used to the slow reps Vinny was telling me to do, but once I got into it I got an insane pump and could feel tons of blood in my delts. I wanna thank Vinny for letting me train with him and giving me some pointers. Also, wanna thank the Animal guys for being so down to earth and helping everyone out in anyway they can. I can't wait to hit another ABC and for now will be training hard and eating clean- 24 weeks from my first show. Thanks again guys!
It was great to meet you, talk with ya, and have a chance to beat ya up a little in the gym.
Train hard for your contest, enjoy the ride, and have fun!