View Full Version : Phil's 2012 Cage Experience
03-04-12, 11:47 pm
It was amazing. My feet hurt.
I agree, Phil, did they kick your ass or what? lol! Or should I say, did they kick your typing fingers asses? LMAO!
It was amazing. My feet hurt.
This was all Phil could say on the ride home. All 6 hours. As we got closer he began talking jibberish and claiming he's seen the messiah. We're lucky he was able to post anything at all. haha.
It was amazing. My feet hurt.
Haha, that sums it up nicely!
03-05-12, 11:39 am
It was amazing. My feet hurt.
Hahhahaha short simple and to the point. I like it, keep doin your thing Big Phil, looking forward to see you accomplish all those goals we were talking about
It was a blast, I only worked the one day and hung the other. I put up my thoughts on the weekend and what I seen in my Journey.
Universal Rep
03-05-12, 12:40 pm
Haha, that sums it up nicely!
Agreed. Now we can lock this thread, hahahah....
Agreed. Now we can lock this thread, hahahah....
Great seeing ya again, Phil.
03-05-12, 2:29 pm
If you know Phil at all you know that was as expressive as he gets!! LOL
Good to see you again and the next time you guys hit QUADS, I'm in again!
03-05-12, 2:46 pm
It was amazing. My feet hurt.
Killer Wrap-Up!
03-05-12, 5:49 pm
I do plan on doing a full write-up in here pretty soon, possibly later this evening. I Just wanted to get my initial thoughts in when I got home last night, ha ha ha ha ha.
Universal Rep
03-05-12, 5:50 pm
I do plan on doing a full write-up in here pretty soon, possibly later this evening. I Just wanted to get my initial thoughts in when I got home last night, ha ha ha ha ha.
So.... no lock the thread???
03-06-12, 11:30 pm
I was expecting more
Here it comes, ask and ye shall receive.
I agree, Phil, did they kick your ass or what? lol! Or should I say, did they kick your typing fingers asses? LMAO!
Lol, I was so beat.
This was all Phil could say on the ride home. All 6 hours. As we got closer he began talking jibberish and claiming he's seen the messiah. We're lucky he was able to post anything at all. haha.
It's true.
Haha, that sums it up nicely!
Ha ha, thanks J!I tried to capture the spirit of the thing.
Hahhahaha short simple and to the point. I like it, keep doin your thing Big Phil, looking forward to see you accomplish all those goals we were talking about
Ha ha, I thought so. Thanks Big E! Me too bro, I see big things in store for me this year. And the same to you, I can't wait to see you dominate in a few weeks here.
It was a blast, I only worked the one day and hung the other. I put up my thoughts on the weekend and what I seen in my Journey.
That it was.
Great seeing ya again, Phil.
You too bro! Your transformation is downright remarkable, really inspiring to say the least.
If you know Phil at all you know that was as expressive as he gets!! LOL
Good to see you again and the next time you guys hit QUADS, I'm in again!
Ha ha ha, yup. You too bro, glad you were able to make it! Hell yeah!
Killer Wrap-Up!
Brutal! Thanks my man, ha ha.
03-06-12, 11:32 pm
As usual, I slept maybe two hours, and even then it wasn't even real sleep. What can I say? When it comes to The Cage I'm like a kid at Christmas. Nix0r and Razor met up with me a little after 6:00 AM, and soon we were on our way. With only two quick stops we were in Cbus around 1:00. We met up with twoheadedboy and Standing_Guard to grab some Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, which is of course excellent fuel for some serious lifting. After grabbing some groceries and checking in, we caught some quick naps before heading into town to train. Right away we started running into our Animal brethren, even in the parking lot. Reeking of Tiger Balm, I walked into Metro Fitness and told them I was with Animal…enough said. I slapped on my oh-so-snazzy neon Fred Flintstone shoes and proceeded to warm up and stretch. I had to wait for a squat rack, but I just used that time to make my rounds and shoot the shit with people. Pretty soon the gym was dominated by Animal shirts, with people continuing to trickle in throughout the evening. After training a bunch of us headed over to Max and Erma’s for a burger and some of those amazing cookies. Right afterwards twoheadedboy and myself proceeded to pick up Mr. Dead from the airport. After a quick trip to the store we made it back to the hotel for a much-needed soak in the hot tub. Not surprisingly I slept like shit afterwards.
Got dressed and headed downstairs to wolf down some breakfast. Nix0r, Razor, Mr. Dead, and I were going to be working all weekend, so we piled in my car and headed into town. We had been sent our uniform shirts beforehand, which was really awesome (I was excited as all hell when that box arrived the week before, ha ha). Walking into the expo center, we ran into G-Diesel who proceeded to hook us up with some goodie bags. We then proceeded to pick up our exhibitor badges, which is something that I think all of us were incredibly excited about. Not because we’d get to enter the expo early each day, but rather because of what it stood for. Seeing my name on there above “Animal” literally sent a chill down my spine. I definitely had some swagger in my step with that badge around my neck, ha ha ha ha ha. We wasted no time getting into the Cage, where we stashed our gear and proceeded to help with set-up. Once things were good to go, I hit up J-Dawg to snag my gear. Before we knew it, the doors had opened and the crowds came rushing in. I was covering the far side with scals, Big O, and CB 3. All the special gray LE Cage shirts were on the other side, so we weren’t bombarded too badly at first. Business was booming though, and product was moving. Besides the selling, I was also answering questions and giving advice on different Animal supps, as is usually the case. I could tell that some people were surprised to get a real answer about how the supplement works and what it does, as opposed to some generic statement about how awesome it is. I missed pretty much every seminar and demo, other than the bit of House’s and Vinny’s that I caught on my lunch break, but I didn’t care. I was more than happy to be manning the shop. I did get a chance to talk to Wrath for a bit though, and with House as well. After the expo closed we headed back to Metro Fitness, where the person working the desk actually checked the list. I’m not going to lie, it felt really fucking cool to see my name on that list with my fellow Animal brothers and sisters. I had a shitty bench session, but it was to be expected after being on my feet and busting my ass all day. Totally exhausted, we headed over to B.D.’s where after a short wait I was “one and done” barely finishing my first plate. Eventually we headed back to the hotel for a soak in the hot tub once again, this time much more needed. I slept a little bit better, but still only managed to get 3 hours or so.
Saturday started out like Friday, except for the fact that we already had our expo passes. The hours passed quickly, and it was pretty much the same crew as Friday, except that I worked and bullshitted with Seath308 and Higa Monster for awhile. I also shot the shit with Big Byrd for a bit. The one big thing I do remember was finding out that Ed Coan was going to be coming to the ABC that night! A little bit before noon word was spread to grab a black shirt and head into the Cage. Not finding any size XXL ones, I basically said “fuck it” and decided to work through the “Back in Black” event so that someone else could enjoy it. To my surprise, Nix0r came back over and told me to squeeze my fat ass into an XL as G-Diesel himself said I was needed in the Cage. Struggling to pull it on over the two shirts I was already wearing, I made my way to the front and center of The Cage where Vinny G, G-Diesel, and C. Coronato were standing. With some help from ghost, I managed to squeeze into the shirt just as “Back in Black” started playing. After some words from Vinny, and a moment of silence for Nick Winters (R.I.P. big man…), G-Diesel took the mic. After saying a few things, G announced that they wanted to recognize some individuals for their hard work and efforts both with the ABCs and in The Cage. Once he said that we were all from the Midwest, I realized what was definitely coming, and for a moment I was literally speechless as deanna7272, ghost, and I were recognized and presented with custom ABC hoodies. Bear hugs were shared all around, and I can honestly say that I was almost choked up I was so touched…if I had been given the mic to say anything I probably would have lost it. As I headed back to work many people congratulated me, and I even sent a text to my folks to tell them what happened…usually they don’t hear shit from me from Thursday morning until after I get back on Sunday, ha ha ha. Before this I was tired and dragging a bit, but this gave me more than enough energy to get through the day. I was back in the shop bouncing around and selling stuff like it was nobody’s business. I managed to catch Sam Byrd’s insane hands-free 635 squat during my lunch, and also made my way over to catch the G-Diesel/Wrath “Train Like An Animal” seminar. I’ve been lucky enough to catch this seminar every year I’ve been to The Cage, which also means that I’ve been present for each and every one of them, as the first year they did it was my first year there. Like last year, G gave me a shout-out for my streak, which was really cool. I always take something away from this seminar, but this year something G said really stuck with me…”The excuses you make today will be of no comfort to you tomorrow.” Straight fucking truth right there, and I have honestly been using that thought to get through the past few days. At some point my man Enforcer and I got a chance to shoot the shit for a few minutes, and we talked about how things were going for us with our respective training/dieting and what we each had coming up on the horizon (although this may have been on Friday, I can’t really remember for sure). One really funny thing that happened was when I was helping a guy figure out what Animal supplement he had taken in the past. He couldn’t remember what it was called, when you were supposed to take it, or what it was supposed to do. Essentially, I played “20 questions” with him regarding number of pills, pill colors, pill size, and can size. Eventually we figured out it was Flex, which of course at that point we were sold out of. The rest of the day passed uneventfully, other than for the fact that by the end of the day we were almost completely sold out of everything.
National ABC:
We left after the expo closed and headed to my car to grab our stuff. Heading into the gym, the place was already packed. I made my way downstairs, changed, and then headed back up to the lobby to wait for the madness. Before things got going, I had a chance to talk to Ed Coan for a minute, which was really cool to say the least. The fact that he was there helping Ben Seath and Sam Byrd with some deadlift work is really inspiring as far as I’m concerned. I mean, here are two guys who are freaks of nature at the top of their game, and even they seek out advice and coaching. Not to mention that people were getting help from guys like Ed, Higa Monster, Stan Efferding…just to name a few. Where else but at an ABC could you get support of that caliber? Like Higa said: “ IF YOU DONT GET CHILLS THINKING ABOUT IT, YOU AINT GOT A PULSE.” Right on. Soon enough things kicked off, and a bunch of us were deadlifting. Rest times were short, and the intensity was high. After putting up some ok numbers I backed off and decided to call it a night. I was sore as hell and dead tired, and I didn’t feel like pushing myself to the point of injury. Instead, I stashed my shit in a locker and made some rounds, just watching and bullshitting with people. Before long the food arrived, and I was actually the first in line, ha ha. After putting down a plate of some deliciousness, I talked to G-Diesel for a bit, and then went downstairs and grabbed my stuff. Back upstairs, I talked to J-Dawg for a minute or two, and then pretty soon we were out the door. Completely spent, I went straight to the hot tub to soak my aching muscles and tired feet. Afterwards I got a lot of my shit packed up and then passed out. That night I actually got a good amount of sleep, almost seven hours, and man oh man did I ever need it.
Sunday started out more or less the same, except that we had the car all packed up when we left the hotel. The atmosphere at The Cage was more laid back, since we literally had only a few things left to sell. And sell we did, although I was on the other side of the shop, with Nix0r, Razor, and “The” ChaseBrowning. I managed to catch a good chunk of Bobby Field’s demo, in which he was joined by a bevy of fellow powerlifters. Impressive lifting all around, and Dave did not disappoint when it came to the bleeding department, ha ha. Ox showed up sometime before my lunch break. He was hanging out in the back of the shop before his seminar, and knowing how few moments he’d have to himself for the rest of the day I quickly popped in just to shake his hand and congratulate him before stepping back out. Around 2:00 or so, Nix0r and I sold our last two shirts, at which point we had the first sellout in Cage history! I had heard that each year we bring more and more stuff, which to me makes this even more impressive. The remaining hours passed by rather uneventfully, although I did have some fun hanging around the shop with Big Al, Wrath, and Wycked. Nick Lepore and I talked about things for a bit, which was cool since it was the first time I had met him. Before long the expo was over and it was time to head home, so we made our way around and said our goodbyes. Loading up with ghost’s boards, we made our way out of the expo hall and back to our cars, another year having come and gone.
In Summation:
Wow. What a year. I mean, it’s been hard for me to sum things up as of yet, I’m still soaking it in two days afterwards. Each year is better than the last, and this year proved to be no exception. When I got the PM from naturalguy asking me to intern for the whole weekend, it took me about ten seconds to make up my mind. I know I say it a lot, but I really mean it when I say that it is an honor and a privilege to work in The Cage and represent Animal. I worked my ass off, harder than I ever have before in The Cage, but it was beyond worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat, no question. Beyond that, it is not bullshit or fluff when we say that Animal is not just a brand or a company, but a family. Like Aggression said: “I may only see these bros 1-2x per year, but whenever we get together, it’s like we never left.” This year the feeling of family was stronger than ever, and I can honestly say that I miss everyone already. It’s hard for me to explain to people why I go every year, and what is so special about it. And honestly, I don’t think I could ever convey it to them in words. It’s something that just has to be experienced.
Thank You:
First and foremost, a big heartfelt thank you to naturalguy, J-Dawg, G-Diesel, Aggression, C. Coronato, Juggernaut, CB_3, Big O, Travis, and everyone else at Animal/Universal. You guys are the best, and I can’t thank you enough.
To all my fellow interns…Nix0r, Razor, Scals, ChaseBrowning, smoothballer, deanna7272, Wedge, Domichi, BlondieWeaponX, Trebin, Mr. Dead, twoheadedboy, Standing_Guard…even those of you who I didn’t meet…IronGame033, Beastin', BringTheCarnage, Survivor831..thank you for being such an awesome crew to work with. We may have been on different sides of the shop, or at different places altogether, but we were a solid team. And of course, last but not least ghost, for being such a great leader, organizer, and motivator.
To all the athletes and other brothers and sisters…Big Byrd, Seath308, Higa Monster, Powerswitch, Hoss, Justin Randal, David Barth, Kathy Fields, Ambre, Richard Hawthorne, Wrath, House, Ox, Vinny G, Big Al, Wycked, Antoine V, Brad Rowe, Nick Lepore, P Diesel, and anyone else I may have forgotten. You are all a huge inspiration, and just a great group of people all around.
03-06-12, 11:44 pm
I just realized I forgot to mention Skiba and his crew. Henri, you and your guys are all awesome, and you know I couldn't forget you all.
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-07-12, 12:14 am
Awesome write up Phil. You are a stand up fucking dude and it was an honor slingin' swag with you all weekend.
03-07-12, 12:39 am
Awesome write up Phil. You are a stand up fucking dude and it was an honor slingin' swag with you all weekend.
Thanks Chase! Really appreciate it bro, same to you.
03-07-12, 12:41 am
I also forgot to mention my man Enforcer. Always appreciate the support bro. You are looking large and in charge and I know you're going to kick some ass on that stage in a few weeks here.
Great write up Phil! And yes, I get chills thinking about it!
03-07-12, 8:08 am
Awesome write-up Phil. It was awesome seeing you again this weekend. Til next year...
03-07-12, 5:42 pm
Great write up Phil! And yes, I get chills thinking about it!
Thanks bro! No doubt.
Awesome write-up Phil. It was awesome seeing you again this weekend. Til next year...
Thanks my man! You too bro...I can't wait...
Mr. Dead
03-07-12, 9:54 pm
Not only do I want to say that it was great hanging with you, this weekend, but... I want to say thank you... The hospitality that you and the Chicago crew showed me meant a lot, and went a long way towards me having a truly memorable weekend... Thanks..!!!
03-07-12, 10:33 pm
Not only do I want to say that it was great hanging with you, this weekend, but... I want to say thank you... The hospitality that you and the Chicago crew showed me meant a lot, and went a long way towards me having a truly memorable weekend... Thanks..!!!
Great hanging with you too bro!
Sure thing my man, glad to do it, and I'm glad we were able to help make the weekend a memorable one.
Was good meeting you bro.
03-08-12, 10:11 am
Phil is a powerful cyborg. Great finally getting to chat with you man!
Mr. Dead
03-08-12, 1:45 pm
Great hanging with you too bro!
Sure thing my man, glad to do it, and I'm glad we were able to help make the weekend a memorable one.
One day... We will combine, and become the superbeing known as "Mr.DeadPhil"... The world will tremble... "Station"
03-09-12, 4:18 pm
Can't thank you enough for the help all weekend as well as the ABC movement. We wouldnt be here with out you brother.
Thank you.
03-11-12, 2:58 pm
Was good meeting you bro.
Thanks my man! Great meeting and working with you as well.
Phil is a powerful cyborg. Great finally getting to chat with you man!
Thanks bro! That I am, lol. You too my man, I know we've met at Cage's past but I think this is the first year we've ever had a chance to have an actual conversation that was more than a sentence or two, ha ha.
One day... We will combine, and become the superbeing known as "Mr.DeadPhil"... The world will tremble... "Station"
Yes it will...
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Can't thank you enough for the help all weekend as well as the ABC movement. We wouldnt be here with out you brother.
Thank you.
Thanks for your kind words C! Really means a lot.
Sure thing, glad to do it. Animal and the ABC movement are two things that I really believe in, and I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to help out and contribute.
03-11-12, 3:07 pm
Thursday - Worked up to a 405 x 1 squat, got buried in the hole under 455.
Friday - Worked up to a 265 x 1 bench, got buried under 300 and forced-repped it up with a solid spot from my man J-Dawg.
Saturday - Worked up to pulling a 455 x 1 deadlift. Went up pretty solid and relatively quickly, but I called it a day at this point. I was beat up and as sore as all hell, not to mention dead tired. I figured I had about a 50/50 shot of getting up 495 (405 went up like butter, the 455 felt as heavy as all hell), but based on how my back and hammies were feeling after the 455 I felt like I might hurt myself or if nothing else make myself borderline immobile from DOMS the next day.
All in all, given the circumstances, a solid weekend of training. No PRs were set, but I learned a valuable lesson about ego and humility. No matter how bad you want something, when you're running on little sleep and low food following a full day of working on your feet (or driving in Thursday's case) your body can only do so much.
Past Week[/u]
I felt like crap, but still got some work in. Every day except Friday I got up and hit the bike for 30 minutes before work. Made it to the gym and hit the weights and dreadmill on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. For the weights, I just fucked around going with lighter weights and higher reps. Quick workouts just to get the muscles worked, I didn't write anything down or push things too hard.
Still adjusting to the sleep schedule, but it's getting easier. I plan on getting back to the 5/3/1 this week.
03-12-12, 1:56 am
Phil, you've supported me from day one and it was great to see your moment in the sun (one of many). Plus with a new job...a very triumphant time for you right now. Keep it going bro!
03-13-12, 10:57 pm
Phil, you've supported me from day one and it was great to see your moment in the sun (one of many). Plus with a new job...a very triumphant time for you right now. Keep it going bro!
Thanks Chris! Sure thing brother, anytime. You've made some incredible progress, and that is only going to continue.
Things are going well, that is for sure. Even though I'm dead tired and worn out, I feel fucking great!