03-05-12, 11:33 am
Every Arnold has had a theme for me. It's followed this theme throughout the whole weekend.
I'd have to attach "Awe-inspiring" to my first year at the Cage. It was a brand new experience and it brought the whole "family" thing full-circle since i had never experienced something so powerful as that. This carried on through the Cage, the ABC, the eating, you name it. I think i took around 80 pictures if i remember correctly. I took pics of everything from pics with brothers to detailed pics of the structure itself.
Year 2 came around and i remember just trying to take it all in. i wasn't sure how much longer i was going to be able to go since my work and personal life were starting to change, but for the better of course. I remember trying to talk to as many people as possible and cement relationships with people to more easily put names and posts to faces.
This year the theme was an "emotional family reunion" so to speak. Ever have a family reunion that you were so happy to go to since you wanted to see how so and so was doing and what exciting new things were going on with their lives? It was catching up with people who i hadn't seen in a while and further cementing relationships with my brothers and sisters. But as i soon found out was only 1 layer of the cake this past weekend. For the second layer, I was chosen to be a "super intern" this year where i would be working side by side with my veteran brothers in the Shop all 3 days. The gravity of that statement itself still gives me goosebumps. Dudes like "The" Chase Browning and Steve Nix (Snix0r) who really knew their shit and what it took to achieve a certain goal. Not only did it mean that you were being trusted to sell but you were also there all 3 days to help educate the masses and provide information to those that either wanted more or still had questions from the year before or whatever. I found myself many times encountering people that had been to previous Arnold's and wanted more information on products before they made the leap into buying them. That was cool because it meant we were really getting in their heads and they were curious to see how far Animal could take them in their goals whatever they might be. This year i educated more. I was explaining the benefits of Pak and how cycles of Test and Stak could push your farther. i was explaining why Rage is different from Pump and why you shouldn't be taking more than 1 scoop if you are buying it for the first time! It turned into everything i had hoped for: educating more people and at the same time being trusted with everything Animal. I was there for a reason and to me it was pretty emotional. The 3rd layer brought the training. G Diesel. I can't thank you enough brother for pushing me farther and educating both me and Danny in not only lifting but aspects surrounding the actual moving of the weight. I can easily say i've never been more inspired bro. Then to have you tell us that we pushed YOU. Some sick shit for sure and really hits hard.
I know i've been rambling a bit but i'm still shocked by this whole weekend and what it meant to me. I can't thank those that made this possible enough. It would be books fellas. Thank you Thank you.
I'd have to attach "Awe-inspiring" to my first year at the Cage. It was a brand new experience and it brought the whole "family" thing full-circle since i had never experienced something so powerful as that. This carried on through the Cage, the ABC, the eating, you name it. I think i took around 80 pictures if i remember correctly. I took pics of everything from pics with brothers to detailed pics of the structure itself.
Year 2 came around and i remember just trying to take it all in. i wasn't sure how much longer i was going to be able to go since my work and personal life were starting to change, but for the better of course. I remember trying to talk to as many people as possible and cement relationships with people to more easily put names and posts to faces.
This year the theme was an "emotional family reunion" so to speak. Ever have a family reunion that you were so happy to go to since you wanted to see how so and so was doing and what exciting new things were going on with their lives? It was catching up with people who i hadn't seen in a while and further cementing relationships with my brothers and sisters. But as i soon found out was only 1 layer of the cake this past weekend. For the second layer, I was chosen to be a "super intern" this year where i would be working side by side with my veteran brothers in the Shop all 3 days. The gravity of that statement itself still gives me goosebumps. Dudes like "The" Chase Browning and Steve Nix (Snix0r) who really knew their shit and what it took to achieve a certain goal. Not only did it mean that you were being trusted to sell but you were also there all 3 days to help educate the masses and provide information to those that either wanted more or still had questions from the year before or whatever. I found myself many times encountering people that had been to previous Arnold's and wanted more information on products before they made the leap into buying them. That was cool because it meant we were really getting in their heads and they were curious to see how far Animal could take them in their goals whatever they might be. This year i educated more. I was explaining the benefits of Pak and how cycles of Test and Stak could push your farther. i was explaining why Rage is different from Pump and why you shouldn't be taking more than 1 scoop if you are buying it for the first time! It turned into everything i had hoped for: educating more people and at the same time being trusted with everything Animal. I was there for a reason and to me it was pretty emotional. The 3rd layer brought the training. G Diesel. I can't thank you enough brother for pushing me farther and educating both me and Danny in not only lifting but aspects surrounding the actual moving of the weight. I can easily say i've never been more inspired bro. Then to have you tell us that we pushed YOU. Some sick shit for sure and really hits hard.
I know i've been rambling a bit but i'm still shocked by this whole weekend and what it meant to me. I can't thank those that made this possible enough. It would be books fellas. Thank you Thank you.