View Full Version : Ed Coan at the National ABC Event?
Universal Rep
03-05-12, 1:12 pm
Givin' out pointers. True? That's wut I heard..
Fact, who else can say that happened on their watch?
03-05-12, 1:32 pm
Givin' out pointers. True? That's wut I heard..
I did see him in attendance, a legend was in the building
I am so mad at myself for missing this. Totally bad-ass that he was there.
03-05-12, 1:37 pm
At one point it was Ed Coan, Skiba, Richard Hawthorne, Stan Efferding, Higa, and Seath together
03-05-12, 1:54 pm
Givin' out pointers. True? That's wut I heard..
This was unbelievable! During my squat session with Higa and Seath, when i was getting to my last set of 585, I had Higa, Seath, Skiba, spotting me and The man Ed Coan, Richard Hawthorne, Sam Byrd, Justin Randal and Stan Efferding watching/cheering me on. All this along with the other Animal brothers that were trainings/learning with me such as Trebin, Funky, twoheadedboy, and many more. Talk about an electric atmosphere.
Yeah, we were getting tips from all of those dudes on Deads, it was fucking crazy insane shit.
03-05-12, 2:54 pm
At one point it was Ed Coan, Skiba, Richard Hawthorne, Stan Efferding, Higa, and Seath together
That is awesome
Universal Rep
03-05-12, 3:34 pm
Must have been insane.
03-05-12, 6:16 pm
This was unbelievable! During my squat session with Higa and Seath, when i was getting to my last set of 585, I had Higa, Seath, Skiba, spotting me and The man Ed Coan, Richard Hawthorne, Sam Byrd, Justin Randal and Stan Efferding watching/cheering me on. All this along with the other Animal brothers that were trainings/learning with me such as Trebin, Funky, twoheadedboy, and many more. Talk about an electric atmosphere.
I have to admit you Impressed the shit out of me bro!!! The way you handled that 585!! You stayed tight and didn't let the heavy weight break down your form! Keep it up bro it was a honor to help you on the squat because I know you have the potential to be 1 of the best squatters in the game someday! 700 is just around the corner for you just stay focused!!!
03-05-12, 11:01 pm
I have to admit you Impressed the shit out of me bro!!! The way you handled that 585!! You stayed tight and didn't let the heavy weight break down your form! Keep it up bro it was a honor to help you on the squat because I know you have the potential to be 1 of the best squatters in the game someday! 700 is just around the corner for you just stay focused!!!
That is some sick praise from one of the best squatters around. That can't suck at all Dane. Keep it up man and hope to see you at I.A. soon.
03-06-12, 8:57 am
I have to admit you Impressed the shit out of me bro!!! The way you handled that 585!! You stayed tight and didn't let the heavy weight break down your form! Keep it up bro it was a honor to help you on the squat because I know you have the potential to be 1 of the best squatters in the game someday! 700 is just around the corner for you just stay focused!!!
That is some sick praise from one of the best squatters around. That can't suck at all Dane. Keep it up man and hope to see you at I.A. soon.
Wow that is an amazing compliment Seath, I can't wait to until the next squat day to get back in there and work harder. 700 is my next goal for sure. Thanks again!!!
03-06-12, 11:23 am
My favorite highlight of the weekend. Hands down.
Stan Efferding text me the Wed prior to see if he and Eddy could come to our ABC.
You know what my answer was? "What size shirts do you need brotha?"
I know for a fact that everyone that was in our general area will never forget the Mod Squad of powerlifters that was giving advice to all the boys that were squatting or deadlifting. Including me.
That was some Epic shit that happened at the ABC. IF YOU DONT GET CHILLS THINKING ABOUT IT, YOU AINT GOT A PULSE.
Justin Randal
03-06-12, 11:28 am
It was an honor to meet Ed "AND" have him break down a few form issues I have as well! Appearantly Animal not only attracts the best but the BEST OF ALL TIME!!! This was def the highlight of my weekend!! Bravo Animal!!
I have to admit you Impressed the shit out of me bro!!! The way you handled that 585!! You stayed tight and didn't let the heavy weight break down your form! Keep it up bro it was a honor to help you on the squat because I know you have the potential to be 1 of the best squatters in the game someday! 700 is just around the corner for you just stay focused!!!
That is some sick praise from one of the best squatters around. That can't suck at all Dane. Keep it up man and hope to see you at I.A. soon.
Similar reaction.
Wow that is an amazing compliment Seath, I can't wait to until the next squat day to get back in there and work harder. 700 is my next goal for sure. Thanks again!!!
It sure is an amazing complement. You got some serious people in your corner Dan.
Everyone there impressed the shit out of me lifting. You should see my shins from deads lol beat to shit. I think it was just he environment, I pulled 315 like it was 135. I apparently drug the bar up my entire leg lol. Now my goal is to rep 500 like the big boys.
At one point it was Ed Coan, Skiba, Richard Hawthorne, Stan Efferding, Higa, and Seath together
Pretty much every above gave me pointers at one point or another that night. I could not help but hit a new PR. I was not going to let them down or waste their time.
Thanks everyone for the help and advice. I truly appreciated it.
This was unbelievable! During my squat session with Higa and Seath, when i was getting to my last set of 585, I had Higa, Seath, Skiba, spotting me and The man Ed Coan, Richard Hawthorne, Sam Byrd, Justin Randal and Stan Efferding watching/cheering me on. All this along with the other Animal brothers that were trainings/learning with me such as Trebin, Funky, twoheadedboy, and many more. Talk about an electric atmosphere.
Man, that's pretty sick!
The National ABC had an amazing turnout all around.
03-06-12, 10:52 pm
Pretty much every above gave me pointers at one point or another that night. I could not help but hit a new PR. I was not going to let them down or waste their time.
Thanks everyone for the help and advice. I truly appreciated it.
Bro, you fuckin did awesome.
Keep me posted on your progress!
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-07-12, 12:23 am
I know I may be a bodybuilder, but my roots are in powerlifting. I have so much respect and admiration for Ed Coan. It was a very surreal and FUCKING AWESOME experience to personally hook Mr. Coan up with some Animal swag. It's official THE Ed Coan is fully stocked on RAGE. It would be awesome if we heard back from him!!!!
PS. When he shook my hand, he almost fucking broke it. And when he turned back around, I could see every rippling fucking muscle in his back through his shirt. Dudes a fucking freak.
03-07-12, 12:26 am
So fucking cool. I didn't train with that group, but I got to shoot the shit with Ed for a bit before things kicked off. Quads is only about 45 minutes from me, and it turns out he knows a lot of people from the Joliet area.
03-09-12, 3:08 pm
Truth. The dude is a legend, and for him to be there, was insane. Possible Universal Mentor??