Universal Rep
03-06-12, 12:46 pm
I read the post. It brought tears to my eyes... After the tears, I laughed. And mightily... Ah, it was like a great book.
Wait wut???
03-06-12, 5:26 pm
Is "experience" what you are calling it now? Glad to hear those little blue pills are working for ya, just remember to call your doc if it's more than four hours.
Oh yeah, and I look forward to your Cage recap as well.
So you know that feeling of being a kid right before Christmas.....waiting to run down the stairs and see what has come? That feeling is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how I feel about the Cage every year.
This year was no different. When the promo thread for the interns popped up on the boards, I immediately went in and put my name in the ringer for another year. After the selections were made, the preparations began here in Michigan. Everything needed to be done, supps needed to be packed, work clothes needed to be squared away. gym clothes as well. Then came the favors from NG lol. I picked up some Gorilla rack style shelving, and some black tarp to help out before I even got down there.
I left Detroit rather early so I could get there and help with setting up, drop off the boards, chains, tarp and shelving unit. When I got there, I called NG and we brought all the supplies and I got my exhibitor badge! Quick hello's were said between myself and NG, Aggression, G Diesel, J-Dawg, Juggernaut, and CB3. After some work I took off to go destroy my back in deadlifts.
I barely got any sleep because I was too excited. I got to the cage early, before everyone else haha, and NG's boss and I started setting things up for the madness to begin. Once the steady stream of our guys started showing up, we went to town. Ensuring all the shirts/hats/beanies/product were set up in a similar fashion on both sides of the booth. As well as getting the 75 allotted CAGE shirts for that morning. The super interns showed up during this process and got RIGHT to work helping with set up. A HUGE thank you needs to go out to Nix0r for my using him every morning to find the daily interns. Seriously helped a million.
When the super interns (Scals, ChaseBrowning, Nix0r, Phil800101, Flower) got to work and we started setting the remainder of things up, Nix went and got our first round of daily interns, (Trebin, Beastin, Domichi and BringTheCarnage). One was a floater, ensuring that things were where they needed to be and helping out in the shop. One was signing people up for the Bench your bodyweight contest, a strict limit of 25 in the am, and 20 in the pm was set by Vinny. One was there to hand out VIP badges for the BOX, and the last was used as a sort of bouncer for the sound booth area ensuring that no one was allowed in except those on the list lol.
The VIP access starts earlier than the rest of the general public and they flocked to the cage to see how the set up was and what the LE gear looked like. Once those main doors opened, people were literally RUNNING down the hall to get to the cage for their free CAGE shirt and to start picking up LE gear. The shirts were gone in a matter of minutes, and after that we were telling everyone that they would have to wait until tomorrow to try again for them. After the bench your bodyweight contest, Seath and Justin Randall started getting to work in the monolift. These two are some strong dudes, throwing that weight around like it was nothing was amazing to watch.
After they were finished demonstrating how utterly weak the rest of us are, The House gave his seminar on blue collar bodybuilding. I missed a majority of this because Nix and I were trying to troubleshoot the UStream program as to why our 2 cameras were not giving out sound. Together we figured out why, and what needed to happen for the next day. Great success.
Vinny then gave his seminar on the Evolution of Bodybuilding. Vinny has been in the game for a long time now, and this man knows his shit. It is always such an honor to listen to his advice, everyone should really take the time to get to talk with him, and every one of the lifters/speakers/workers that were there.
The first of our pro's v bro's event was up next and was a huge success, as both team Red, and team Yellow were raising money for a great cause.
Higa gave his demonstration of the Axle bar after that... you want someone that is just genuinely nice, and down to earth, then you want to talk with Higa. Hell Raiser Training (HRT) was up next, and if you have never tried it...... you NEED to. Be forewarned that it really does live up to its name of HELL.
During the last bench your bodyweight contest, I asked each of the interns to start picking up any trash that they see, so we could get out of there a little earlier. After the expo closed for the day, Nix, Phil, Flower, Dead, thb, kermit and I headed up to the gym for delts. After the gym, there was a rather large group of us that went to Mongolians for dinner.. i PASSED out after the madness from the first day, eager to see what the 2nd had to offer.
When I got there on Saturday, early again lol, I started getting things prepped and as the regulars started showing up...Juggernaut and I went to work on the webcams, trying to get all 3 of them to work. No dice....BUT we got the interview cam up and running, which was a big deal. As Nix came back with the daily interns, I set them all to their respective stations and reminded them that Saturday is usually the busiest day.
After the bench your bodyweight contest, Hoss came over to me and asked if I brought the chains for him....did i bring the chains....OF COURSE! haha..
Hoss, powerfreak, and david barth all squatted. David and powerfreak getting in to the mid 800s while Hoss hit 1005 with 100 lb of chain, so 1105 for a DOUBLE.
After that it was time for deadlift freakiness with The Ant.
Richard Hawthorne weighs 130 lbs, and is POUND FOR POUND the strongest deadlifter in the world. IMHO. Richard ended up hitting 610 lbs on deadlift for 4. which is where this picture comes in to play...
Richard was on the start of his 4th rep and looked a little shaky, so i ran over and while he was starting his 5th rep (that's the picture) I started screaming at him.
After that Vinny, NG, C.Coronato, and J-dawg ALL asked me to go get a black shirt on and get the interns squared away for the Back In Black event and asked me to get Phil, Deanna and myself and make sure we were near Vinny. I was completely confused but did as asked lol. We did our moment of silence for Nick Winters, our gentle giant who passed away. Then they talked about the ABCs and dedication to the lifestyle, and the brand and how Phil, Deanna, and I have lead the way in terms of ABCs and dedication and presented us with Animal Barbell Club hoodies that had each of our respective locations on them. To say that I am honored, does not even begin to describe how this makes me feel. I live, every day, and bleed for this family. A while back, I stopped referring to Animal/Universal Nutrition as a company and will only refer to them as a Family. I will touch more on that in a bit.
After the forvm special event was completed, Sam Byrd decided that he wanted to try no handed squats. Yes, this was the first time he ever did these, and yes, that sick fucker went up to over 600 lbs like it was nothing. just SICK. He is stupid strong, and hilarious.
We then had round two of the pros v bros event and Hoff and Frye came in after that to do some westside benching. T Dirty and I were in the sound area working on the computers and making sure the sound was good, so I didn't get to see much of that one.
Train like an Animal was up next with Wrath and G. I can honestly sit and listen to G speak for HOURS on end. That man has such a great amount of knowledge and philosophy and is genuinely down to earth and so humble it amazes me. They reminded us that if you want something, you need to do whatever it takes to get it. whatever excuses you make today will be of no consequence in 30 years.
As we wrapped up the day, we were prepping for the madness of the night. That night, at Metro, was the National ABC. OVER 200 people were in attendance, and we all did shots of the new Apple flavored Rage. We were blessed to have Ed Coan, and Stan Efferding, and Hoss show up and training. Ed and Stan were giving deadlift advice in between sets and hoss was dishing out squatting advice.
I went to bed that night knowing tomorrow was going to be a hard day.
OH and by the way, FUNNIEST thing of the day was hearing Arnold tell Frank that his watch wasnt big enough. and then having his son come take a look at Frank's forearms.
Getting to the expo Sunday, there was NOT much product left....MAYBE 15 shirts. all 2x and 3xl. So we set all of that out and started to get ready for the day.
After the bench contest, Henri Skiba and his crew came in to do some demonstrations. Henri is the fucking MAN. Such a kind heart, I cannot wait to go visit him again soon.
After that, powerswitch and Jessica Scoffield and david barth, and ragin Asian, and Eric Winter and Ambre started their madness. Watching Powerswitch deadlift 825 lbs for a double, was intense. I am truly at a loss for words on this one. powerswitch and ragin are such amazing people, I cannot wait to see them again. Also, you have to remember that Powerswitch pulled that, and is 2 weeks out from his meet.
Ox came in, fresh off his 3rd place win in the Arnold, to give his seminar on Training for Excellence. and we started prepping for the close out of the year as the last of the pros v bros events went on. With team yellow winning I might add.
The ending of the Arnold is always sad. As I said earlier, I stopped referring to Animal/Universal as a company, and will only call them a Family. We truly are a family. You can see it at the booth, clear as day. ESPECIALLY when people are getting ready to leave. At any of the other booths, they just say bye and leave.... at ours it is hugs and tears along with the, "i cannot wait to see you again soon."
My thanks go out to the super interns, as without you, the shop would not have been nearly as flawlessly run as it was. The daily interns did such an amazing job, I would work side by side with any one of you again in a heartbeat.
NG, J-dawg, Aggression, C.Coronato, juggernaut, p diesel, g diesel, t dirty, big O, cb3, higa, seath, byrd, powerswitch, ragin asian, barth, justin randall, vinny, the daily interns, the super interns, and all of the forvm members i was able to see and speak with.(if i missed anyone I truly apologize as there are so many of us!)... I miss you all already, I love you all.
My words are simply not enough in trying to adequately describe how grateful I am to be able to get to work with such an amazing Family.
Until the Olympia, and again at the Arnold next year and at every ABC I can make it to, see you all soon.
03-07-12, 8:37 am
Amazing words my brother. It is always a pleasure hanging with you. And a special thanks for the last minute invite to be an intern, it meant the world.
Amazing words my brother. It is always a pleasure hanging with you. And a special thanks for the last minute invite to be an intern, it meant the world.
thanks SB. It was great getting to work with you and seeing you as well
I actually didn't know you were capable of writing that much.
Always a blast seeing you, sugartits!
Universal Rep
03-07-12, 5:42 pm
Yo G, that's a small pic.. Can ya blow it up some? Ok bye. Thnx.
03-07-12, 7:33 pm
Awesome write up Ghost. Good seeing you again just about six weeks after saying hey to you at the Columbus ABC (bonus coverage). Honestly one of the highlights of my Cage experience was helping you get weights set a couple times. Felt like I was helping...hope I'm right. This was my first full weekend at the Arnold as a forvm member and BY FAR the best! Being Mr. Obvious here but what you provide The Cage, Universal/Animal, and all of us is absolutely priceless. Big thanks Ghost.
03-08-12, 8:26 am
Great write up Ghost. These past few years you have been a huge help. This year you really helped the intern program go smoothly and made sure we had coverage everywhere, as the intern captain you do a great job. Your intensity is summed up perfectly in that picture. It was great to see you again my brother.
Thank you again for going above and beyond, it's appreciated.
I actually didn't know you were capable of writing that much.
Always a blast seeing you, sugartits!
shock and awe my brother, shock and awe. lol
Another amazing year has come and gone...always great to see ya brother!
hell yes it is Phil, can't wait to see you at the next abc!
Yo G, that's a small pic.. Can ya blow it up some? Ok bye. Thnx.
hahaha. i'll get right on that URep!
Awesome write up Ghost. Good seeing you again just about six weeks after saying hey to you at the Columbus ABC (bonus coverage). Honestly one of the highlights of my Cage experience was helping you get weights set a couple times. Felt like I was helping...hope I'm right. This was my first full weekend at the Arnold as a forvm member and BY FAR the best! Being Mr. Obvious here but what you provide The Cage, Universal/Animal, and all of us is absolutely priceless. Big thanks Ghost.
You were definitely helping, and it was great getting to see you again as well. Very glad you enjoyed it as a forvm member and helping out
Great write up Ghost. These past few years you have been a huge help. This year you really helped the intern program go smoothly and made sure we had coverage everywhere, as the intern captain you do a great job. Your intensity is summed up perfectly in that picture. It was great to see you again my brother.
Thank you again for going above and beyond, it's appreciated.
NG, Thank YOU, and everyone at Corporate for allowing me the opportunity to continue to serve in that role. I LOVE, more than anything, getting to help out around the cage, and run around like a chicken with my head cut off there haha.. The intern program was a huge success again this year, due to the interns themselves and the help that they provided.
Can't wait to see you again brother.
03-09-12, 4:11 pm
Cant thank you enough big homie. You are there through the ins and outs, always.
Thank you.
03-09-12, 9:02 pm
As always Rob you come ready to work. You put in the effort of three men every year at the Cage. You are more than well deserved of that special shirt made just for you. Always great to see you
03-12-12, 3:22 am
Thanks for everything man. And you did so much over the weekend, just watching you go back and forth and listening to you try to talk from the 2nd day on was tiring me out! Hope to see you soon at another Chicago ABC or maybe some of us come up to a Detroit one, who knows...
Cant thank you enough big homie. You are there through the ins and outs, always.
Thank you.
Always brother. You know that
Hail fearless leader.
Hail THEchasebrowning!
As always Rob you come ready to work. You put in the effort of three men every year at the Cage. You are more than well deserved of that special shirt made just for you. Always great to see you
big E, you are the man, it was great getting to see you again this year.
Thanks for everything man. And you did so much over the weekend, just watching you go back and forth and listening to you try to talk from the 2nd day on was tiring me out! Hope to see you soon at another Chicago ABC or maybe some of us come up to a Detroit one, who knows...
haha. it is JUST NOW getting back to semi-normal