View Full Version : CAGE... Single best moment?
Universal Rep
03-08-12, 9:29 am
Some of these stories here are awesome... Bout the Arnold, the CAGE, the ABC Event. But if ya could summarize the entire weekend to one experience, one memory, wut would it be?
Can the ABC qualify or just the actual Cage?
ABC was training with a total stranger juts beacsue we were working the same body parts. Great workout and awesome working with someone new.
The Cage was the Ox seminar, no one else offers that, no one. The fact that the 3rd place finisher came 12 hours after the show and spent time with us, is always amazing. Not to mention the shear wealth of info he has to offer. I love it.
Universal Rep
03-08-12, 9:41 am
Can the ABC qualify or just the actual Cage?
ABC was training with a total stranger juts beacsue we were working the same body parts. Great workout and awesome working with someone new.
The Cage was the Ox seminar, no one else offers that, no one. The fact that the 3rd place finisher came 12 hours after the show and spent time with us, is always amazing. Not to mention the shear wealth of info he has to offer. I love it.
Anythin from the 2012 Arnold Weekend...
03-08-12, 10:34 am
The moment I saw naturalguy in The Cage...his buff body bursting outta his workshirt...and the lights radiating behind him like the sun.
03-08-12, 10:57 am
The moment I saw naturalguy in The Cage...his buff body bursting outta his workshirt...and the lights radiating behind him like the sun. that's love!
Universal Rep
03-08-12, 10:59 am
The moment I saw naturalguy in The Cage...his buff body bursting outta his workshirt...and the lights radiating behind him like the sun.
U two, get a room.
03-08-12, 11:46 am
I have 2 that I can count.
1. Houses seminar on how to get it done and specifically about making time to do what you need to do in a day. I've got a family also and sometimes feel like it's
tough to grind it out but it's all necessary and has to be done. I liked the statement that if a smoker can get 2-3 15 minute breaks, I can fit in 2-3 meals while at work.
I also really liked that he explained that the actual lifting is such a minimal part of the day and the last thing that he worries about getting in.
2. The second was from Diesel & Wraths seminar. They both had alot of good stuff to say but the line that really hit home is "The excuses of today will be of no comfort to you tomorrow."
No matter if he took that from someone or came up with that little piece of gold himself, that was probably the best motivating phrase I've heard in a long time. I'm not one to give excuses anyway
but I'll admit that if I would have stepped up a little 2, 5, 8 yrs ago on something that I wanted to accomplish, that shit would already be done and in the past.
I'm not one to drink the coolaide and run around with stars in my eyes because a dude in an animal shirt gives a seminar but those 2 seminars were the real deal.
Frank never being satisfied with where he's at, even at 265; G-Diesel saying he knocked out 4-5 hrs of sleep to get a project done, or house pushing the gym to take care of the family needs first, that's all real life shit we all deal with.
It's seriously time to "Do you work son" and accomplish what I need to do. No more pushing goals/projects or letting them slide. It's a good reality check that all you have to do is put in the work, no matter the sacrafices.
Mr. Dead
03-08-12, 12:53 pm
Hard to say... Working the Shop was perhaps in and of itself, the best monet for me... Getting face to face interaction with the people that help make the brand so great... From the Customer to the Employees... One thing did stick in my mind, however... Sunday we were almost out of everything, and this guy comes up with his girlfriend/wife/significant other... He asks how much the shirts are... I told him 1 for $15 or 2 for $25... Then I tell him that we only have XXL and XXXL... He looks down, kind of dejected... Then I tell him... "They make great night shirts for the ladies..." They both kind of smiled and chuckled... He bought one and handed it to her... *LOL*
03-08-12, 1:28 pm
03-08-12, 10:06 pm
The Ant hitting 600+ pounds for 4 reps at a bodyweight of 135- just fuckin insane
03-09-12, 7:54 am
Mine was when I walked into the Expo, saw that big ass Animal banner from the ceiling and walking into the Cage. As soon as I walked through that chain linked fence I had this overwhelming feeling that I was home.
For me it's different since i worked the whole weekend. So for me and what i experienced, i would have to say the first arrival to the Cage. Meeting in the backroom with everyone and discussing how we're going to handle the shop, what specials we have, greeting all my close brothers who i hadn't seen in a long time (Aggs, G, Christian, NG, J, etc), etc. I have since named that area the war room.
If we look at the vid, i would have to say The Ant's deadlift. He walks up to that bar like it's nothing. Like the dude's in a trance or something. Sick.
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-09-12, 8:41 am
The Ant hitting 600+ pounds for 4 reps at a bodyweight of 135- just fuckin insane
If we look at the vid, i would have to say The Ant's deadlift. He walks up to that bar like it's nothing. Like the dude's in a trance or something. Sick.
I ran in to him at like 8am near the foodcourt.. head down, earbuds in. I said whats up.. he said gettin' my mind right. Dude is a legit freak.
he said gettin' my mind right.
THAT is epic.
For me it's different since i worked the whole weekend. So for me and what i experienced, i would have to say the first arrival to the Cage. Meeting in the backroom with everyone and discussing how we're going to handle the shop, what specials we have, greeting all my close brothers who i hadn't seen in a long time (Aggs, G, Christian, NG, J, etc), etc. I have since named that area the war room.
Forgot to add THE Chase Browning. Please forgive.
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-09-12, 8:46 am
Forgot to add THE Chase Browning. Please forgive.
Nah its cool. You said close brothers.. had you said "idol" and excluded me then we may have a problem. haha
nah its cool. You said close brothers.. Had you said "idol" and excluded me then we may have a problem. Haha
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-09-12, 8:49 am
Nah its cool. You said close brothers.. had you said "idol" and excluded me then we may have a problem. haha
That was such a douche bag statement that it literally made my chest heavy typing it. wow. haha
That was such a douche bag statement that it literally made my chest heavy typing it. wow. haha
haha it was hilarious.
03-09-12, 9:30 am
Forgot to add THE Chase Browning. Please forgive.
Love it cuz!
03-09-12, 9:33 am
I guess mine can only be shared with 2 others, but mine was being recognized for the work, dedication, heart and soul that we put in to making our ABC's successful. Along with Rob in Detroit and Phil in Chicago, I was called from The Shop to the "Back in Black" event at Noon on Saturday... Rob had asked me to cover so others can be in the cage during the ceremony. After Vinny welcomed everyone and we had our moment of silence for Nick Winters, G took over the microphone. He started talking about the brotherhood, ABC's and what they are and what we do. I started getting nervous, kind of lost my train of thought, and then he started talking about Chapters that go above and beyond. Completely unexpected, they were recognizing 3 chapters, all from the Midwest... I got even more nervous... He had talked about the Detroit chapter headed by Rob, the Ohio Chapter that I head, and the Chicago chapter headed by Phil. Of course, it brought tears to my eyes when they presented us with our black ABC hoodies with our chapters recognized in them. I was overwhelmed with emotion (okay, yes, is AM a with that being said, I am a woman. To be accepted, recognized, etc for something like this means the world to me!! It's something that I love doing, spreading the word, living the life, being involved with, and I sure as heck don't mind the work behind helping other chapters by getting things together for the events, because seeing the "family" get together doing with we love and having the opportunity to forge bonds that are unbreakable makes me happy. Thank you for that one moment in time that I will never forget!!
On a different note.... Thursday night, I also had an unforgettable moment (okay, an hour or so...). After leaving Metro, I was so excited to get back eat my PWO meal, relax and enjoy the evening basically preparing for the weekend... Well... THAT didn't happen... First I walked out and BAM I have a $50 Parking ticket for not displaying my receipt properly (this was only after being the good person and telling some of the Canadian Animal family to make sure that they paid for Laughed it off, and proceeded to head to the hotel... Ahhhhh, ready to enjoy. My evening, I go to exit the hwy, and THEY SHUT THE ENTIRE HWY DOWN! I drove around for almost an hour, worried sick, crying, and completely bummed because I knew my evening of rest was shot...ugh!! Everyone in town that I could've called were from OUT of town, so they couldn't help... GPS failed me AGAIN... It wouldn't even correct itself... 3rd time passed the same pilot station, I stopped. In tears, I asked a young lady how to get to my hotel. She said, oh honey it's easy from here.... Evidently, the tears showed my frustration and fear.... She felt so bad for me... Here I was only a road or two away from my hotel... I was only 3 tears away from a meltdown!!
Overall, beginning to end, the weekend is what I look forward all year long, along with hundreds of other Animals, and I can't wait for 2013....
Justin Randal
03-09-12, 1:49 pm
Meeting Ed Coan and getting coached in the pull!! Ed has been my idol for as long as I can remember lifting. It was an honor meeting him. He made me feel tall, Nobody does that! LOL
03-09-12, 1:53 pm
Meeting Ed Coan and getting coached in the pull!! Ed has been my idol for as long as I can remember lifting. It was an honor meeting him. He made me feel tall, Nobody does that! LOL
I should've mentioned meeting Justin Randal... ;)
OK so the CAGE is THE place to be at the EXPO, it's a man's booth....a lot of grunting and lifting.
My loud mouth on the mic to get things rolling, it's fast paced and full of energy. LOTS of big mother fuckers moving some (as HOSS said) STUPID weight.
Put aside all the big lifts -
The one big lift that impressed me more than Anything....Was Amber Squating 600 lbs
Now that was awesome.
03-09-12, 4:20 pm
OK so the CAGE is THE place to be at the EXPO, it's a man's booth....a lot of grunting and lifting.
My loud mouth on the mic to get things rolling, it's fast paced and full of energy. LOTS of big mother fuckers moving some (as HOSS said) STUPID weight.
Put aside all the big lifts -
The one big lift that impressed me more than Anything....Was Amber Squating 600 lbs
Now that was awesome.
I agree... She came out from under 600 lbs. with a smile on her face having a conversation with Kathy... I talked with her telling her how impressed I was for the simple fact as I finished filming her, I stood up and got That's pretty impressive...
03-09-12, 4:59 pm
I agree... She came out from under 600 lbs. with a smile on her face having a conversation with Kathy... I talked with her telling her how impressed I was for the simple fact as I finished filming her, I stood up and got That's pretty impressive...
Deanna, you are too funny! It usually takes me a minute or so to get light headed. I promise I was seeing stars after that lift! HA!
03-09-12, 5:06 pm
Powerswitch giving me props on my meet. That took me back. Awesome guy.
03-09-12, 11:07 pm
Deanna, you are too funny! It usually takes me a minute or so to get light headed. I promise I was seeing stars after that lift! HA!
Shhhh.... That's our little