Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
03-09-12, 2:26 pm
I'm still speechless. It still hasn't really set in yet. Its still just a blur. From grabbing dinner with Higa and his crew Thursday night to breaking down with the skeleton crew on Sunday evening, everything in between is just crammed together. I'll start out with what jumps at me, and add more as it comes to me.
- Rolled out of town with my boys. BringTheCarnage, KennyRay, and Jerome.
- Hit up BD's with my crew + Higa, Seath, Randal, Ivy, Scals, and Firedrake.
- Passed out.
- Up early. Picked up Scals, and headed to breakfast. We were joined by none other than newcomer J.Halladay.
- Picked up our EXHIBITOR PASSES. Fucking legit. Can I repeat? FUCKING LEGIT.
- Headed in. Pre game meeting with all the crew. Our main man naturalguy layin down some authority.
- Worked the STRONG SIDE of the Shop with my boys Nix and Razor. Had the pleasure of chilling with AntoineV must of the day. Dude is a nutcase, not an ounce of put-on in his videos. Caught up with my old pal B.Rowe. Dealt with him harassing me to stop being fat and get on stage, as always. haha
- Finished up at the Expo.
- Stopped by Metro to say a few hellos, then swung by and picked up Antoine. He lost his luggage, so I volunteered to take him shopping. Between the GPS's on our phones and road construction this turned into what I have dubbed "Chase and Antoine's Great Adventure." Had I let Antoine name it, it would have been some thing like "Antoine's Super Awesome Sales Spree, oh and Chase was there too." Needless to say we got lost, ended up in some industrial park. Finally made it to the mall, he grabbed some clothes. We chowed down on some Five Guys, which def hit the spot.
- Stopped by BD's to see what was goin on. Ran into a few different Animal crews. Scals, Firedrake, Rob, Phil, Nix, Razor, StateChamps(?)- Lucas haha, and many more.
- Hit the sheets like a ton of bricks. What an exhausting day.
- Stopped by Gyro's in the food court to grab some breakfast. Ran into smoothballer and freightraindan.
- Bumped in Richard Hawthorne. Head phones in, hat low, head down. I said whats up. He simply said, "gettin' m' mind right."
- Head into the expo to assume my post, holding down The Shop with my brothers.
- Towards the end of the day, things were slowing down as we were selling out of gear. I seized the opportunity to pay a short visit to the Cage. Hung out with my boys KennyRay, BTC, and Jerome. Saw Deanna, aka MammaD.. Trish and Jim, Bella and Elle, and many more. Had chance to talk training/plans with Wrath, nothing serious just catchin up. Shot the shit with the House, talked cars and kids.. just life.
- As things finished up on Saturday, Nix, Razor, BTC, and I were given a mission by G Diesel himself. We were tasked with transporting all of the goody bags and LE gear over to Metro for the ABC.
- Mission accomplished. We made our way straight over to Metro. I was STARVING. Talked to one of the girls at the desk and she hooked me up with the # to Donatos Pizza. They delivered it right to me at Metro. When I ventured outside to get it, I found myself unable to get back inside due to the what must have been 200 Animals crammed in the doorway. I posted up on the wall, chowed down, and talked sport with the House.
- At G's calling we all downed our Rage, and the ABC commenced. I trained delts with Vinny G and bigkahuna. Vinny pushed us hard. Set after set Vinny yelled at me, "you look like a robot" "loosen up" "pull from your elbows" "this isn't a race".. I'm not going to lie it made my face hot, but at the same time I knew it was all for my own good. He really helped me isolate my delts and take my traps out of my movements.
- After training, I bullshitted around with DanTheMan, B.Rowe, squatscureall, and a few others.
- Grabbed some BD's with my crew.
- The final calling. The shop was nearly bare, so things were pretty slow.
- Grabbed lunch with CCoronato and nicklepore. On our way back we ran into Evan. He asked if we wanted to eat with him. I'm not going to lie we were all disappointed when we had to pass, as we had just ate and we had to get back work.
- After the Shop had completely sold out, I ventured into the Cage to throw some weights around with Aggression and Scals. I hit 235(bw) for 28 cold. Then hit 315 for a few pause reps.
- After the expo closed down, I hung around and broke down with G, NG, Aggression, CCoronato, Seath, Higa, CP3, Naut, Travis, Big O, and if forgot anyone I'm sorry. We slaved away for hours, slowly losing people as they had flights to catch. By the end of the day only 3-4 of us were left, but thankfully most of the work was done. We said our goodbyes, and I made my way back to WV.
Shout Outs
J-Dawg- Always good to catch up with you my man. Hope you are feeling better.
naturalguy- Still blows my mind how close I've become with all the guys here on FORVM, and I owe it all to you over on 3 years ago. Thanks.
G- your words always inspire me. Despite a busy weekend in the Shop, I was lucky enough to catch bits and pieces of your seminar.
Aggression- I will beat you at Scramble With Friends pal. My time is coming.
Scals- Jump ropes and BEAST girls, what more can I say?
CCoronato- Thanks for being great friend man. You've been there for me through a lot.Like I was telling you after breakdown, "OMG I think that was TTL bro." Hard to believe how far things have came in 3 years. haha
And in no particular order, Higa, Seath, Randal, Ed Coan, smoothballer, freightraindan, Wycked, deanna, Ghost, Nix, Phil, StandingGuard, Razor, DanTheMan, Firedrake, Scals, House, Wrath, Big Al, Enforcer, P Diesel, Mr Dead and more. Great seeing my FAMILY.
I will never forget this weekend. It has been my DREAM for years to be a part of this company. To stand with the crew.. I think that this weekend was as close as I could possibly get without becoming an employee or athlete. To walk into Metro and say I'm with Animal. "Whats your name?" as she checks the list. "Chase Browning" "Ok, I've got you right here." Literally, put chills down my spine. The feeling I got when I opened up a package last week packed with white Animal's that read STAFF on the back. To have the opportunity to spead the Animal way of life to the masses. I busted my ass all weekend to give back to Animal, but in all honesty Animal was giving back to me. To look at my exhibitor pass and see Chase Browning right over the word ANIMAL. Speechless. Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity.
- Rolled out of town with my boys. BringTheCarnage, KennyRay, and Jerome.
- Hit up BD's with my crew + Higa, Seath, Randal, Ivy, Scals, and Firedrake.
- Passed out.
- Up early. Picked up Scals, and headed to breakfast. We were joined by none other than newcomer J.Halladay.
- Picked up our EXHIBITOR PASSES. Fucking legit. Can I repeat? FUCKING LEGIT.
- Headed in. Pre game meeting with all the crew. Our main man naturalguy layin down some authority.
- Worked the STRONG SIDE of the Shop with my boys Nix and Razor. Had the pleasure of chilling with AntoineV must of the day. Dude is a nutcase, not an ounce of put-on in his videos. Caught up with my old pal B.Rowe. Dealt with him harassing me to stop being fat and get on stage, as always. haha
- Finished up at the Expo.
- Stopped by Metro to say a few hellos, then swung by and picked up Antoine. He lost his luggage, so I volunteered to take him shopping. Between the GPS's on our phones and road construction this turned into what I have dubbed "Chase and Antoine's Great Adventure." Had I let Antoine name it, it would have been some thing like "Antoine's Super Awesome Sales Spree, oh and Chase was there too." Needless to say we got lost, ended up in some industrial park. Finally made it to the mall, he grabbed some clothes. We chowed down on some Five Guys, which def hit the spot.
- Stopped by BD's to see what was goin on. Ran into a few different Animal crews. Scals, Firedrake, Rob, Phil, Nix, Razor, StateChamps(?)- Lucas haha, and many more.
- Hit the sheets like a ton of bricks. What an exhausting day.
- Stopped by Gyro's in the food court to grab some breakfast. Ran into smoothballer and freightraindan.
- Bumped in Richard Hawthorne. Head phones in, hat low, head down. I said whats up. He simply said, "gettin' m' mind right."
- Head into the expo to assume my post, holding down The Shop with my brothers.
- Towards the end of the day, things were slowing down as we were selling out of gear. I seized the opportunity to pay a short visit to the Cage. Hung out with my boys KennyRay, BTC, and Jerome. Saw Deanna, aka MammaD.. Trish and Jim, Bella and Elle, and many more. Had chance to talk training/plans with Wrath, nothing serious just catchin up. Shot the shit with the House, talked cars and kids.. just life.
- As things finished up on Saturday, Nix, Razor, BTC, and I were given a mission by G Diesel himself. We were tasked with transporting all of the goody bags and LE gear over to Metro for the ABC.
- Mission accomplished. We made our way straight over to Metro. I was STARVING. Talked to one of the girls at the desk and she hooked me up with the # to Donatos Pizza. They delivered it right to me at Metro. When I ventured outside to get it, I found myself unable to get back inside due to the what must have been 200 Animals crammed in the doorway. I posted up on the wall, chowed down, and talked sport with the House.
- At G's calling we all downed our Rage, and the ABC commenced. I trained delts with Vinny G and bigkahuna. Vinny pushed us hard. Set after set Vinny yelled at me, "you look like a robot" "loosen up" "pull from your elbows" "this isn't a race".. I'm not going to lie it made my face hot, but at the same time I knew it was all for my own good. He really helped me isolate my delts and take my traps out of my movements.
- After training, I bullshitted around with DanTheMan, B.Rowe, squatscureall, and a few others.
- Grabbed some BD's with my crew.
- The final calling. The shop was nearly bare, so things were pretty slow.
- Grabbed lunch with CCoronato and nicklepore. On our way back we ran into Evan. He asked if we wanted to eat with him. I'm not going to lie we were all disappointed when we had to pass, as we had just ate and we had to get back work.
- After the Shop had completely sold out, I ventured into the Cage to throw some weights around with Aggression and Scals. I hit 235(bw) for 28 cold. Then hit 315 for a few pause reps.
- After the expo closed down, I hung around and broke down with G, NG, Aggression, CCoronato, Seath, Higa, CP3, Naut, Travis, Big O, and if forgot anyone I'm sorry. We slaved away for hours, slowly losing people as they had flights to catch. By the end of the day only 3-4 of us were left, but thankfully most of the work was done. We said our goodbyes, and I made my way back to WV.
Shout Outs
J-Dawg- Always good to catch up with you my man. Hope you are feeling better.
naturalguy- Still blows my mind how close I've become with all the guys here on FORVM, and I owe it all to you over on 3 years ago. Thanks.
G- your words always inspire me. Despite a busy weekend in the Shop, I was lucky enough to catch bits and pieces of your seminar.
Aggression- I will beat you at Scramble With Friends pal. My time is coming.
Scals- Jump ropes and BEAST girls, what more can I say?
CCoronato- Thanks for being great friend man. You've been there for me through a lot.Like I was telling you after breakdown, "OMG I think that was TTL bro." Hard to believe how far things have came in 3 years. haha
And in no particular order, Higa, Seath, Randal, Ed Coan, smoothballer, freightraindan, Wycked, deanna, Ghost, Nix, Phil, StandingGuard, Razor, DanTheMan, Firedrake, Scals, House, Wrath, Big Al, Enforcer, P Diesel, Mr Dead and more. Great seeing my FAMILY.
I will never forget this weekend. It has been my DREAM for years to be a part of this company. To stand with the crew.. I think that this weekend was as close as I could possibly get without becoming an employee or athlete. To walk into Metro and say I'm with Animal. "Whats your name?" as she checks the list. "Chase Browning" "Ok, I've got you right here." Literally, put chills down my spine. The feeling I got when I opened up a package last week packed with white Animal's that read STAFF on the back. To have the opportunity to spead the Animal way of life to the masses. I busted my ass all weekend to give back to Animal, but in all honesty Animal was giving back to me. To look at my exhibitor pass and see Chase Browning right over the word ANIMAL. Speechless. Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity.