View Full Version : Cage / ABC experience
03-13-12, 8:50 am
Man, idk where to even begin?! What a fuxking weekend in Columbus , such an array of emotion really from not feeling well, training hard , catching up with old friends and meeting tons of new ones! It's def took me a while to defragment the weekend and break it down.
For one the expo is always a mad house, you see more weird shit there in 3 days than u do the rest of the yr! Lol it's always eye opening to walk around, soak in some of the energy and see what's new.
The cage......... Fuck N A!!! You want energy and to vibe like non other???? That's the place to get it! Working there Friday and spending most of sat there was def an experience! I felt right at home! Everyone was kick ass, no one had an ego blowing off, ( well maybe GHOST, Haaha) big ass weights being moved and so so much more. The animal family is like none other, I love it! I could go on and on but won't , I will however say thank you to all I met, trained with, talked to and made me feel right at home! Bring on VEGAS!!! Y'all are going to see some changes in me!
The abc was absurd! So many people and insane training! Anyone who missed it def missed out!!!! I blasted shoulders with BIG AL and had a blast! Great seeing everyone breaking sweat and doing there thang!
03-13-12, 9:37 am
deff couldnt agree with you more bro!! I didn't have the Luxery of working the cage but I deff stopped by quite a bit to check everyone out. the Animal Fam is like no other welcoming anyone in no matter what shape size or training experience witch is something unnique in this sport where egos sore high above a lot of people. The ABC now was the. best part of the weekend for me for sure. I got to meat a lot of my idols and great athletes Eric Christian Nick Josh Brad the house mike van Wick and my biggest inspiration Frank McGrath witch made the whole trip worth it in my eyes. so thanks animalpak and universal for putting on such a great weekend and event!!
03-13-12, 10:41 am
I agree with the both of you. This was actually my first time up and i got there at 8am on Friday with my plan of attack ready to get to the cage and see everyone. First off it was the greatest weekend of my life. Friday i went to the expo. I have stated in another thread i brought a friend along with me who is into the mma stuff and not really bodybuilding and by the end of the day he had a ton of animal product , hat and t! Which that made my day right there. It says a lot about this company when you really truly take pride in the fact that you feel part of the family. I'll defend this company to the end. But within 15 mins of the gates opening I had 4 new Animal t's, 2 shaker bottle (one was my wifeys) and a sample of nitro and pak. Got to meet my idol, Frank, have him sign my flex cover and get a pic with him. And I could've left right then and there and would've been set. The ABC was crazy. I actually got to train with Frank and Antoine, both guys i have tremindous amount of respect for. I cant begin to describe the feeling of being under the bar and having your hero, and person responsible for your life changing experience of bodybuilding, yelling at you. And to get it on film, was the coolest thing in the world!!! I was just in awe the entire night. I couldnt try to put it in words even if I could. But its thanks to this great company, and the people who make it so great they keep coming back year after year! And everyone you met were class acts and made you feel like you were a long lost friends. No arrogance, no egos. I mean I was standing in line for the gym sat and Stan Efferding was just chillin in line talking with people....ARE U KIDDING ME!!! its what animal does and what there all about!
03-14-12, 5:00 pm
Hey! It was great meeting you! You guys were looking beastly at the ABC. Can't wait for next year!!!
03-14-12, 10:46 pm
Hey! It was great meeting you! You guys were looking beastly at the ABC. Can't wait for next year!!!
Def good meeting ya too and thanks, I'm trying to hang with the big boys! Keep killing those weightS, making the boys worry;) haha.
03-14-12, 10:49 pm
I've been around animal since 06 and it's just became tighter and tighter of a group! Glad u guys had a blast and hung with the strongest group in the world! The brotherhood/ sistahood is one hell of a monster!!!!
03-17-12, 5:16 pm
Wants to say, it was fun goofing with you guys over the weekend! Can't wait to see what changes ya bring in the future. This past year, I have seen physical growth and personal growth in you, gotta say, I'm proud of ya.... Especially dealing with Kevin and Just teasin...
Hope to see ya soon ((Vegas, maybe...If not, I'm heading to NC for a convention in 2012... Gotta make it happen!!))