03-16-12, 4:19 am
**Finally got this written up, was going to post it Tuesday and then the power went out!! I have been in the Boston Blackout all week!! No power, no Internet, and no hot water... Let's just say, I could NEVER be **
My experience at The Cage this year has one again surpassed all that I could have expected. I usually have to work late on Thursday, doing parent teacher conferences, so I don't get to Cbus until almost midnight. This year, I took the day off and was able to make it early. Excited to see everyone, I rushed into town, unpacked, grabbed a shower and headed off to train at Metro. As I pulled in, I thought that I would be kind and let the other Animals pulling in know that they need to pay the parking... A few years ago, I skipped out on the $3 fee and proceeded to come out to a $50 ticket!! Well, being ahead of the game, I told the guys, we all paid and went about our way.
Went in to train and was met at the door by Phil, open arms and info to get me in the door. Walking in, I was in awe again, wall to wall Animals! I proceeded back to my cubby under the stairs and headed out to train. As soon as I emerged, ran into Enforcer and Madcat... Wow, Enforcer looking huge AND lean! What a difference and just since I saw him in December... Looking around, I didn't see Wycked or Big Al, so I didn't know what to train... Trained legs and finished cardio. By this time, everyone had gone and I was the last one standing (contest prep ya
As I was leaving, BamBam and his buddies were in the lot, I jokingly asked if they got tickets, one did. As I walked around my Jeep I DID TOO!! Ugh... Oh well, I had my receipt, all is good (still fighting the and I was off to my hotel for some PWO grub.
As I near the exit, I see a patrol car, I thought "wow, must've been an accident". No, the patrol was there because they SHUT THE FREEWAY DOWN!! I drove around for almost an hour, crying, scared, hungry and frustrated!! I had my whole night planned out, nice hot shower, kicked up in my room, all comfy cozy...NOT! After circling the same route 3x I stopped at the gas station and asked how to get to my hotel. The nice young lady said, "Oh honey, it's easy...". Really?? Does it look like it's easy... I have tears streaming down my face. She felt terrible for me and sent me on my way. BTW, I was only one exit away from my hotel, about 4 minutes and I was "home." I finally made it back, got my PWO yummies in, showered and settled in for the night.
Onto Friday, opening day!! I was about 30 minutes late, but they had already run out of the Cage T's... Wow, I just figured I would go ahead and get mine Saturday morning, since I would be there early. Seminars began, House detailing how he does it working full time, coaching X, being a husband and Daddy along with being a Pro. He definitely has a handle on things, kudos, it CAN'T be easy. A bit later, Vinny started his seminar and I heard, "Deanna, get in here, you need to be in here.". Uh oh... Was I going to have to say something?? Whew... No talking, but boy was I listening. Vinny spoke about giving the body a break, backing off in the offseason, spending too much time in the gym (all of which I know too much about, but Vinny knows I am a creature of habit and well, how do you say it, THICK It was a filled day, so awesome getting to see friends that I missed dearly, meeting new faces, and getting to catch up with friends that I only see at the Arnold.
Speaking of Arnold, every year it seems when Arnold comes by, I am inside the Cage and end up with pics showing more Cage than Arnold. I just happened to be out in front to see him up close and personal... I had a video rolling, camera snapping frenzy going It was a whirlwind, but seeing Frank's face when he was busting out those forearms was awesome. Like I said, he looked like a kid in a candy store, love it!! I got a kick out of Higa pulling off the self portrait with Arnold... Thank goodness he didn't use a
Training Friday night, again off the hook!! Packed and bros were stacked... Along with the lovely DLB... Ya know, I wouldn't mind being her when I grow Great gal, and her hubby was a hoot!! Trained back and bis, as much as I could, hit cardio after everyone left and headed back for the night... Found my way like nothing this time...
Saturday was my day to intern, we met Nix in the hall for our passes and went in to prepare for the madness... And just so you know, I make a damn pretty "Tom Fuller" Grabbed my Cage shirt and LE shirts, and thank God because at 9:04 the Cage shirts were gone!! NUTS!! I was working the bench your body weight and helping off and on in the Shop. I covered for MD to have a bite (yes, he did leave to grab a bite to eat,
At noon, we were doing the Black in Black Event and Rob asked if I could cover the Shop, so that the guys could get in the event. Sure, no problem, so I went to The Shop and got ready to sell... Out of nowhere Christian comes around the corner and yells, "Dee, we need you in here!" He throws me a shirt, I put it on over my white staff shirt and away I went. Vinny had the mic, had us quieted down and we then had our moment of silence for Nick Winters (RIP) and then G took over. He starts to talk about the ABC's, what we do, why we do it, and then proceeded to say that there were stand out chapters here in the Midwest that they were recognizing. Holy crap!! Is that why I am here?? Getting nervous, my heart was racing, then BOOM.... He started with Rob in Detroit, one of the oldest chapters, spreading the word, living the life, etc... Then onto a chapter, he stated, HERE IN OHIO... Holy moly, really??? He said my name!!! He spoke of my Jersey trips ( and the events and such that the Ohio Valley has, etc... My <3, my passion, recognized!!! How freaking cool!!! And last but not least, Phil from Chicago, again with the events, the life, the brotherhood formed from his hard work... We were presented with black ABC hoodies with our Chapter names on them! Soooo awesome! Of course, the tears came, I am SO honored to be a part of a family that is above and beyond ANY words could describe. You all have been a major part of me since that cold January day in 2008 when I that up my first ABC. Meeting Vinny there in Cbus was a chance thing and from that time on, I was hooked. It felt like HOME and has become my solace for the hard times that followed. The ABC's, my brothers here, and above all else Animal/Universal kept me sane when the normal chick would've cracked. I love you all, always will, and no matter what, FAMILY FIRST... THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE RECOGNITION... I had NO idea it was coming, you have no idea what you have built inside me and if ever I can be called upon for anything, I'm here, ready and willing, just say the word.
The National ABC... Holy shitballs!! Packed wall to wall, the intensity could be felt in the air!! Anxious to get in there, was a little late, I went to my cubby, got ready and hit up some shoulders and tris. Was going to train tris with Scals, but timing wasn't there and we missed each other. Next year?? It's a date!! I could go on and on about the ABC, others have already, but one thing I will say... IF YOU CAN'T GET TO ANY OTHER ABC ALL YEAR, MAKE SURE YOU GET TO THIS ONE!! There is NO way that you can describe the intensity, camaraderie, and just over the top training that goes on... It is an experience you won't soon forget and will leave you wanting MORE!! Hell, the entire weekend leaves me wanting more, from Thursday night on through... How do they say it, "just can't get enough!!"
Ahhhh.... Sunday.... I mean Awwww Sunday... Such a bittersweet day... Everyone and their brother's asses are whipped, but in the back of our minds NONE of us want it to end... I have to say this.... The intensity NEVER stops!! Evan came in to talk after placing 3rd in the Arnold... Listen, I shit you not, sitting there listening to him talk, how much he has "grown" since I first met him is amazing. I have always been intrigued with the nutrition/supp knowledge that Evan has, but hearing him talk so matter of fact about what the body needs is impressive. He talked about taking a detox, resting, etc. Absolute truth... He spoke to us about the importance of heath and listening to your body. He knows his shit, I admire that. ((And just saying, I had ya takin first also Congrats on your past year Evan, a new baby girl, life changes, new opportunities, new successes, etc... The seminars still go strong, the Cage never settles until the security guys go through and say, Expo is over GO
Before closing, I want to say that each year I leave the Arnold more and more intrigued and impressed with powerlifting!! It's not something that I was brought up around, it was always bodybuilding, but I have a new found interest in it. Seeing the lifts just blows my mind, completely. I am not a strong girl per se, and seeing the ladies like Ambre, Kathy, and Jessica in that Cage doing their thing, I am blown away. Kudos to you ladies for kickin' MAJOR ASS in there!! Sooo impressed to say the least!! Now, the fellas, holy moly shitballs! (that is a good The weight, pulled, pressed, and squatted is f'ing unreal... Ant pulling 600 at like 135, Sam's no hands, hmmmm Sammy No Hands??? Sounds Eric, David, Bobby, Higa, and Hoss's STOOPID weights... lol. And again getting to see Henri's smiling face every year is a highlight... Love when Skiba's crew and Westside join forces... Look out.... (to those I didn't mention, I apologize, I'm trying to wrap it
Anyway, another whirlwind year in the books, still talking about it, friends getting really annoyed, but I don't give 2 shits because it's me, it's a part of me, it's always going to be and if that's not okay, get outta my way... Thank you to the family, friends, athletes, Pros, bros/sisters, and all others involved in making this weekend the highlight of my year. Sorry if I didn't mention everyone, I would never slight anyone on purpose, not my nature, you know I always say that I can't put it into words, yet I type a shitload of them, but if you have never been there, you just DON'T know!! Why do you think that when everyone writes about their Cage experiences, everyone's is different?? Because you CAN'T put into words what it means to Thanks for sticking it out, waiting on my ramblings, and being a part of something that few know, many want, and WE HAVE... A Brotherhood Beyond Compare!!
My experience at The Cage this year has one again surpassed all that I could have expected. I usually have to work late on Thursday, doing parent teacher conferences, so I don't get to Cbus until almost midnight. This year, I took the day off and was able to make it early. Excited to see everyone, I rushed into town, unpacked, grabbed a shower and headed off to train at Metro. As I pulled in, I thought that I would be kind and let the other Animals pulling in know that they need to pay the parking... A few years ago, I skipped out on the $3 fee and proceeded to come out to a $50 ticket!! Well, being ahead of the game, I told the guys, we all paid and went about our way.
Went in to train and was met at the door by Phil, open arms and info to get me in the door. Walking in, I was in awe again, wall to wall Animals! I proceeded back to my cubby under the stairs and headed out to train. As soon as I emerged, ran into Enforcer and Madcat... Wow, Enforcer looking huge AND lean! What a difference and just since I saw him in December... Looking around, I didn't see Wycked or Big Al, so I didn't know what to train... Trained legs and finished cardio. By this time, everyone had gone and I was the last one standing (contest prep ya
As I was leaving, BamBam and his buddies were in the lot, I jokingly asked if they got tickets, one did. As I walked around my Jeep I DID TOO!! Ugh... Oh well, I had my receipt, all is good (still fighting the and I was off to my hotel for some PWO grub.
As I near the exit, I see a patrol car, I thought "wow, must've been an accident". No, the patrol was there because they SHUT THE FREEWAY DOWN!! I drove around for almost an hour, crying, scared, hungry and frustrated!! I had my whole night planned out, nice hot shower, kicked up in my room, all comfy cozy...NOT! After circling the same route 3x I stopped at the gas station and asked how to get to my hotel. The nice young lady said, "Oh honey, it's easy...". Really?? Does it look like it's easy... I have tears streaming down my face. She felt terrible for me and sent me on my way. BTW, I was only one exit away from my hotel, about 4 minutes and I was "home." I finally made it back, got my PWO yummies in, showered and settled in for the night.
Onto Friday, opening day!! I was about 30 minutes late, but they had already run out of the Cage T's... Wow, I just figured I would go ahead and get mine Saturday morning, since I would be there early. Seminars began, House detailing how he does it working full time, coaching X, being a husband and Daddy along with being a Pro. He definitely has a handle on things, kudos, it CAN'T be easy. A bit later, Vinny started his seminar and I heard, "Deanna, get in here, you need to be in here.". Uh oh... Was I going to have to say something?? Whew... No talking, but boy was I listening. Vinny spoke about giving the body a break, backing off in the offseason, spending too much time in the gym (all of which I know too much about, but Vinny knows I am a creature of habit and well, how do you say it, THICK It was a filled day, so awesome getting to see friends that I missed dearly, meeting new faces, and getting to catch up with friends that I only see at the Arnold.
Speaking of Arnold, every year it seems when Arnold comes by, I am inside the Cage and end up with pics showing more Cage than Arnold. I just happened to be out in front to see him up close and personal... I had a video rolling, camera snapping frenzy going It was a whirlwind, but seeing Frank's face when he was busting out those forearms was awesome. Like I said, he looked like a kid in a candy store, love it!! I got a kick out of Higa pulling off the self portrait with Arnold... Thank goodness he didn't use a
Training Friday night, again off the hook!! Packed and bros were stacked... Along with the lovely DLB... Ya know, I wouldn't mind being her when I grow Great gal, and her hubby was a hoot!! Trained back and bis, as much as I could, hit cardio after everyone left and headed back for the night... Found my way like nothing this time...
Saturday was my day to intern, we met Nix in the hall for our passes and went in to prepare for the madness... And just so you know, I make a damn pretty "Tom Fuller" Grabbed my Cage shirt and LE shirts, and thank God because at 9:04 the Cage shirts were gone!! NUTS!! I was working the bench your body weight and helping off and on in the Shop. I covered for MD to have a bite (yes, he did leave to grab a bite to eat,
At noon, we were doing the Black in Black Event and Rob asked if I could cover the Shop, so that the guys could get in the event. Sure, no problem, so I went to The Shop and got ready to sell... Out of nowhere Christian comes around the corner and yells, "Dee, we need you in here!" He throws me a shirt, I put it on over my white staff shirt and away I went. Vinny had the mic, had us quieted down and we then had our moment of silence for Nick Winters (RIP) and then G took over. He starts to talk about the ABC's, what we do, why we do it, and then proceeded to say that there were stand out chapters here in the Midwest that they were recognizing. Holy crap!! Is that why I am here?? Getting nervous, my heart was racing, then BOOM.... He started with Rob in Detroit, one of the oldest chapters, spreading the word, living the life, etc... Then onto a chapter, he stated, HERE IN OHIO... Holy moly, really??? He said my name!!! He spoke of my Jersey trips ( and the events and such that the Ohio Valley has, etc... My <3, my passion, recognized!!! How freaking cool!!! And last but not least, Phil from Chicago, again with the events, the life, the brotherhood formed from his hard work... We were presented with black ABC hoodies with our Chapter names on them! Soooo awesome! Of course, the tears came, I am SO honored to be a part of a family that is above and beyond ANY words could describe. You all have been a major part of me since that cold January day in 2008 when I that up my first ABC. Meeting Vinny there in Cbus was a chance thing and from that time on, I was hooked. It felt like HOME and has become my solace for the hard times that followed. The ABC's, my brothers here, and above all else Animal/Universal kept me sane when the normal chick would've cracked. I love you all, always will, and no matter what, FAMILY FIRST... THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE RECOGNITION... I had NO idea it was coming, you have no idea what you have built inside me and if ever I can be called upon for anything, I'm here, ready and willing, just say the word.
The National ABC... Holy shitballs!! Packed wall to wall, the intensity could be felt in the air!! Anxious to get in there, was a little late, I went to my cubby, got ready and hit up some shoulders and tris. Was going to train tris with Scals, but timing wasn't there and we missed each other. Next year?? It's a date!! I could go on and on about the ABC, others have already, but one thing I will say... IF YOU CAN'T GET TO ANY OTHER ABC ALL YEAR, MAKE SURE YOU GET TO THIS ONE!! There is NO way that you can describe the intensity, camaraderie, and just over the top training that goes on... It is an experience you won't soon forget and will leave you wanting MORE!! Hell, the entire weekend leaves me wanting more, from Thursday night on through... How do they say it, "just can't get enough!!"
Ahhhh.... Sunday.... I mean Awwww Sunday... Such a bittersweet day... Everyone and their brother's asses are whipped, but in the back of our minds NONE of us want it to end... I have to say this.... The intensity NEVER stops!! Evan came in to talk after placing 3rd in the Arnold... Listen, I shit you not, sitting there listening to him talk, how much he has "grown" since I first met him is amazing. I have always been intrigued with the nutrition/supp knowledge that Evan has, but hearing him talk so matter of fact about what the body needs is impressive. He talked about taking a detox, resting, etc. Absolute truth... He spoke to us about the importance of heath and listening to your body. He knows his shit, I admire that. ((And just saying, I had ya takin first also Congrats on your past year Evan, a new baby girl, life changes, new opportunities, new successes, etc... The seminars still go strong, the Cage never settles until the security guys go through and say, Expo is over GO
Before closing, I want to say that each year I leave the Arnold more and more intrigued and impressed with powerlifting!! It's not something that I was brought up around, it was always bodybuilding, but I have a new found interest in it. Seeing the lifts just blows my mind, completely. I am not a strong girl per se, and seeing the ladies like Ambre, Kathy, and Jessica in that Cage doing their thing, I am blown away. Kudos to you ladies for kickin' MAJOR ASS in there!! Sooo impressed to say the least!! Now, the fellas, holy moly shitballs! (that is a good The weight, pulled, pressed, and squatted is f'ing unreal... Ant pulling 600 at like 135, Sam's no hands, hmmmm Sammy No Hands??? Sounds Eric, David, Bobby, Higa, and Hoss's STOOPID weights... lol. And again getting to see Henri's smiling face every year is a highlight... Love when Skiba's crew and Westside join forces... Look out.... (to those I didn't mention, I apologize, I'm trying to wrap it
Anyway, another whirlwind year in the books, still talking about it, friends getting really annoyed, but I don't give 2 shits because it's me, it's a part of me, it's always going to be and if that's not okay, get outta my way... Thank you to the family, friends, athletes, Pros, bros/sisters, and all others involved in making this weekend the highlight of my year. Sorry if I didn't mention everyone, I would never slight anyone on purpose, not my nature, you know I always say that I can't put it into words, yet I type a shitload of them, but if you have never been there, you just DON'T know!! Why do you think that when everyone writes about their Cage experiences, everyone's is different?? Because you CAN'T put into words what it means to Thanks for sticking it out, waiting on my ramblings, and being a part of something that few know, many want, and WE HAVE... A Brotherhood Beyond Compare!!