View Full Version : Questions. Answers. Partying with BOSS... Dan Green
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8 for military press I plan on working up to one heavy set of 5, then dropping the weight and doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps...does this look okay for strength and shoulder size?
Yeah that's a pretty good start. Don't be afraid to pump up with a lighter set or two after that as well as hammer out a lot of lateral raises... those are great for size
07-12-14, 7:05 am
Hey dan another question . Would you say focusing on pulling with your back or focusing on hip drive when deadlifting is most important for a strong pull. I notice the more I focus on hip drive the less i feel The need to extend my back through the pull to reach the lockout and I feel like it sort of takes a lot of strain off my back? Does this sound right?
Also I was wondering if I make it to the GPA meet In Australia what date are you competing ?
fu blown
07-12-14, 4:08 pm
I'm interested in your BBSM program and was hoping you offer online personal training. I live in Hawaii so training at your facility is out of the question. Also, I'll be in Vegas Olympia weekend and was wondering if you'll be attending? Thanks!!
The Untamed
07-13-14, 4:37 am
Yo Boss,
I got a question on lateral raises since you talked about it, I was wondering what would be their role for powerlifting, could they help for injury prevention/stabilizing the shoulder, and stabilization on the bench ?
07-14-14, 6:45 pm
Hey Dan! Huge fan! You are the greatest raw powerlifter of all time IMO! Congrats on all your successes!
Ive been trying to learn how to sink the bar low into my sternum area and explode with the whole body upwards like I see you do, but I tweaked something pushing too heavy before getting the technique close to right. Got a minor pec tear or pull, bothersome though. For an intermediate what would you recommend for pec health and I guess shoulder health to go along with the comment above me. Frequency and intensity notwithstanding- maybe shoulder/pec pre-hab movements? Stretching? RICE and tractioning my shoulder joint with a band to try to stretch the pec/shoulder/lat have been my go to thus far. Have you ever had to deal with this kind of thing in the past?
Thank you so much!
Hey dan another question . Would you say focusing on pulling with your back or focusing on hip drive when deadlifting is most important for a strong pull. I notice the more I focus on hip drive the less i feel The need to extend my back through the pull to reach the lockout and I feel like it sort of takes a lot of strain off my back? Does this sound right?
Also I was wondering if I make it to the GPA meet In Australia what date are you competing ?
Well for deads I'd generally advise focusing on hip drive to begin the lift. The better you get the more you will synchronize the leg drive and pull of the back as well. Focus on accelerating the weight upward and finishing high and not in a "crab" lockout with the chest down.
Not sure which day just that I'll be a 110 kg lifter.
Yo Boss,
I got a question on lateral raises since you talked about it, I was wondering what would be their role for powerlifting, could they help for injury prevention/stabilizing the shoulder, and stabilization on the bench ?
These are strictly for building shoulder mass and therefore strength
I'm interested in your BBSM program and was hoping you offer online personal training. I live in Hawaii so training at your facility is out of the question. Also, I'll be in Vegas Olympia weekend and was wondering if you'll be attending? Thanks!!
Not planning to! Just email at
Hey Dan! Huge fan! You are the greatest raw powerlifter of all time IMO! Congrats on all your successes!
Ive been trying to learn how to sink the bar low into my sternum area and explode with the whole body upwards like I see you do, but I tweaked something pushing too heavy before getting the technique close to right. Got a minor pec tear or pull, bothersome though. For an intermediate what would you recommend for pec health and I guess shoulder health to go along with the comment above me. Frequency and intensity notwithstanding- maybe shoulder/pec pre-hab movements? Stretching? RICE and tractioning my shoulder joint with a band to try to stretch the pec/shoulder/lat have been my go to thus far. Have you ever had to deal with this kind of thing in the past?
Thank you so much!
Protecting the shoulders and chest starts with proper upper back positioning. The upper back should be extended so the chest is up and filled with air. SHoulder blades must retract and the rhomboids and lower traps must be tensed to stabilize the shoulders. After that just focus on high volumes of sets of 5 with moderate weights... Start below 75% 1RM Don't go heavy until your technique is improving and you're steadily repping heavier and heavier weights. Practice all reps with a pause and you'll get it. You may also do the same with a close grip for a second bench exercise. Just about shoulder width for these not really narrow like a tricep exercise though
John Grey
07-15-14, 9:23 am
Quick question about breathing in the 3 lifts.
I understand taking in a big deep breath prior to each lift, do you release that air while doing the rep or do you keep it in as long as you can until completion of rep?
Hey dan
I did deadlifts today. I use a close stance (my feet are a little closer then shoulder width apart). I have noticed that as I increase the weight I am pulling week after week that iam starting to feel more stiff and LESS POWERFUL when I pull the weight off the ground in my hips and lower back. Anyway, after I did a my deadlift routine I decided to do a few sets of squats ( I use the same close stance as when I deadlift) and when I went down I felt very stiff coming up. On the next set I decided to use a wider stance a little bit more then shoulder width apart. When I went up and down with my reps I felt more STRONGER and LESS STIFF! My question to you is should I try a wider stance when I deadlift? Also why am I so stiff when I use a closer stance? Are there any exercises I could do to help me not be so stiff in my hips and lower back? Thanks bro.
when you say to purposely round the upper back slightly when pulling,(sumo stance)are you slightly engaging your lats still off the floor? ive always pulled with as flat as a back as i could manage and always thought that engaging the lats with a good amount of effort was beneficial, any suggestions on this pal? also how would you go about setting up a 6 week peeking cycle for a meet? cheers Dan, much appreciate your time.
I know you have a front squat day for your training. Front squat day, should I train heavy with less rep more set? or light with more rep less set? Which one will benefit more to my quad for my squat? I know less rep more set will benefit with strength and light with more rep less set will work on volume. But what is more necessary? And what other exercises do you combine with it?
I know you have a front squat day for your training. Front squat day, should I train heavy with less rep more set? or light with more rep less set? Which one will benefit more to my quad for my squat? I know less rep more set will benefit with strength and light with more rep less set will work on volume. But what is more necessary? And what other exercises do you combine with it?
I find the front squats to be more beneficial when done for volume. After the sets of reps--usually 3x(5-8) is good--then I'd recommend hitting a heavier set or two for low reps. The volume is what builds growth and I find the high rep sets are needed to build the upper back strength to really progress on these long term. Building size with these is what will really make you stronger on these, provided you always try to improve your technique by maximally using the quads and not relying on the upper back to get past sloppy mechanics.
Hey dan
I did deadlifts today. I use a close stance (my feet are a little closer then shoulder width apart). I have noticed that as I increase the weight I am pulling week after week that iam starting to feel more stiff and LESS POWERFUL when I pull the weight off the ground in my hips and lower back. Anyway, after I did a my deadlift routine I decided to do a few sets of squats ( I use the same close stance as when I deadlift) and when I went down I felt very stiff coming up. On the next set I decided to use a wider stance a little bit more then shoulder width apart. When I went up and down with my reps I felt more STRONGER and LESS STIFF! My question to you is should I try a wider stance when I deadlift? Also why am I so stiff when I use a closer stance? Are there any exercises I could do to help me not be so stiff in my hips and lower back? Thanks bro.
You should certainly try to see which stance feels best! As for the stiffness when people use a close stance for pulling it's so that they can overload the hips and low back in order to gain leverage for weaker quads. People with very strong pulling muscles and weaker quads like this method because you can start with the hips higher where the legs--being more extended--are stronger (think 1/4 squat vs 1/2 squat). So they can still get a very strong initial push to gain momentum, but then the pulling will take place from a poor back position--which is fine for certain lifters with good levers. Lifters with powerful quads shouldn't use this setup as it doesn't maximize that leg strength at all. That's where a more moderate stance or a sumo setup is best.
You should certainly try to see which stance feels best! As for the stiffness when people use a close stance for pulling it's so that they can overload the hips and low back in order to gain leverage for weaker quads. People with very strong pulling muscles and weaker quads like this method because you can start with the hips higher where the legs--being more extended--are stronger (think 1/4 squat vs 1/2 squat). So they can still get a very strong initial push to gain momentum, but then the pulling will take place from a poor back position--which is fine for certain lifters with good levers. Lifters with powerful quads shouldn't use this setup as it doesn't maximize that leg strength at all. That's where a more moderate stance or a sumo setup is best.
Awesome. Thanks so much.
07-16-14, 2:31 pm
I'm really liking the information presented in this thread. I'm subbing so that I can be notified when new information comes up and to archive all of the other answers you've given.
As of right now I don't have a question.
Altered Beast
07-16-14, 2:59 pm
Such in depth solid information here! Thank you for sharing, Dan!
*You answered a question I had regarding Front Squats above.
07-16-14, 4:09 pm
Whats ups Dan need a lil help with hip flexibility. Ive discoved im pretty tight in my hips when squatting. I feel it most with lighter weight, its just uncomfortable to squat down abd I feel some slight pain. once I add some weight maybe 225lbs n up I don't feel the pain so much. Any suggestions on how to stretch my hips more or warn them up a little better to ease this up?
Whats ups Dan need a lil help with hip flexibility. Ive discoved im pretty tight in my hips when squatting. I feel it most with lighter weight, its just uncomfortable to squat down abd I feel some slight pain. once I add some weight maybe 225lbs n up I don't feel the pain so much. Any suggestions on how to stretch my hips more or warn them up a little better to ease this up?
Funny that u should mention this. I have the same problem but with my shoulders on bench day. My warm ups hurt but once I get into heavier weights the pain goes away.
07-16-14, 9:50 pm
For overhead press, do you recommend doing touch and go reps or pausing every rep on the upper chest?
For overhead press, do you recommend doing touch and go reps or pausing every rep on the upper chest?
touch and go are fine just want to control the eccentric
fu blown
07-17-14, 11:21 pm
You mentioned to email for more info on personal online training. I emailed a few of your other email accounts and haven't gotten a response either. Not sure if it's going through or you don't answer emails often. Could you provide info here on the online training? I would appreciate it.
07-18-14, 5:48 pm
Where can I find the Cube BOSS Method Dan? I checked the JTS store and didn't see it there
It's called Cube Kingpin. Brandon made it as kind of a "nod" to Dan and his training methods from what I've heard. Lots of work with the main lifts and their variations. Hope this helps.
07-19-14, 8:34 pm
Hi man, thanks for answering questions.
1) What is your opinion on doing 1 max top set vs multiple sets on the Squat and deadlift, followed by a few back up sets. Have you tried this? If your opinion is different for SQ/DL plz state so.
For example if I did 180kgx3x5 last BS sess, doing 180kgx(5-8), then back off sets.
Do you think this could work and add variety or it would be just ego lifting?
2) Why did you drop olympic lifting?
3) How does not being able to gain weight (I assume that is the case for you?) affect your training.
Thanks in advance.
[QUOTE=fu blown;1380468]You mentioned to email for more info on personal online training. I emailed a few of your other email accounts and haven't gotten a response either. Not sure if it's going through or you don't answer emails often. Could you provide info here on the online training? I would appreciate it.[/QUOTE
Unfortunately, I've been really busy of late and had not been accepting more online clients at all since the beginning of this year. Basically I work with lifters by tailoring a program based on my training methods that fits their unique needs and goals, which I send to them via email in detail, and I additionally have offered video analysis of their techniques so that I can really help them to fine-tune their lifting. There is a good chance that within the next week I'll make an announcement that my training will be open again if you're interested. Just check my FB page and IG and you'll find that
It's called Cube Kingpin. Brandon made it as kind of a "nod" to Dan and his training methods from what I've heard. Lots of work with the main lifts and their variations. Hope this helps.
Thanks that's correct. It's Brandon's programming only.
Hi dan, when I'm squatting I find that I have a pain in my groin on both sides, and that my knees collapse inwards, this hAs happened over time and I never suffered with these issues up until about 2-3 months ago. Whilst my strength is increasing the pain and uncomfortableness is still there. Only changes to my training has been using Olympic shoes for squats, and I stopped training calfs altogether. Thanks mate and good luck with the meet!
HI Dan
What is the best piece of training advice anyone has ever given u?
Who first coined the nickname BOSS for you?
Hi dan, when I'm squatting I find that I have a pain in my groin on both sides, and that my knees collapse inwards, this hAs happened over time and I never suffered with these issues up until about 2-3 months ago. Whilst my strength is increasing the pain and uncomfortableness is still there. Only changes to my training has been using Olympic shoes for squats, and I stopped training calfs altogether. Thanks mate and good luck with the meet!
Not sure what to tell you there man. If it keeps happening despite attempts to stretch the area then maybe you'll want to switch back out of the oly shoes...
HI Dan
What is the best piece of training advice anyone has ever given u?
For me I always just think about the idea that nothing is promised. You shouldn't take one workout for granted. I hate when I'm faced with being told after failing: It's ok you'll come back and get that next time... Nobody knows that
Also, the biggest epiphany moment is probably just seeing firsthand a meet in Russia in which I finished second to last and of the top four all set records that day or in subsequent meets... The difference in technique from these guys vs the standard that I'd seen in America was astounding. Technique is everything.
Who first coined the nickname BOSS for you?
I don't know. Boss is the name of my dog.
Jay Nera
07-27-14, 11:15 pm
I don't know. Boss is the name of my dog.
I think your other pooch Bella is jealous that she doesn't get a shout out.
I think your other pooch Bella is jealous that she doesn't get a shout out.
Nah she gets way more attention than Boss. And when I've got her tennis ball out she wouldn't know it if the world were coming to an end around her
What can I do to increase lat strength on deads? My shoulders and lats fall forward when I get the bar to my knee's. I know you want to lock your lats but they're weak, and I'm trying to find accessory lifts to bring them up.
Thank you in advance, Dan.
What can I do to increase lat strength on deads? My shoulders and lats fall forward when I get the bar to my knee's. I know you want to lock your lats but they're weak, and I'm trying to find accessory lifts to bring them up.
Thank you in advance, Dan.
Well there are a couple answers to this question. First you should consider how wide your grip is during the deadlift. If it's at shoulder width or slightly wider you should be able to utilize a lot of lat strength, but if it's narrower than your shoulder width you'll make it hard for your lats to work at all.
Secondly, there's a difference between the lats being in a stretched position to pull from--which is correct--and having your back cave so much that after you pass your knees you are unable to pull the weight up because you round too much. Keeping your lats tense is good but if they're strong they will stretch as you pull to leverage a better pulling position
Third, to strengthen your lats you can do rows of all sorts: bent over rows, chest supported rows, t-bar rows and of course one arm dumbell rows are great. Do the rows with a good stretch on each rep so you build strength in the position the lats will be in on a heavy pull--stretched out!
Well there are a couple answers to this question. First you should consider how wide your grip is during the deadlift. If it's at shoulder width or slightly wider you should be able to utilize a lot of lat strength, but if it's narrower than your shoulder width you'll make it hard for your lats to work at all.
Secondly, there's a difference between the lats being in a stretched position to pull from--which is correct--and having your back cave so much that after you pass your knees you are unable to pull the weight up because you round too much. Keeping your lats tense is good but if they're strong they will stretch as you pull to leverage a better pulling position
Third, to strengthen your lats you can do rows of all sorts: bent over rows, chest supported rows, t-bar rows and of course one arm dumbell rows are great. Do the rows with a good stretch on each rep so you build strength in the position the lats will be in on a heavy pull--stretched out!
Thank you for your reply, Dan. You hit the nail on the head with the first suggestion. I believe my grip is too narrow and also my back is rounding. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, I know you're a busy guy. Time to get to work!
Altered Beast
07-30-14, 12:52 pm
Was curious to know what you think are the best foods/ingredients and portion size to eat as your pre-workout meal? I'm personally trying to come up with some new ideas.
Hey dan when u feel like u need a break from lifting to let your mind and body heal and rejuvenate itself, how many days do u take off from traning? One week? Two weeks? Never lol? Iam thinking of taking maybe ten days off from all lifting. Just want my body to heal. I have been non stop since feb and iam think maybe giving my body off a few days will help in the long run.
Was curious to know what you think are the best foods/ingredients and portion size to eat as your pre-workout meal? I'm personally trying to come up with some new ideas.
honestly this isn't something I give a lot of thought to, but what I try to focus on most is just hydrating and carbing up so some toast or white rice plus a bit of extra salt on whatever I'm eating or some electrolyte tabs in water... Feeling "full" in your muscles and not flat and light is huge for performance
Hey dan when u feel like u need a break from lifting to let your mind and body heal and rejuvenate itself, how many days do u take off from traning? One week? Two weeks? Never lol? Iam thinking of taking maybe ten days off from all lifting. Just want my body to heal. I have been non stop since feb and iam think maybe giving my body off a few days will help in the long run.
I guess my only planned rests are the 5 days prior to meets. I just vary my training volumes instinctively to keep myself trained and borderline "overtrained" if that's a real thing and never undertrained. Most people get sore because they are undertrained and don't recover from hard workouts because it isn't the norm for them... and they're terrified of being overtrained and having CNS fatigue... and probably of hitting PRs too lol
John Grey
08-05-14, 12:15 pm
Saw the instagram posts of this past weekend. Big Congrats on running a successful first meet... Hopefully I get to compete in it if you do it again in the future or just compete with, get coached by, train with you in general would be good for me too!! Congrats again!
Altered Beast
08-05-14, 4:19 pm
honestly this isn't something I give a lot of thought to, but what I try to focus on most is just hydrating and carbing up so some toast or white rice plus a bit of extra salt on whatever I'm eating or some electrolyte tabs in water... Feeling "full" in your muscles and not flat and light is huge for performance
Thanks Dan! That gave me an idea of how I should be structuring carbs throughout the day.
08-05-14, 4:51 pm
I volunteered at your meet this past weekend, and you're definitely the epitome of that guy in the program. As a teen who recently discovered powerlifting, you're a great role model of someone who just puts in the work to be the best at the sport they do. When are you usually at Boss Barbell?
Saw the instagram posts of this past weekend. Big Congrats on running a successful first meet... Hopefully I get to compete in it if you do it again in the future or just compete with, get coached by, train with you in general would be good for me too!! Congrats again!
Thanks John. We will definitely host a big meet at least once a year as well as several smaller meets throughout the year. It's awesome to get to meet people at meets so I hope we see you here one day!
Thanks Dan! That gave me an idea of how I should be structuring carbs throughout the day.
sure man no problem
I volunteered at your meet this past weekend, and you're definitely the epitome of that guy in the program. As a teen who recently discovered powerlifting, you're a great role model of someone who just puts in the work to be the best at the sport they do. When are you usually at Boss Barbell?
I usually train in the evenings after 7 but I'm here all morning and mostly all afternoon and night
08-06-14, 2:53 pm
I usually train in the evenings after 7 but I'm here all morning and mostly all afternoon and night
Sweet! Could I possibly stop by the gym next week to train? I don't think I'd able to get a full membership since I'm heading off to college late September.
John Grey
08-06-14, 4:02 pm
What's your meal look like before a meet? Then, what do you snack on throughout the day?
What's your meal look like before a meet? Then, what do you snack on throughout the day?
I just like a well rounded breakfast some scrambled eggs bacon toast pancakes or waffle plus coffee. THe big thing is I'l drink V8 Juice and water with electrolyte tabs throughout the day plus snack on chips and other little items. sustaining sodium intake steadily is key
Sweet! Could I possibly stop by the gym next week to train? I don't think I'd able to get a full membership since I'm heading off to college late September.
Yeah definitely can. Just send us an email letting us know when:
Altered Beast
08-08-14, 7:09 pm
I just like a well rounded breakfast some scrambled eggs bacon toast pancakes or waffle plus coffee. THe big thing is I'l drink V8 Juice and water with electrolyte tabs throughout the day plus snack on chips and other little items. sustaining sodium intake steadily is key
That constant sodium bloat doesn't bother your stomach when your belt is cranked down? I may have to give it a try next meet because no matter how much fluid and food I consume I'm always thirsty! Probably has to do with excessive stim consumption, but regardless it's worth a try minus the V8 =)
What's up Dan?
Thanks for answering our questions!
I have a question about lifting shoes.
For dead lift I either use chuck Taylor's or sometimes I just use my socks. And for back squats I do the same. For front squats and oly lifts someone told me to use a shoe with a higher heal.
My question to you is, "am I using the right shoes for dead lifts/back squats (flat sole) and higher sole on front squats and oly lifts? Thanks.
What's up Dan?
Thanks for answering our questions!
I have a question about lifting shoes.
For dead lift I either use chuck Taylor's or sometimes I just use my socks. And for back squats I do the same. For front squats and oly lifts someone told me to use a shoe with a higher heal.
My question to you is, "am I using the right shoes for dead lifts/back squats (flat sole) and higher sole on front squats and oly lifts? Thanks.
I'm really not a fan of chuck Taylor's. I'd recommend squatting in either squat shoes with a heel or wrestling shoes. Wrestling shoes are perfect for dead lifting as well
John Grey
08-12-14, 12:04 pm
What accessory work would you recommend to strengthen the lockout on sumo pulls?
What accessory work would you recommend to strengthen the lockout on sumo pulls?
Without seeing your technique my first guess would be simply that your grip is too narrow. Is your grip narrower than your shoulder width? That creates a huge problem...
After that training lots of rows and conventional deads would build up that back strength. Also, do you lock your knees as the bar passes the knees? If not, it'll be very hard to stabilize your hips to lockout. It's most likely a technique issue, but getting a stronger back is the strength you need to lockout
I'm really not a fan of chuck Taylor's. I'd recommend squatting in either squat shoes with a heel or wrestling shoes. Wrestling shoes are perfect for dead lifting as well
How big of a heel should I be looking at for squats?
How big of a heel should I be looking at for squats?
3/4" is pretty standard and is ideal. If you have very poor ankle mobility there are some with taller heels however.
Dan, i was wondering if you could tell me what you use to keep your hair healthy. I don't want to cut my hair because i did enough of that in the military, but i don't want it to grow out all beat up. And also realistically, I'm fairly new to the game. DL:405 S:365 but my bench is at 245 and I'm having a lot of trouble pushing past it. Im worried I'm going to plateau. is there something you would recommend that can help me up my bench without taking away too much focus from the other two? I don't have a lot of supplement options because i had a serious liver issue a little over a year ago. I take what i can as often as i can take it but Im striving for a bigger total.
Dan, i was wondering if you could tell me what you use to keep your hair healthy. I don't want to cut my hair because i did enough of that in the military, but i don't want it to grow out all beat up. And also realistically, I'm fairly new to the game. DL:405 S:365 but my bench is at 245 and I'm having a lot of trouble pushing past it. Im worried I'm going to plateau. is there something you would recommend that can help me up my bench without taking away too much focus from the other two? I don't have a lot of supplement options because i had a serious liver issue a little over a year ago. I take what i can as often as i can take it but Im striving for a bigger total.
As for the hair, I have very very fine hair so almost anything I've put in there makes it frizzy as hell. Except I do do pretty well with the shampoo/cond from Redken. I think it's fairly pricey like $16/ a pop but I also get it from my sponsor lol (yes my hair products sponsor).
As for the bench the most important thing is to handle a large amount of volume. Focusing on doing more sets short of failure is key for me. It allows me to tolerate a greater amount of volume. I focus on paused reps, touch and go reps, paused wide grip sets of 6-8 reps as well as close grip reps plus handling a lot of DB pressing and overhead pressing helps. YOu can additionally train your triceps when you bench and your shoulders--which is critical--after you squat.
As for the hair, I have very very fine hair so almost anything I've put in there makes it frizzy as hell. Except I do do pretty well with the shampoo/cond from Redken. I think it's fairly pricey like $16/ a pop but I also get it from my sponsor lol (yes my hair products sponsor).
As for the bench the most important thing is to handle a large amount of volume. Focusing on doing more sets short of failure is key for me. It allows me to tolerate a greater amount of volume. I focus on paused reps, touch and go reps, paused wide grip sets of 6-8 reps as well as close grip reps plus handling a lot of DB pressing and overhead pressing helps. YOu can additionally train your triceps when you bench and your shoulders--which is critical--after you squat.
Thanks man! Im training a good friend of mine thats a girl and thats what she uses so, guess ill have to collect my payment now haha.
Ill definitely keep that in mind. Ive done wide grip a few times but never close though. I do do overhead but would you recommend dumbbells or a bar.
Thanks man! Im training a good friend of mine thats a girl and thats what she uses so, guess ill have to collect my payment now haha.
Ill definitely keep that in mind. Ive done wide grip a few times but never close though. I do do overhead but would you recommend dumbbells or a bar.
They both work well. I'll alternate between the two
08-14-14, 10:57 pm
When I stretch my right hip/glute my right knee hurts after. There is a tight feeling on the right side of my knee around the calve area.
I am feel no pain 15-20 minutes later. Like nothing happened. I am curious about this because when I do the same hip stretches for my left hip I don't get any knee pain there.
Have you ever had this and what did you do about it?
Dan, do you have any recommendations on keep the shoulders healthy in a long term?
On my bench day I do OHP and some tricep stuff after the main movements to support my bench.
But after this day, my shoulder hurts a lot. Form on all exercises is good. No crappy technique.
Thanks, bro.
The Untamed
08-15-14, 1:57 pm
Hi dan, I have a question about your training, you said that you typically pull after you squat but lighter than friday, I would like to know if you pull sumo or conv. or a variation of these ? and what rep range do you try to be in ? (reps/sets ? do you add weight each week or ?)
thanks a lot, you're an incredible inspiration as a powerlifter and as a person
When I stretch my right hip/glute my right knee hurts after. There is a tight feeling on the right side of my knee around the calve area.
I am feel no pain 15-20 minutes later. Like nothing happened. I am curious about this because when I do the same hip stretches for my left hip I don't get any knee pain there.
Have you ever had this and what did you do about it?
Is your LCL slightly stretched out from a sprain?? My MCL is not as tight as my glutes so I can't just crank that hip/glute stretch either or the MCL stretches and that's disconcerting...
Dan, do you have any recommendations on keep the shoulders healthy in a long term?
On my bench day I do OHP and some tricep stuff after the main movements to support my bench.
But after this day, my shoulder hurts a lot. Form on all exercises is good. No crappy technique.
Thanks, bro.
1. Proper mobility of the thoracic spine... You should be able to fully extend your upper back/stick your chest out... if not you won't have
2. proper mobility of the shoulder blades... specifically the ability to fully retract them (squeeze them together not up. If they can't retract then chances are you won't be able to keep
3. the shoulder sockets stabilized. Think about reaching into the back seat of a car. The seat is in your way so you can't retract your shoulder blade. therefore the extra ROM comes from the actual shoulder socket... bad. don't stretch out your shoulder socket. DO NOT do dislocates with a pvc pipe... just don't
Hi dan, I have a question about your training, you said that you typically pull after you squat but lighter than friday, I would like to know if you pull sumo or conv. or a variation of these ? and what rep range do you try to be in ? (reps/sets ? do you add weight each week or ?)
thanks a lot, you're an incredible inspiration as a powerlifter and as a person
Currently I do SLDLs from a deficit of 3.5" for sets of 6. Every workout is 10-22 lbs heavier than the previous workout.
Exercises I've done as the second lift on mondays's have been as follows... in no particular order:
1. SLDLs from deficit -- sets of 6-8 reps
2. RDLs for max ROM (without losing back arch) -- sets of 5-8
3. 6" Conv. Rack Pulls for 3-5RM
4. 6" Conv. Rack Pulls vs bands for 3-5RM
5. 4" Sumo Block Pulls for 3-5RM
08-17-14, 1:25 am
Is your LCL slightly stretched out from a sprain?? My MCL is not as tight as my glutes so I can't just crank that hip/glute stretch either or the MCL stretches and that's disconcerting...
It probably is. I did sprain that knee a while ago. Since then the stretching has alleviated the pain, but now it is not helping anymore.
It probably is. I did sprain that knee a while ago. Since then the stretching has alleviated the pain, but now it is not helping anymore.
Just a possibility. I know I've tweaked my knee on the inside (MCL) and that's the only reason I wondered.
08-17-14, 2:21 am
Just a possibility. I know I've tweaked my knee on the inside (MCL) and that's the only reason I wondered.
Also when my knee started to hurt I realized that same leg has ankle supination big time. I believe that is the true reason for my knee pain. Would you know the best way to fix that?
08-17-14, 5:00 am
Hope you are doing good brother,
I need your advice on my problem, i can bench press 315 Lbs for two paused reps , however i do strict seated military presses with 275 Lbs for three reps.
My delts are not the weak point, why my bench sucks!!!!!
Also when my knee started to hurt I realized that same leg has ankle supination big time. I believe that is the true reason for my knee pain. Would you know the best way to fix that?
Not necessarily, but most ankle rehab starts with stretching the achilles tendon a lot... then working on the peroneals (muscles along the outside of the shin).
Hope you are doing good brother,
I need your advice on my problem, i can bench press 315 Lbs for two paused reps , however i do strict seated military presses with 275 Lbs for three reps.
My delts are not the weak point, why my bench sucks!!!!!
If your chest strength is lacking then I would try doing a workout that starts with about 4-5 work sets of wide grip bench done with a light pause for sets of 6-8 reps. This is a great exercise to build the bench in general
08-17-14, 7:58 pm
I'm 12 weeks out from my next pl meet and I'm 4 lbs over the weight I need to be (I'm consistently 152-3, I need to be 148.5.. I realized I was this heavy a few weeks ago, I cleaned up the diet a little, which has worked in the past when Ive been a little over, but it aint working anymore so I just started a slow cut ). I'm tryin to get my elite total so I'm tryin to lose it in the way that will allow me to be as strong as possible on meet day . I've heard different opinions and I'm not sure if I should continue to try to slowly lose the few pounds over the next few months as I'm doin my meet prep training or not even worry about it and just cut water rite before weighing in. Its a USAPL meet so its a 2 hour weigh in and I'm pretty sure diuretics are banned.. What would you suggest?
I'm 12 weeks out from my next pl meet and I'm 4 lbs over the weight I need to be (I'm consistently 152-3, I need to be 148.5.. I realized I was this heavy a few weeks ago, I cleaned up the diet a little, which has worked in the past when Ive been a little over, but it aint working anymore so I just started a slow cut ). I'm tryin to get my elite total so I'm tryin to lose it in the way that will allow me to be as strong as possible on meet day . I've heard different opinions and I'm not sure if I should continue to try to slowly lose the few pounds over the next few months as I'm doin my meet prep training or not even worry about it and just cut water rite before weighing in. Its a USAPL meet so its a 2 hour weigh in and I'm pretty sure diuretics are banned.. What would you suggest?
You are extremely far out from the meet to be stressing over the bodyweight. Just focus on staying hydrated so you can train well, and get your weight in check the last month. You can cut 4 lbs for a 2 hour weigh in with no problem as well. Just don't hurt your training by dieting strictly.
08-18-14, 4:50 pm
Hey Dan. Just wondering if a conventional puller would benefit from using sumo as an assistance exercise. I know the sumo would strengthen the hips, but is that it? Thanks a lot for all the info your giving out!
Hey Dan. Just wondering if a conventional puller would benefit from using sumo as an assistance exercise. I know the sumo would strengthen the hips, but is that it? Thanks a lot for all the info your giving out!
pulling sumo from blocks can have tremendous carry-over in leg drive and upper back and torso strength
Dan what are your thoughts on medial elbow pain only on one arm probably stemming from shoulder tightness...have you ever had to deal with this? I notice it most on bench days especially when they are after a heavy low bar squatting session. What are your thoughts on the issue and how did you remedy it?
Dan what are your thoughts on medial elbow pain only on one arm probably stemming from shoulder tightness...have you ever had to deal with this? I notice it most on bench days especially when they are after a heavy low bar squatting session. What are your thoughts on the issue and how did you remedy it?
It's important to have proper scapular retraction in a low bar squat so you don't stress your bicep or have to have too much of the weight of the squat bar supported by your arms (thus elbow pain). You should support most of the weight on the traps/rear delts. Also if you try to stand upright too much that will put more weight in the arms by destabilizing the load. If you have other forearm pain try stretching out your forearm flexors
08-20-14, 11:49 pm
It's important to have proper scapular retraction in a low bar squat so you don't stress your bicep or have to have too much of the weight of the squat bar supported by your arms (thus elbow pain). You should support most of the weight on the traps/rear delts. Also if you try to stand upright too much that will put more weight in the arms by destabilizing the load. If you have other forearm pain try stretching out your forearm flexors
Anythig specific you would use to check proper retraction and improve it if need be? Certain shoulder range of motion work or flexibility things that you'd suggest to improve this?
Anythig specific you would use to check proper retraction and improve it if need be? Certain shoulder range of motion work or flexibility things that you'd suggest to improve this?
The simplest stretch is to stand in a doorway, place your palms against the sides of the door frame at head height, and stretch by pushing your chest through the doorway. You should feel a strong pec stretch and as you do this you should focus on feeling your shoulder blades retract and adding to that by really squeezing them together. You can then also move your hands to slightly varied heights and perform the same stretch.
08-22-14, 7:41 am
If your chest strength is lacking then I would try doing a workout that starts with about 4-5 work sets of wide grip bench done with a light pause for sets of 6-8 reps. This is a great exercise to build the bench in general
Thanks Dan So much, and also regarding Triceps, i want to strengthen them but i don't have pins at my gym, should i go close grips or do u have better suggestion!!
08-23-14, 5:16 pm
Hey BOSS-man,
I've got low back pain when I pull, and occasionally on bench and squat. When I start my deadlifts, the pain is really intense at only 135 but then eases off through the ensuing reps. A buddy of mine thinks it is an imbalance between my stronger upper back/shoulders and weaker lower back/abs. Does the pain alleviate because of the spine uncompressing through the reps? And should I ween off heavy pulls for a bit and throw in some Romanian DL's and deficits to strengthen my lower back?
Thanks Dan So much, and also regarding Triceps, i want to strengthen them but i don't have pins at my gym, should i go close grips or do u have better suggestion!!
close grips and skull crushers
Hey BOSS-man,
I've got low back pain when I pull, and occasionally on bench and squat. When I start my deadlifts, the pain is really intense at only 135 but then eases off through the ensuing reps. A buddy of mine thinks it is an imbalance between my stronger upper back/shoulders and weaker lower back/abs. Does the pain alleviate because of the spine uncompressing through the reps? And should I ween off heavy pulls for a bit and throw in some Romanian DL's and deficits to strengthen my lower back?
I would look into how your posture is throughout the day and see if that has a big effect. Do your hips tilt forward or back? That causes a lot of back pain. Do you sit at work all day? In a not-so-ergonomic position?
Then I'd definitely address technique
08-24-14, 7:23 pm
I would look into how your posture is throughout the day and see if that has a big effect. Do your hips tilt forward or back? That causes a lot of back pain. Do you sit at work all day? In a not-so-ergonomic position?
Then I'd definitely address technique
Thanks man. I don't sit at a desk all day at work, but I have noticed that my hips tilt forward. What do you recommend to change my posture, aside from consciously trying to do so?
08-29-14, 11:02 pm
I would look into how your posture is throughout the day and see if that has a big effect. Do your hips tilt forward or back? That causes a lot of back pain. Do you sit at work all day? In a not-so-ergonomic position?
Then I'd definitely address technique
Boss man,
Thanks again for your advice. I found some videos by Dr. Eric Goodman, creator of Foundation Training. The exercises have done wonders to decompress my spine and encourage thoracic expansion.
Here's the exercises I have been doing every day:
I've also been revising my DL form. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Boss man,
Thanks again for your advice. I found some videos by Dr. Eric Goodman, creator of Foundation Training. The exercises have done wonders to decompress my spine and encourage thoracic expansion.
Here's the exercises I have been doing every day:
I've also been revising my DL form. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Yeah that's good. Tight hip flexors will hold the hips forward. Either the rectus femoris (part of the quad) or the psoas, which anchors the front of the pelvis to the lumbar spine... If it's tight it'll pull the lumbar spine into extension and likely cause a lot of other minor issues which can be bad or lead to other issues... stretch those out and make sure you can brace your abs to hold proper posture
08-30-14, 4:39 pm
Hey Dan,
I've been training for a few years. I worked on a brick crew for 8 years and switched over to working on washers and dryers 6 months ago so its not as physically demanding. I can probably bench 185 for 6 reps and squat 225 for 5 reps with good form(below parallel) and deadlift 405. I do not plan on competing or bodybuilding but I want to gain strength. I also love working out on heavy bag. Can you give me a routine to follow. I do not know how many days per week I should train. I have been trying to follow some splits you have posted like front squatting and pause squatting and pause benching. How many rest days should I have. I struggle for 7 pullups and weight about 195. I quit doing any form off running in desperation for strength
08-30-14, 8:02 pm
I was thinking about
Day 1 - chest wide grip, speed, and touch and go, 3-5 sets of hypertrophy (dips, or incline, or dumbell) , pullups, bag work (3x3 minute rounds) Day 2 - Squats, Pause squats Day 3 - off, Day 4 - Shoulders - Rotation of overhead pressing bb and dumbells and always laterals, pullups, bag work Day 5 - Front Squats and (maybe abs), Day 6 - off Day 7-arms starting with close grip bench or dips, (maybe bag work) Day 8 - deadlift, rows Day 9 off - 2 day on 1 day off upper/lower off or am I overanalyzing it
Hey Dan,
I've been training for a few years. I worked on a brick crew for 8 years and switched over to working on washers and dryers 6 months ago so its not as physically demanding. I can probably bench 185 for 6 reps and squat 225 for 5 reps with good form(below parallel) and deadlift 405. I do not plan on competing or bodybuilding but I want to gain strength. I also love working out on heavy bag. Can you give me a routine to follow. I do not know how many days per week I should train. I have been trying to follow some splits you have posted like front squatting and pause squatting and pause benching. How many rest days should I have. I struggle for 7 pullups and weight about 195. I quit doing any form off running in desperation for strength
I would just focus on the basics. Something like 531 is going to work well for you. Training squats, deads, overhead presses and bench. I'd just focus on eating lots and doing lots of additional volume after the main stuff. Adding front squats or high bar squats after the squats, adding deficit deadlifts after the regular deads or lots of dumbell or close grip benching on bench days will all help. Dips, lunges, curls and pullups are all staples for any bodybuilding routine that should supplement strength training even if size isn't your primary goal
Hey boss!
When you cut weight to you do anything do feel to stay hydrated?
My first meed I felt almost dizzy during my meet. Internet says more gatorade, do you have any special tips?
09-01-14, 1:17 pm
Thank You!!!, will start for sure
I have noticed recently that I am having problems with my squat coming "out of the hole". When my hip joint is just above parallel (hip joint above knee), around about when the quads start to take the weight (I assume).
I recently had a comp where I had a grindy point around that spot then failed on my final attempt at the same spot.
So, the issue is not getting to depth or starting the ascent. It seems to be when the quads take over. Do you have any suggestions for getting through the sticking point? Maybe accessories or whatever.
I squat raw (IPF fed), am 189cm tall, so a bit leggy (6' 2 1/2") and in the 120kg class.
Thanks in advance for you help.
09-07-14, 12:38 am
Dan, I notice that you stick with the titan knee sleeves...have you tried the sbd knee sleeves? A lot of lifters say the sbds are the better product.
09-08-14, 6:55 am
Hi Boss,
Hoping you can help me get my deadlift up. I have been stuck at 180 (kilos, as I am from the UK) for a couple of years and just can't seem to break through. Not really sure where my weakness is. The whole lift at 180 just seems heavy and hard.
Any tips or methods I could try?
Thanks for your advice.
Hey boss!
When you cut weight to you do anything do feel to stay hydrated?
My first meed I felt almost dizzy during my meet. Internet says more gatorade, do you have any special tips?
Yeah the most important thing to do after you make weight is to regain ALL of your weight. You should do that with a combination of primarily starchy foods like white rice and bread. You should also intake A LOT of sodium as this will help bring water back into the body. I like to take NUUN tabs which are essentially gatorade but with more electrolytes and no sugar. Sugar can work against you if you have too much so I try to stick with carbs and salts. Sushi and pasta are good food choices along with Doritos, Ice Cream and especially V8 juice as these are all very salty choices.
I have noticed recently that I am having problems with my squat coming "out of the hole". When my hip joint is just above parallel (hip joint above knee), around about when the quads start to take the weight (I assume).
I recently had a comp where I had a grindy point around that spot then failed on my final attempt at the same spot.
So, the issue is not getting to depth or starting the ascent. It seems to be when the quads take over. Do you have any suggestions for getting through the sticking point? Maybe accessories or whatever.
I squat raw (IPF fed), am 189cm tall, so a bit leggy (6' 2 1/2") and in the 120kg class.
Thanks in advance for you help.
Pretty tough to assess your technique and I'd guess that that's the primary issue. Practicing paused squats can be very helpful for most problems. Hope that helps
Dan, I notice that you stick with the titan knee sleeves...have you tried the sbd knee sleeves? A lot of lifters say the sbds are the better product.
They probably are, but I haven't tried them...
Hi Boss,
Hoping you can help me get my deadlift up. I have been stuck at 180 (kilos, as I am from the UK) for a couple of years and just can't seem to break through. Not really sure where my weakness is. The whole lift at 180 just seems heavy and hard.
Any tips or methods I could try?
Thanks for your advice.
Well without knowing anything else about your lifting I'd recommend that you make sure your squat is trained hard and would recommend doing lots of deficit deadlifts. And having more than just water as a pre-workout.
09-10-14, 12:03 pm
Which do u prefer as far as rows go? Tbar, barbell, dumbell... How would u program them ? Sets, reps, day or days per week.
09-10-14, 12:12 pm
Which do u prefer as far as rows go? Tbar, barbell, dumbell... How would u program them ? Sets, reps, day or days per week.
Also, how do you feel about pulldown's/pull-ups? Which do you prefer and how would you program them into your routine. Do you have any favorites of either, pull ups or Rows? Or any combination of the two together, such as T-bar rows with a close grip and wide grip pull-ups... Which have giving you the best results throughout your career?
John Grey
09-10-14, 2:35 pm
Sup Dan,
Hope you had a good trip. I was just wondering if you were going to have some open online coaching spots available in the coming months, more specifically Dec/Jan?
09-11-14, 2:47 pm
Hi Dan, big fan. How would you program block pulls into a regular linear progression? Would you have them early on in more of a strength phase where there's more volume, or later where the weights get heavier and you're about to peak, since block pulls are generally done with heavier weight?
Hey man, odd question, how did you make the chicken and steak in your recent instagram pic? Looked tasty
Hey man, odd question, how did you make the chicken and steak in your recent instagram pic? Looked tasty
married a woman who knows how to cook! But they're just all marinated and grilled
Which do u prefer as far as rows go? Tbar, barbell, dumbell... How would u program them ? Sets, reps, day or days per week.
My favorites are the chest supported rows and DB rows. Also like a lot of pull ups and bodyweight rows. I just do one exercise per workout every workout at the end of the workout for 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. Just find 4-5 rowing or pullup exercises and rotate between them. They're all good and variety will build your strength and size best
Hi Dan, big fan. How would you program block pulls into a regular linear progression? Would you have them early on in more of a strength phase where there's more volume, or later where the weights get heavier and you're about to peak, since block pulls are generally done with heavier weight?
I'd do them more earlier on for sure. They're too strenuous close to a meet. I'd want my hips and spine to be refreshed going into a meet more than I'd want to try to overload them.
Sup Dan,
Hope you had a good trip. I was just wondering if you were going to have some open online coaching spots available in the coming months, more specifically Dec/Jan?
It's very likely. I will make some announcements via FB and IG when I do open the coaching up for new lifters. Thanks
09-12-14, 4:35 am
I'd do them more earlier on for sure. They're too strenuous close to a meet. I'd want my hips and spine to be refreshed going into a meet more than I'd want to try to overload them.
How heavy would you do them, then? And what sort of set and rep scheme, considering the workout starts with 2-3 sets of pulling from the floor?
Altered Beast
09-12-14, 12:03 pm
I've been using the Inzer Gripper Knee Wraps, 2.5 meter length lately. They are supportive, comfortable and stop you in the hole hard yet have no rebound. They almost throw off my natural recoil from the hole.
I've heard you mention the Titan Knee Wraps work quite well from the rebound perspective. Which one's specifically? There are 6 or 7. The Gold Series?
Much appreciated!
I've been using the Inzer Gripper Knee Wraps, 2.5 meter length lately. They are supportive, comfortable and stop you in the hole hard yet have no rebound. They almost throw off my natural recoil from the hole.
I've heard you mention the Titan Knee Wraps work quite well from the rebound perspective. Which one's specifically? There are 6 or 7. The Gold Series?
Much appreciated!
Yeah I like the Titan Golds 2.5m. They aren't "comfortable" but they have a lot of rebound
How heavy would you do them, then? And what sort of set and rep scheme, considering the workout starts with 2-3 sets of pulling from the floor?
Just focus on sets of 3-5 for the most part. If you feel like going heavier just consider what your max is. Anything that's 100-110% of your max is a nice overload but it's a lot of weight so you can be prone to injuries as well. Going over 110% is really increasing the loading and risk for injury and should also be considered as not having that great a carryover. Trying to get in lots of reps in the 98-105% range is very productive for strength, technique and muscle mass building in an overload situation, but a lot of volume above 90% of your 1RM is going to be very productive
09-14-14, 5:11 pm
Quick question...when would you advocate use of a belt for squatting and deadlift sessions?
More specifically, is that strictly an in-season type decision or do you program using a belt throughout the year and wave it based on training percentages?
Thanks for your time!
09-14-14, 7:03 pm
Just focus on sets of 3-5 for the most part. If you feel like going heavier just consider what your max is. Anything that's 100-110% of your max is a nice overload but it's a lot of weight so you can be prone to injuries as well. Going over 110% is really increasing the loading and risk for injury and should also be considered as not having that great a carryover. Trying to get in lots of reps in the 98-105% range is very productive for strength, technique and muscle mass building in an overload situation, but a lot of volume above 90% of your 1RM is going to be very productive
Thanks Dan, that's some great info. One last question, any plans for when you're releasing that e-book?
Hello Dan
I noticed you utilise high bar paused squats into your programming but not your comp low bar style, any reason for this?
Also I know you do a lot of touch and go benching combined with paused benching, do you think as powerlifter having to pause your bench, you benefit from touch and go? I pause everything but if incorporating some touch and go would benefit I'll add it in?
Kind regards from N.Ireland !
Hello Dan
I noticed you utilise high bar paused squats into your programming but not your comp low bar style, any reason for this?
Also I know you do a lot of touch and go benching combined with paused benching, do you think as powerlifter having to pause your bench, you benefit from touch and go? I pause everything but if incorporating some touch and go would benefit I'll add it in?
Kind regards from N.Ireland !
The paused squats are high bar as it forces me to keep the focus on my leg drive not hip or back strength and leverages. It forces you to use lighter weights so it allows you to do more work with less stress on the body.
Touch and go bench allows you to build the chest with more volume and really allows you to overload the mid-top of the lift.
Quick question...when would you advocate use of a belt for squatting and deadlift sessions?
More specifically, is that strictly an in-season type decision or do you program using a belt throughout the year and wave it based on training percentages?
Thanks for your time!
Quick question huh? lol when to use and not use a belt could be a pretty hefty discussion, but I'll try to be concise:
Normally I hit all warmup sets without my belt on squats and deads, and use it on every work set. If you are hurt or are competing then using the belt earlier is a smart exception to that.
The only time I'll train without a belt is sometimes after a comp or a string of comps I'll do a few weeks of no-belt training just to force the training weights down to be able to still train hard but with lighter loads to give the body a break.
Last, I'll usually do all my stiff leg deads without a belt, but that's really just accessory work.
fu blown
09-16-14, 10:31 pm
I was wondering if you're going to be at the Olympia expo this weekend?
I was wondering if you're going to be at the Olympia expo this weekend?
I'll be around saturday and maybe sunday
09-17-14, 7:26 am
Quick question huh? lol when to use and not use a belt could be a pretty hefty discussion, but I'll try to be concise:
Normally I hit all warmup sets without my belt on squats and deads, and use it on every work set. If you are hurt or are competing then using the belt earlier is a smart exception to that.
The only time I'll train without a belt is sometimes after a comp or a string of comps I'll do a few weeks of no-belt training just to force the training weights down to be able to still train hard but with lighter loads to give the body a break.
Last, I'll usually do all my stiff leg deads without a belt, but that's really just accessory work.
Thanks for the informative answer BOSS.
09-17-14, 12:23 pm
Hey Dan. I'm running 531 right now and would like your opinion on something. I want to add in flat dumbell press and seated dumbell press for assistance work. Which days would u put them in on? Flat dumbell presses after bench and seated after ohp for volume? Or rotate them, seated dumbell a after bench and flat dumbell press after ohp, for frequency as well ?
09-17-14, 5:29 pm
Hey Dan,
I love your "bench more by benching more" article. My question is, do you complete most of those benching variations in a single workout or do you rotate a few depending on how you feel? Also, I've heard that DB flat presses can really help with drive off of the chest, because it allows you to go deeper than with the barbell. Do you think that would transfer over and have a benefit to benching? The reason I ask is because form and technique is going to be different with DB's, right?
You're an inspiration man! Keep it up
09-17-14, 5:42 pm
Hey Dan. I'm running 531 right now and would like your opinion on something. I want to add in flat dumbell press and seated dumbell press for assistance work. Which days would u put them in on? Flat dumbell presses after bench and seated after ohp for volume? Or rotate them, seated dumbell a after bench and flat dumbell press after ohp, for frequency as well ?
Hope this helps! I'm running Beyond 5/3/1 now and using this basic assitance work as my template.
Hey Dan. I'm running 531 right now and would like your opinion on something. I want to add in flat dumbell press and seated dumbell press for assistance work. Which days would u put them in on? Flat dumbell presses after bench and seated after ohp for volume? Or rotate them, seated dumbell a after bench and flat dumbell press after ohp, for frequency as well ?
Yeah probably doesn't matter too much. Just pick a day for each and do it that way for a while. I always benched and then hit incline DB bench... that always felt best to me.
Hey Dan,
I love your "bench more by benching more" article. My question is, do you complete most of those benching variations in a single workout or do you rotate a few depending on how you feel? Also, I've heard that DB flat presses can really help with drive off of the chest, because it allows you to go deeper than with the barbell. Do you think that would transfer over and have a benefit to benching? The reason I ask is because form and technique is going to be different with DB's, right?
You're an inspiration man! Keep it up
Yes there are usually 3 bench variations in one training session plus dumbell incline bench or dips. DBs are good for building your pecs and your stability, so that should help with your strength off the chest.
09-21-14, 6:11 pm
Dan, I'm a huge fan of yours and hopefully can make it to BBC one day to train! I'm fairly new to powerlifting and have a problem with the bar rolling off my shoulders when I front squat. Could this be a matter of form? Or just strengthening certain muscles to accommodate the weight? My maximum front squat is 385 due to the bar rolling off! Thanks so much, good luck training for GPA!
Dan, I'm a huge fan of yours and hopefully can make it to BBC one day to train! I'm fairly new to powerlifting and have a problem with the bar rolling off my shoulders when I front squat. Could this be a matter of form? Or just strengthening certain muscles to accommodate the weight? My maximum front squat is 385 due to the bar rolling off! Thanks so much, good luck training for GPA!
It's either a problem with form or that you're just not strong enough to go heavier.
First you should make sure that you've positioned the bar properly against the collarbones and that your shoulders are protracted so that your delts are IN FRONT of the bar and that the bar is not resting ON your delts. That's very unstable and incorrect. If you go on youtube I made a video regarding 3 common front squat mistakes that should help
As far as strength, if you wind up unable to hold the bar because you lean forward then that means your quads are not strong enough to stay underneath you in an upright position. The way I train these is with mostly sets of 5-8. It will build strength steadily and allow you to do so with good form. Trading bad technique for bigger weights will be a bad long term plan for a big front squats. Stay mostly upright and make your quads do the work. Be patient. It takes time to strengthen the upper back and the quads. Front squats are not easy.
09-24-14, 2:24 am
Hey Dan, I'm a converted body builder and I'm looking to do my first full power meet in December. I've pieced together a rough draft of my training program and was wondering if you could critique it a bit?
Squats is going to be plain and simple. Using Sam Byrds philosophy here and not lift heavy very often, all sets using CAT. Starting off using 5x5 off my predicted one rep max of 405. Only going up in weight when each rep feels fast. Maybe using bands first and then weight then bands again etc.
6ish weeks out from the meet if I'm moving weights well then start working down to 70%x4 and then 80%x3, no singles. I'm not wanting to train heavy very much because I had my left ACL reconstructed last year. I'm recovered but still building strength.
SLDL after squats. 3-5 sets of 5 again with 60%
Pause bench sets of 3 working up to 80%ish for a single heavy set of 3. Maybe 2 if I smoked the first set.
CAT bench using 60% 5x5
3 sets of incline bench for some volume. 8-12 reps
light to medium weight pulldowns, sets of 12-20
4-5 sets of 8 on front squats trying to increase weight each week.
Some bicep work Like 3-5 sets of curls.
5 sets of 3 at 80% on deads. BUT not from a rack OR the floor... Instead I'm going to pull the weight out of the squat rack, and only go down till the bar is mid shin/just below my knees. This way the muscles stay under constant tension and don't unload. I tend to stall/stick after coming off the floor and thought these might help.
Then 5x5 of speed/CAT deads working down to 5x4 and 5x3 at 60/70/80% as the meet draws closer.
3-5 sets of BB or DB rows
3-4 sets of BB shrugs.
Work up to a heavy triple on standing military, the 2 to 3 back off sets.
Some tricep assistance work. 3 to 6 sets.
Hey Dan, I'm a converted body builder and I'm looking to do my first full power meet in December. I've pieced together a rough draft of my training program and was wondering if you could critique it a bit?
Squats is going to be plain and simple. Using Sam Byrds philosophy here and not lift heavy very often, all sets using CAT. Starting off using 5x5 off my predicted one rep max of 405. Only going up in weight when each rep feels fast. Maybe using bands first and then weight then bands again etc.
6ish weeks out from the meet if I'm moving weights well then start working down to 70%x4 and then 80%x3, no singles. I'm not wanting to train heavy very much because I had my left ACL reconstructed last year. I'm recovered but still building strength.
SLDL after squats. 3-5 sets of 5 again with 60%
Pause bench sets of 3 working up to 80%ish for a single heavy set of 3. Maybe 2 if I smoked the first set.
CAT bench using 60% 5x5
3 sets of incline bench for some volume. 8-12 reps
light to medium weight pulldowns, sets of 12-20
4-5 sets of 8 on front squats trying to increase weight each week.
Some bicep work Like 3-5 sets of curls.
5 sets of 3 at 80% on deads. BUT not from a rack OR the floor... Instead I'm going to pull the weight out of the squat rack, and only go down till the bar is mid shin/just below my knees. This way the muscles stay under constant tension and don't unload. I tend to stall/stick after coming off the floor and thought these might help.
Then 5x5 of speed/CAT deads working down to 5x4 and 5x3 at 60/70/80% as the meet draws closer.
3-5 sets of BB or DB rows
3-4 sets of BB shrugs.
Work up to a heavy triple on standing military, the 2 to 3 back off sets.
Some tricep assistance work. 3 to 6 sets.
It sounds like based on your rationale--coming off of a major surgery and following the style of Sam--that the squat training should be alright. As for the deads, I'm not convinced that romanian deadlifts or a variation of the romanian deadlift as the main lift is going to be ideal, but I've never tried that so maybe it'll work great. As for the bench it doesn't sound like you'll be lifting heavy or with very high volume so I have a hard time seeing that working well. But then I also don't know anything about your training background or build so it's hard to guess what you'll respond well to.
09-26-14, 4:12 am
It sounds like based on your rationale--coming off of a major surgery and following the style of Sam--that the squat training should be alright. As for the deads, I'm not convinced that romanian deadlifts or a variation of the romanian deadlift as the main lift is going to be ideal, but I've never tried that so maybe it'll work great. As for the bench it doesn't sound like you'll be lifting heavy or with very high volume so I have a hard time seeing that working well. But then I also don't know anything about your training background or build so it's hard to guess what you'll respond well to.
Dan, thanks for getting back to me, and for your frank answers. I've been watching some of my training vids (regarding deads) and I get hung up just before my knee when I start to go heavy. I had been thinking it was upper back weakness, but if I'm honest my upper back is actually decently strong. I can BB row 315 for 6 to 8 reps right now. I think I'm actually not pulling as hard as I can off the floor and losing momentum. So I think the CAT or speed deads as a secondary movement will work well to reinforce technique and maybe build some strength too. What would you have me do as a first deadlift exercise? What kind of weight/reps/sets? I'm 11 weeks out from my contest right now.
As far as the bench, I though 80% WAS kinda heavy... LOL, but I'm not a crazy beast like you. I just know if I go too heavy too much I'm going to beat my elbows up and not be able to train. I broke the 400lb bench (405 to be exact) by never benching more than 335 for reps. I was doing 3 working sets for bench, one heavy then the next two I peeled off a little weight so it was like heavy, medium and light. I tried to increase the reps or the weight on the heavy set each week, that's how I got up to 335. 2 weeks before the bench only meet where I hit 405 I started doing some heavy doubles with 365.
I like what you laid out in this article:
The first 8 weeks workouts:
Paused bench 2-3 top sets 3-6 reps heavier each week
Speed Bench 4-6 sets 3-4 reps heavier each week
Paused wide grip bench 2-4 sets 5-6 reps
Incline pressing
Do you use percentages on those pause benches or do you just kind of wing it with something that's heavy but you know you can get and try to progress each week? I feel like I could start with somewhere between 295 and 315 for sets of 3-6 and do 2-3 sets with that.
Dan, thanks for getting back to me, and for your frank answers. I've been watching some of my training vids (regarding deads) and I get hung up just before my knee when I start to go heavy. I had been thinking it was upper back weakness, but if I'm honest my upper back is actually decently strong. I can BB row 315 for 6 to 8 reps right now. I think I'm actually not pulling as hard as I can off the floor and losing momentum. So I think the CAT or speed deads as a secondary movement will work well to reinforce technique and maybe build some strength too. What would you have me do as a first deadlift exercise? What kind of weight/reps/sets? I'm 11 weeks out from my contest right now.
As far as the bench, I though 80% WAS kinda heavy... LOL, but I'm not a crazy beast like you. I just know if I go too heavy too much I'm going to beat my elbows up and not be able to train. I broke the 400lb bench (405 to be exact) by never benching more than 335 for reps. I was doing 3 working sets for bench, one heavy then the next two I peeled off a little weight so it was like heavy, medium and light. I tried to increase the reps or the weight on the heavy set each week, that's how I got up to 335. 2 weeks before the bench only meet where I hit 405 I started doing some heavy doubles with 365.
I like what you laid out in this article:
The first 8 weeks workouts:
Paused bench 2-3 top sets 3-6 reps heavier each week
Speed Bench 4-6 sets 3-4 reps heavier each week
Paused wide grip bench 2-4 sets 5-6 reps
Incline pressing
Do you use percentages on those pause benches or do you just kind of wing it with something that's heavy but you know you can get and try to progress each week? I feel like I could start with somewhere between 295 and 315 for sets of 3-6 and do 2-3 sets with that.
That weight range would be fine to start. I'd just increase by 5 lbs each week. As for the deadlifts I'd recommend pulling reps from the floor as the main exercise! No touch and go reps though--every rep from a dead stop. Start with a weight that you can hit for 4-6 reps... that's usually pretty good. Pulling from a 2-4" deficit should be very helpful as that will force you to do more work with the bar below the knees where you say you struggle. Don't overthink it with percentages. If you get stronger the percentages will be irrelevant. Just keep adding weight each week... that's it.
09-27-14, 8:29 pm
Dan for the chest supported row machine, what brand do you use at your gym? Also do you do any direct neck work such as a neck harness? I notice you have a very thick neck
09-27-14, 10:43 pm
Hey Dan,
What are some of your favorite barbells to lift with for each exercise? Is their a single barbell that works for all 3 of the main lifts or do you prefer to switch depending on the exercise?
Also, what's your favorite bible verse?
Take care man!
Perfect, i have a similiar question.
Hey Dan,
What are some of your favorite barbells to lift with for each exercise? Is their a single barbell that works for all 3 of the main lifts or dio you prefer to switch depending on the exercise?
Also, what's your favorite bible verse?
Take care man!
a little question regarding squat bars? Are they 35mm?
and how important is it, to pick the right bar?
John Grey
09-29-14, 11:38 am
Dan, hope all is well,
Got a question about my sumo pulls, I have made significant improvements to my form and strength, but my back still rounds a little bit, nobody really notices it but I sure do, on the initial moment off the floor, I was wondering if this has to do with me being 6'5" and having long arms? What can I do to fix it if there is anything?
Dan, hope all is well,
Got a question about my sumo pulls, I have made significant improvements to my form and strength, but my back still rounds a little bit, nobody really notices it but I sure do, on the initial moment off the floor, I was wondering if this has to do with me being 6'5" and having long arms? What can I do to fix it if there is anything?
I find block pulls with the weights on 3-4" boxes as well as front squats the best for building up the strength to get weights moving in the sumo pull. But it may just come down to needing to brace the abs more against your belt. Shouldn't have anything to do with your height. And long arms are really an advantage here anyway.
Dan for the chest supported row machine, what brand do you use at your gym? Also do you do any direct neck work such as a neck harness? I notice you have a very thick neck
I have the bodymasters "t-bar row" even though it's a chest supported row. It's the best as the arm is free to move more than the ones with a fixed arm and the body position is pretty good. I don't use a neck machine. Lots of cleans, snatches and sumo pulls build the upper traps.
Perfect, i have a similiar question.
a little question regarding squat bars? Are they 35mm?
and how important is it, to pick the right bar?
Some are. Mine is a texas squat bar and it's not 35mm but maybe 31-32mm?
It does make a big difference in stiffness and stability. Depends on your need.
09-29-14, 11:34 pm
Not everyone has necessarily seen my bio, but I am a powerlifter. At a bodyweight of 220 and have squatted 760, benched 485 and deadlifted 821 in competition with a best total of 2030 without squatting in knee wraps. Despite these achievements, I am possibly most proud of the fact that I've been accused of looking like "the guy in The Program." Yes, that was an exciting compliment.
Aside from lifting for strength, I also am firmly opposed to skinniness and ILS.
Ask me anything--powerlifting technique, olympic lifting, eating, hair-growing or whatever.
I know its powerlifting and a strong core is important and a six pack isn't necessarily needed but I've seen picks of you and you have 6 pack. I wanted to know do you train Abbs specifically cause some people just do a lot of standing exercises like military press or front squat and they have a six pack.
09-30-14, 12:43 am
I have the bodymasters "t-bar row" even though it's a chest supported row. It's the best as the arm is free to move more than the ones with a fixed arm and the body position is pretty good. I don't use a neck machine. Lots of cleans, snatches and sumo pulls build the upper traps.
Do you still do cleans and snatches? What is your opinion on shrugs/power shrugs if a lifter doesn't want to dabble with oly lifts? I already do conventional deadlifts once a week but I only work up to one working set 5/3/1 style so I fear this may not be enough pulling volume to really build up the yolk
John Grey
09-30-14, 12:52 pm
Hey Dan,
More of a business question this time.. A friend and myself are in the infant stages of writing up a business plan for a gym. What are some things to keep in mind and any advice you can give on the whole process? I appreciate any tips, advice, etc.
Hey Dan,
More of a business question this time.. A friend and myself are in the infant stages of writing up a business plan for a gym. What are some things to keep in mind and any advice you can give on the whole process? I appreciate any tips, advice, etc.
I guess you just need to really do your research on a location, all the costs for month to month stuff, how much cash you'll need to get things rolling, how much you can charge, but then you'll have to figure out a way to build each demographic whether it's young women, men who lift seriously, men who lift but not too seriously, etc. We are trying to put as much back into the gym as possible while it's still growing. Right now we're at about the 16 month mark and we anticipate still trying to build the business. It's a lot of work...
Do you still do cleans and snatches? What is your opinion on shrugs/power shrugs if a lifter doesn't want to dabble with oly lifts? I already do conventional deadlifts once a week but I only work up to one working set 5/3/1 style so I fear this may not be enough pulling volume to really build up the yolk
not much, the stronger I've gotten the less accessory work I do. The main lifts become more and more draining as the weights get heavier and the technique gets better. But I still would highly recommend them
I know its powerlifting and a strong core is important and a six pack isn't necessarily needed but I've seen picks of you and you have 6 pack. I wanted to know do you train Abbs specifically cause some people just do a lot of standing exercises like military press or front squat and they have a six pack.
In college I used to do a lot of crunches, oblique crunches and hanging leg raises. I also have a gymnastics background and the amount of core strength that builds is significant. If you want a thick wall of abs, you'll need to make all reps slow and controlled with a high amount of tension. Having something for your hands to hold like a bar allows you to contract every muscle of your torso and not just your abs. This is why gymnasts have all the abs and obliques and serratus development.
Do you plan on doing more training videos. who give a insight in your training, like DVD, or a Documentary?
Or it is already to much for you?
Regarding the videos, you did with bb-asthetics, because there are alot of people who are interested in your training.
Do you plan on doing more training videos. who give a insight in your training, like DVD, or a Documentary?
Or it is already to much for you?
Regarding the videos, you did with bb-asthetics, because there are alot of people who are interested in your training.
First of all those videos were never authorized, the guy who did them did some sleazy shit and I pulled the plug on the videos, and he posted all the footage to promote his brand. I would certainly like to do some videos but it'll have to be at a time when I have the time.
10-07-14, 12:24 am
What's up Dan, quick question. Have you ever had issues that stemmed from gaining Bodyweight too fast? And if so what did you do to deal with the issue?
What's up Dan, quick question. Have you ever had issues that stemmed from gaining Bodyweight too fast? And if so what did you do to deal with the issue?
generally just avoiding stairs and having someone else tie your shoes is good. Never wearing pants only shorts. Why? What problems?
10-07-14, 1:53 pm
generally just avoiding stairs and having someone else tie your shoes is good. Never wearing pants only shorts. Why? What problems?
I'm having tightness issues in my abs/obliques/lower back. On any given day 1 of the areas will be tight and make one of the other areas pumped. Like yesterday my abs were tight so my lower back was really pumped and tight. That and I'm having cramping issues that can't seem to be stopped by anything. Anytime I make it to the gym in 1 piece I seem to hit some nice PR's though lol. Larry was saying I need to just walk around a lot more and get used to the weight so I'm giving that a try.
10-07-14, 4:04 pm
How would you program CLEANS into a training routine? What day/set rep scheme?
How would you program CLEANS into a training routine? What day/set rep scheme?
a million different ways. Depends on what your goals are. Why do you want to do them?
I'm having tightness issues in my abs/obliques/lower back. On any given day 1 of the areas will be tight and make one of the other areas pumped. Like yesterday my abs were tight so my lower back was really pumped and tight. That and I'm having cramping issues that can't seem to be stopped by anything. Anytime I make it to the gym in 1 piece I seem to hit some nice PR's though lol. Larry was saying I need to just walk around a lot more and get used to the weight so I'm giving that a try.
Yeah the back pump I can see, but not sure about the abs. I generally try to avoid a lot of walking so I don't get pumped up lol
10-08-14, 12:08 pm
a million different ways. Depends on what your goals are. Why do you want to do them?
For all the benefits that you get from them. Muscle hypertrophy in my traps and upper back...I also believe it helps with explosiveness…I believe it's a huge benefit for helping out hip speed and strength in the dead lift... Is there anything that I am missing? I am currently running 531 at the moment and was using day four as a clean and press day as opposed to just overhead press day... But I feel like doing the two together ...clean and press taking away from each movement. I wanted to keep both clean and over head pressing in my program but wanted your opinion on how to do that. I was thinking of keeping day four as overhead press day and doing clean and press as my assistance work… but I can then do you think that that will take away from just doing cleans on their own since I can probably get more weight and more volume in that way? Should I just do cleans after overhead press as assistance and not do clean and press? Or should I put them in on deadlifts today? I do floor pulls, block pulls, then deficits, should I add cleans after that? And what set and rep schemes should I go with? Thanks again for your time.
For all the benefits that you get from them. Muscle hypertrophy in my traps and upper back...I also believe it helps with explosiveness…I believe it's a huge benefit for helping out hip speed and strength in the dead lift... Is there anything that I am missing? I am currently running 531 at the moment and was using day four as a clean and press day as opposed to just overhead press day... But I feel like doing the two together ...clean and press taking away from each movement. I wanted to keep both clean and over head pressing in my program but wanted your opinion on how to do that. I was thinking of keeping day four as overhead press day and doing clean and press as my assistance work… but I can then do you think that that will take away from just doing cleans on their own since I can probably get more weight and more volume in that way? Should I just do cleans after overhead press as assistance and not do clean and press? Or should I put them in on deadlifts today? I do floor pulls, block pulls, then deficits, should I add cleans after that? And what set and rep schemes should I go with? Thanks again for your time.
Ok well, from my experience the two ways that I'd use them are either to do hang cleans first on shoulder day and then presses, although I'd also recommend seated DB presses as another option. I like those a lot for hypertrophy. I'd stick to 5x5 on the hang cleans. The other option is to do them from the floor as power cleans. The trick here is that if you do this you benefit A TON in quality muscle if you do power cleans for 5x5 (this was the best hypertrophy program I ever followed by far, but it will take away from your deadlifting protocol for sure. In the long run though you'll be much stronger when you go back to prioritizing the deadlift… and sorry you can't prioritize both has to be one or the other because they are very similar. So either stick with 531 but do hang power cleans or you'll have to adjust your program and do power cleans from the floor. Hang cleans are great for building the traps--that's undeniable! Put some straps on and go to town on those. I would even do hang power cleans and hang power snatches as an extra conditioning HIIT workout a lot of times. It would generally be 5x8 hang snatches with 185 with 90 sec rest between, then a few minutes later 5x8 hang cleans at 225 or 5x5 at 275 with timed rests. Beats jogging.
10-09-14, 7:29 pm
Ok well, from my experience the two ways that I'd use them are either to do hang cleans first on shoulder day and then presses, although I'd also recommend seated DB presses as another option. I like those a lot for hypertrophy. I'd stick to 5x5 on the hang cleans. The other option is to do them from the floor as power cleans. The trick here is that if you do this you benefit A TON in quality muscle if you do power cleans for 5x5 (this was the best hypertrophy program I ever followed by far, but it will take away from your deadlifting protocol for sure. In the long run though you'll be much stronger when you go back to prioritizing the deadlift… and sorry you can't prioritize both has to be one or the other because they are very similar. So either stick with 531 but do hang power cleans or you'll have to adjust your program and do power cleans from the floor. Hang cleans are great for building the traps--that's undeniable! Put some straps on and go to town on those. I would even do hang power cleans and hang power snatches as an extra conditioning HIIT workout a lot of times. It would generally be 5x8 hang snatches with 185 with 90 sec rest between, then a few minutes later 5x8 hang cleans at 225 or 5x5 at 275 with timed rests. Beats jogging.
Thanks my man. I appreciate the response!
10-10-14, 2:41 pm
Hey Dan. Just a quick question on the sumo deadlift. I was wondering if you had any tips to prevent scraping of the thigh with my hands during the lockout portion of the lift. I try to man up but sometimes it gets to the point where my thigh starts to bleed. I'm assuming I should lock out my knees faster but is there anything else you might recommend? Thanks!
Hey Dan. Just a quick question on the sumo deadlift. I was wondering if you had any tips to prevent scraping of the thigh with my hands during the lockout portion of the lift. I try to man up but sometimes it gets to the point where my thigh starts to bleed. I'm assuming I should lock out my knees faster but is there anything else you might recommend? Thanks!
You can adjust the width of your stance or grip. You shouldn't grip inside of your shoulders but either equal or slightly wider. This can play into the scraping. The next obvious fix is to use baby powder on your thighs as you would in a competition. Other than that you should focus on driving the weight UP and not BACK. You should only go back ENOUGH so that you are balanced. And also, lock your knees early. You'll still scrape somewhat, but that's the nature of sumo.
Hi Daniel,
Hope you kicked ass in your squat session today.
How was it ?
I have some questions regarding the sumo deadlift.
I just sumo pulled 415 for 5 reps for a PR.
I can see clearly that my shoulders are in front of the bar.
Is this a big problem ? I am also not sure if my chest should be in a more upright position.
You, Belyaev, Pozdeev and Malan are able to be in a really upright position in the beginning of the sumo pull.
Is it safe to say that this strategy optimal for everybody ?
If you find the time, can you, pls, take a look at my sumo form ?
I am pulling from the official height. The plates are smaller, because of this I have to place something under them.
Thanks for taking the time to share infomation on these forums,
Altered Beast
10-16-14, 10:28 am
Every week I continue to blister or tear the callous around the left hand ring finger area when I Deadlift. Every week it either blisters or rips. This is the overhand on my Deadlift, my right hand is dominant and supinated.
I figured my grip is an issue so I've been working on that strenuously. Is there anything else I can do? It is really hampering my true 1RM strength; especially on Max Effort training days where the percentages fall between 80-97%.
*Once it builds up to be too thick I shave my callouses down, maybe this is a bad idea?
Many Thanks my Legendary friend.
10-17-14, 10:34 am
whats your opinion on john bros squating everyday
whats your opinion on john bros squating everyday
For olympic style squats I think it's great as the quads do well with that. For Low Bar squats I wouldn't try that as the hips would be badly abused. I've done phases of everyday squatting with great success. I've had guys I've coached follow similar programs with great success too. But only for high bar squatting or front squats.
Every week I continue to blister or tear the callous around the left hand ring finger area when I Deadlift. Every week it either blisters or rips. This is the overhand on my Deadlift, my right hand is dominant and supinated.
I figured my grip is an issue so I've been working on that strenuously. Is there anything else I can do? It is really hampering my true 1RM strength; especially on Max Effort training days where the percentages fall between 80-97%.
*Once it builds up to be too thick I shave my callouses down, maybe this is a bad idea?
Many Thanks my Legendary friend.
A simple way to keep your hand manicured is to simply wash or soak your hands for a few minutes in very hot water. This will cause the dead skin to easily slough off or separate from the good part of the skin and this will keep the callus healthy. Why is your grip strength an issue?
Hi Daniel,
Hope you kicked ass in your squat session today.
How was it ?
I have some questions regarding the sumo deadlift.
I just sumo pulled 415 for 5 reps for a PR.
I can see clearly that my shoulders are in front of the bar.
Is this a big problem ? I am also not sure if my chest should be in a more upright position.
You, Belyaev, Pozdeev and Malan are able to be in a really upright position in the beginning of the sumo pull.
Is it safe to say that this strategy optimal for everybody ?
If you find the time, can you, pls, take a look at my sumo form ?
I am pulling from the official height. The plates are smaller, because of this I have to place something under them.
Thanks for taking the time to share infomation on these forums,
Yeah this isn't bad but you'll want to keep your shoulders behind the bar a little more. Chest doesn't need to be UP or UPRIGHT but it should be facing forward and not down. To get a better position overall, doing some block pulls will help improve your hip strength and flexibility. THis is critical for bettering your sumo deads
Hey Dan I've noticed you've kept a lot of the variation lifts still in your GPA training, any reason for this?
10-19-14, 6:36 pm
Hey BOSS I'm fairly new to powerlifting. I was wondering how this program sounded
Mon-bench shoulders tricep (heavy)
Tues- back bicep core (heavy)
Wed-squats and deads (heavy)
Thurs- bench shoulder Tris (volume)
Fri-back bi core (volume)
Sat- squat and dead and leg accessory work (volume)
Altered Beast
10-20-14, 10:57 am
A simple way to keep your hand manicured is to simply wash or soak your hands for a few minutes in very hot water. This will cause the dead skin to easily slough off or separate from the good part of the skin and this will keep the callus healthy. Why is your grip strength an issue?
In my head I convinced myself that it was simply because I stopped training my grip strength specifically. I just figured I was ripping that same callous because of this and my grip could have gotten slightly weaker.
Regardless I should be training my grip instead of skipping it to save time.
In my head I convinced myself that it was simply because I stopped training my grip strength specifically. I just figured I was ripping that same callous because of this and my grip could have gotten slightly weaker.
Regardless I should be training my grip instead of skipping it to save time.
It's also important how you grip the bar in your hands. Richard teaches to grip the bar ON the callous in his DL video, but I usually teach people to put the bar deeper in the palm, so it actually is just deeper than the callouses. I grip the bar deep in the hand with my wrists flexed and then tighten my grip and twist like I'm giving the bar an "Indidan burn" if that makes sense. It essentially pulls the slack out of your palm's skin so it's set in there extra secure. If you hold it this way it doesn't require much grip strength. I for example can only double-overhand deadlift about 405, but a client of mine could do 455 but was struggling to hold his real deads. I showed him the new grip and he had no more issue and could immediately double overhand 495! SO gripping, like lifting is technique and strength not just strength
Hey Dan I've noticed you've kept a lot of the variation lifts still in your GPA training, any reason for this?
Having been injured for 3 weeks kinda through a wrench in my training protocol, so I've just been doing what was working before: variety for my second bench each workout, squat protocol is the same, for deads I've picked 2" block pulls to go with pulls from the floor... That's about it really
10-20-14, 11:40 pm
It's also important how you grip the bar in your hands. Richard teaches to grip the bar ON the callous in his DL video, but I usually teach people to put the bar deeper in the palm, so it actually is just deeper than the callouses. I grip the bar deep in the hand with my wrists flexed and then tighten my grip and twist like I'm giving the bar an "Indidan burn" if that makes sense. It essentially pulls the slack out of your palm's skin so it's set in there extra secure. If you hold it this way it doesn't require much grip strength. I for example can only double-overhand deadlift about 405, but a client of mine could do 455 but was struggling to hold his real deads. I showed him the new grip and he had no more issue and could immediately double overhand 495! SO gripping, like lifting is technique and strength not just strength
I grip the bar the same way, maybe that's why I never have issues with calluses.
Altered Beast
10-21-14, 12:53 pm
It's also important how you grip the bar in your hands. Richard teaches to grip the bar ON the callous in his DL video, but I usually teach people to put the bar deeper in the palm, so it actually is just deeper than the callouses. I grip the bar deep in the hand with my wrists flexed and then tighten my grip and twist like I'm giving the bar an "Indidan burn" if that makes sense. It essentially pulls the slack out of your palm's skin so it's set in there extra secure. If you hold it this way it doesn't require much grip strength. I for example can only double-overhand deadlift about 405, but a client of mine could do 455 but was struggling to hold his real deads. I showed him the new grip and he had no more issue and could immediately double overhand 495! SO gripping, like lifting is technique and strength not just strength
I will definitely give this a try. I noticed Strongmen do something similar when setting up their grip for the Farmer's Walk Handles. I've got huge palms, don't know why I've never thought to do this!
Yesterday it just blistered up and I popped it, LOL! So grip wasn't so much of an issue for a change!
Thanks again, Dan.
I grip the bar the same way, maybe that's why I never have issues with calluses.
Ok, two really strong lifters use this technique. I will implement it!
I will definitely give this a try. I noticed Strongmen do something similar when setting up their grip for the Farmer's Walk Handles. I've got huge palms, don't know why I've never thought to do this!
Yesterday it just blistered up and I popped it, LOL! So grip wasn't so much of an issue for a change!
Thanks again, Dan.
Ok, two really strong lifters use this technique. I will implement it!
Yeah the farmers carry is a perfect example. And I originally got this from being a gymnast where you grip everything with as much of your palm wrapped around it as possible. Gymnastics is brutal and even with leather grips you still tear off some of the biggest chunks from your skin.
Altered Beast
10-22-14, 12:59 pm
Yeah the farmers carry is a perfect example. And I originally got this from being a gymnast where you grip everything with as much of your palm wrapped around it as possible. Gymnastics is brutal and even with leather grips you still tear off some of the biggest chunks from your skin.
I have been implementing this even on accessory movements. Feels weird especially with DB's, but I'll get used to it.
Hello Dan! I'm a pretty tall guy (around 6 feet) and I have long arms and legs. I have two questions:
1. When I DL (conventional) on my last reps I feel my quads burning like hell (to the point that i barely can walk after doing it). Is this normal? As a side note, I feel my DL in lower back and glutes too.
2. For general strength training (not good enough for a pl meet) should I do high bar or low bar squats. I did 1 year of low bar and I got good results in strength, but I doubt if it is the right way for my foundation.
Thx alot for your advice!
10-23-14, 6:39 pm
Dan, my oly friends keep telling me that front squats should be limited to at most 3 reps because above 3 reps the front squat becomes more of an upper back exercise...what is your opinion on this? I notice you do higher reps on front squats...were you always able to do this or did you have to build up your upper back strength?
10-24-14, 10:22 am
I remember reading in your log you would go through times of bad forearm/elbow pain. What did you find helped alleviate that pain?
I remember reading in your log you would go through times of bad forearm/elbow pain. What did you find helped alleviate that pain?
basically forearm stretching and rest. sometimes I push sometimes I back off and recover
Dan, my oly friends keep telling me that front squats should be limited to at most 3 reps because above 3 reps the front squat becomes more of an upper back exercise...what is your opinion on this? I notice you do higher reps on front squats...were you always able to do this or did you have to build up your upper back strength?
I would say they are correct. And that's probably why they don't front squat that much... Front squatting requires both quads and upper back strength. I need bigger quads to squat more and I need stronger legs and strong upper back to pull well sumo. Avoiding high reps on front squat is just them conveniently being told not to and then using that as an excuse. Reps are hard, but very productive!
Altered Beast
10-29-14, 10:58 am
Thanks for the advice! Gripping the bar more in my palm makes a difference, it will take some getting use to.
I have noticed that this grip makes me pitch forward a bit, how can I remedy that? Just sit back more or get down a little lower before Pulling?
10-29-14, 8:49 pm
Dan, what's your opinion on the ab wheel for strengthening the core for squats and deadlifts? Also what is your opinion on weighted dips and weighted chins for upper body development?
John Grey
10-30-14, 7:56 am
2 things before my question... Hope training is going good for ya in prep for the worlds, and second how about them Giants?!
My question, did you ever feel a pain in your knee when squatting right where the quad meets the kneecap, something along the lines of runner's knee (even though I don't run) or patellofemoral pain, or something similar, if so how long did it take you to heal up and be able to squat again?
Greetings Dan!! First of all I wanted to thank you, you are a great inspiration...not much for weightlifting but, hell, for hair growing!!! I'm still far from your lenght but I'm getting there, I will make you proud!!!
Besides jokes (even if I'm pretty serious about the hair thing), I'd like to know your opinion about deadlifting (and its variations) in weightlifting is bad, dangerous or what? I honestly find it very comfortable...Can't get reliable info anywhere, so I told myself "let's ask THE BOSS!!!".
Keep it up, you are DA man!!!
Ps. Sorry if my English is rusty or full of mistakes but I'm italian and this is not my main language!!!
Greetings Dan!! First of all I wanted to thank you, you are a great inspiration...not much for weightlifting but, hell, for hair growing!!! I'm still far from your lenght but I'm getting there, I will make you proud!!!
Besides jokes (even if I'm pretty serious about the hair thing), I'd like to know your opinion about deadlifting (and its variations) in weightlifting is bad, dangerous or what? I honestly find it very comfortable...Can't get reliable info anywhere, so I told myself "let's ask THE BOSS!!!".
Keep it up, you are DA man!!!
Ps. Sorry if my English is rusty or full of mistakes but I'm italian and this is not my main language!!!
The main thing that it does is it sets you a little higher off the ground which is a disadvantage and it shifts more loading to the quads and lower back while reducing the loading to the hamstrings. So the second part may or may not benefit you while the first isn't really an advantage at all.
Keep groing the hair!
2 things before my question... Hope training is going good for ya in prep for the worlds, and second how about them Giants?!
My question, did you ever feel a pain in your knee when squatting right where the quad meets the kneecap, something along the lines of runner's knee (even though I don't run) or patellofemoral pain, or something similar, if so how long did it take you to heal up and be able to squat again?
Yes I've had that tendinitis off and on for a long time. The biggest preventative thing is stretching the calves/achilles heavily so I'm less prone to pushing through the toes during lifts, as that will for sure lead to knee pain. As for reducing the symptoms take some advil before you squat to reduce the inflammation before it starts. Before is doubly good as it both prevents the inflammation AND you incur less of it in the first place because when you don't feel the pain you execute your technique much more smoothly. If you alter your timing at all because of the ache in the knee then you WILL feel it more because of that. After you lift, some icing can also help. Be sure to stretch out the quads as well. The main thing is the knee cap needs to track--or slide--smoothly along the front of the leg. If it binds it will put more an uneven stress on the tendon either above or below the kneecap or even directly in the center of the kneecap
Giants all day!
Dan, what's your opinion on the ab wheel for strengthening the core for squats and deadlifts? Also what is your opinion on weighted dips and weighted chins for upper body development?
I'm for all those things. I prefer heavy weighted straight-leg situps on a GHR with the weight held behind my head, but ab wheel either done on the toes not knees or with a weight on the back can be good as well. Hanging leg raises from elbow hangers can be fantastic as well but they must be done extremely strict
Thanks for the advice! Gripping the bar more in my palm makes a difference, it will take some getting use to.
I have noticed that this grip makes me pitch forward a bit, how can I remedy that? Just sit back more or get down a little lower before Pulling?
Just have to adjust your starting position a little bit!
The main thing that it does is it sets you a little higher off the ground which is a disadvantage and it shifts more loading to the quads and lower back while reducing the loading to the hamstrings. So the second part may or may not benefit you while the first isn't really an advantage at all.
Keep groing the hair!
Ok, thank you for the answer! So due to the disadvantage there is no point in performing them in competition...what about training, Would you ever suggest using them for some purpose?
Scissors will never touch my head, I promise!
11-04-14, 2:41 am
Dan, for the chest supported row do you ever feel like your chest is about to be crushed due to the nature of the movement? If so, how do you alleviate this?
Yeah this isn't bad but you'll want to keep your shoulders behind the bar a little more. Chest doesn't need to be UP or UPRIGHT but it should be facing forward and not down. To get a better position overall, doing some block pulls will help improve your hip strength and flexibility. THis is critical for bettering your sumo deads
Thanks for the response.
The video (coffe + protein) that you recently made for animal was funny ! Good one.
Yes I've had that tendinitis off and on for a long time. The biggest preventative thing is stretching the calves/achilles heavily so I'm less prone to pushing through the toes during lifts, as that will for sure lead to knee pain. As for reducing the symptoms take some advil before you squat to reduce the inflammation before it starts. Before is doubly good as it both prevents the inflammation AND you incur less of it in the first place because when you don't feel the pain you execute your technique much more smoothly. If you alter your timing at all because of the ache in the knee then you WILL feel it more because of that. After you lift, some icing can also help. Be sure to stretch out the quads as well. The main thing is the knee cap needs to track--or slide--smoothly along the front of the leg. If it binds it will put more an uneven stress on the tendon either above or below the kneecap or even directly in the center of the kneecap
Giants all day!
This is the information that I needed. hehe Thanks a lot !
Altered Beast
11-05-14, 1:38 pm
Just have to adjust your starting position a little bit!
It will take some getting use to. I do have to get down lower because of the grip which does help give me more leg drive off of the floor!
Thanks again.
At sumodeadlift, how do you control your setup for better leverage?
in other words, how do you set your feet?
At sumodeadlift, how do you control your setup for better leverage?
in other words, how do you set your feet?
Well that's kinda a personal thing from person to person. In terms of width, closer means you'll ask your quads to do more work but will have more stability in the lockout vs wider means the weight will come up more easily initially but the lock out will be more unstable. you should be able to move comfrortably up and down (between a standing position and reaching for the bar) without losing your balance at all or you'll likely lose your balance while pulling. At any rate just start with your feet turned out about 45 degrees. Some people like less some more... just gotta play around with it
John Grey
11-10-14, 1:03 pm
Hey Dan,
At what point in your training when getting ready for a meet do you cut out block pulls and strictly do pulls off the floor?
Hey Dan,
At what point in your training when getting ready for a meet do you cut out block pulls and strictly do pulls off the floor?
Generally I'd do it about 4-6 weeks for me. More likely 6, but since I was doing lower blocks (2" only) I intended to keep those in longer. For lifters I coach probably till 3-4 weeks out as they have not been doing them for as long as I have. Also, when I block pulled 1000 from 4" blocks I decided that I was pretty good from that height for a while lol. So focusing on pulling from 2" has been the plan except that then I tore my oblique and all that was really just derailed...
11-11-14, 2:30 pm
Hey Dan,
I've seen a couple reviews for your BBSM and everyone who has run it has seemed to have wild success with it. I was wondering if you were ever considering putting out an e-book or actual book on your method? I'd love to see it.
Hey Dan,
I've seen a couple reviews for your BBSM and everyone who has run it has seemed to have wild success with it. I was wondering if you were ever considering putting out an e-book or actual book on your method? I'd love to see it.
Thanks for the note. The program has generally worked pretty well for most I'm pleased to say and I definitely intend to publish that soon enough.
11-11-14, 8:33 pm
Dan, are 45 degree hyperextensions a good accessory for the lower back? Are accessories for the lower back even needed since lower back is already hammered by squats and deadlifts?
Altered Beast
11-12-14, 11:26 am
Thanks for the note. The program has generally worked pretty well for most I'm pleased to say and I definitely intend to publish that soon enough.
I think the entire planet is anxious to read it, me especially. Your style of periodization and the volume of movements is very intriguing.
I think the entire planet is anxious to read it, me especially. Your style of periodization and the volume of movements is very intriguing.
Thanks man, It's been on my mind for a while, but a lot of people have asked about it for sure.
Dan, are 45 degree hyperextensions a good accessory for the lower back? Are accessories for the lower back even needed since lower back is already hammered by squats and deadlifts?
Yes, they are great. My personal go to is simply the stiff leg deadlift done from a deficit, but these work great and can be done with a weight behind the back or with a barbell in hands like a DL
11-17-14, 5:51 pm
Hey, Dan!
I am new to the Forvm but I've been following Animal on YouTube for a few years. That's where I first saw you, and I was immediately inspired to train for powerlifting. I did not start training until a few years ago when I turned 30. Initially, I just wanted to get the physique to pose on stage. Well, I did that...and despite the incredible sense of accomplishment I felt when I get the trophy, I felt letdown from the crowd. It was not the kind of energy I hoped for. Anyway, I started researching powerlifting soon after the bodybuilding competition, and I came across "The Cage" where you deadlifted a ridiculous amount of weight. And you aren't just strong, but you are ripped! I told my wife about it, showed her the video, watched some of your other "Back to the Basics..." and she was stoked about me turning to powerlifting.
So, in short, you inspired me to maintain a physique yet be able to pursue big numbers. Thanks a ton, bro!
Ethan Dew
11-18-14, 11:45 am
Dan, how much of a learning curve would you say there is to squatting with wraps for someone who has never used them before?
11-18-14, 12:44 pm
I squat quite wide (a tiny bit wider maybe) like you, in Olympic shoes, and I feel that's my strongest position. However, from some videos I've seen it seems you've taken your squat in a bit. Are there any reasons for this? Is it a niggling injury or have you found you're stronger that way?
Also, I know you like doing medium stance squats as well as high-bar and other variations. How would you work them in? Currently I squat twice a week; I'll squat heavy then front squat and then do lighter sumo pulls. Then on my deadlift day I'll sumo pull heavy and do pause squats afterwards. I feel like my hips and PC muscles must be well developed as I pull wide and squat wide but maybe my quads do need more work.
Finally, I know you sumo pull but, again, you do sumo variations as well as conventional pull. I haven't pulled conventional in a while due to an injury which has cleared up now but I've yet to bring them back in. Just wondering as above if you could give me any tips on how to add these variations. I train four times a week, two days are squat/deadlift and the other two are bench days.
11-19-14, 11:35 am
Is your schedule pretty pact for personal training lessons? I'm heading back from deployment at the end of december and was planning a drive home to socal from Washington, it would be awesome if I could stop by your gym for a day and train with you!! Let me know what I have to do and how much it costs, thanks
11-19-14, 11:49 pm
Hey Dan! I saw your post on Instagram where you were doing a deficit sumo deadlift, could you help me out with that? How often do you do them ? And also what are the rep ranges you train them at?
Thanks and good luck at GPA !!
Hello Dan, how you doing?
I'm just curious, what do you think when you are about to lift real heavy? Not only in training, but especially on stage. Many lifters seems fueled by rage but you look always so calm and controlled...where do you find the resolve to do what you do? Dumb question probably but I have always been an introspective guy lol!!
Good luck for everything!
11-21-14, 12:23 pm
Hey Dan:)
I've been doing hypertrophy training for a about 9 months. I did not have a good success.
I`ll starting a Powerlifting Program or Strength Program like SS, Wendler 531, Greyskull LP, Candito or something like that.
My goals are strength and aesthetics. Not a Powerlifting competition and i dont want to be a really powerlifter but i want to get strong with a good look.
What would you recommend?
Hey Dan:)
What would you recommend?
That's pretty german. It's so obvious.
Coming back to the "Beta Gaysthetics Bodybuilding"-cause, to bad the guy is such a moron.
Just another Youtube-Hero. And even worse are the comments.
I hope it will end on better terms for you.
11-22-14, 5:42 pm
I`m german. Thats right.
But i`m not a fan of GA or something like that.
I think it is sad and disappointing that you call me a moron. I like the Boss and the forum.
I hope Dan answered me.
I`m german. Thats right.
But i`m not a fan of GA or something like that.
I think it is sad and disappointing that you call me a moron. I like the Boss and the forum.
I hope Dan answered me.
I didn't called you a moron, i didn't adressed you. Jeez'
Altered Beast
11-29-14, 10:54 am
Take the non sense elsewhere. Do not clutter Dan's thread with bullshit.
11-30-14, 7:57 pm
Dan what are your opinions on pendlay rows? Too much stress for lower back?
12-01-14, 11:15 am
Hey Dan,
I could use some deadlift advice. I seem to be very bad at pulling from the floor, but very comfortable pulling off a block(I pull sumo). It takes me 2 or 3 tries to get the weight off the floor, even with sub-maximal weights. But when I do get it off the floor it feels light and moves well. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my setup or poor hip strength. Should I just cut out block pulls completely to pull more off the floor, or do you think the block pulls will help to strengthen the muscles needed for pulling off the floor?
Also, was great watching you at World's.
12-03-14, 1:31 am
Whats up Dan, first, Im a huge fan
I have a question about sumo vs a traditional deadlift. Im sure its been answered along the way somewhere, but is there an advantage to using the sumo form vs traditional or vise versa? I pretty much only dead lift using traditional form, and thats what Im most confortable with, but would pulling sumo increase my traditional deadlift strength?
12-04-14, 3:25 am
Whats up Dan, first, Im a huge fan
I have a question about sumo vs a traditional deadlift. Im sure its been answered along the way somewhere, but is there an advantage to using the sumo form vs traditional or vise versa? I pretty much only dead lift using traditional form, and thats what Im most confortable with, but would pulling sumo increase my traditional deadlift strength?
Sumo deadlift makes ROM smaller . Meaning easier pull in most cases
Sumo deadlift makes ROM smaller . Meaning easier pull in most cases
In the end it comes down to leverages. And which body parts are strongest. Sumo also takes a bit of learning as well to properly use the hips.
Whats up Dan, first, Im a huge fan
I have a question about sumo vs a traditional deadlift. Im sure its been answered along the way somewhere, but is there an advantage to using the sumo form vs traditional or vise versa? I pretty much only dead lift using traditional form, and thats what Im most confortable with, but would pulling sumo increase my traditional deadlift strength?
There are advantages to each style, and when you train both you can benefit more due to the differences. If you start training sumo and realize that you are in fact stronger that way then that will be an important breakthrough. I was a conventional deadlifter for a long time, and eventually was able to switch styles and make substantial progress past my previous plateau in the conventional style. In the end my conventional went up a ton from the weights I could handle pulling sumo, so sumo made both styles increase for me.
As far as what the differences are...
sumo, if your hips are flexible, allows you to use more lower body strength and less low back strength. If you have very strong hips and can adapt a relatively wide stance, you can drastically improve the ROM of the lift.
But in the end it just comes down to feel, and I always recommend training both styles. That's the best of both worlds.
Hey Dan,
I could use some deadlift advice. I seem to be very bad at pulling from the floor, but very comfortable pulling off a block(I pull sumo). It takes me 2 or 3 tries to get the weight off the floor, even with sub-maximal weights. But when I do get it off the floor it feels light and moves well. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my setup or poor hip strength. Should I just cut out block pulls completely to pull more off the floor, or do you think the block pulls will help to strengthen the muscles needed for pulling off the floor?
Also, was great watching you at World's.
Don't drop the block pulls, but do them after you pull from the floor. Do REPS from the floor to build the start strength that you need. You could also be setting up poorly. If you find that as you initiate the lift your low back rounds a lot then you may try doing some paused reps as part of your training. To do these just pick the weight up about 2-5" off the floor, pause for a few seconds, and then accelerate up to lockout. These should help teach you how to get tighter and how brace in the beginning of the lift. Now, conversely, if you arch TOO much you may have a tough time moving the weight at all when it's heavy. You will need to allow your arms to "reach" down to the bar and not pull your shoulders back into retraction before the lift. In other words, you must allow your back to have some rounding, but the key is to have it through the mid-upper back and not the low back. The way to build this is to do hard sets of deficit deadlifts. To do these stand on a 3-4" block while deadlifting. You'll start getting more comfortable pulling with a slight curve in the spine this way to strengthen pulling muscles and allow for more explosive starts and stronger lockouts. These are done conventional but will strengthen your sumo greatly. Sets of 5-8 are perfect but must be difficult!
Dan what are your opinions on pendlay rows? Too much stress for lower back?
I'm not a fan of them. But a lot of people are. I like traditional bent rows much more for the negative phase and the constant loading of the erectors vs intermittent as in Pendlays. I still lower the weight to just above or just touching the floor, but I like the feel of the reversal during traditional rows
Coming back to the "Beta Gaysthetics Bodybuilding"-cause, to bad the guy is such a moron.
Just another Youtube-Hero. And even worse are the comments.
I hope it will end on better terms for you.
Hey Dan:)
I've been doing hypertrophy training for a about 9 months. I did not have a good success.
I`ll starting a Powerlifting Program or Strength Program like SS, Wendler 531, Greyskull LP, Candito or something like that.
My goals are strength and aesthetics. Not a Powerlifting competition and i dont want to be a really powerlifter but i want to get strong with a good look.
What would you recommend?
Honestly, I'm familiar with 531 and SS but not the other 2. I would tend to recommend something more along the lines of 5x5 or just a standard bodybuilding routine. The main difference is that I would squat deeper than parallel, setup on bench with a powerlifting setup where the shoulder blades are stabilized and I would do all deadlifts from a dead stop each rep. I always liked the workouts in the Arnold Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. That should get you plenty strong if you always strive to have progressive overload.
12-05-14, 2:21 am
Don't drop the block pulls, but do them after you pull from the floor. Do REPS from the floor to build the start strength that you need. You could also be setting up poorly. If you find that as you initiate the lift your low back rounds a lot then you may try doing some paused reps as part of your training. To do these just pick the weight up about 2-5" off the floor, pause for a few seconds, and then accelerate up to lockout. These should help teach you how to get tighter and how brace in the beginning of the lift. Now, conversely, if you arch TOO much you may have a tough time moving the weight at all when it's heavy. You will need to allow your arms to "reach" down to the bar and not pull your shoulders back into retraction before the lift. In other words, you must allow your back to have some rounding, but the key is to have it through the mid-upper back and not the low back. The way to build this is to do hard sets of deficit deadlifts. To do these stand on a 3-4" block while deadlifting. You'll start getting more comfortable pulling with a slight curve in the spine this way to strengthen pulling muscles and allow for more explosive starts and stronger lockouts. These are done conventional but will strengthen your sumo greatly. Sets of 5-8 are perfect but must be difficult!
Hi Dan,
I do always start off pulling from the floor for 3-5 reps before pulling from blocks. I also do conventional decifits and deficit stiff legs after the sumo pulls. I think I'll try out the paused reps, I do feel I have a poor setup.
One more question; I recall you use the metal Deadlift shoes. Are these usually very spacey around the ankles? I bought these recently, the same size as my other shoes, and they seem to be pretty loose around the ankles.
Many thanks, Boss!
Hi Dan,
I do always start off pulling from the floor for 3-5 reps before pulling from blocks. I also do conventional decifits and deficit stiff legs after the sumo pulls. I think I'll try out the paused reps, I do feel I have a poor setup.
One more question; I recall you use the metal Deadlift shoes. Are these usually very spacey around the ankles? I bought these recently, the same size as my other shoes, and they seem to be pretty loose around the ankles.
Many thanks, Boss!
No I think mine fit pretty well. I keep the ankle slightly looser for pulling conventional as well
Hey Dan! I saw your post on Instagram where you were doing a deficit sumo deadlift, could you help me out with that? How often do you do them ? And also what are the rep ranges you train them at?
Thanks and good luck at GPA !!
That's not part of my regular routine. I maybe do those 1-2x per year right before a meet just to make sure I'm opening up the hips in the start. I do not use them regularly however
Is your schedule pretty pact for personal training lessons? I'm heading back from deployment at the end of december and was planning a drive home to socal from Washington, it would be awesome if I could stop by your gym for a day and train with you!! Let me know what I have to do and how much it costs, thanks
Hey I can meet with you most likely. Just email me at
I squat quite wide (a tiny bit wider maybe) like you, in Olympic shoes, and I feel that's my strongest position. However, from some videos I've seen it seems you've taken your squat in a bit. Are there any reasons for this? Is it a niggling injury or have you found you're stronger that way?
Also, I know you like doing medium stance squats as well as high-bar and other variations. How would you work them in? Currently I squat twice a week; I'll squat heavy then front squat and then do lighter sumo pulls. Then on my deadlift day I'll sumo pull heavy and do pause squats afterwards. I feel like my hips and PC muscles must be well developed as I pull wide and squat wide but maybe my quads do need more work.
Finally, I know you sumo pull but, again, you do sumo variations as well as conventional pull. I haven't pulled conventional in a while due to an injury which has cleared up now but I've yet to bring them back in. Just wondering as above if you could give me any tips on how to add these variations. I train four times a week, two days are squat/deadlift and the other two are bench days.
As far as the stance I just get more leg drive from my quads this way, and really it's only slightly narrowed. You can do the squats in whichever order you like really even after deads for the paused reps.
Adding in the paused high bar should help build the proper quad drive for your pulls and squats.
As for the conventional pulling, I do a lot. When I train sumo I do both, when I'm not near a comp I only pull conventional.
Dan, how much of a learning curve would you say there is to squatting with wraps for someone who has never used them before?
Shouldn't be too bad at first, but it will take practice to become really confident. You'll probably just want to start with a more moderate wrap and not wrap too tight in the beginning. Then as you get comfortable you will wrap tighter and want a stronger wrap.
Hey, Dan!
I am new to the Forvm but I've been following Animal on YouTube for a few years. That's where I first saw you, and I was immediately inspired to train for powerlifting. I did not start training until a few years ago when I turned 30. Initially, I just wanted to get the physique to pose on stage. Well, I did that...and despite the incredible sense of accomplishment I felt when I get the trophy, I felt letdown from the crowd. It was not the kind of energy I hoped for. Anyway, I started researching powerlifting soon after the bodybuilding competition, and I came across "The Cage" where you deadlifted a ridiculous amount of weight. And you aren't just strong, but you are ripped! I told my wife about it, showed her the video, watched some of your other "Back to the Basics..." and she was stoked about me turning to powerlifting.
So, in short, you inspired me to maintain a physique yet be able to pursue big numbers. Thanks a ton, bro!
Thanks for the message!
I really appreciate that
12-05-14, 5:33 pm
Hey Dan! What would be your number 1 deadlift variation to help the conventional deadlift?
12-06-14, 3:06 am
Dan, your opinion on hammer grip chins? I saw you doing them in one of the animal training it true that the hammer grip develops the back and arms equally well?
12-06-14, 3:48 am
There are advantages to each style, and when you train both you can benefit more due to the differences. If you start training sumo and realize that you are in fact stronger that way then that will be an important breakthrough. I was a conventional deadlifter for a long time, and eventually was able to switch styles and make substantial progress past my previous plateau in the conventional style. In the end my conventional went up a ton from the weights I could handle pulling sumo, so sumo made both styles increase for me.
As far as what the differences are...
sumo, if your hips are flexible, allows you to use more lower body strength and less low back strength. If you have very strong hips and can adapt a relatively wide stance, you can drastically improve the ROM of the lift.
But in the end it just comes down to feel, and I always recommend training both styles. That's the best of both worlds.
How would you suggest cycling the tow styles of deadlifts ? For example how long would you recommend pulling sumo for x amount of weeks then switching to conventional and then back to sumo and so on.
John Grey
12-08-14, 7:46 am
Hey Dan,
Not really a question just wanted to say I have been using that protein/coffee mix for the past week or so in the mornings (I gotta be at work for 6am) and it's really good! Great combo!
Hey Dan,
Not really a question just wanted to say I have been using that protein/coffee mix for the past week or so in the mornings (I gotta be at work for 6am) and it's really good! Great combo!
haha yeah it's a good little combo
Dan, your opinion on hammer grip chins? I saw you doing them in one of the animal training it true that the hammer grip develops the back and arms equally well?
I don't really think about that too much. It's just a variation. I like them with added weight. Don't overthink it lol. Just do them
Hey Dan! What would be your number 1 deadlift variation to help the conventional deadlift?
Deficit deadlifts. Just deadlift from a 3-4" step so the weight starts down by your ankle height. Do sets of 5 or so and work them hard. You'll get very strong on these
12-08-14, 5:39 pm
Not everyone has necessarily seen my bio, but I am a powerlifter. At a bodyweight of 220 and have squatted 760, benched 485 and deadlifted 821 in competition with a best total of 2030 without squatting in knee wraps. Despite these achievements, I am possibly most proud of the fact that I've been accused of looking like "the guy in The Program." Yes, that was an exciting compliment.
Aside from lifting for strength, I also am firmly opposed to skinniness and ILS.
Ask me anything--powerlifting technique, olympic lifting, eating, hair-growing or whatever.
I've been kicking around the idea to train for a powerlifting event/meet. Why? I'm not sure! Why not is probably the better question. Anyways, I do lift, and have for awhile, but very much the typical bodybuilding concentrated type of workouts (chest, shoulders, back, arms, blah blah blah.) I was wondering if you would be able to let me know what type of routine (split/program/whatever) you feel is best for really prepping and getting ready for your first meet?
I would like to try an event/meet sometime by late summer 2015. So how should i be allocating my time in getting ready for this?!??!?
Thanks for the inspiration bud, you and everyone else at Animal. Went from 325 couch potato to a 265lb guy who looks like he actually lifts!
12-09-14, 7:39 am
Dan, I saw your video of you doing question is have you ever had elbow pain with skulls? If so, any tips on how to prevent it/alleviate it? Also another question, will the overhead press alone develop good overall shoulder mass or do I also need to do lateral raises?
Dan, I saw your video of you doing question is have you ever had elbow pain with skulls? If so, any tips on how to prevent it/alleviate it? Also another question, will the overhead press alone develop good overall shoulder mass or do I also need to do lateral raises?
I have always done lots of laterals so I have no idea what it would've been like not doing them. As for skulls the key is to start with high reps like sets of 15 to warm the triceps up. It's a loaded stretch so they need to be warmed up for that. Just start light and get a pump going before you crank the weights up. But they work for adding mass for sure.
I've been kicking around the idea to train for a powerlifting event/meet. Why? I'm not sure! Why not is probably the better question. Anyways, I do lift, and have for awhile, but very much the typical bodybuilding concentrated type of workouts (chest, shoulders, back, arms, blah blah blah.) I was wondering if you would be able to let me know what type of routine (split/program/whatever) you feel is best for really prepping and getting ready for your first meet?
I would like to try an event/meet sometime by late summer 2015. So how should i be allocating my time in getting ready for this?!??!?
Thanks for the inspiration bud, you and everyone else at Animal. Went from 325 couch potato to a 265lb guy who looks like he actually lifts!
The simplest way to do this is to train each competition lift once per week and follow it with similar lifts to build the lift with different stances or grips or dumbells or ROMs. All the bodybuilding stuff can remain either at the ends of each workout or on a seperate day or two separate days.
With that long of a time span I'd basically train to peak for a practice "mock" meet in the spring and then start light and build up again to heavy weights for the real meet. Learning the competition lifts is pretty key though for you.
Hello Dan, how you doing?
I'm just curious, what do you think when you are about to lift real heavy? Not only in training, but especially on stage. Many lifters seems fueled by rage but you look always so calm and controlled...where do you find the resolve to do what you do? Dumb question probably but I have always been an introspective guy lol!!
Good luck for everything!
I guess I'm just a competitive person and my motivation comes from not being satisfied with my progress or accomplishments. Being around other competitive people of course only enhances that. I generally stay calm in training, but when I really need it, I rely on adrenaline as well
12-10-14, 6:01 pm
Hey Dan,
I came across a review on reddit by a guy who uses your Method. He states you had him do 3x5 one week, then 2x6 the week after with the same weight, basically adding weight every other week. I found this interesting because a lot of your stuff I've read, like your article "Bench more by Benching more", you seem to advocate adding weight every workout. I'm wondering which way is a better progression?
Hey Dan,
I came across a review on reddit by a guy who uses your Method. He states you had him do 3x5 one week, then 2x6 the week after with the same weight, basically adding weight every other week. I found this interesting because a lot of your stuff I've read, like your article "Bench more by Benching more", you seem to advocate adding weight every workout. I'm wondering which way is a better progression?
I'm not really sure what the guy was referring to there. I tend to just focus on having the weight steadily increase on the main exercises. I couldn't really say for sure what that was done for in his case.
12-11-14, 12:22 am
Dan, what are the benefits of using the 2in block pulls vs 4in? I see you use them both I was wondering reasoning behind them
12-11-14, 1:23 am
I'm not really sure what the guy was referring to there. I tend to just focus on having the weight steadily increase on the main exercises. I couldn't really say for sure what that was done for in his case.
He says he used your Boss Barbell Strength Method. Here's the link:
Maybe this type of progression was specific to his case?
12-11-14, 3:16 am
Dan I saw a video of you doing behind the neck overhead presses...what is the benefit of doing the overhead press behind the neck? More medial delt activation?
Dan, what are the benefits of using the 2in block pulls vs 4in? I see you use them both I was wondering reasoning behind them
For sumo, every inch makes a significant position. After I lifted 1003 from the 4" blocks it seemed like trying to get stronger there without having lifted 900 yet from the ground was much riskier and much less beneficial. So working toward using overloaded weights from the 2" blocks was the next step instead of continuing on with the 4" blocks, which give my quads too much of an advantage now. I like to just go by the rule that when I lift using overloads that if I can go over 110% then it's too easy and is providing more risk than reward at that point. I'd much rather try to lift 915x2 from 2" blocks than lift 1015 from 4" blocks.