View Full Version : Antaric's ATP Log
03-13-13, 3:42 pm
Figure I might as well get this started up now while the package is on it's way.
I plan on taking this in the morning with breakfast, mainly due to the fact that I have to get my gym time in directly after that.
My whole goal here the past month has been leaning down slowly and am really interested in seeing how this works with that.
Current Supps:
Training Split -
Mon- Back (Width) w Bi's
Tue- Chest w Tri's
Wed - Off
Thur - Back (Thickness) w Calves
Fri - Bi's and Tri's
Sat - Shoulders
Sun - Legs w Calves
20 minute sessions of cardio will be thrown in where needed pwo.
03-14-13, 9:10 pm
Nice, J-Dawg. APpreciate the support and the chance to try this out.
Package hasn't arrived yet (though I've not gotten to check for today) but it doesn't surprise me. One thing about living back in the fuckin' boon docks.
Back - Thickness
Seated Cable Row - 5 sets of 12, progressing up to 180 lbs
BB Row - 4 sets of 10-12, maxing out at 185 for the last
T-Bar - 4 sets of 8-10 at 3 plates
Rack Pulls - 3 sets x 8-10 reps, going up to 365
Tweaked something in the lower back. Gonna do some foam rolling tonight to see if I can stretch that shit out.
Just wanted to check in and see if the package arrived already.
03-18-13, 3:11 pm
Aye, the package has gotten here, arrived on Friday. (Just don't have net to check in on during days off from work). But I'm going to update this today to reflect my training and usage so far.
03-18-13, 9:30 pm
Day 1 - Shoulders
Due to a slight tweak in my lower back, I had to modify this day just a little.
OHP in Smith - 155 x 12, 185 x 10, 185 x 10, 205 x 6
DB Side Lats - 25 x 12, 30 x 12, 35 x 10 x 2 sets
Front Raises with Rope ss with Upright Rows with rope - 90-100 x 12/12 x 3 sets
Cable side laterals - 50 x 12-10 x 3 sets
Face Pulls with rope - 100 x 16, 120 x 12, 130 x 12
Day 2 - Legs
Same reasoning as above, couldn't do my regular routine, so had to modify just a little.
Seated Calf Raise - 90 x 14-16, 110 x 12-14, 140 x 10
Leg Ext. - 120 x 20, 140 x 20, 160 x 20, 180 x 17, then two drops, dropping 30 pounds each time for about 10-12 reps each
Abbduction - 100 x 14-16 x 4 sets
ss with Leg Curls - 100 x 20, 110 x 20, 120 x 18, 120 x 17
Hack Squats - 90 x 15, 90 x 15, 180 x 12-14, 180 x 12, 205 x 8
One leg, leg press - 90 x 14 x 4 sets
Day 3 - Off Day
I felt really refreshed whenever I woke up today. I'm not sure whether ATP is the cause, but I just wanted to note this. I'll be keeping a close eye on this as it continues.
Also, picked up some Omega and Flex tonight. Will be adding them in tomorrow. First time using Flex.
03-19-13, 4:40 pm
Day 4 - Chest
Warmup and rotator cuff warmups
Flat BB - 220 x 3, 235 x 3, 250 x 7 (felt like I could of gotten another or two, but had no spotter)
Inc. Fly- 35 x 12, 40 x 12, 45 x 10, 50 x 8
DB Pullover- 60 x 12, 65 x 10, 65 x 10
Machine Press - 170 x 14, 180 x 14, 200 x 10
Pec Deck Fly - 110 x 12, 110 x 12, 110 x 10 with a double drop
20 mins on stair stepper post
03-23-13, 3:37 pm
Bi's and Tri's - Thursday
Giant set of
Alt. DB Curls 35/40lbs for 6-8 reps
BB Curls 50 lbs - 10-12 reps
Rope hammer curls - 70 - 16-20 reps
Repeated that 3 times
V-Bar PD - 120 - 16, 140 - 14, 150 - 12
OH Rope - 100 - 12, 100 - 12, 110- 10
Single-arm DB Ext - 30 - 12, 35 - 10, 35 - 10
Back - Friday
This was just a bunch of cables and machines, letting my back recoup just a few more days, before I start getting back into the swing of free weight movements.
Shoulders - Saturday
Seated OHP - 185 - 8, 205 - 8, 215 - 8, 225 - 5 +1 forced - PR
DB Side Laterals - 30 - 8, 35 - 10, 40- 8, 40- 8
Rev. Pec Deck - 100 - 10, 110 - 8, 120 - 8, 130 - 8
Upright Rows - 50 - 8, 60 - 8, 70 - 8, 70 -8
Shrugs (Trap Bar) - 315 - 8 x 4 sets
Overall, I feel a small increase in strength and power, but I feel the recovery effects the best so far out of taking Project Stak. I've been noticing a touch of increase in vascularity.
03-25-13, 6:12 pm
Legs - Sunday
10 minute warmup -
Extentions - 2 sets for 20 reps for warmup
Leg press calves - 200 x 60 reps (altering foot angle every 20 reps) x 3 sets
Seated Clave Raise - 90 x 16 x 3 sets
Leg Press - 400 x 20, 490 x 16, 580 x 14, 580 x 12, 580 x 10
ss with Hack Squat - 90 x 10, 140 x 10, 140 x 10, 140 x 10, 140 x 8
Ext - 120 x 20, 140 x 20, 150 x 18, 160 x 17
Abduction - 100 x 14 each leg x 3 sets
Leg Curl - 100 x 20, 110 x 18, 120 x 16 x 2 sets
Leg Press (high foot placement) - 400 x 14 x 3 sets
Back (Width) - Monday
W. Grip PD - Two warmups, 140 x 14, 160 x 12 x 170 x 12, 180 x 10 with double drop
DB Row - 65 x 14, 70 x 12 x 2 sets, 75 x 10
Str. Arm PD - 90 x 16, 90 x 14 x 2 sets, 100 x 12
Underhand BB Row - 135 x 14, 135 x 14, 155 x 10, 160 x 8
Hyperextensions - 14-18 x 3 sets, BW
03-26-13, 9:17 pm
Tuesday - Chest
BB Flat - 3 warm ups, 205 x 5, 235 x 3, 265 x 5
Dec. BB - 185 x 10, 205 x 10, 225 x 8
Dips - BW x 8-10 x 3 sets
Pec Deck - 110 x 16, 130 x 13, 140 x 10
03-28-13, 3:23 pm
Thursday - Arms
Alt. DB Curl - 35 x 8 x 35 x 8, 40 x 6
ss - BB Curl 50 x 10, 50 x 10, 50 x 10
ss - Rope hammer curl 70 x 12, 70 x 12, 70 x 10
Conc. Curl - 20 x 10 x 3 sets
V-Bar - 120 x 18, 130 x 16, 140 x 15, 150 x 14 with double drop set
Rev. EZ Bar Pushdown - 110 x 14, 120 x 13, 120 x 12 with double drop
OH Rope - 110 x 12, 120 x 10, 120 x 10 with double drop
Overall, I feel a small increase in strength and power, but I feel the recovery effects the best so far out of taking Project Stak. I've been noticing a touch of increase in vascularity.
04-03-13, 6:09 pm
Saturday - Shoulders
Seated OHP - 195 x 8, 205 x 8, 215 x 8, 225 x 6, 230 x 6 (PR)
Side Laterals - 4 sets x 8-10
Rev. Pec Deck - 4 sets x 8-10
Upright Rows - 4 sets 6-8 reps
Shrugs - 3 sets 8-10 reps
Monday - Back (Width)
Neutral Grip Pullup - 5 x 5-6 reps
DB Rows - 70 x 12, 75 x 10, 75 x 10, 80 x 8
Rev. Grip PD - 4 sets x 10-12 reps with 2 drops
Str. Arm PD - 4 sets x 10-14 reps with 2 drops
Wednesday - Chest (Just really felt off my game today)
Inc. DB Flye - 4 sets 10-12 reps
Inc. BB - 155 x 10, 170 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 6
DB Pullover - 4 sets x 10-12
Cable crossovers - 4 sets x 10-14 reps with 2 drops
04-05-13, 9:17 pm
Bi's and Tri's
DB Alt. - 4 sets 10-12 reps
Cable EZ Curl - 3 sets 12-14
Seated Conc. - 3 sets x 10 with 3 negatives on last set
V-bar PD - 4 sets x 12-14
DB OH - 3 sets x 12-16
Rope PD - 3 sets x 10-12
How's it going in here C?
When you're finished up with Project Stak, can you post your final thoughts here?
Looking forward to hearing how it went for ya over the long haul!
04-10-13, 9:14 pm
Great man. I posted up my thoughts on it in the thread.
The only question I'd have is, when can I get some more? Ha.