View Full Version : guns_on_fire Animal Rage XL: Won a container of - Grape of Wrath Flavor
11-13-13, 4:30 pm
Here is my entry to win a container of Animal Rage XL, they are still in the process of shipping it but I will update this thread as soon as I get the container!! :D
I would love to try out, or rather be given the opportunity to really dig deep and use this new RAGE XL, I can't quite express how excited I am that you guys have worked long and hard to Bladesmith us a new weapon to our fight, a weapon I hope I have the opportunity to use and win a chance at receiving this container. I have reviewed Animal Rage before and it was heard by many: I hope to do the same once again, to provide a path to other lifters to where they might find the success and pleasure that I have had, after many great workouts/battles.
Ever since January 2011 (give or take when it was released) I have used it in my workouts which still continues to fuel me today! I have RAGED out with 15+ containers since it was first released, and I still look to Animal Paks as my number one pre-workout! Although the original raw orange animal flavor was removed and changed, I still love the orange flavor, but it wasn't as good as the original. Animal Rage is so unique to my body, that the BEAST somewhere deep inside me shivers awake as it tastes a drop of Animal Rage.
The tunnel vision that this product has given me is by far better than any other pre-workout available. I can enter the gym with my mind and thoughts racing, but when I drink that 8 oz of RAGE its a countdown that begins, and drops quickly and hard, giving me no time to linger in the past but only focus on the now in the gym!
The energy ignites within me and pushes me to stop thinking what I can't get through, or if I ate enough before the gym or if I am to sore, it pushes me beyond those, it promises and gives me the energy in store to fight through the battle of the pyramid sets and super sets with drop sets, pushes me till I am found at the end of the tunnel, conquered another day In the gym of life and out!
I hope I have expressed my desire to try out the new RAGE XL flavor and product formula, this opportunity comes at a time that is perfect for I ran out and just finished my 1 month detox (its been a long while since I detoxed.. haha) Thank you for reading this, and I hope I might be using this product for a long time, the time is now to see if it can take the spot of ANIMAL RAGE.
Thanks Again!
- Dave
Looking forward to your thoughts Dave! Let us know when it arrives.
11-18-13, 10:09 pm
I'm subbed in for this
Looking forward to this!! Subbed
11-19-13, 1:45 pm
RAGE XL arrived last night, but I waited till today to crack open the container to behold its wonders. I first scanned the ingredients and noticed something that was not in the previous formula.. Creatine. One reason why I loved Animal Rage is it didn't have creatine, but hopefully it won't bother me. I also noticed the amount of B12 dropped from the glorious positive attitude of 1,000mcg to 5mcg... I'm a little uneasy with that, but I didn't let it bother me much.
I ripped off the protective cover, reached in the container and pinched a small dose of Animal Rage XL to taste the raw power of it. I like how it is grape flavor but not like a weak grape flavor, it is grape but a grape that tastes like it has a dark side to it, and that if taken will give you a dark RAGE. I like the flavor, but after being off of Rage for awhile I am craving the old Orange flavor (but that is my own problem).
The dose that I took right before writing this with a small cup of water was just 1 scoop and is now starting to kick in, I feel it climbing throughout my veins, and my muscles are now warming up to the tingling that is remembered from the Beta Alanine. Yet at the same time the grape of WRATH is still over shadowing my taste buds welcoming in the new formula. I feel my focus begin to get stronger, and my craving to be in the gym, or am I at the gym becoming stranger.
This is the first try out over many to come and hopefully I will update you all after going to the gym today.
Just a little overview for mood before taking this: I'm getting sick I believe, my 6 mos old son is sick with a cold and sneezed right into my mouth last night, my throat is sore but my body is ready to workout. I don't care that I may or may not be getting sick, if my body can't handle it then bring on the vertigo otherwise i'm going to the gym. Today is Leg day, week 1 day 1 of Kris gethins 12 week transformation.
RAGE XL arrived last night, but I waited till today to crack open the container to behold its wonders. I first scanned the ingredients and noticed something that was not in the previous formula.. Creatine. One reason why I loved Animal Rage is it didn't have creatine, but hopefully it won't bother me. I also noticed the amount of B12 dropped from the glorious positive attitude of 1,000mcg to 5mcg... I'm a little uneasy with that, but I didn't let it bother me much.
I ripped off the protective cover, reached in the container and pinched a small dose of Animal Rage XL to taste the raw power of it. I like how it is grape flavor but not like a weak grape flavor, it is grape but a grape that tastes like it has a dark side to it, and that if taken will give you a dark RAGE. I like the flavor, but after being off of Rage for awhile I am craving the old Orange flavor (but that is my own problem).
The dose that I took right before writing this with a small cup of water was just 1 scoop and is now starting to kick in, I feel it climbing throughout my veins, and my muscles are now warming up to the tingling that is remembered from the Beta Alanine. Yet at the same time the grape of WRATH is still over shadowing my taste buds welcoming in the new formula. I feel my focus begin to get stronger, and my craving to be in the gym, or am I at the gym becoming stranger.
This is the first try out over many to come and hopefully I will update you all after going to the gym today.
Just a little overview for mood before taking this: I'm getting sick I believe, my 6 mos old son is sick with a cold and sneezed right into my mouth last night, my throat is sore but my body is ready to workout. I don't care that I may or may not be getting sick, if my body can't handle it then bring on the vertigo otherwise i'm going to the gym. Today is Leg day, week 1 day 1 of Kris gethins 12 week transformation.
Epic!! That's wild it has cteatine in it now, can't wait to hear about the beast RageXL will unleash!!
11-19-13, 4:35 pm
Well Alright then! (warning I take ritalin so more or less i will type to much or it is the ADHD or I just naturally type and think at the same time so here are my thoughts haha...)
I'M BACK! The workout went the typical 45 min, I demolished my legs!! I usually take some vertigo before the workout and some evogen. But I just used RAGE XL, and it helped me push myself through the workout and I was actually able to finish the whole workout with all the reps this time (last week I just used the vert/evo and could barely finish). So that in itself was a huge plus, I don't feel as wired as I would with the previous RAGE formula, but I do think this is a cleaner energy. Focus is still high, mood is medium (sickness is trying to take me, but it won't).
If your looking for stats:
taste 10/10
focus 10/10 - made me want to be at the gym and feel like I should be there, didn't care about people around me.
(more or less me than XL) strength 9/10 - I was actually able to do all the reps this time when compared to last week.
pump/swol 10/10 - Might be the XL, but I definitely got more swol this week than compared to last week.
Mood 7/10 - The previous rage had the 16K% of b12 which I think if I know that ingredient right it boosts mood, now that it isn't that much there anymore I am left for me to decide my own mood. I'm battling some sore throat sickness so sort of pissed. But the beast was at the gym, did my grunting and threw weights around enough for people to look concerned, so it was a great workout!
Crash 10/10 - Absolutely no crash, I think the pwo is so clean that it feels like an escalator can't really tell an intense twitch of caffeine lifting me high, but can't tell that it is dropping fast either, just sort of places me where I need to be.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
11-19-13, 4:46 pm
I am unable to edit my post... But I am wrong, I looked up b12 and it doesn't seem like it is a mood enhancer. It might be the PEA B-Phenylethylamine. Hell if I know, haha might just be a bad day... sorry for the false muscle doctrine..
11-19-13, 4:51 pm
oooh I just looked up one of the ingredients, my swol and pump is being supported by Rage XL!! :D Not sure if i'm allowed to share the ingredient names..
11-19-13, 4:53 pm
, my swol and pump is being supported by Rage XL!! :D
Good to hear! the Pump/ Rage combo may no longer be needed?
11-19-13, 4:53 pm
Looking forward to your thoughts Dave! Let us know when it arrives.
In my review is it ok to name off some ingredients in the formula? It just came to my mind to ask, since I haven't seen any direction on how detailed I can go...
In my review is it ok to name off some ingredients in the formula? It just came to my mind to ask, since I haven't seen any direction on how detailed I can go...
At this point, it's okay to talk about it. We feel really good about the additions to Rage. We had to remove/lower a few ingredients but made sure to add back solid dosages of the new ones.
Well Alright then! (warning I take ritalin so more or less i will type to much or it is the ADHD or I just naturally type and think at the same time so here are my thoughts haha...)
I'M BACK! The workout went the typical 45 min, I demolished my legs!! I usually take some vertigo before the workout and some evogen. But I just used RAGE XL, and it helped me push myself through the workout and I was actually able to finish the whole workout with all the reps this time (last week I just used the vert/evo and could barely finish). So that in itself was a huge plus, I don't feel as wired as I would with the previous RAGE formula, but I do think this is a cleaner energy. Focus is still high, mood is medium (sickness is trying to take me, but it won't).
If your looking for stats:
taste 10/10
focus 10/10 - made me want to be at the gym and feel like I should be there, didn't care about people around me.
(more or less me than XL) strength 9/10 - I was actually able to do all the reps this time when compared to last week.
pump/swol 10/10 - Might be the XL, but I definitely got more swol this week than compared to last week.
Mood 7/10 - The previous rage had the 16K% of b12 which I think if I know that ingredient right it boosts mood, now that it isn't that much there anymore I am left for me to decide my own mood. I'm battling some sore throat sickness so sort of pissed. But the beast was at the gym, did my grunting and threw weights around enough for people to look concerned, so it was a great workout!
Crash 10/10 - Absolutely no crash, I think the pwo is so clean that it feels like an escalator can't really tell an intense twitch of caffeine lifting me high, but can't tell that it is dropping fast either, just sort of places me where I need to be.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Sounds like it's a hit so far!
11-19-13, 5:51 pm
oooh I just looked up one of the ingredients, my swol and pump is being supported by Rage XL!! :D Not sure if i'm allowed to share the ingredient names..
As stated by J-Dawg I can share the ingredients.
Previous rage: 44 servings
New Rage XL: 30 servings
Previous Rage Formula: 5275 mg
New Rage Formula: 3635 mg (might be due to the servings..)
Previous Rage Fromula: Vitamin B12 1000 mcg
New Rage Formula: Vitamin B12 5mcg
Alright so 2 have been removed:
Evodiamine - Think this was a thermogenic
Vinpocetine - increases blood flow something or other lol I'm a QA for computer programs lol
3 have been added:
Creapure Creatine Monohydrate - you know what this is
GlycoCarn - Nitric Oxide from what I can tell aka gave me a dragon pump
Bacopa Monnieri - I think it helps supporting memory and learning brain function stuff probably gave me the Matrix while working out all I saw were numbers.. i mean gains ;)
1 sort of added but more or less given an upgrade:
was beta alanine but now CarnoSyn beta-alanine - hmm love this stuff
I like the change up of ingredients, not sure about the creatine, but everything else is much better :)
11-19-13, 5:55 pm
As stated by J-Dawg I can share the ingredients.
Previous rage: 44 servings
New Rage XL: 30 servings
Previous Rage Formula: 5275 mg
New Rage Formula: 3635 mg (might be due to the servings..)
Previous Rage Fromula: Vitamin B12 1000 mcg
New Rage Formula: Vitamin B12 5mcg
Alright so 2 have been removed:
Evodiamine - Think this was a thermogenic
Vinpocetine - increases blood flow something or other lol I'm a QA for computer programs lol
3 have been added:
Creapure Creatine Monohydrate - you know what this is
GlycoCarn - Nitric Oxide from what I can tell aka gave me a dragon pump
Bacopa Monnieri - I think it helps supporting memory and learning brain function stuff probably gave me the Matrix while working out all I saw were numbers.. i mean gains ;)
1 sort of added but more or less given an upgrade:
was beta alanine but now CarnoSyn beta-alanine - hmm love this stuff
I like the change up of ingredients, not sure about the creatine, but everything else is much better :)
I was taking AAKG to stack with Rage in the past, but with GlycoCarn it might be a great addition. Hopefully it will match up. day 1
Wow, dude you do your research! awesome info here.
Nice from what ya have here all looks like RageXL is holding up pretty solidly, that's good it gives a mean pump described as a "Dragon" pump as well can't wait to breath some fire myself here lol!!
11-20-13, 2:40 pm
Sick with the cold today, haha i'm infected.. Resting all day, to make sure I don't turn into a walker... I'll make sure to get back on tomorrow with a continued review! Thanks for all the awesome comments!!!
11-21-13, 3:21 pm
Sick with the cold today, haha i'm infected.. Resting all day, to make sure I don't turn into a walker... I'll make sure to get back on tomorrow with a continued review! Thanks for all the awesome comments!!!
Haven't forgotten about posting reviews of it. I can't make it to the gym today due to school and work and really just getting started for the day really late this morning threw my day off. But will sometime this week (in reality tomorrow or later tonight) sorry.
I will give sort of a small review. I was pretty sleepy today and I wanted to test the energy that comes with this new formula, so I took a dose. Honestly I have to rate it a 7/10, compared to the previous RAGE the energy level now isn't as strong. Not sure what the caffeine count is or what but it felt a little weak today. Again might be due to sleep and getting over the cold, but I didn't think it was that strong energy wise.. It did wake me, but I guess I like that buzzed out feeling like RAGE gave me before.
Haven't forgotten about posting reviews of it. I can't make it to the gym today due to school and work and really just getting started for the day really late this morning threw my day off. But will sometime this week (in reality tomorrow or later tonight) sorry.
I will give sort of a small review. I was pretty sleepy today and I wanted to test the energy that comes with this new formula, so I took a dose. Honestly I have to rate it a 7/10, compared to the previous RAGE the energy level now isn't as strong. Not sure what the caffeine count is or what but it felt a little weak today. Again might be due to sleep and getting over the cold, but I didn't think it was that strong energy wise.. It did wake me, but I guess I like that buzzed out feeling like RAGE gave me before.
Thanks for keeping us posted. With the new version, we suggest 1 - 2 scoops. We wanted to allow for more flexibility b/c many users felt overwhelmed with 1 full scoop last time. In case you're not feeling it with one scoop, you can jack it up to 1.5 or 2 scoops!
11-22-13, 2:11 pm
Thanks for keeping us posted. With the new version, we suggest 1 - 2 scoops. We wanted to allow for more flexibility b/c many users felt overwhelmed with 1 full scoop last time. In case you're not feeling it with one scoop, you can jack it up to 1.5 or 2 scoops!
Quick question, are you guys going to discontinue the previous animal rage?
11-25-13, 1:42 pm
Chest and Biceps today, just fueling up before I go!
I noticed I get really hyped up easily, I will be testing this supplement more critical now. haha I love animal paks so i'm sure it will be highly rated on my list, I guess the only thing I wish this new formula had was the insane energy buzz like it did before. I took 2 scoops and didn't feel buzzed. haha I am pretty sure I became addicted to the previous rage. So letting all that go to the side i'll test it better. if any of that made sense..
11-25-13, 4:26 pm
I had a pretty damn good workout, RAGE XL brought me to the gym, didn't push me to go to the zone it RAGED ME and I found I was in the zone!!!
Focus: 20/20
Strenght: 1/1 (You either have it or you don't, workout days are one or the other)
Energy: I give up, I want to have a cracked out addiction like the previous rage. But this one is a different addiction, its more of "QUIT BEING A PUSSY BEGGING FOR SUNSHINE, GIT OFF YOUR FAT ASS AND OBLITERATE YOURSELF!!!" (<--- that is the rating)
Pump: swol/swol
Veins: I saw them right away!
Feeling at the end: Felt Bad Ass
So freak I dunno, there is the review for monday, I think from plenty of sleep and not being sick my body can react a thousand times better.
Quick question, are you guys going to discontinue the previous animal rage?
That's right. Rage XL will be replacing the current Rage version.
Chest and Biceps today, just fueling up before I go!
I noticed I get really hyped up easily, I will be testing this supplement more critical now. haha I love animal paks so i'm sure it will be highly rated on my list, I guess the only thing I wish this new formula had was the insane energy buzz like it did before. I took 2 scoops and didn't feel buzzed. haha I am pretty sure I became addicted to the previous rage. So letting all that go to the side i'll test it better. if any of that made sense..
I had a pretty damn good workout, RAGE XL brought me to the gym, didn't push me to go to the zone it RAGED ME and I found I was in the zone!!!
Focus: 20/20
Strenght: 1/1 (You either have it or you don't, workout days are one or the other)
Energy: I give up, I want to have a cracked out addiction like the previous rage. But this one is a different addiction, its more of "QUIT BEING A PUSSY BEGGING FOR SUNSHINE, GIT OFF YOUR FAT ASS AND OBLITERATE YOURSELF!!!" (<--- that is the rating)
Pump: swol/swol
Veins: I saw them right away!
Feeling at the end: Felt Bad Ass
So freak I dunno, there is the review for monday, I think from plenty of sleep and not being sick my body can react a thousand times better.
An interesting rate thus far, haha!
11-25-13, 5:46 pm
That's right. Rage XL will be replacing the current Rage version.
Thats depressing to hear.. thnx for the heads up
12-04-13, 10:06 am
So its been a few days, i've come down with some nasty sickness... I still have it but it is just a loud cough..
I have been going to the gym with this and it is good, I like the cleaner energy and the pump. I might be feeling a bloat feeling from the creatine but i'm not sure it could be my weird diet. I'll continue on this and see how it goes. Thanks guys!!