View Full Version : Raging XL With the Grape of Wrath... (A Deadman's Tale)
Mr. Dead
11-18-13, 7:06 pm
Just got my hands on my tub, today... (3 minutes ago, as a matter of fact...) Definitely looking forward to day one of this, tomorrow... I'll need it, for sure... Leg Day...
Just a little bit about me, for those that don't know me... I'm 45, I've competed in few bodybuilding shows, Rage is my trainer, and I use the solo method of Hell Raiser Training... Fell off the wagon for a bit, and let myself go to a huge degree... Finally getting back into it again, am toying with the idea of one more show (finances and time permitting), and at the very least need to do it for my health...
Split is currently:
Sunday: Cardio/Active Rest
Monday: Arms/abs
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Cardio/Active Rest/Abs
Thursday: Chest, Anterior and Medial Delts
Friday: Back, Posterior Delts, Calves, Abs
Saturday: Cardio/Active Rest
Diet is something in a state of flux, due to some changes in my jobs, and the pending decision of whether or not to hit the stage one more time...
Current supps:
Rage XL
A test booster
Ultra Whey Pro
Casein Pro
In to Enjoy the wrath of the deadman
11-18-13, 10:12 pm
Really interested to see how Rage XL helps with HRT training!!
Just got my hands on my tub, today... (3 minutes ago, as a matter of fact...)
That's the fastest shipping yet to Rainier, WA! Looking forward to your thoughts MD.
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 10:43 am
Great to have ya...!!!
In to Enjoy the wrath of the deadman
Might only be a slight irritation vs. true wrath... *LOL*
Really interested to see how Rage XL helps with HRT training!!
Same here... Great to have ya...!!!
That's the fastest shipping yet to Rainier, WA! Looking forward to your thoughts MD.
Definitely a new record... *LOL*
So today will be the day you crack it open??
That's the fastest shipping yet to Rainier, WA! Looking forward to your thoughts MD.
The mailman must have gotten into the package! haha
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 11:23 am
So today will be the day you crack it open??
Yep... Still fighting off the crud... But, I seem to heal better, when I sweat it out...
The mailman must have gotten into the package! haha
Mailman's afraid of me... He and I had a go at it, when he defaced my mailbox...
Ed Eliason
11-19-13, 1:28 pm
I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of rage XL.
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 4:45 pm
I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of rage XL.
Awesome to have ya...!!!
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 4:46 pm
BTW... Y'all do realize that I will be going over 25,000 posts, in this thread, right...??? *LOL*
11-19-13, 4:56 pm
That's the fastest shipping yet to Rainier, WA! Looking forward to your thoughts MD.
Must have been a mistake, we told shipping that nothing goes to Rainier, WA
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 4:58 pm
Must have been a mistake, we told shipping that nothing goes to Rainier, WA
*LOL* You know I always find a way... BTW... Looks like you're creepin' up on 10k posts...
BTW... Y'all do realize that I will be going over 25,000 posts, in this thread, right...??? *LOL*
Interesting... what could be next?
Must have been a mistake, we told shipping that nothing goes to Rainier, WA
Mr. Dead
11-19-13, 5:01 pm
Interesting... what could be next?
Caesar...??? *LOL*
11-19-13, 9:16 pm
Just a little bit about me, for those that don't know me...
How does THAT happen??
In ...
11-19-13, 10:46 pm
Chiming in, interested in hearing your thoughts...
Did ya give it a shot yet MD. Still recovering from the crud?
11-20-13, 10:44 am
How long did it take to get your shipment?? I just won lemon today and im already itching to try it.
Mr. Dead
11-20-13, 11:02 am
How does THAT happen??
In ...
Chiming in, interested in hearing your thoughts...
Did ya give it a shot yet MD. Still recovering from the crud?
How long did it take to get your shipment?? I just won lemon today and im already itching to try it.
The revolution will be televised at a slightly later date... Back and neck seized up, late yesterday afternoon/early evening... Went to the doc... The "crud" that I had turned out to be viral meningitis... I'm at the tail end of it, and not contagious... Rest, tylenol, Nyquil/Dayquil, and tons of fluids... Should be on target for a Friday start to this, if not, Monday at the latest... My apologies for not being able to get this up and running properly, as I'd like... Deanna, you'd be surprised... *LOL* Ross, it only really took just a few days... But, I think I was one of the first to respond, and I think I'm still in the database...
The revolution will be televised at a slightly later date... Back and neck seized up, late yesterday afternoon/early evening... Went to the doc... The "crud" that I had turned out to be viral meningitis... I'm at the tail end of it, and not contagious... Rest, tylenol, Nyquil/Dayquil, and tons of fluids... Should be on target for a Friday start to this, if not, Monday at the latest... My apologies for not being able to get this up and running properly, as I'd like... Deanna, you'd be surprised... *LOL* Ross, it only really took just a few days... But, I think I was one of the first to respond, and I think I'm still in the database...
Definitely rest up MD! Hope you feel better soon.
Mr. Dead
11-20-13, 2:14 pm
Definitely rest up MD! Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks... Due to where I work, I have no choice but to follow the recommendations...
Mr. Dead
11-21-13, 4:08 pm
Will be Monday, for sure...
Will be Monday, for sure...
Can't wait!
11-21-13, 5:11 pm
The revolution will be televised at a slightly later date... Back and neck seized up, late yesterday afternoon/early evening... Went to the doc... The "crud" that I had turned out to be viral meningitis... I'm at the tail end of it, and not contagious... Rest, tylenol, Nyquil/Dayquil, and tons of fluids... Should be on target for a Friday start to this, if not, Monday at the latest... My apologies for not being able to get this up and running properly, as I'd like... Deanna, you'd be surprised... *LOL* Ross, it only really took just a few days... But, I think I was one of the first to respond, and I think I'm still in the database...
Get yourself healthy, that's the most important thing!!! We're not going anywhere... Lol
Get yourself healthy, that's the most important thing!!! We're not going anywhere... Lol
Speak for yourself... I'm going. I'm not old and broken like you two.
11-21-13, 5:29 pm
Speak for yourself... I'm going. I'm not old and broken like you two.
Going Crazy?? Yes, you are...
We aren't old and broken, we just need boo boo patches more often... ;-)
Can't wait to see how you like it Deadman... start to feelin' better!
Going Crazy?? Yes, you are...
We aren't old and broken, we just need boo boo patches more often... ;-)
You think I'm GOING crazy? Wow you are old... Lol
11-21-13, 11:05 pm
You think I'm GOING crazy? Wow you are old... Lol
You've paved the path to bat crap crazy for all of us...
11-22-13, 10:21 am
You've paved the path to bat crap crazy for all of us...
Thank you? Lol.
You need to see Boo do the trailer for his pretend TV show... He stands next to me and says, "I'm guano, he's loco. Together we're... Guano Loco. The crime fighting paleanpologists (how he pronounces paleontologists)".
Yeah, He gets his awesome from me...
Mr. Dead
11-22-13, 11:38 am
Can't wait!
Me, too... Today is the first day in over a week, that I've felt even close to healthy... BTW... I like my shiny new rank...
Get yourself healthy, that's the most important thing!!! We're not going anywhere... Lol
Meh... Health is overrated... *LOL* Thanks...
Speak for yourself... I'm going. I'm not old and broken like you two.
Nobody likes a quitter... *LOL*
Going Crazy?? Yes, you are...
We aren't old and broken, we just need boo boo patches more often... ;-)
We just have the scars to prove that we'ved "lived" our lives, and didn't just "Tip toe through the tulips", like some...
Can't wait to see how you like it Deadman... start to feelin' better!
Thanks...!!! Finally feeling like I'm on the mend...
You think I'm GOING crazy? Wow you are old... Lol
I've always known you were crazy...
You've paved the path to bat crap crazy for all of us...
Strong this...
Menigitis?! Rest up!
Yep... Thanks, will do...
Thank you? Lol.
You need to see Boo do the trailer for his pretend TV show... He stands next to me and says, "I'm guano, he's loco. Together we're... Guano Loco. The crime fighting paleanpologists (how he pronounces paleontologists)".
Yeah, He gets his awesome from me...
*LOL* Perfect...
And I see you've achieved imperator rank!
Mr. Dead
11-22-13, 11:58 am
And I see you've achieved imperator rank!
In record time... *LOL*
Mr. Dead
11-22-13, 1:20 pm
On a side note... I dropped 8 lbs during this illness... And am sub-200, at 194 lbs...
On a side note... I dropped 8 lbs during this illness... And am sub-200, at 194 lbs...
Time to rehydrate up with electrolytes and carbs. Some SportPharma CarbMax is needed!
Me, too... Today is the first day in over a week, that I've felt even close to healthy... BTW... I like my shiny new rank...
Human spambot.
Mr. Dead
11-22-13, 1:30 pm
Time to rehydrate up with electrolytes and carbs. Some SportPharma CarbMax is needed!
Human spambot.
Nope... Just got a lot to say... *LOL*
Human spambot.
Mr. Dead
11-22-13, 1:34 pm
It's typical of today's youth... I see it all the time... No respect for their elders... Next thing you know, he'll be listening to that new-famgled Rock and Roll music, trying to make his own beer, wearing his pants hung low, and playing "Kock Out"...
11-22-13, 2:01 pm
it's typical of today's youth... I see it all the time... No respect for their elders... Next thing you know, he'll be listening to that new-famgled rock and roll music, trying to make his own beer, wearing his pants hung low, and playing "kock out"...
^^^^^best auto correct ever!!!!! ^^^^^
Nope... Just got a lot to say... *LOL*
"Wut's goin on... in here... ???"
J, please give me VPN access to HQ, and the ability to get at any sort of data for the database behind the FORVM :)
11-22-13, 2:39 pm
J, please give me VPN access to HQ, and the ability to get at any sort of data for the database behind the FORVM :)
If J is just handing out remote access...
It's typical of today's youth... I see it all the time... No respect for their elders... Next thing you know, he'll be listening to that new-famgled Rock and Roll music, trying to make his own beer, wearing his pants hung low, and playing "Kock Out"...
If it's too loud, you're too old.
^^^^^best auto correct ever!!!!! ^^^^^
Mr. Dead
11-26-13, 11:24 am
Hammer Strength Dip Apparatus 2x8 + 6 (245...)
Dumbbell Triceps Ext 2 x 8 + 6 (65-lb DB...)
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 8 + 6 at stack...
Incline Dumbbell curls 2 x 8 + 6 (30 lb DBs...)
Hammer Curls 2 x 8 + 6 (40 lb DBs...)
Preacher curls 2 x 8 + 6 (45 lbs...)
Planks... 7 held for 45 seconds each...
Rage XL thoughts:
Taste... Surprisingly smooth, in 4 oz. of water... Focus, was dead on target... Energy was good... Some of the effects may have been dulled by illness and inactivity... Was feeling pretty sluggish all day... Pump, was great, and can only get better...!!! Numbers were disappointing, to say the least, but what can I expect from lots of inactivity and illness... Only way to go is up, and hope for muscle memory...
Yes--MD finally got to try it out!
Once you get back to full health, you'll be back to the bigger weights in no time!
Mr. Dead
11-26-13, 1:24 pm
Yes--MD finally got to try it out!
Once you get back to full health, you'll be back to the bigger weights in no time!
Thanks...!!! BTW... I'm also pondering one more show...
Thanks...!!! BTW... I'm also pondering one more show...
One more, eh? What do you have your sights on?
Mr. Dead
11-26-13, 1:35 pm
One more, eh? What do you have your sights on?
NPC Washington State Iron Man, next fall...
*in Arnold voice* Do it....Do it NOW!!!!
Mr. Dead
11-26-13, 2:09 pm
Waiting to see what the voices in my wife's head and Rage's head tell me...
Mr. Dead
11-27-13, 10:40 am
Leg extension: (Warm Up...)
1 set of 50 at 80
1 set of 40 at 90
1 set of 30 at 100
Leg extension:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 145
Leg press:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 5 plates per side
Hack Squats:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 1 plate and a 35 per side
Lying leg curls:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 100
Seated Leg Curls:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 165
Adductor Machine
2 sets of 8 +6 at Stack
Abductor Machine
2 sets of 8+6 at Stack
Energy was much better... Of course it was the first day in quite some time that I felt at or near 100%... Plus leg day always holds a special place in my sick and twisted heart... Will try a scoop and a half, next workout, for S&G...
That's a good amount of volume there. So I remember you said you would mix up some grape Storm just because you liked the taste. Is it the same for Rage xl?
11-27-13, 1:30 pm
That's a good amount of volume there. So I remember you said you would mix up some grape Storm just because you liked the taste. Is it the same for Rage xl?
I know you weren't asking me, but, I've tried Grape Shock Therapy, Grape Storm, & I'm currently using Grape Rage XL & IMO they are all similar in taste and smell. Rage is probably closer to the Shock Therapy taste than the Storm.
Mr. Dead
12-03-13, 10:55 am
That's a good amount of volume there. So I remember you said you would mix up some grape Storm just because you liked the taste. Is it the same for Rage xl?
The taste is good, but not a true stand alone for taste, like Storm...
Mr. Dead
12-03-13, 11:00 am
Wednesday: (Due to the Holiday, Wednesday became Thursday...)
Chest: (Only listed the working sets...)
Bench Press 2 x 8 + 6 at 195...
Incline DB Flyes 2 x 8 + 6 with 40lb DBs
Pec Deck 2 x 8 + 6 at 130
Smith Military Press 2 x 8 + 6 at 90
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 x 8 + 6 with 30 lb DBs
Side Laterals 2 x 8 + 6 at 15 lb DBs
(Still lower numbers than I had in the past...)
Wide Grip Pull Downs 2 x 8 + 6 110
T Bar Rows 2 x 8 + 6 with two 35's on the bar...
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 8 + 6 at 90
Reverse Pec Deck 2 x 8 + 6 at 105
DB Shrugs 2 x 15 at 75
Horizontal Calf 2 x 8 + 6 at 640
Seated Calf 2 x 8 + 6 at 2 pps
Shrugs were done normal, the rest was solo HRT...
40 min on the Deadmill...
Weighted crunches 3x50 at 70
Saturday and Sunday:
40 min each day on the Deadmill...
Still impressed with this product as far as the clean energy, focus, and pump...
Still impressed with this product as far as the clean energy, focus, and pump...
That sounds good!
Mr. Dead
12-04-13, 1:59 pm
That sounds good!
'Tis very good and very important...
Mr. Dead
12-04-13, 2:02 pm
Wound up doing a home workout... Weighted chair dips, various curls at various weights, triceps extensions, and some ab work... There was a snow warning, and out where I live, so it was recommended by "She Who Must Be Obeyed" that I come straight home from work, vs going to the gym... Still got a pretty good pump despite not having the heavier amounts of weight...
12-04-13, 2:06 pm
so it was recommended by "She Who Must Be Obeyed" that I come straight home from work.
LOL. I know how that feels. That's how my wife is haha
Mr. Dead
12-06-13, 12:17 pm
LOL. I know how that feels. That's how my wife is haha
I'm fond of sleeping with my eyes closed...
Mr. Dead
12-06-13, 12:21 pm
Past few days have been a royal shitstorm... Between the weather, and what became a nearly 2 1/2 hour commute home I had to scrap my plans... Today "should" be better, weather permitting...
We had a grain silo collapse and kill a person, in one of the towns I have to drive through... So, between the news crews, rescue crews, large machinery being moved, and Looky Lous it's been a pretty crappy drive... Then we had snow, and people up here are incapable of driving in inclement weather...
Past few days have been a royal shitstorm... Between the weather, and what became a nearly 2 1/2 hour commute home I had to scrap my plans... Today "should" be better, weather permitting...
We had a grain silo collapse and kill a person, in one of the towns I have to drive through... So, between the news crews, rescue crews, large machinery being moved, and Looky Lous it's been a pretty crappy drive... Then we had snow, and people up here are incapable of driving in inclement weather...
That weather front moved down here last night.... not fun in a 2wd Ranger pickup with bald tires! haha.
Mr. Dead
12-07-13, 8:15 pm
Really starting to not like this time of year... The rest of the week was curtailed... Due to personal/family reasons... Those on Facebook should have a fairly good idea...
Mr. Dead
12-10-13, 3:47 pm
Hammer Strength Dip Apparatus 2x8 + 6 (255...)
Dumbbell Triceps Ext 2 x 8 + 6 (65-lb DB...)
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 8 + 6 at stack...
Incline Dumbbell curls 2 x 8 + 6 (35 lb DBs...)
Hammer Curls 2 x 8 + 6 (45 lb DBs...)
Preacher curls 2 x 8 + 6 (55 lbs...)
Planks... 7 held for 45 seconds each...
Interesting how a bit of grief and anger can make the numbers jump...
For those that don't know... My "favorite" Uncle died, last week... We were fairly close... It was sudden and unexpected... He was in a wreck, paramedics checked him over, said he was fine... He made a cautionary appointment with his doctor the following day... He collapsed in the doctor's office on Wednesday... He had a brain hemorrhage... He was pronounced dead Friday night... He was only 60... Keep your friends and family close... You never know when you may lose them...
Over the weekend, I did a comparison, though... I compared it with the original Rage... I found the energy levels and focus to be quite similar... (Rage XL blew the old one away, with flavor, though... *LOL*)
Mr. Dead
12-11-13, 5:36 pm
Leg extension: (Warm Up...)
1 set of 50 at 80
1 set of 40 at 90
1 set of 30 at 100
Leg extension:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 145
Leg press:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 5 plates and a 25 per side
Hack Squats:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 2 plates per side
Lying leg curls:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 110
Seated Leg Curls:
2 sets of 8 + 6 at 165
Adductor Machine
2 sets of 8 +6 at Stack
Abductor Machine
2 sets of 8+6 at Stack
Numbers are going back up... Sore as heck, today... "Walkin' like Golum"... *LOL* Been enjoying the focus, energy, and pumps I've been getting from this...!!!
Hammer Strength Dip Apparatus 2x8 + 6 (255...)
Dumbbell Triceps Ext 2 x 8 + 6 (65-lb DB...)
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 8 + 6 at stack...
Incline Dumbbell curls 2 x 8 + 6 (35 lb DBs...)
Hammer Curls 2 x 8 + 6 (45 lb DBs...)
Preacher curls 2 x 8 + 6 (55 lbs...)
Planks... 7 held for 45 seconds each...
Interesting how a bit of grief and anger can make the numbers jump...
For those that don't know... My "favorite" Uncle died, last week... We were fairly close... It was sudden and unexpected... He was in a wreck, paramedics checked him over, said he was fine... He made a cautionary appointment with his doctor the following day... He collapsed in the doctor's office on Wednesday... He had a brain hemorrhage... He was pronounced dead Friday night... He was only 60... Keep your friends and family close... You never know when you may lose them...
Over the weekend, I did a comparison, though... I compared it with the original Rage... I found the energy levels and focus to be quite similar... (Rage XL blew the old one away, with flavor, though... *LOL*)
MD, sorry to hear that about your uncle. My condolences to you and the family. Time is definitely too short here, we gotta make the most of every day.
Mr. Dead
12-11-13, 6:20 pm
MD, sorry to hear that about your uncle. My condolences to you and the family. Time is definitely too short here, we gotta make the most of every day.
Thank you... He and I were fairly close... But, unfortunately, death smiles at us all... In the end, all we can do is smile back...
MD, sorry to hear that about your uncle. My condolences to you and the family. Time is definitely too short here, we gotta make the most of every day.
x2... Prayers are with you brother.
Mr. Dead
12-13-13, 1:00 am
x2... Prayers are with you brother.
Thank you...
Mr. Dead
12-13-13, 1:04 am
Chest: (Only listed the working sets...)
Bench Press 2 x 8 + 6 at 200...
Incline DB Flyes 2 x 8 + 6 with 45lb DBs
Pec Deck 2 x 8 + 6 at 145
Smith Military Press 2 x 8 + 6 at 90
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 x 8 + 6 with 35 lb DBs
Side Laterals 2 x 8 + 6 at 20 lb DBs
Finally starting to get a rhythm, again... An odd observation, though... With the added focus, I've been able to sort through a lot of things, while at the gym, and resolve some of the grief and recent issues...
Sorry for your loss Mr. D.
Like seeing the few times you had to lift from home. I've had to do that in the past. Used household items for weights until I was able to purchase a few DBs.
Mr. Dead
12-13-13, 12:50 pm
Sorry for your loss Mr. D.
Like seeing the few times you had to lift from home. I've had to do that in the past. Used household items for weights until I was able to purchase a few DBs.
Thank you... I always have a few DB's around the house... The poundage is not what I would like... But, I make due with different angles, slower reps, etc... And at the very least, we all have our own bodyweight for some exercises...
Mr. Dead
12-15-13, 9:01 pm
Wide Grip Pull Downs 2 x 8 + 6 115
T Bar Rows 2 x 8 + 6 with two 35's and a 5 on the bar...
Dumbbell Rows 2 x 8 + 6 at 95
Reverse Pec Deck 2 x 8 + 6 at 120
DB Shrugs 2 x 15 at 85
Horizontal Calf 2 x 8 + 6 at 640
Seated Calf 2 x 8 + 6 at 2 pps
Shrugs were done normal, the rest was solo HRT...
Weighted crunches 3x50 at 70
Mr. Dead
12-19-13, 12:11 pm
As I'll be starting my vacation after work, today... I'll get right down to my thoughts and impression of this product... Would I recommend this to someone...??? Most definitely...!!! The taste has been vastly improved upon... The added performance enhancers were perfect, and make this a great stand alone preworkout product... As a bodybuilder, I care as much for the pump as I do the sustained energy and focus... Well done, Animal... Well done...!!!
As I'll be starting my vacation after work, today... I'll get right down to my thoughts and impression of this product... Would I recommend this to someone...??? Most definitely...!!! The taste has been vastly improved upon... The added performance enhancers were perfect, and make this a great stand alone preworkout product... As a bodybuilder, I care as much for the pump as I do the sustained energy and focus... Well done, Animal... Well done...!!!
I agree with you... Legit stuff for sure.
Mr. Dead
12-29-13, 7:48 pm
I agree with you... Legit stuff for sure.
Most definitely...
As I'll be starting my vacation after work, today... I'll get right down to my thoughts and impression of this product... Would I recommend this to someone...??? Most definitely...!!! The taste has been vastly improved upon... The added performance enhancers were perfect, and make this a great stand alone preworkout product... As a bodybuilder, I care as much for the pump as I do the sustained energy and focus... Well done, Animal... Well done...!!!
Mr. Dead
01-06-14, 11:07 am
Yes, it was...!!! Thanks, again, for letting me run this...!!!