View Full Version : Bruiser Slaying PRs with Rage XL
Got my Rage XL Monday night... after I got home from deadlifts. Lol. So I'm gonna start it up today. Hoping for big things. Honestly, the old Rage just ain't cutting it anymore. But everything I've heard, this is gonna help me rip it up. Here's some basic info on me:
Wt: 265-270
Ht: 5'11"
DL: 500
Bench: 310
Squat: 355
Training split
Mon: deadlift, back, arms
Tue: MMA
Wed: alternate bench and OHP weekly, arms
Thu: MMA
Fri: squat, arms, strongman
Friday: squat 375+
ABC Dec 7: pull 515 for a PR and see how it goes. Then go for either 535 or 555!
Before Jan 1: squat 405, pull 555
Long term goals for first half of 2014:
1,200 lb 2 man DL for reps charity event (January)
Arnold Expo (Feb/March)
Full power meet (April)
MMA fight (April)
Push/pull (May)
Highland Games (June)
Strongman (June)
Mr. Dead
11-27-13, 10:48 am
11-27-13, 11:35 am
Massive 270lbs & your an MMA fighter...I would hate to get on your bad side!! Lol.
I'm in! What flavor did you get? Lemon or Mango?
In for sure.
Ughhh... Figures.
Massive 270lbs & your an MMA fighter...I would hate to get on your bad side!! Lol.
I'm in! What flavor did you get? Lemon or Mango?
It's a lot of fun. I started it last April to help with conditioning and mobility. Now I'm managing the place. Some weeks I'm down there 4-5 days, sometimes I can only get down there once every two weeks. So trying to prepare for a fight has not been easy. Plus, I have to stay within cutting distance of 265. Because all the fights up here, the cut off for super heavyweight is 265! Lol
I got the Lemon.
11-28-13, 8:12 am
270? Looks like wee switched places..
I'll be following
When I opened the container I was really psyched! It smelled just like the lemon Girl Scout cookies! Lol.
Taste: I added it to 4 oz water and mixed it up. The flavor was much more palatable than any of the original Rage flavors. To me it tasted like a good lemonade.
Kick: Honestly, I was a little underwhelmed here. I was waiting for the BA9 tingles and they never came. Not sure if they lowered the amount or if it is masked by some of the new ingredients. I definitely didn't feel the kick like I do with the original. I might have to try two scoops. But that will cause another problem I will talk about later.
Energy: I noticed a fair amount of energy, but not like the original. It still had that nice long effect and no crash.
Pump: This was the problem I had. As a powerlifter I don't take "pump" products. The pump was so sick with just one scoop that I had to cut my training short. I was doing high volume bench and had to stop two sets early because I could feel the skin by my armpit starting to tear! For BBs this is great, but not so much from a PL standpoint. I'm hoping I can get use to it. Friday I'll be hitting heavy squats and going for a new PR. We'll see how that goes since the pump doesn't interfere with squats much.
Overall: Honestly, I love the flavor of the new one, but so far I like the old Rage. I think this is the best "pump" product I've ever experienced! But not what I was expecting. I'll see how the rest of the tub goes though.
Bar - 3x30
135 - 3x20
185 - 8x10 (supposed to be 10x10, 60% max)
DB curls - 4x15
DB laterals - 4x10
270? Looks like wee switched places..
I'll be following
What up McMini?!
11-28-13, 8:40 am
Nice work Leigh. Now stuff your face to 308!
Nice work Leigh. Now stuff your face to 308!
Hells yeah! Tonight I get to do my annual tradition. I get a whole pecan pie to myself. I dump a full container of Cool whip on it and sit down with a spoon in front of the TV until it's gone.... Hehehehe
Still couldn't eat Friday due to a SEVERE Crohn's flare up so I had nothing in me for squat day so I skipped it and hit up the MMA gym instead. I'm even down 6 lbs in two days. Decided to try the new Rage XL for my sparring session.
Taste: did a powder shot this time. Loved it! Tasted just like the lemon Girl Scout cookies.
Kick: Felt a little more kick too, not quite as much as the OG, but still better than with water.
Energy: I'm a 270 lb guy doing MMA, when my lungs didn't want to suck themselves inside out, I was doing fine. So I'd have to say the energy level was pretty damn good.
Pump: again this was an issue. When we spar we use 16 oz gloves. Imagine holding onto or swinging a 1 lb weight in each hand for a couple hours. My shoulders, chest and arms got pumped to hell again and limited my mobility.
Overall: I had a better experience with it for MMA than I did for high volume bench. Still deciding.
Keeping everything light this week. Treating the ABC like a meet. Going to pull a HUGE PR and hit a 20-50 lb squat PRR too. Monday I hit up some back work and some more pretty boy shit.
Today I mixed the Rage XL with 8 oz water... Ehhh. Too watered down. I think I like the powder shot the best. I alos joyed the feel of it more today. With not going high volume and working muscles where the pump wasn't gonna effect performance, it was awesome.
Chest Supported TBar - 5x15
Shrugs - 5x Fail
Wide grip pulldowns - 5x10
DB curls - 5x10
Ez bar curls - 5x25
Cable curls - 5x10
OHDB ext - 5x10
Rope Pushdowns - 5x20
Had a killer turnout at the ABC. Probably had over 75 people again. Felt like shit but still pulled a 5 lb PR and that made an even 100 lbs on my deadlift since June. I was using the shitty bar and on the crooked platform so I wasn't too happy. Pete decided I'm pulling 520 with him Friday. Lol
Did the powder shot again, this is just my favorite! I love the flavor this way. Plus it gives a little more kick. Still not thrilled with it. I think I miss the original.
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 1
475 x 1
505 x 1 *
Ernie Lilliebridge JR
12-09-13, 7:21 pm
It was great to see you big guy this past weekend! Cant wait to do it again! Congrats on the pr pull!
505 no belt?! NICE! I agree with you at the BA tingles, I did not feel them as much as I did with OJ Rage.
It was great to see you big guy this past weekend! Cant wait to do it again! Congrats on the pr pull!
You too bud. Let's plan on Jakked in January.
505 no belt?! NICE! I agree with you at the BA tingles, I did not feel them as much as I did with OJ Rage.
Yeah, still deciding.
12-10-13, 12:50 am
I agree with you at the BA tingles, I did not feel them as much as I did with OJ Rage.
I concur with both of ya.... In fact I haven't felt the tingles at all with Rage XL and took 2 scoops today
Had a killer turnout at the ABC. Probably had over 75 people again. Felt like shit but still pulled a 5 lb PR and that made an even 100 lbs on my deadlift since June. I was using the shitty bar and on the crooked platform so I wasn't too happy. Pete decided I'm pulling 520 with him Friday. Lol
Did the powder shot again, this is just my favorite! I love the flavor this way. Plus it gives a little more kick. Still not thrilled with it. I think I miss the original.
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 1
475 x 1
505 x 1 *
That deadlift is getting strong B!
Hit up the powder shot, definitely my favorite way. Felt pretty good and I'm startng to get use to the pump aspect. I still like the original better. I'm gonna run the original to compare on Friday DL. Stay tuned.
I finally made it to the gym today. I've only trained 3x in the past four weeks. Almost didn't go. Been so burned out after everything it's hard to find the initiative. Decided to go and just do a light squat day since I was only gonna have 90 minutes to train. Then when I got there, Dan says he's going to go pick Pete up. Fuuuuuuck. I have no self control or common sense when I train with Pete. Damn it! Ended up hitting a PR. Lol
Bar - 3x20
135 - 3x5 (paused)
225 - 3x3
275 - 3x2
315 - 3x1
345 - 1x1
365 - 1x1* (10 lb PR)
Rev Pec Deck - 5x15
Shrugs - 5x15
DB Curls - 5x10
EZ bar curls - 5x20
Okay, he's the full story.
I've been dealing with some health issues recently and even the Dr was concerned. Well, long story short... yesterday I got the all clear. No Lymes and no Lymphoma! About time I got some good news. Only bad part is that I've been diagnosed with diverticulitis. Fuuuuuck. I've got to go see a gastroenterologist to find out what's going on. Between having Crohn's, almost dying from pancreatitis last year and now this... something's up. So it could get interesting, but who fucking cares.
Also got a HUGE cortisone/lidocaine injection in my shoulder yesterday. Holy hell. Feels so much better. I'll be getting those every two weeks because of degenerative issues with my shoulder. Being old sucks.
Okay, he's the full story.
I've been dealing with some health issues recently and even the Dr was concerned. Well, long story short... yesterday I got the all clear. No Lymes and no Lymphoma! About time I got some good news. Only bad part is that I've been diagnosed with diverticulitis. Fuuuuuck. I've got to go see a gastroenterologist to find out what's going on. Between having Crohn's, almost dying from pancreatitis last year and now this... something's up. So it could get interesting, but who fucking cares.
Also got a HUGE cortisone/lidocaine injection in my shoulder yesterday. Holy hell. Feels so much better. I'll be getting those every two weeks because of degenerative issues with my shoulder. Being old sucks.
Doh! Hope all goes well with testing B.
Hit up the powder shot, definitely my favorite way. Felt pretty good and I'm startng to get use to the pump aspect. I still like the original better. I'm gonna run the original to compare on Friday DL. Stay tuned.
I finally made it to the gym today. I've only trained 3x in the past four weeks. Almost didn't go. Been so burned out after everything it's hard to find the initiative. Decided to go and just do a light squat day since I was only gonna have 90 minutes to train. Then when I got there, Dan says he's going to go pick Pete up. Fuuuuuuck. I have no self control or common sense when I train with Pete. Damn it! Ended up hitting a PR. Lol
Bar - 3x20
135 - 3x5 (paused)
225 - 3x3
275 - 3x2
315 - 3x1
345 - 1x1
365 - 1x1* (10 lb PR)
Rev Pec Deck - 5x15
Shrugs - 5x15
DB Curls - 5x10
EZ bar curls - 5x20
I hit 405 the other day...just sayin'
Okay, he's the full story.
I've been dealing with some health issues recently and even the Dr was concerned. Well, long story short... yesterday I got the all clear. No Lymes and no Lymphoma! About time I got some good news. Only bad part is that I've been diagnosed with diverticulitis. Fuuuuuck. I've got to go see a gastroenterologist to find out what's going on. Between having Crohn's, almost dying from pancreatitis last year and now this... something's up. So it could get interesting, but who fucking cares.
Also got a HUGE cortisone/lidocaine injection in my shoulder yesterday. Holy hell. Feels so much better. I'll be getting those every two weeks because of degenerative issues with my shoulder. Being old sucks.
If you are old, I am ancient.
Fingers crossed for ya bud.
Doh! Hope all goes well with testing B.
Thanks J. Just trying to keep my chins up. Lol
I hit 405 the other day...just sayin'
If you are old, I am ancient.
Fingers crossed for ya bud.
And yes, you're ancient. Lol
With my shoulder still jacked up but feeling a lot better with the cortisone injection, I decided to go light weight, high rep with some upper body work.
Did the powder shot again, yum! With the plan of not going heavy and just wanting a good pump and blood flow to get my body ready for heavy weight next week, I actually really enjoyed the new Rage XL. With just the <50% I was doing I still got a huge pump. It was kinda cool.
I still hope they don't discontinue the old stuff though. I think it would be best to have both available.
AXLE PRESS: 70 lbs - 5x10
IBP: 95 lbs - 5x10
SHRUGS: 5x10
DB CURLS: 5x10
EZ BAR 21s x 5
Felt like hammered ass but still got to the gym yesterday. Now with my shoulder feeling great from the cortisone injection, I'm realizing how bad my other aches and pains are! Really feel the brachialis tear now. Gonna be hard to rest that though. Worked up to 95% on DLs and it felt HEAVY. Wasn't planning on going that heavy with my right shoulder jacked up and the tear in my left arm, but... what the hell?! Lol.
Powder shot again.
Had a sick pump in my back by the time I was done, especially when finishing off with stone loading. Not a ton of energy though.
135 - 3x5
225 - 3x3
315 - 3x2
405 - 3x1
475 - 1x1
315 - 1x10
120 lb - 3x5
I was planning on starting the Lilliebridge Method on Monday, but after looking it over I realized I need to work up to it. I've always had problems repping anything over 70%. Doesn't matter if it's bench, squat or DL. Just never been able to hit reps. The percentage I was suppose to START with for max reps was gonna be impossible, so I'm gonna just work on really hitting 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps of some heavier percentages. Monday went a lot better than I expected.
Foam roll
RageXL (powder shot)
Bar - 2x15
135 - 2x10
225 - 2x5
275 - 2x3
315 - 3x3 (HUGE rep PR! I've never even hit that for a double before!)
Rev Pec Deck - 3x15
Shrugs - 3x10
EZ Bar Preachers - 3x10
DB curls - 3x10
Hammer curls - 3x6
Used two scoops is time. The energy level was better.
Haven't benched in 3 months because my shoulders and elbows are just getting beat to shit. Last time I benched was when I hit 310 touch and go. I've never really done paused benching. But I know how 2 second pause squats have really made my squat blow up fast. Since I'll be doing a PL meet this year, I need to work on proper benching with full pause. So Wednesday I worked up to just 225 and it felt pretty good. I wanted to play with my new Slingshot that Pete gave me, but I didn't want to overwork my shoulders and elbows the first day back benching. I was able to hit 225 for an easy 3x3 with a 2 sec pause. Could've done 5x5 if I wanted to. Which is great because it means I haven't lost much off my bench at all. I guess the 3 months of high rep OHP and axle press kept my bench strength up.
Warm up:
Shoulder rotations
Broom stick
RageXL (2 powder shots)
BENCH (all two second paused):
Bar - 2x20
135 - 2x15
185 - 2x8
225 - 3x3
135 - 1x30
Pec Deck Flys - 5x20
Rev Pec Deck - 5x15
Shrugs - 5x10
DB Laterals - 5x10
DB curls - 5x10
OHDB Ext - 5x10
Barbell Curl - 3x20
Rope Pushdowns - 3x15
Holy pump! The two scoops on chest day... my titties were swole!
I've been keeping up my training log on my regular thread. Just keep forgetting to cut and paste it over here too. Well, here's my final thoughts on the new Rage XL.
Flavor: 10/10. I loved the lemon! I never use water with any preWO so doing the powder shot tastes just like the lemon Girl Scout cookies. Absolutely knee of the best tasting supplements I've ever had.
Kick: 1/10. Even with 2 or 3 scoops I didn't notice this kicking in at all. It never had the lovely BA9 tingles and kick to the teeth of the original.
Energy: 5/10. Comparable to a strong cup of coffee or a Monster. Not what I'd expect from a preWO at all. Especially an Animal product.
Pump: This is hard for me to judge. I don't take NO or pump type products. As a powerlifter such things can actually hurt training instead of help. And that's what I noticed with this. The pump was ridiculous! Which is great if that's what you want, but it's not for me. I actually had to cut sessions short because my mobility was affected by the pump I was getting. Even with one scoop it was huge! And since I needed 2 scoops to have any energy at all, it was just bad and not beneficial at all.
Over all: I think there could be a market for this product as a Pump type supplement but not as a preWO. For me, I wouldn't go out and buy this. With that said, I really hope that they don't discontinue the original Rage. The original is easily the best preWO on the market and the only supplement I even take. I'd hate to be off all Animal supplements. So PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep making the original.
G Diesel
01-21-14, 10:18 am
I've been keeping up my training log on my regular thread. Just keep forgetting to cut and paste it over here too. Well, here's my final thoughts on the new Rage XL.
Flavor: 10/10. I loved the lemon! I never use water with any preWO so doing the powder shot tastes just like the lemon Girl Scout cookies. Absolutely knee of the best tasting supplements I've ever had.
Kick: 1/10. Even with 2 or 3 scoops I didn't notice this kicking in at all. It never had the lovely BA9 tingles and kick to the teeth of the original.
Energy: 5/10. Comparable to a strong cup of coffee or a Monster. Not what I'd expect from a preWO at all. Especially an Animal product.
Pump: This is hard for me to judge. I don't take NO or pump type products. As a powerlifter such things can actually hurt training instead of help. And that's what I noticed with this. The pump was ridiculous! Which is great if that's what you want, but it's not for me. I actually had to cut sessions short because my mobility was affected by the pump I was getting. Even with one scoop it was huge! And since I needed 2 scoops to have any energy at all, it was just bad and not beneficial at all.
Over all: I think there could be a market for this product as a Pump type supplement but not as a preWO. For me, I wouldn't go out and buy this. With that said, I really hope that they don't discontinue the original Rage. The original is easily the best preWO on the market and the only supplement I even take. I'd hate to be off all Animal supplements. So PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep making the original.
Wow. That is wild man. I love the original Rage, but felt like two scoops of XL hit me just as hard. Just goes to show that individual results certainly may vary.
Valuable feedback regardless, my brother.
Peace, G
01-21-14, 10:45 am
Wow. That is wild man. I love the original Rage, but felt like two scoops of XL hit me just as hard. Just goes to show that individual results certainly may vary.
Valuable feedback regardless, my brother.
Peace, G
Thanks G. I hate feeling like I'm bashing Animal, but I'd rather be honest about it than sit here and blow sunshine up their ass. It is a good product, just not for me. I'm just hoping they keep the OG around...
G Diesel
01-21-14, 10:53 am
Thanks G. I hate feeling like I'm bashing Animal, but I'd rather be honest about it than sit here and blow sunshine up their ass. It is a good product, just not for me. I'm just hoping they keep the OG around...
Nah man. Honesty is important. No bashing at all.
You better stock up on the OG if you can find it out there. Haha.
Did you ever try Shock Therapy preworkout? Two scoops of that is pretty good too.
Peace, G