View Full Version : A shot of Lemon Slayed Rage XL
So pretty stoked just got the lemon slayed Rage XL in mail today & can't wait to give it a go tonight. I'll be postin up later gonna be blastin some Squats/ legs,thanks again for this chance Animal!!
I apologize guys had some gym membership trouble & wasn't ablt to hit it til today but finally gave the Lemon Slayed flavor a shot mixed with about 6 ounces of water, flavor was great I'd give it an honest 10/10 tasted like a lemon starburst had just the right amount of sweetness to it & a hint of sourness to it. Hit legs today & felt a good pump flowing through & gave me that extra drive I needed as I've been out of commission for a while so definitely has a great energy kick still! Was able to get in do battle and get out to recover! This is my new favorite preworkout for sure all factors in one Pump & energy & focus all in one powder I'm a believer!!
12-03-13, 3:47 pm
I am also happy about how Animal Rage brings focus, lasting energy, creatine & a crazy pump all in 1-2 scoops.
I am also happy about how Animal Rage brings focus, lasting energy, creatine & a crazy pump all in 1-2 scoops.
Yes it definately has an all in one preworkout bang!! Have you tried any other flavors yet?
12-03-13, 4:26 pm
I apologize guys had some gym membership trouble & wasn't ablt to hit it til today but finally gave the Lemon Slayed flavor a shot mixed with about 6 ounces of water, flavor was great I'd give it an honest 10/10 tasted like a lemon starburst had just the right amount of sweetness to it & a hint of sourness to it. Hit legs today & felt a good pump flowing through & gave me that extra drive I needed as I've been out of commission for a while so definitely has a great energy kick still! Was able to get in do battle and get out to recover! This is my new favorite preworkout for sure all factors in one Pump & energy & focus all in one powder I'm a believer!!
Sounds great
I apologize guys had some gym membership trouble & wasn't ablt to hit it til today but finally gave the Lemon Slayed flavor a shot mixed with about 6 ounces of water, flavor was great I'd give it an honest 10/10 tasted like a lemon starburst had just the right amount of sweetness to it & a hint of sourness to it. Hit legs today & felt a good pump flowing through & gave me that extra drive I needed as I've been out of commission for a while so definitely has a great energy kick still! Was able to get in do battle and get out to recover! This is my new favorite preworkout for sure all factors in one Pump & energy & focus all in one powder I'm a believer!!
Awesome! Glad to hear it tasted awesome and worked well for you so far.
Now time to get back in it!
Awesome! Glad to hear it tasted awesome and worked well for you so far.
Now time to get back in it!
Thanks J-Dawg!! Yes it's time to dive in the deep end and get back to gettin stronger!!!
So used a good heaping scoop (by that I mean overflowing haha) in about 5 ounces of water and got a little stronger flavor than yesterday. But just couldn't help but sip instead of down it like a shot,.. it just taste insanely good lol!! Hit standing press today with some upper body accessory work and immediately could tell a huge difference between old rage and new Rage XL it sends you straight to the Animal Zone where no-one can disturb you at work, and was still able to get in a few extra reps on those standing presses got a big pump today doing more bodybuilding style accessory lifts and felt that Rage XL surging through my veins lol!!
Sounds great
Thanks naturalguy!! ..Sorry didn't see this post till now lol
Friday night 12/06/13 Deadlift night.
-One Scoop of Lemon Slayed RageXL in 8oz of water and some ice.
Drank half down, then drank the other half a few minutes later right before I did my 2nd warmup set. Noticed that the flavor is just as strong in 8oz of water as is in like 5oz I like that fact that flavor holds up against the water!! First night of doing deadlifts since I've been gone. I was super tired before i entered gym then after drinking this delicious preworkout cocktail my energy level shot up,kind of took it easy on reps though for most part & kept everything basic but it's been like 8 or so weeks since I last deadlifted and I feel the RageXL has helped my strength department alot maybe it's the Creatine added to it or some other ingredient but whatever it is I dig it!!
sunday 12/08/13 Bench day.
Mixed one and a little less than half of RageXL in 5 ounces of water today was chewing some peppermint gum so the lemon flavor was extra sour today lol. usualy I take it right before I lift but today took it about 10 minutes before workout and also hit it in the morning usually am in there late at night. I was ready to train hard today even got in some extra conditioning work in!!
Looking good dman. That extra conditioning work pays off long term!
Looking good dman. That extra conditioning work pays off long term!
Thanks J-Dawg, I'm starting to add in more conditioning at the end of all my workouts now figure its a good challenge for me as well!!
Tuesday 12/10/13 Squat day/accessory work.
-1 Heaping scoop in 6oz water drunken in my chalice haha.
Drank the elixir about 5 minutes before hittin the workout felt pretty revved up as I was running around track felt a pump in my calves goin on lol but it was squat day got all that needed to be done even 100 reps for face-pulls and more farmers walks around track a few times, no denying it though nothing can save a man from this hellish conditioning still burns insanelly in your forearms after lol
G Diesel
12-11-13, 10:01 am
Tuesday 12/10/13 Squat day/accessory work.
-1 Heaping scoop in 6oz water drunken in my chalice haha.
Drank the elixir about 5 minutes before hittin the workout felt pretty revved up as I was running around track felt a pump in my calves goin on lol but it was squat day got all that needed to be done even 100 reps for face-pulls and more farmers walks around track a few times, no denying it though nothing can save a man from this hellish conditioning still burns insanelly in your forearms after lol
Anything worth drinking is better in a chalice.
Rage XL is the shit man. Waiting to get a tub of Lemon Slayed for myself.
Peace, G
Anything worth drinking is better in a chalice.
Rage XL is the shit man. Waiting to get a tub of Lemon Slayed for myself.
Peace, G
Haha I agree there the mighty chalice with RageXL makes a man battle ready lol!!
Yes Rage XL is Amazing & the lemon slayed is so good..flavor is Flawless!
Thursday night 12/12/13 Standing Press..upper body accessory work.
-8oz ice water with one heaping scoop of Rage XL wooohooo lets do this!
Enjoyed the flavor of Lemon slayed more so tonight realy just sipped on it and didn't rush things along too fast taking it slow & steady...yeah I'm still on the subject of Rage XL lol. Let my friend Jon who usually trains with me try it out, he loved the flavor and I think I got him hooked now. Felt like one of the better training days tonight really worked on my shoulder and upper body work tonight and Rage XL was there through it all once again I'm greatfull to have such a good friend holdin me up during these workouts!!!
Saturday 12/14/13
-6oz water mixed with 1.5 scoop of Rage XL Lemon Slayed. Drank half in before I started warming up then after when warmups were done, drank the rest felt pretty jazzed up after drinking first half. I've been doing more of a pyramid variation with the 5/3/1 so it's been helping me hit more reps throughout workout even if it's just one or 2 more in the tank and during conditioning work mentally helps me get my focus on so I can get right to work.
8oz water with 1 overfilled scoop.
So kinda just sipped on this throughout workout instead of doing a shot. Hit those squats & legs today, farmers walks were brutal today forearms were shot & felt so dead after everything Rage XL helped during the workout but just exhausted from giving it all I got.
Anything worth drinking is better in a chalice.
Rage XL is the shit man. Waiting to get a tub of Lemon Slayed for myself.
Peace, G
Haha, I like that one G. I can imagine the new craze that will be seen at gyms country-wide--people drinking Rage XL from chalices pre-workout.
Thursday night 12/12/13 Standing Press..upper body accessory work.
-8oz ice water with one heaping scoop of Rage XL wooohooo lets do this!
Enjoyed the flavor of Lemon slayed more so tonight realy just sipped on it and didn't rush things along too fast taking it slow & steady...yeah I'm still on the subject of Rage XL lol. Let my friend Jon who usually trains with me try it out, he loved the flavor and I think I got him hooked now. Felt like one of the better training days tonight really worked on my shoulder and upper body work tonight and Rage XL was there through it all once again I'm greatfull to have such a good friend holdin me up during these workouts!!!
The ice water is a nice touch! I think any fruity drink tastes better with ice water. And very cool to hear that your friend liked Rage XL too!
The ice water is a nice touch! I think any fruity drink tastes better with ice water. And very cool to hear that your friend liked Rage XL too!
I agree 100% on that one J-Dawg any kind of fruity drink mixed with ice water tastes delicious!! Yeah I saw his reaction on his face and it looked like he actually really enjoyed the flavor as well as the kick of energy and pump that it provides, gonna have him try the other flavors also when I get my hands on them!!
-Thursday 12/19/13
About 7 ounces ice water mixed with one scoop of Rage XL.
Downed half as I got done warming up and downed the other half after first warmup reps done with just bar weight. Mind is ready tonight,earlier was about to call it and just sleep early but gotta train to get stronger. So pushed the pedal to the metal and blasted through another mad workout main lift was shoulder press/close grip bench, followed by a handfull of upper body accessory lifts suprisingly got it all done within like half and hour, and walked out feelin good.
Thursday 12/26/13
-7 ounces of ice water, 1 &1/2 scoop of Rage XL Lemon Slayed.
Took this about half an hour before I lifted today & I really got a good energy flow goin througout all of workout even warmups felt pretty revved up!
I like this timing as I usualy take it either right before or during workout, but was even feelin kinda sick today with a real scratchy throat but couldn't tell I was just zoned in with Intense Focus just like Rage is best known for! It was leg day today by the way.
I hear you on the sore throat and feeling sick/run down. Been feeling that the past few days and taking a little time to recover. How are you feeling now?
I hear you on the sore throat and feeling sick/run down. Been feeling that the past few days and taking a little time to recover. How are you feeling now?
Eehh yeah it's just in the air around this time no fun to train with lol! Been kicking up the vitamin c and teas & extra rest over here, sore throat is good now just developed a cold but almost got it beat hopefully. Thanks for checkin in on me J-Dawg!! How are you feelin brotha?
Sunday 12/29/13
-6 oz of water with 1 and a little less than half of a scoop on Lemon Slayed Rage XL. Drank about 15 minutes before workin out.
Was feelin under the weather today and realy didn't want too train but got my butt into gear and made it down and suprisingly had a hell of a workout & managed to push through just feelin like crap.
Eehh yeah it's just in the air around this time no fun to train with lol! Been kicking up the vitamin c and teas & extra rest over here, sore throat is good now just developed a cold but almost got it beat hopefully. Thanks for checkin in on me J-Dawg!! How are you feelin brotha?
Yep--the cold weather does that! I'm feeling much better now and back on target for a powerlifting meet at the end of the month. Now it's time to stay healthy!
Sunday 12/29/13
-6 oz of water with 1 and a little less than half of a scoop on Lemon Slayed Rage XL. Drank about 15 minutes before workin out.
Was feelin under the weather today and realy didn't want too train but got my butt into gear and made it down and suprisingly had a hell of a workout & managed to push through just feelin like crap.
Over the years, I've found that when I felt my worst before the gym, somehow I was able to still have a good workout! Maybe it's because we're so focused on just getting the job done and everything else is blocked out?
Over the years, I've found that when I felt my worst before the gym, somehow I was able to still have a good workout! Maybe it's because we're so focused on just getting the job done and everything else is blocked out?
I do think that might have a lot to do with it J-Dawg,it's like knowing we got a lot of work to do before the weekend and we just focus in and get 'er done lol!!
Will be back to finish this bad boy off but temporarly on the mend my apologies!