View Full Version : Rage XL Cellerdweller Unchained
11-30-13, 11:10 pm
Got mine today. Rage XL Mango Unchained combined with The Cube. I'm ready to push the boundaries to new limits!!
12-01-13, 12:46 am
Got mine today. Rage XL Mango Unchained combined with The Cube. I'm ready to push the boundaries to new limits!!
Looking forward to your review on the taste!
12-04-13, 6:04 pm
PWO: Rage XL Mango Unchained +Avenged Sevenfold
Intra: one scoop BCAAs + one scoop gatoraide powder + one serving glutamine
The Cube, Wave 2, Week 1, Day 1
Deficit deads
80% 1x6 (372)
standing on 2 45lb plates
275x5 these first 4 sets were all double over hand
Rack pulls
405x0 hands too damp
405x1 broke out the straps to help with grip
DB rows
strict, hand and knee on bench
Lat pulldowns
170x8 mine next week.
Post: 3 scoops Torrent + one serving glutamine + one scoop of whey
I over reached today and changed my DL max to 465 which was my PR at the Columbus ABC. It was only 10lbs, but I got my ass kicked. The best part of today was that next to me there was about 6 high school kids squatting. I was watching them the whole time of course. When I noticed this one kid bouncing on his toes at the top of each rep I stepped in after his set and gave him some coaching. All of them just stopped and were glued to me. Hopefully I got them started on the right path and maybe they'll know to approach me if they see me in the gym in the future when they need some guidance.
I love the short, squat container with the larger opening to get in there. Animal listened to us on that one. The "A" lid is always awesome too. Opened the tub and the first thing that hits you is the smell. Mango smells great and got my mouth watering. Another physical difference is the serving size. The scooper is half the size of the old Rage. So you're definitely getting more bang out of less powder. Usually I do the powder shot. Today being the first day of my log, I had to mix it in a small amount of water to actually taste it. The mango flavor did not disappoint. Whoever thought up mango instead of just orange really gets props. I'm digging the different flavor. Shot down my Rage XL just before leaving the house. As I was putting my gear in a locker at the gym it hit me. It was like an adrenalin rush. I was ready to go. No pounding in my chest, not feeling shakey, but its like back when I was in high school football and you got a little nuts in the locker room with the team, the coach gave a pep talk and you ran out to the field. It feels like you can do anything at that moment. That's what it was like walking out onto the rubber floor of the gym. I was taking the field for a game. I guess RAGE XL kind of contributed to my overconfidence picking my numbers for my lifts today too LOL. Great day and I'm looking foreward to squats on saturday.
12-04-13, 6:15 pm
The best part of today was that next to me there was about 6 high school kids squatting. I was watching them the whole time of course. When I noticed this one kid bouncing on his toes at the top of each rep I stepped in after his set and gave him some coaching. All of them just stopped and were glued to me. Hopefully I got them started on the right path and maybe they'll know to approach me if they see me in the gym in the future when they need some guidance.
Nice lifts and STRONG grip man.....and that's awesome about helping the kids out... I wish somebody would have helped me when I first started .....many good things come out of that Bc 1) now it definitely keeps you accountable Bc you have the kids looking up to you. 2) you are probably going to be an inspiration to these kids and they're are going learn at a young age..
12-05-13, 1:13 pm
Nice lifts and STRONG grip man.....and that's awesome about helping the kids out... I wish somebody would have helped me when I first started .....many good things come out of that Bc 1) now it definitely keeps you accountable Bc you have the kids looking up to you. 2) you are probably going to be an inspiration to these kids and they're are going learn at a young age..
I have to start letting the young guys know the guy in the Animal shirt is approachable.
12-05-13, 1:16 pm
Pre: Rage XL Mango Unchained
Intra: one scoop Atomic 7 in Gatoraide + one scoop glutamine
The Cube, Wave 2, week 1, Day 2
Bench -heavy
3 sets of 2 @ 85% (345)
350x2 what the hell, I rounded up
DB Flat bench
DB shrugs
115's x15
V-bar press downs
Walking drop sets
40x10, 40x10, 40x10 forgot to change bars, so was V-bar
40x10, 40x10, 40x10 EZ bar
Post: 3 scoops Torrent + one serving glutamine + one scoop of whey
Done. Another great day
12-05-13, 1:30 pm
Rage XL
Today I didn't feel quite the rush as yesterday. Focus was definitely dialed in. I felt like a machine progressing from one lift to the next. Really, I like that feeling more than that adrenalin kick I had yesterday. I want to do a set and be ready for the next one or the next exercise as soon as I'm done. Again, I'm looking foreward to squatting this weekend. I've had a week off squats and maybe I'll so a double scoop just for shits and giggles.
12-07-13, 12:56 pm
I had a shake for breakfast today then a double shot of Rage XL. Didn't really feel it in the gym today though. Probably too much liquid in my stomach. Live and learn. Still accomplished my gym goals today. I just didn't do it with my motor running like I wanted.
I love Torrent, just gotta save up and get another tub...
So, the mango is a legit flavor huh?
12-08-13, 3:23 pm
I love Torrent, just gotta save up and get another tub...
So, the mango is a legit flavor huh?
Mango is such a fresh and different flavor. I really am loving it. Torrent is a favorite of mine for sure. Great results and all the flavors are awesome. Now having said that The U will reformulate that next and we'll have all new flavors LOL.
Today was accessory day for me so no Rage XL. I'll save it for my big lifts.
Mango is such a fresh and different flavor. I really am loving it. Torrent is a favorite of mine for sure. Great results and all the flavors are awesome. Now having said that The U will reformulate that next and we'll have all new flavors LOL.
Today was accessory day for me so no Rage XL. I'll save it for my big lifts.
I'm addicted to the Mango Unchained flavor. Definitely fresh and different!
12-11-13, 4:41 pm
I'm addicted to the Mango Unchained flavor. Definitely fresh and different!
I gave the wife a sip today and she said it was too sweet. I love it.
Did a double shot again today and again didn't really feel it. I made sure I didn't eat or drink anything for at least an hour before my Rage XL. Tomorrow I plan on throwing it down with a scoop of Shock Therapy.
12-12-13, 11:56 am
I was feeling my Rage XL today but it was bench day and I was having shoulder pain. Nothing worse than being fired up and having to hold back. I did bang out 295x4 on the incline today so not all was bad.
I was feeling my Rage XL today but it was bench day and I was having shoulder pain. Nothing worse than being fired up and having to hold back. I did bang out 295x4 on the incline today so not all was bad.
That is rough. I've been feeling it on bench lately as well since I've been hitting it 2x per week. I've had to warm up more extensively and added in rotator cuff exercises even on my off days to allow blood to get in there so it can be ready for when I bench!
12-12-13, 12:31 pm
Thanks J. I need to do that. I usually only do rotator cuff stuff on bench and overhead press days. Thanks.
Thanks J. I need to do that. I usually only do rotator cuff stuff on bench and overhead press days. Thanks.
You got it. It's been helping to keep my shoulders/rotator cuff healthy for benching!
12-14-13, 11:41 am
Got my XL on for heavy squat day. heavy doubles followed by good mornings and leg press. Great day. I'll be paying for it later.
12-18-13, 10:25 pm
1.5 scoops today. Explosive deadlift day. I was on point and focused. Not hyper. Wanted to just keep going.
12-19-13, 3:19 pm
Got up early to get it in before a dentist appt. Cold coffee +whey for breakfast and Rage XL+Shock Therapy for that extra kick in the ass. Hit 335x6 on flat bench. Small rep PR. I've only done 5 with that before.
12-21-13, 10:19 am
Pre 2 scoops Mango Unchanged Rage XL
Intra a scoop of Gatoraide powder, a scoop of glutamine and Universal BCAAs
365x3 -belt
455x2 PR
Front squat
Leg press -only rest was changing plates
Leg extensions
Post Torrent, a scoop of glutamine and a scoop of whey.
455x2 Squat PR, 127 insane reps on leg press.