View Full Version : SB Rocks Lemon Slayed
12-03-13, 9:38 am
Got my Rage XL Lemon slayed in the mail last week, but didn't hit the gym til yesterday.
Huge Thanks to Animal for letting me run this.
Initial Reaction
- Name is bad ass
- Tub is much easier to get scoops out of it
- Had to use more than 1 scoop as I am used to the original Rage
- Tastes was ridiculously good. Tastes just like a lemon drop.
12-03-13, 9:48 am
Mobility and Foam Rolling
Lying Leg Curls - 12, 12, 12, 8
Goblet DB Box Squats - 10 x 4
One Legged RDL - 10 x 3
Roman Chair - 10, 10, 10, 12
Rage XL Comments
- Went with 1.5 scoops as I was tired as shit yesterday. Normally I am a full scoop of the original Rage. I had all the energy and focus I needed to get through.
- Taste was a huge surprise. I expected it to taste more like lemonade but it tasted just like a lemon drop. I found myself sipping on it instead of slamming it.
Workout Comments
- The physical therapist had me hold off working out last week so he could see if what he was doing made any difference. It did not so I am back to the drawing board with him
- I decided it was stupid for me to be lazy and not haul my foam roller to the gym. I spent a good 10 min on it before hitting the weights and felt much better.
- The physical therapist told me I could lift but don't be stupid so I figured Goblet Suqts could keep the pressure off my back and it did. I also told me exactly when I would get loose and when I stopped using my glutes.
G Diesel
12-03-13, 9:54 am
Initial Reaction
- Name is bad ass
- Tub is much easier to get scoops out of it
- Had to use more than 1 scoop as I am used to the original Rage
- Tastes was ridiculously good. Tastes just like a lemon drop.
Agree with all of these points. Still getting used to the concept of Rage tasting good.
Peace, G
Agree with all of these points. Still getting used to the concept of Rage tasting good.
Peace, G
Rage XL provides the best of both worlds now!
12-03-13, 1:03 pm
The problem with the taste being so good, it makes you want to take more..........
12-03-13, 1:17 pm
Agree with all of these points. Still getting used to the concept of Rage tasting good.
Peace, G
Crazy Good Now
Rage XL provides the best of both worlds now!
Big Win
The problem with the taste being so good, it makes you want to take more..........
No problemo senor
The problem with the taste being so good, it makes you want to take more..........
NG was off stims for a good year but once Rage XL came out, it's slowly bringing him back to the dark side...
12-04-13, 12:58 pm
NG was off stims for a good year but once Rage XL came out, it's slowly bringing him back to the dark side...
12-05-13, 9:30 am
Paused Bench - Warm-up, 185 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 5
Lying Band Ext - 10 x 3
Dips - 8 x 3
Standing OHP - 10 x 4
Crossing Rear Delt Cables - 12, 12, 8
Core Circuit (McGill Ball Planks, BW Squats, Band Pulldowns, Box Jumps, Lumberjacks) - 3 rounds
Rage XL Comments
- Went with 1 non-level scoop as I didn't need as much as the previous day. It gave me plenty of energy and focus
- Can't say enough about the flavor. Would be a great Atomic 7 flavor...just sayin'
Workout Comments
- Solid Sexy Workout
How are ya doing with the Rage XL SB?
12-16-13, 3:27 pm
How are ya doing with the Rage XL SB?
J, I have one workout to still log from 12/8 but I got sent out of town last minute on a brutal project start-up that had me working 18 hour days. I am getting back on the sweet XL tonight.
12-16-13, 3:30 pm
Upper - 12/6/2013
Penlay Rows - 8 x 4
Lat Pulldowns - 12 x 4
Roman Chairs - 12 x 3
DB Shrugs - 12, 12, 12 - 25 (dropset)
DB Curls - 8 x 3
Rage XL Comments
- Went with 1 non-level scoop. Plenty of sustained energy, but not the pop I needed. I kind of miss the strength of 1 scoop of the old Rage.
Workout Comments
- World Gym
- Catching up on this old workout. Back to the gym tonight.
12-17-13, 8:20 am
Rack Deads - 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5 x 2, 275 x 5, 315 x 2, 345 x 2, 365 x 2
Glute Ham Raise - 9 x 4
Roman Chair - 12 x 3
Standing Leg Curl - 12 x 3
Rage XL Comments
- 1.5 scoops
- Still loving the flavor. I am actually adding a little more water and sipping it more than slamming it.
- I was definitely focused today. I had some back pump going on.
Workout Comments
- World Gym
- I figured I would hit some rack deads just below the knee and test my back. It held up fine for the most part and don't feel like a cripple today. I think I will lower it down slowly and see where I break.
12-18-13, 7:21 am
Paused Bench - Warm-uo, 195 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 6
HS Dips SS Band Pushdowns - 8 SS 25 x 3
HS Shoulder Press - 10 x 3
DB Lat Raise - 12 x 3
Rage XL Comments
- 1.5 scoops
- I think 1.5 scoops is where I will live. Plenty of energy with that dose.
- Huge tricep pump in the workout
Workout Comments
- World Gym
- Paused bench is working out well. Getting the explosion off the chest and making me stay tight. Strength is coming back nicely.
J, I have one workout to still log from 12/8 but I got sent out of town last minute on a brutal project start-up that had me working 18 hour days. I am getting back on the sweet XL tonight.
Those are some long days!
Good to see that paused bench coming along nice. I've been working that pause too.
12-18-13, 9:06 am
Those are some long days!
Good to see that paused bench coming along nice. I've been working that pause too.
I feel there is a better carryover then just tapping and going especially when staying tight and breath control are issues for me
I feel there is a better carryover then just tapping and going especially when staying tight and breath control are issues for me
I hear you. I've been working on my form for a long time now and I'm just starting to feel good about it. I had to change the spot where I bring the bar down on my chest. It's much lower--top of abs now and I think my drive off that spot is getting stronger now. I had been benching too high on my chest for years and it mess up my shoulders. Keep the bar lower is helping me tuck my back in tighter!
12-18-13, 9:16 am
I hear you. I've been working on my form for a long time now and I'm just starting to feel good about it. I had to change the spot where I bring the bar down on my chest. It's much lower--top of abs now and I think my drive off that spot is getting stronger now. I had been benching too high on my chest for years and it mess up my shoulders. Keep the bar lower is helping me tuck my back in tighter!
Yeah I can tell when I start creeping towards my head because I feel shoulder discomfort.
I have been working a on on leg drive because I basically had none before. I went with my feet flat on the ground making sure I feel tightness in my hamstrings and when I drive I drive my feels down and back so that I am pushing back instead of straight down when my ass would fly up. I watched a video that Lilly made on JTS that made it click for me.
Yeah I can tell when I start creeping towards my head because I feel shoulder discomfort.
I have been working a on on leg drive because I basically had none before. I went with my feet flat on the ground making sure I feel tightness in my hamstrings and when I drive I drive my feels down and back so that I am pushing back instead of straight down when my ass would fly up. I watched a video that Lilly made on JTS that made it click for me.
Do you have a link to that vid? I'm still having trouble getting good leg drive.
12-18-13, 1:31 pm
Do you have a link to that vid? I'm still having trouble getting good leg drive.
12-20-13, 2:45 pm
Assisted Pull-ups - Lots
Close Grip T-Bar Rows - 8 x 3
Roman Chairs - 15 x 3
Cable Lat Pulldowns - 12 x 3
DB Shrugs SS Face Pulls - 10 SS 12 x 4
Seated DB Curls - 8 x 3
Rage XL Comments
- 1.5 scoops
- I couldn't really get into this workout but XL got me through nicely
Workout Comments
- World Gym
- Workout was nothing special. Just down and dirty working the weak points.
01-10-14, 7:59 am
Gotta Catch up on a fuckton of workouts while I was on vacation
12/23/13 - Lower
Rack Deads - Worked up to 365 for a couple singles at mid-shin
Lots of hamstring and core work
12/26/13 - Upper
Paused Bench - 205 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 4
Lots of Triceps
12/27/13 - Accessory
Standing OH Press - Worked up to 125 for a single before my lower back told me to stop
More Shoulder Work
Lat Work
12/30/13 - Lower
Lots of Glute work including weighted bridges
Good Girl/Bad Girl work
Core work
1/2/13 - Upper
Floor Presses - Worked up to 255 x 1
Slammed Triceps after this
Minor shoulder work
Rage XL Comments
- Used Rage XL on all workouts
- I have found my sweet spot of just a tad over 1.5 scoops
- Rage XL gives me a great amount of energy and focus. I feel like I could workout for hours
- Can't get enough of the taste
- Taking a minor break from stims to give my body a break now so I will write up a final review of Rage XL
01-10-14, 10:12 am
Rage XL Final Review
First off I would like to say a huge thank you to Animal for allowing me to review Rage XL. I have a been a big fan of Rage since the Agent O days.
Energy - 9/10
I started off with 1 scoop to compare to the old Rage. It gave me a decent amount of energy but not what I was looking for. I played around to up to 2 scoops which provided me a lot of energy. Eventually I found my sweet spot to be a little over 1.5 scoops. Another thing I love about Rage is the lack of crash and the ability to be able to fall asleep hours after I leave the gym. Other stims will keep me up at night
Focus - 10/10
This in my opinion has always set Rage apart from the others. I feel I have laser focus when I take Rage and have to tear myself away from the gym.
Intensity - 7 /10
This is comparison to the old Rage formula. I feel this version didn't have that in your face pop that the old version had. I am not sure if it is because the dosing was cut in half. I still like the intensity but not as much as the previous formula.
Flavor - 9/10
The Lemon Slayed flavor was awesome. It tasted just like a lemon drop. I found myself sipping on this one the way to the gym instead of slamming it like the old formula.
Overall - 8/10
Overall Rage XL is a damn solid re-workout and Rage has been my go to ever since it came out. The flavor is vastly improved from the previous versions. I am looking forward to trying the Mango. Like Rage in the past I love the laser focus I get from this product. My wish is that it had the same pop as the previous version and I didn't have to double up on doses limiting the number I get out of a tub. The non-crash and being able to sleep hours after the workout is huge for me being that I workout in the evenings. I would definitely recommend Rage XL to those who haven't tried it. It is an overall really solid product. Thanks again to the folk at Animal for giving me this opportunity and I look forward to the next supplement adventure.
Thanks for testing this out SB. The Mango Unchained will not disappoint! I'm addicted to that flavor.
01-10-14, 10:50 am
Thanks for testing this out SB. The Mango Unchained will not disappoint! I'm addicted to that flavor.
No, thank you for letting me test it. And I can't wait to get my hands on some Mango