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Vague Saturday Night Live reference aside, I just got my tub of Mango Unchained, so I'll be logging my thoughts and whatnot here.
Gonna be kicking this off tomorrow.
Haha... I remember that SNL skit.
G Diesel
12-03-13, 11:40 am
Got the SNL reference.
Looking forward to the feedback. Mango Rage XL is next level.
Peace, G
12-03-13, 4:27 pm
We are a couple of wild and crazy guys....................let's see if anyone gets that reference, well before your time Nix
We are a couple of wild and crazy guys....................let's see if anyone gets that reference, well before your time Nix
Oh, HELL yes I get that reference!
Steve Martin & Dan Akroyd... classic
We are a couple of wild and crazy guys....................let's see if anyone gets that reference, well before your time Nix
I am a learned pupil of vintage SNL.
I am a learned pupil of vintage SNL.
"I'm Gumby damnit!!!"
"I'm Gumby damnit!!!"
"Una Panoonah Banka-a-a-a-a!!"
I had the Mango last night before my lower accessory workout. Went as follows:
12/4 Lower Accessory
Leg Press
6 sets, worked up to 11 plates per side for 8
Weighted Hypers
4 sets
Barbell Row
4 sets
Seated Ham
3 sets
Calf Raise
4 sets
Taste: It's ridiculously good. Easily the best tasting pre-workout I've had to date. 10/10 would bang again.
Energy: It was a really, really clean, long-lasting hit of energy. No real signs of wear or fatigue during the workout.
Kick: I didn't really get that typical wave of Beta Alanine like I'm used to (and actually enjoy) from the original Rage. Could be diet, could be whatever else. I'll see what happens in the upcoming workouts. If not, I'll either try 1.5 scoops or toss in some extra Beta Ala9.
Da Pump: I don't typically train for one, so I can't really report too much on this.
I had the Mango last night before my lower accessory workout. Went as follows:
12/4 Lower Accessory
Leg Press
6 sets, worked up to 11 plates per side for 8
Weighted Hypers
4 sets
Barbell Row
4 sets
Seated Ham
3 sets
Calf Raise
4 sets
Taste: It's ridiculously good. Easily the best tasting pre-workout I've had to date. 10/10 would bang again.
Energy: It was a really, really clean, long-lasting hit of energy. No real signs of wear or fatigue during the workout.
Kick: I didn't really get that typical wave of Beta Alanine like I'm used to (and actually enjoy) from the original Rage. Could be diet, could be whatever else. I'll see what happens in the upcoming workouts. If not, I'll either try 1.5 scoops or toss in some extra Beta Ala9.
Da Pump: I don't typically train for one, so I can't really report too much on this.
Try using hot water, the "tingles" hit me harder when I did, I just want somebody else to try this too!
Una Panoonah Banka-a-a-a-a!!"
Wookin' Pa Nub... another classic!
Hit up some bench last night:
many x bar x 2
5 x 135 x 2
3 x 185
2 x 225
13 x 240
Close Grip against bands
3 x 135
3 x 185 x 2
3 x 205
3 x 225
4 sets
Lat Pulls
4 sets
3 sets
2 sets
Again, the taste is mindblowingly good. XL hasn't really kicked me in the jaw like the original did. I'll double scoop it tomorrow for heavy pulls at the Wisconsin ABC.
Again, the taste is mindblowingly good. XL hasn't really kicked me in the jaw like the original did. I'll double scoop it tomorrow for heavy pulls at the Wisconsin ABC.
Curious to hear how the 2 scoops goes for ya. Still at 1 scoop here!
Again, the taste is mindblowingly good. XL hasn't really kicked me in the jaw like the original did. I'll double scoop it tomorrow for heavy pulls at the Wisconsin ABC.
Cant wait to try this flavor!
What are Klokovs ??
Curious to hear how the 2 scoops goes for ya. Still at 1 scoop here!
Two scoops went just about the same as 1. I'll go back to 1 scoop, but throw in extra Beta Ala9 and see what happens tomorrow.
Cant wait to try this flavor!
What are Klokovs ??
The flavor is ridiculous.
Klokovs are basically super wide-grip behind-the-neck presses
Never tried those Klokov presses before. Might have to add these on shoulder day.
Never tried those Klokov presses before. Might have to add these on shoulder day.
Oh they're good. They're goooooooooooooooooood.
Took one scoop with 3 caps of Beta Ala9, and that was much better than just taking XL on it's own. Today will be 1.5 scoops and Beta Ala9 for heavy bench.
Oh they're good. They're goooooooooooooooooood.
Took one scoop with 3 caps of Beta Ala9, and that was much better than just taking XL on it's own. Today will be 1.5 scoops and Beta Ala9 for heavy bench.
I will do these Monday!
Nice! I like Beta Ala9. I routinely use 3 caps per training day.
Back on things with Rage XL. Got a few scoops left, so here we go.
1/13 Upper
Seated Military:
many x bar
5 x 135 x 2
5 x 160
5 x 185 x 2
10 x 135
8 x 185
5 x 225
-Add Slingshot-
5 x 265
3 x 320
3 x 345
2 x 375
5 x 315
Area that was giving me some pain last week felt good with the slingshot. Gonna watch and see how it feels.
Seated Row:
4 x 8
3 x 5
3 x whatever
Machine Dips:
4 x 12
Rear Delt:
2 sets
1 mile run
Everything was feeling really good. I did add in some Beta Ala9 with it, and that seemed to properly do the trick. Toying around with the idea of taking about half a scoop before cardio, as I am currently preparing to run a Tough Mudder in May.
Alright, I've finished up my tub of Mango XL, and here's what I think.
Flavor: 25/10. I absolutely loved the mango flavor of the product. Easily the best tasting pre-workout I've had to date.
Energy: 8/10. It's a smooth, long-lasting kind of energy that powered me through my workouts without any sort of crashing, either during or post-workout.
Kick: 3/10. I really didn't get that sort of "holy shit let's go" feeling like I did with the original. I'm not sure if it's the new blend of ingredients, or different dosages, but even at multiple scoops, I didn't really have the same feeling with this in comparison to taking the original Rage. I really don't want to get in the habit of taking multiple scoops, because I don't really think taking in 400+ mg of caffeine at a time is the best thing day in and day out. It took somewhere in the realm of 2 scoops of XL and 3-5 Beta Ala9 caps to recreate the sort of feeling that I got from the original.
Overall: 5/10. I honestly believe that the original formula of Rage is far superior to XL. I really didn't factor in flavor into this final decision, because it's really not something that is a concern to me. However, you guys nailed it on the flavor. This really sort of seemed like a more bodybuilder-focused pump product than the PR Machine that the original Rage was. So if you have any tubs of the original lying around HQ, I'll gladly take them off your hands.
01-30-14, 3:59 pm
Alright, I've finished up my tub of Mango XL, and here's what I think.
Flavor: 25/10. I absolutely loved the mango flavor of the product. Easily the best tasting pre-workout I've had to date.
Energy: 8/10. It's a smooth, long-lasting kind of energy that powered me through my workouts without any sort of crashing, either during or post-workout.
Kick: 3/10. I really didn't get that sort of "holy shit let's go" feeling like I did with the original. I'm not sure if it's the new blend of ingredients, or different dosages, but even at multiple scoops, I didn't really have the same feeling with this in comparison to taking the original Rage. I really don't want to get in the habit of taking multiple scoops, because I don't really think taking in 400+ mg of caffeine at a time is the best thing day in and day out. It took somewhere in the realm of 2 scoops of XL and 3-5 Beta Ala9 caps to recreate the sort of feeling that I got from the original.
Overall: 5/10. I honestly believe that the original formula of Rage is far superior to XL. I really didn't factor in flavor into this final decision, because it's really not something that is a concern to me. However, you guys nailed it on the flavor. This really sort of seemed like a more bodybuilder-focused pump product than the PR Machine that the original Rage was. So if you have any tubs of the original lying around HQ, I'll gladly take them off your hands.
I agree with the kick factor. I kept missing that pop I got when it kicked in. I didn't realize how much of difference there was until I found a sample pack of Rage and downed it.