View Full Version : PROMO: "Train with an Animal"
Back by popular demand, this is going down again this year, 2014. One of the most popular events every year.
The event will be held at Metro Fitness in Columbus at the National ABC event on Saturday, March 1st @ 7pm.
In order to participate, you must be signed up and have a ticket for The National ABC Event (details here: )
If you want to train with any one of the Animals, post here, tell us who you choose and why. The better your response, the better your chance of being chosen. We've signed a bunch of elite powerlifters as of late, so take advantage of a chance to pick their brain and increase your own PRs.
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Dan "BOSS" Green
- Frank "Wrath" McGrath
- Brandon Lilly - Lil Foxy
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Al Fortney (BigAl)
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin
- Patrick Raquet (P Diesel)
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Jay Nera (Jay Nera)
- Kade Weber (Pale Rider)
- Tom "Rage" Fuller
- Ibn Mahama (ibnmahama)
- Jordan Wong (J Wong)
- Anthony Serafin (Enforcer)
Bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongman. Whatever your pleasure. The Animal Crew will pick the best entries.
WINNERS to be announced on TUESDAY, Feb, 25th!
02-19-14, 11:55 am
Richard Hawthorne
I would love an opportunity to train and learn from Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne. I have been dealing with nagging lower back injuries for the past few years. Well, I finally pinpointed the problem (Facet Joint Syndrome) and am working with an Physical Therapist that actually knows what he is doing. His recommendation start deadlifting again...yesssss. So I am starting from the ground up and started with Richard's instructional video and after changing my form I immediately started to see where I was going wrong for so long. I had minimal leg drive, over extension, and butt flying up. So I would love to have the opportunity to learn from the master himself so I can continue to do what I love doing which is lifting heavy things for a very long time. Deadlift is by far my favorite lift. I am truly impressed by his core control and body mechanics in order to be able to pull like he does and I cannot think of a more amazing opportunity than to train with Richard.
Thanks for the consideration.
I am really struggling with my squats and getting back to form after losing 70lbs. Since Dan breaks every record that is known to man I would love a chance to train with him and pick his brain on my form and setup. Doing CrossFit I need a big squat and that is something I am lacking right now. I have trained deadlifts at the last 2 Arnolds and learned a lot but this year it needs to be the squat. I hope you consider this Dan and it would be an honor to train with you.
Man look at that lineup!!
Man look at that lineup!!
One day our name will be up there...but yeah that is a pretty badass lineup. Best of the best for sure.
02-19-14, 1:53 pm
Couldn't have been a harder decision of which athlete I'd love to have the possibility to work with. However, I would like the opportunity to worth with Garrett, I've had the opportunity to learn from Brandon and several others on my deadlift and my squat. The last key component is my bench that I really need help with, and would be honored to pick the brain of one the elite bench specialist in the sport. As all of the Journey to Capo chapter's were, Garrett's chapter was a really inspiring from not just the training aspect, but his down to earth, homegrown character. Simply from watching his YouTube video's and IG post, I started shifting how I set up my bench in training sessions and meets to try and help the little areas of my bench. It would be an incredible opportunity to help propel my weakest link to the next level by working with Garrett.
Stay Hungry
Couldn't have been a harder decision of which athlete I'd love to have the possibility to work with. However, I would like the opportunity to worth with Garrett, I've had the opportunity to learn from Brandon and several others on my deadlift and my squat. The last key component is my bench that I really need help with, and would be honored to pick the brain of one the elite bench specialist in the sport. As all of the Journey to Capo chapter's were, Garrett's chapter was a really inspiring from not just the training aspect, but his down to earth, homegrown character. Simply from watching his YouTube video's and IG post, I started shifting how I set up my bench in training sessions and meets to try and help the little areas of my bench. It would be an incredible opportunity to help propel my weakest link to the next level by working with Garrett.
Stay Hungry
Sick post Rob and even sicker choice!
Couldn't have been a harder decision of which athlete I'd love to have the possibility to work with. However, I would like the opportunity to worth with Garrett, I've had the opportunity to learn from Brandon and several others on my deadlift and my squat. The last key component is my bench that I really need help with, and would be honored to pick the brain of one the elite bench specialist in the sport. As all of the Journey to Capo chapter's were, Garrett's chapter was a really inspiring from not just the training aspect, but his down to earth, homegrown character. Simply from watching his YouTube video's and IG post, I started shifting how I set up my bench in training sessions and meets to try and help the little areas of my bench. It would be an incredible opportunity to help propel my weakest link to the next level by working with Garrett.
Stay Hungry
I think that is perfect man, I now you have been frustrated with your bench and Gunz can def fix that shit man.
02-19-14, 2:14 pm
I think that is perfect man, I now you have been frustrated with your bench and Gunz can def fix that shit man.
That's what I'm hoping for..any and all help I can get!
Sick post Rob and even sicker choice!
Thanks brother!
02-19-14, 4:29 pm
I'm throwing my hat into the ring for the opportunity to train with and learn from Jeremy Hoornstra to help me with my bench press.
Without a doubt, the bench press is my weakest lift. I'm 5'11", but have short legs and relatively long arms, so physically this puts me at a natural advantage for the squat/deadlift while giving me a disadvantage when it comes to my bench. Besides that, with my body type I struggle to find a comfortable form where I can utilize leg drive and get a good arch. On top of all that, I train alone, so I'm unable to get feedback on my form and what not. Of course I can't discount the fact that I am weaker in my upper body overall, and that I need to lose body fat and get stronger.
I finally competed in my first powerlifting meet back in the summer, totalling 1207 (430/275/502) at 275. Right now in my training I'm focusing on dropping body fat while minimizing strength loss, but I am looking to get back on the platform again this summer, (possibly in the 242 class depending on how my weight loss and training goes). My goal for my next meet is to total 1250+ with at least a 300 pound bench press. I've never hit 300, even in the gym, and it is a monkey that has been on my back for awhile.
J-Ho is one of the best raw benchers in the world. Given his accomplishments and experience in the world of powerlifting, I know that he will be able to help me with my form and get me on the path to breaking through that 300 pound barrier and beyond. I've been following Jeremy since before he signed with Animal the first time back in 2008 (I even have the 242 Raw DVD), so as a fan it would be cool to train with him. And finally on a personal level, Jeremy Hoornstra is someone I respect and admire. Obviously it takes a tremendous amount of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to be among the best of the best in powerlifting...J-Ho has managed to do that while balancing a full-time job (as a firefighter/EMT no less!) and a family, no easy feat to say the least.
It would be an honor and a privilege to train with Jeremy Hoornstra, not to mention the opportunity of a lifetime. Good luck to everyone who enters, and thank you for your consideration.
02-19-14, 5:26 pm
I know I don't have many posts but I have been on Animalpak for awhile just reading and learning not posting very much.
Anyways I would love to get the opportunity to train with Frank McGrath. After reading the journey on here and watching the Wrath returns video on youtube it shows how much of a badass and strong person he is. I've met and gotten pictures with him the past two years at the Arnold and both times he's been super cool and takes the time to talk to his fans. Getting the opportunity to train with him would definitely teach me some new tips and take my training to the next level. One of the my biggest body parts I struggle with is my arms so it would be great to get some new insight on arm training from him. I guess it also helps that he is also one of my favorite bodybuilders along with Antoine and Evan haha. I hope you consider choosing me Frank as it would be an awesome experience I would never forget!
I would really like a chance to train with Ben.they way he has came from a vary strong powerliftingback ground and now vary inspiring to me I no that their is so much I can learn
02-19-14, 7:11 pm
Couldn't have been a harder decision of which athlete I'd love to have the possibility to work with. However, I would like the opportunity to worth with Garrett, I've had the opportunity to learn from Brandon and several others on my deadlift and my squat. The last key component is my bench that I really need help with, and would be honored to pick the brain of one the elite bench specialist in the sport. As all of the Journey to Capo chapter's were, Garrett's chapter was a really inspiring from not just the training aspect, but his down to earth, homegrown character. Simply from watching his YouTube video's and IG post, I started shifting how I set up my bench in training sessions and meets to try and help the little areas of my bench. It would be an incredible opportunity to help propel my weakest link to the next level by working with Garrett.
Stay Hungry
Sick post Rob and even sicker choice!
I think that is perfect man, I now you have been frustrated with your bench and Gunz can def fix that shit man.
I got to train with him last year. An awesome guy. Learned alot as well.
02-19-14, 10:01 pm
Obviously with the group of guys above its not an easy choice, however it was a choice that I had already made before I even saw the list. When I competed in my first competition he happened to be there as a spectator, and at the time I had no idea who he was because I really didn't know much about powerlifting at the time. I was having a pretty rough day as far as the competition was concerned and my nerves were really kicking in, but after I hit my opening deadlift P Diesel came up to me and complimented my form and helped me plan out my last two attempts. It may not seem like a lot, but to a 19yo competing for the first time it really meant a lot to have someone who is a professional complement me on something I was doing well. I learned a lot from him in the 5-10 minutes that I talked to him, and it made a big impression on how I now personally approach powerlifting. I figure if I learned so much in 10 mins, there is so much I could learn from him in an extended time period. Hence the reason's stated above are why I choose P Diesel! Thanks guys!
02-20-14, 7:09 am
Nice! Definitely subbing to get my entry in later.
02-20-14, 8:26 am
It would be amazing to train with any of these guys. I think anyone that appreciates the lifestyle would benefit from this tremendously. That being said, I would like the opportunity to train with Frank “Wrath”. I personally have only met him twice at that Arnold Classic and that was just for a few seconds for a signature. Seemed like a super nice, and humble, guy. I really admire his determination to continue what he does even after a huge set back with the car accident. I think it is safe to say that everyone in their lives has had setbacks. It is all in how we deal with them and how we push forward, that makes us who we are; what defines our character. I have had my own setbacks whether it was surgeries, personal issues, or other vices, but have been able to move forward and continue to work on becoming an overall better person. I look at guys like Frank, guys that have been through these types of things, and are back and better than they were before. That’s something I admire.
And on a completely different tangent, he has the some crazy arms. The guys’ arms are massive. Arms are something that I would like to drastically improve on and definitely could benefit from getting some pointers from him.
Thanks for the consideration. See everyone in the CAGE next week!!!
02-20-14, 1:48 pm
I would like to put in my application to train deads with Brent Willis. It seems like to me, even though I typically pull sumo and he pulls conventional, that there would be no better person to learn from than Brent. This dude's speed of the floor is second to none. I need to work on my deadlift form and intesity that I pull with. My deadlift is polar opposite of Brent's, meaning that mine is slow and methodical and his is fast and violent. I would like the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business.
I would like to put in my application to train deads with Brent Willis. It seems like to me, even though I typically pull sumo and he pulls conventional, that there would be no better person to learn from than Brent. This dude's speed of the floor is second to none. I need to work on my deadlift form and intesity that I pull with. My deadlift is polar opposite of Brent's, meaning that mine is slow and methodical and his is fast and violent. I would like the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business.
I chose Dan Green on squats for the same reason, my pull is pretty decent but 200lbs under my squat.
02-20-14, 9:20 pm
Great list of athletes. Honestly would be a great experience to get to lift and learn from any of these guys.
That said, I'd like to train with Frank McGrath (Wrath). Here's why:
1) He's the original Animal. Nuff said.
2) He's a bodybuilder. This is the category of athlete I would most like to work with overall, as my lifting interests have been driven primarily by the aesthetics of bodybuilding. I'd love to hear not only about his training style, but diet considerations both during a bulk and on a cut when prepping for a competition. I hope to one day compete, but I know I have a long ways to go before I make that dream a reality. But I know I would be inspired by this and learn a whole lot. Basically, I'd just like to pick his brain and absorb as much info as possible.
3) He's freaky big/strong. Vascularity is off the charts. Last ABC, I saw him training with one of the other dudes and honestly, half the room stopped to watch while he did his lifts. Me included.
Thanks for the opportunity and good luck all!
02-21-14, 12:38 am
I would like to put in my application to train deads with Brent Willis. It seems like to me, even though I typically pull sumo and he pulls conventional, that there would be no better person to learn from than Brent. This dude's speed of the floor is second to none. I need to work on my deadlift form and intesity that I pull with. My deadlift is polar opposite of Brent's, meaning that mine is slow and methodical and his is fast and violent. I would like the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business.
Let's deadlift!
Blondie Weapon X
02-21-14, 3:59 am
I love that Animal makes this possible for us and that the Athletes are so willing to share their personal training methods, experiences and time with the those that are striving to become better in their own sport. This is what makes Animal family and sets them apart from other companies!
The above list of names is impressive!
I am a bodybuilder that started powerlifting last Sept BUT is now currently training for a bb show. Lol...yes I'm a little confused, but that happens to be because I am a strong ass bb!!
So I would like to continued learning the roll of a powerlifter bc it has made me a better bodybuilder.
So if P Diesel is available I would love the opportunity to train with that freak
02-21-14, 9:29 am
I can't believe more people aren't posting in here...this is the opportunity of a lifetime!
Agree! I am in prep and really don't want to ask to train with anyone. I get to train with The Ant every day! I don't want to take away the opportunity for someone else to train with anyone!
Ill be deadlifting, and Im sure a few of the Athletes will be as well!
02-21-14, 10:20 am
Agree! I am in prep and really don't want to ask to train with anyone. I get to train with The Ant every day! I don't want to take away the opportunity for someone else to train with anyone!
Ill be deadlifting, and Im sure a few of the Athletes will be as well!
I'm with ya, BUT... I'm NOT prepping, I'm fat and sassy, but I do plan on picking the brains of several folks over the weekend... I have a lot of questions, form improvements to be made, and overall "stuff" that I want to learn, and like you I don't want to take the opportunity from someone else...
I'm with ya, BUT... I'm NOT prepping, I'm fat and sassy, but I do plan on picking the brains of several folks over the weekend... I have a lot of questions, form improvements to be made, and overall "stuff" that I want to learn, and like you I don't want to take the opportunity from someone else...
Will definitely be picking some brains on a few things! But just want to catch up with all my friends and family!
Get your entries in--Athletes will be picking winners this coming Tuesday 2/25!
I'm with ya, BUT... I'm NOT prepping, I'm fat and sassy, but I do plan on picking the brains of several folks over the weekend... I have a lot of questions, form improvements to be made, and overall "stuff" that I want to learn, and like you I don't want to take the opportunity from someone else...
LoL fat and sassy! Ah damn I forgot to make us yoga pants that say, "Mmmm beefy."
I agree with you and Jimmy. I definitely want to pick brains, ask advice, and such, but I don't want to impose or take away from anyone else who has yet to experience any of this.
FYI... The first post was updated to include Andrey Malanichev!
I pick J-Dawg!!! Guys, get those entries in. I have had the honor of training with Pro's every year I went and the experience and knowledge is off the charts.
02-21-14, 1:23 pm
I can't believe more people aren't posting in here...this is the opportunity of a lifetime!
I agree this is definitely something you will remember for the rest of your life. This is my second year I have tried to train with Frank McGrath, hopefully this is the year!
02-21-14, 7:08 pm
No naturalguy on the list?????
No naturalguy on the list?????
Want to train together Thursday at BLT?
02-21-14, 8:23 pm
While looking over the list of athletes in attendance I recognize many great names, but more so the realization sets in that these names are merely just given titles. What appeals to my interest is that within each of these titles
there is much more. Each of these names carries a story, a method, a rise and a fall. While many of these athletes are currently within the pinnacle of their career one currently reigns supreme. Andrey Malanichev.
His current victories within the sport are not what draws me to him, but instead the fact that until recently I did not realize this man existed. Throughout history the warriors and leaders less known became victorious,
because their tactics and methods were not easily available for others to study and adapt. I feel that Andrey Malanichev, like those of old, is such a leader. Given his distance from the western world it would be misguided
of me to excuse any chance of opportunity to train with him.
To elaborate this further, as of yet it is impossible for one to merely go online and download a text based version of his training, also it would be more than difficult for me to meet this individual at any other time within my life.
Unlike Aundrey and his contemporaries I am not at the pinnacle of my strength career. Although I have proven myself to be above average I am not yet great. As a student of this sport I have gathered all the knowledge I
currently have within my grasp. I believe Aundrey may hold the knowledge that will be the key to the door that leads me to the next stage.
In short, it has been said that "knowledge is power."
It is my hopes that I receive the opportunity to acquire a mere fraction of the power that Andrey Malanichev possess, because in a sport where "power" separates the average from the immortal I could use every ounce afforded to me.
02-22-14, 2:27 pm
I can't believe there are so few entries. Can I train with 2-3 Animals if no one else puts in entries?
02-22-14, 3:12 pm
Want to train together Thursday at BLT?
Thanks Trebs
Yes, if all goes well with booth set up (and it should) we can make that happen
02-22-14, 4:02 pm
I was going to hold out because both years I've gone to the Arnold, I've done this, and it's been Ben Seath and Grant Higa (+more) both times, didn't want to monopolize anyone's time. Generally there's a big group of squatters and deadlifters and I'm a part of that.
Squatting is what I want to do this year, both because my injury limited my ability to participate last year, and because that's been almost my singular focus for months (aside from 2 months of illness and personal-related delays). Specifically knee wrapped max attempt squats. I would love to work with Ben again, and/or any Animal athlete that wants to work on a tall, long-legged guy's squat. I've completely rebuilt my form and have a different "feel" for the lift now, and done tons of mobility work, so while I know I have a long way to go (both strength and form-wise), I think I have made a ton of progress. I smoked an easy 235 in Chucks with no belt and sleeves on Thursday and I've done a static hold with 315, so I'm hoping that my lifetime max (a high 275) would be in play with wraps, belt, and my new lifting shoes (the Mark Bell Reeboks)?
02-23-14, 1:07 pm
Thanks Trebs
Yes, if all goes well with booth set up (and it should) we can make that happen
Is BLT the spot on Thursday night?
No naturalguy on the list?????
Ill be doing deads if you want to join in!
Thanks Trebs
Yes, if all goes well with booth set up (and it should) we can make that happen
Sounds good, we should def be there at 7 when you guys get there. Still working out the rest of hte plans for Thursday and the weekend.
02-24-14, 10:12 am
This is the opportunity of a lifetime to get to train with some of the biggest name in the sport of bodybuilding and powerlifting do not pass this up
02-24-14, 11:39 am
This is the opportunity of a lifetime to get to train with some of the biggest name in the sport of bodybuilding and powerlifting do not pass this up
I'd be stuck between my two favorite universal/animal athletes, those being Frank "Wrath" McGrath, and Richard "Ant" Hawthorne. that being said its for a few reasons, Frank for one is just a monster of a guy, he's down to earth and his physique is nothing like anyone elses in the industry today, the most dry, lean and vascular in my opinion, he's a huge inspiration to me. Richard because of his strength, a 130 pound man deadlifting 600 plus pounds to me is just astonishing I'm more then certain he could teach me alot.
02-24-14, 2:58 pm
Back by popular demand, this is going down again this year, 2014. One of the most popular events every year.
The event will be held at Metro Fitness in Columbus at the National ABC event on Saturday, March 1st @ 7pm.
In order to participate, you must be signed up and have a ticket for The National ABC Event (details here: )
If you want to train with any one of the Animals, post here, tell us who you choose and why. The better your response, the better your chance of being chosen. We've signed a bunch of elite powerlifters as of late, so take advantage of a chance to pick their brain and increase your own PRs.
- Andrey Malanichev
- Dan "BOSS" Green
- Frank "Wrath" McGrath
- Brandon Lilly
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant)
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ)
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw)
- Al Fortney (BigAl)
- Ben Seath (SEATH308)
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER)
- Patrick Raquet (P Diesel)
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO)
- Jay Nera (Jay Nera)
- Kade Weber (Pale Rider)
- Tom "Rage" Fuller
- Ibn Mahama (ibnmahama)
- Jordan Wong (J Wong)
- J-Dawg
- Gary "G-Six" Turner
- Anthony Serafin (Enforcer)
Bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongman. Whatever your pleasure. The Animal Crew will pick the best entries.
WINNERS to be announced on TUESDAY, Feb, 25th!
great opportunity
02-24-14, 3:07 pm
Any idea on when the Pro will make their decisions? Would like to have a gameplan for what I am going to lift on Saturday so I can plan the rest of the week
02-24-14, 3:12 pm
Any idea on when the Pro will make their decisions? Would like to have a gameplan for what I am going to lift on Saturday so I can plan the rest of the week
See Below...
Get your entries in--Athletes will be picking winners this coming Tuesday 2/25!
02-24-14, 3:14 pm
FYI... The first post was updated to include Andrey Malanichev!
Train with the Strongest in the World....Who wouldn't want that opportunity?
Big Wides
02-24-14, 3:35 pm
3 pages, that's it? This should be over 10 by now, especially with the selections being made tomorrow
02-24-14, 4:47 pm
Putting my name into the ring to train with P Diesel.
It's as much an opportunity to learn his training and training style as an opportunity to pick his brain on life outside of the gym and dealing with injuries.
Even if I don't get picked to train with Patrick Raquet I'll still try and talk with him in the box or while interning the Cage.
02-24-14, 5:03 pm
3 pages, that's it? This should be over 10 by now, especially with the selections being made tomorrow
No joke, if I were 100% non-injured I'd be all over this chance.
02-24-14, 5:18 pm
Putting my name into the ring to train with P Diesel.
It's as much an opportunity to learn his training and training style as an opportunity to pick his brain on life outside of the gym and dealing with injuries.
Even if I don't get picked to train with Patrick Raquet I'll still try and talk with him in the box or while interning the Cage.
Disregard this entry. I see that a few people have already beaten me to requesting P Diesel.
But somehow no one has requested Jay Nera.
If he's going to come down from Canada to be at the Arnold then you're damn straight I'd love to train with him.
Especially since we both seem to be chronically injured.
Lil Foxy
02-24-14, 6:05 pm
I pick Brandon Lilly. Even being injured his knowladge and his love for the sport to me is what makes such a great powerlifter. I got to meet him in a ABC event in columbus in november and just loved the intensity he brought to the place. If he is not available i would then chose Dan Green i follow these guys all the time and to me this is a opportunity of a lifetime for anybody who loves powerlifting or just lifting in general
Since I’m just now beginning my journey in powerlifting, the knowledge that I would gain from even just one training session with Dan Green would be tremendously valuable and would set me ahead years of where I would be without training with him. Dan is the best of the best and I’ve been brought up with the idea that in order to be the best, you need to learn from the best. I began my powerlifting journey several months ago, and entered my first competition in September. I won my class and set a couple records, but I was personally disappointed with my performance since I know that I'm capable of much more. In powerlifting, the competition is with yourself and beating your previous best lifts. An opportunity to train with Dan Green would give me a firsthand insight into what it takes to accomplish such things. I have big goals in mind and getting to train with Dan would be an enormous advantage in accomplishing those goals. This is a once in a lifetime chance and I hope that I get the honor of training with one of the best powerlifters in the history of the sport.
02-24-14, 9:29 pm
Frank McGrath
I've been coming to the Arnold / The Cage for the last 6-7 yrs and its been an amazing experience. I was supposed to train with Frank one of those yrs but he got pulled away to do a favor for some European sponsors. Its been awesome watching the changes that he's made mentally, a really gracious guy who takes time to talk to people and does so with enthusiasm. It'd be great to train with someone like that. Thanks
02-24-14, 9:37 pm
I'm already training chest with G Diesel on Friday, but if the big man is down, I'm game to hit arms or shoulders on Saturday.
I am really struggling with my squats and getting back to form after losing 70lbs. Since Dan breaks every record that is known to man I would love a chance to train with him and pick his brain on my form and setup. Doing CrossFit I need a big squat and that is something I am lacking right now. I have trained deadlifts at the last 2 Arnolds and learned a lot but this year it needs to be the squat. I hope you consider this Dan and it would be an honor to train with you.
I just wanted to add a little bit more on this. It is crazy to think that at 229lbs I would probably cut to compete in Dan's weight class. I have been doing squats 3 times a week and although they are getting easier I can def tell that I am missing something in my squat. Dan is the best lifter in the world right now and keeps breaking his own records. This is definitely someone I would feel very honored to train with. If anyone can fix my squat and get me on the right path it is him. I want to have 500 by 2015 and I know I can do it with probably just some minor tweaks. I have been a loyal Animal for a while now and this is the year to fix my squat, I have pretty much fixed being fat, my dead and bench.
Feed Me More
02-24-14, 9:49 pm
What's up Animal crew, throwing my entry in, fingers crossed I get selected!
Dan Green, monster deadlift session
I'm a correctional officer from Maryland, and I'm part of our special operations unit(about 20 guys in the entire state.) Most of the guys on our team are cardio freaks, I'm one of two guys on our team that fell in love with powerlifting. I got into powerlifting about seven years after I had started weight training, competed in and won my first meet in 2009 in the 220lb raw weight class. I've always been naturally strong, but brute strength only gets you so far, in what I consider one of the hardest sports to succeed at. I found and started following Dan about two years ago, and I was immediately taken back. I've always been a raw or nothing powerlifter, and of all the powerlifters I have come across, none have had the impact that Dan has had on me. He is so focused on the platform of competitions and in the gym, I've never seen anything like it. He puts up so many videos, just to throw advice out to guys like me and help them be better lifters, and has such a humble attitude in doing so. Just a small example, I used to deadlift conventional, and my best lift was 575 and it wasn't pretty. After seeing Dan pull sumo, and explain the proper technique, I made my way clear up to a PR of 610 in only about a two month time frame. He not only emphasizes the importance of form, but all the accessory lifts and exercises you have to focus on to be a stronger, more efficient raw powerlifter. I can honestly say he has completely changed my outlook on powerlifting. I never imagined making anything out of it, I just love lifting heavy, and being the strongest guy I can be. But after following Dan, and being motivated watching him crush record after record, I have my sights set high on really crushing weights I would have never dreamed of lifting. In my opinion, the deadlift is the most technical, and hard to break through a plateau lift of the big three. So to pile some plates and bend some bars with the BOSS would be a dream come true.
02-24-14, 10:18 pm
I'm already training chest with G Diesel on Friday, but if the big man is down, I'm game to hit arms or shoulders on Saturday.
Where at? If people are training on Friday too, I'd be down if you can spare room for one more.
02-25-14, 12:01 am
I'd love the chance to train with any of the powerlifters on this list!
My plan is to get in on the deadlifts Saturday. We had at least 12 guys in line to deadlift there last year so any of the guys on that list that might be around to watch my form and offer suggestions would be awesome! I have also been battling knee pain for several weeks. Trying to get it under control by trial and error since it is nagging pain and not severe. Most of these guys have almost certainly dealt with similar problems and may be able to offer me some advice.
I'm already training chest with G Diesel on Friday, but if the big man is down, I'm game to hit arms or shoulders on Saturday.
You training at Metro Friday before Rodizio's bro?
G Diesel
02-25-14, 9:14 am
I'm already training chest with G Diesel on Friday, but if the big man is down, I'm game to hit arms or shoulders on Saturday.
Count on it my brother. Looking forward to it
Where at? If people are training on Friday too, I'd be down if you can spare room for one more.
Always. A yearly tradition. Metro after the expo.
Peace, G
02-25-14, 12:10 pm
Count on it my brother. Looking forward to it
Good shit. Is Dirt Malone gonna be present?
02-25-14, 12:10 pm
You training at Metro Friday before Rodizio's bro?
Hell yeah brothaman.
02-25-14, 12:44 pm
Always. A yearly tradition. Metro after the expo.
Peace, G
Hey G, let me know what time. I get in that evening, but I'd love to catch up and train with you guys. Of course, I'll be at the ABC on Saturday as well.
02-25-14, 12:45 pm
Hey G, let me know what time. I get in that evening, but I'd love to catch up and train with you guys. Of course, I'll be at the ABC on Saturday as well.
After the expo ends brother.
Hell yeah brothaman.
I will be at BLT, 5 bucks for Animals
02-25-14, 12:57 pm
So who wants to do 7 Minutes Abs with me at the ABC????
02-25-14, 12:59 pm
So who wants to do 7 Minutes Abs with me at the ABC????
Better than 7 minutes in heaven in the sauna downstairs...
So who wants to do 7 Minutes Abs with me at the ABC????
If Dan Green doesn't pick me we are doing max burpees in 5 minutes. The wall balls and box jumps until the ABC is over.
02-25-14, 2:51 pm
Announcements today??
Announcements today??
Hope so
Couldn't have been a harder decision of which athlete I'd love to have the possibility to work with. However, I would like the opportunity to worth with Garrett, I've had the opportunity to learn from Brandon and several others on my deadlift and my squat. The last key component is my bench that I really need help with, and would be honored to pick the brain of one the elite bench specialist in the sport. As all of the Journey to Capo chapter's were, Garrett's chapter was a really inspiring from not just the training aspect, but his down to earth, homegrown character. Simply from watching his YouTube video's and IG post, I started shifting how I set up my bench in training sessions and meets to try and help the little areas of my bench. It would be an incredible opportunity to help propel my weakest link to the next level by working with Garrett.
Stay Hungry
Lets make it happen brother!! Honored you picked me and I'm looking forward to helping share some knowledge with you!!
02-25-14, 3:16 pm
Lets make it happen brother!! Honored you picked me and I'm looking forward to helping share some knowledge with you!!
Can't wait man...Thank you for the opportunity
02-25-14, 3:28 pm
Announcements today??
I know the suspense is killing me!
02-25-14, 3:38 pm
Announcements today??
Nice, looks like a couple of athletes have already picked. Congrats guys.
02-25-14, 5:04 pm
I would really like a chance to train with Ben.they way he has came from a vary strong powerliftingback ground and now vary inspiring to me I no that their is so much I can learn
I'm down to train what ever you want Bro! Let's do this, my prediction for this workout..... Pain... ;)
02-25-14, 6:33 pm
Better than 7 minutes in heaven in the sauna downstairs...
But you told me to take out the lightbulbs in the Sauna?
02-25-14, 9:14 pm
Any updates on this?
Guess you gotta do Abs with me!!
Guess you gotta do Abs with me!!
You better be ready, I'm all sexified now man.
02-25-14, 9:18 pm
So I am tired of holding myself back from experiences that I would regret not taking part in later in life. I've had problems with social anxiety for the last couple of years, and it has really been hard for me to get out and do things. I've held myself back from a lot recently. I will be going to the ABC alone which also makes things a little more nerve racking for me as I really do not know anyone. Besides the fact that I met Naturalguy last year winning tickets to the Men's Bodybuilding Finals. I know you guys are all very accepting and will make me feel at home.
Okay so enough with the rambling haha. I would like to train with Gary Turner. Being a smaller guy that has an interest in competing in bodybuilding I feel I could benefit a lot from getting a workout in with that big mother fucker. Essentially I will have already trained everything by the time the ABC rolls around. So I am down for anything
02-25-14, 9:30 pm
You better be ready, I'm all sexified now man.
They won't sell size SHMEDIUM shirts at The Shop, FYI.
I know how you CrossFitters like them tight.shirts
02-25-14, 9:41 pm
I'm throwing my hat into the ring for the opportunity to train with and learn from Jeremy Hoornstra to help me with my bench press.
Without a doubt, the bench press is my weakest lift. I'm 5'11", but have short legs and relatively long arms, so physically this puts me at a natural advantage for the squat/deadlift while giving me a disadvantage when it comes to my bench. Besides that, with my body type I struggle to find a comfortable form where I can utilize leg drive and get a good arch. On top of all that, I train alone, so I'm unable to get feedback on my form and what not. Of course I can't discount the fact that I am weaker in my upper body overall, and that I need to lose body fat and get stronger.
I finally competed in my first powerlifting meet back in the summer, totalling 1207 (430/275/502) at 275. Right now in my training I'm focusing on dropping body fat while minimizing strength loss, but I am looking to get back on the platform again this summer, (possibly in the 242 class depending on how my weight loss and training goes). My goal for my next meet is to total 1250+ with at least a 300 pound bench press. I've never hit 300, even in the gym, and it is a monkey that has been on my back for awhile.
J-Ho is one of the best raw benchers in the world. Given his accomplishments and experience in the world of powerlifting, I know that he will be able to help me with my form and get me on the path to breaking through that 300 pound barrier and beyond. I've been following Jeremy since before he signed with Animal the first time back in 2008 (I even have the 242 Raw DVD), so as a fan it would be cool to train with him. And finally on a personal level, Jeremy Hoornstra is someone I respect and admire. Obviously it takes a tremendous amount of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to be among the best of the best in powerlifting...J-Ho has managed to do that while balancing a full-time job (as a firefighter/EMT no less!) and a family, no easy feat to say the least.
It would be an honor and a privilege to train with Jeremy Hoornstra, not to mention the opportunity of a lifetime. Good luck to everyone who enters, and thank you for your consideration.
You and me man, I'm looking forward to it. Can kill chest and shoulders together.
02-25-14, 10:22 pm
Up date on this ???
I train arms on Saturdays. Who else wants to them with me
02-25-14, 11:07 pm
I train arms on Saturdays. Who else wants to them with me
You know it! In on first page, post #19.
They won't sell size SHMEDIUM shirts at The Shop, FYI.
I know how you CrossFitters like them tight.shirts
Nah man I like to wear lady tee's now, they are nice and tight and dont irritate the skin.
02-26-14, 8:21 am
I train arms on Saturdays. Who else wants to them with me
I DO! I was post #11
02-26-14, 9:17 am
Guess you gotta do Abs with me!!
Might need to get in on this part of the workout, need to be shown how the big hawaiian does his core workout
Might need to get in on this part of the workout, need to be shown how the big hawaiian does his core workout
Toes 2 Bar 5 x 10
02-26-14, 9:22 am
Toes 2 Bar 5 x 10
I feel like you might be speaking another language, is that a crossfit lingo thing? We will discuss more in detail when I get down to cbus thursday afternoon
I feel like you might be speaking another language, is that a crossfit lingo thing? We will discuss more in detail when I get down to cbus thursday afternoon
Yeah lol if you guys want to snag lunch get ahold of me. Shukin is coming up tonight, not sure what we are doing yet.
02-26-14, 9:35 am
Yeah lol if you guys want to snag lunch get ahold of me. Shukin is coming up tonight, not sure what we are doing yet.
We probably won't be down until 4-5ish depending on the weather, but i will get ahold of you guys when I get down there
Here are some of the names that have been selected so far! Athletes and staff are checking in and will have their picks in shortly:
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin
02-26-14, 9:58 am
Yeah lol if you guys want to snag lunch get ahold of me. Shukin is coming up tonight, not sure what we are doing yet.
Can we touch tips at Rodizio Grill?
Can we touch tips at Rodizio Grill?
Just a little and only for a second
The Ant
02-26-14, 10:42 am
Richard Hawthorne
I would love an opportunity to train and learn from Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne. I have been dealing with nagging lower back injuries for the past few years. Well, I finally pinpointed the problem (Facet Joint Syndrome) and am working with an Physical Therapist that actually knows what he is doing. His recommendation start deadlifting again...yesssss. So I am starting from the ground up and started with Richard's instructional video and after changing my form I immediately started to see where I was going wrong for so long. I had minimal leg drive, over extension, and butt flying up. So I would love to have the opportunity to learn from the master himself so I can continue to do what I love doing which is lifting heavy things for a very long time. Deadlift is by far my favorite lift. I am truly impressed by his core control and body mechanics in order to be able to pull like he does and I cannot think of a more amazing opportunity than to train with Richard.
Thanks for the consideration.
Smoothballer ill be seeing here shorty
02-26-14, 10:47 am
Smoothballer ill be seeing here shorty
Hell Yeah. Can't wait!!!!!
02-26-14, 11:25 am
Might need to get in on this part of the workout, need to be shown how the big hawaiian does his core workout
We will have a Meat Orgy...see you guys soon.
02-26-14, 11:25 am
Here are some of the names that have been selected so far! Athletes and staff are checking in and will have their picks in shortly:
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
I picked Trebin & freighttraindane, FYI.
See you all soon!
02-26-14, 11:38 am
I picked Trebin & freighttraindane, FYI.
See you all soon!
Sounds good. Deads with Brent Willis and Higa, followed by crazy abs with Higa and Trebin. Fuck i am tired already. Leggo!
I picked Trebin & freighttraindane, FYI.
See you all soon!
Updated! I listed Trebin next to you HIGA. It looks like Brent picked freighttraindane earlier.
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin
Brandon Lilly
02-26-14, 12:30 pm
Looks like I'll be training/coaching Lil Foxy!
02-26-14, 12:30 pm
Looks like I'll be training/coaching Lil Foxy!
Good to hear your going to make it up this year!
Lil Foxy
02-26-14, 12:33 pm
Looks like I'll be training/coaching Lil Foxy!
Hell yeah can't wait Brandon thanks
Blondie Weapon X
02-26-14, 3:06 pm
So who wants to do 7 Minutes Abs with me at the ABC????
Trebin has to wear is pink tutu with socks ....LMFAO!!
02-26-14, 3:41 pm
Trebin has to wear is pink tutu with socks ....LMFAO!!
At least you insisted on the tutu. Knowing Trebin he would have preferred showing up in socks. And only socks.
02-26-14, 4:30 pm
You and me man, I'm looking forward to it. Can kill chest and shoulders together.
Awesome! Thanks man, I'm looking forward to it.
Blondie Weapon X
02-26-14, 4:33 pm
At least you insisted on the tutu. Knowing Trebin he would have preferred showing up in socks. And only socks.
Oh you know it!! That why I stated the tutu!!!
Hell yeah can't wait Brandon thanks
Stoked for you man..
02-26-14, 4:40 pm
Im fully prepared to feel weak and tiny HAHA Cant Wait.
Here are some of the names that have been selected so far! Athletes and staff are checking in and will have their picks in shortly:
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin
Updated list--athletes & staff are still picking but a fuller list should be ready by sometime tomorrow.
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin[/QUOTE]
- Brandon Lilly - Lil Foxy
02-26-14, 6:42 pm
Looks like Ill be training alone, but shit with a list like that to chose from, no wonder I didnt get chosen
02-26-14, 7:31 pm
Got too watch kade compete through the RUM 7 stream. I never really heard of him untill Animal introduced him, but since then i have been hearing a lot about the dude. It would be sick to get a change to bench with him, i have seen him hit 500 in some videos, looks like a beast. Also can't wait for him to go against Nera in the cage, that's going to be sick.
02-26-14, 9:13 pm
Trebin has to wear is pink tutu with socks ....LMFAO!!
Shit, join the party baby! I am down!
Trebin has to wear those CrossFitter socks...that say WODKillah or Bacon on them.
Jay Nera
02-26-14, 11:36 pm
Disregard this entry. I see that a few people have already beaten me to requesting P Diesel.
But somehow no one has requested Jay Nera.
If he's going to come down from Canada to be at the Arnold then you're damn straight I'd love to train with him.
Especially since we both seem to be chronically injured.
Lets crush some weights and then sit in a corner and bond over being human china cabinets!!
See you soon man!
Shit, join the party baby! I am down!
Trebin has to wear those CrossFitter socks...that say WODKillah or Bacon on them.
Buy me some at the Arnold. I just have rogue ones...
Lady Ignite
02-27-14, 1:07 pm
The list is almost complete...
- Andrey Malanichev - KenMcQueen
- Dan "BOSS" Green
- Frank "Wrath" McGrath
- Brandon Lilly - Lil Foxy
- Richard Hawthorne (The Ant) - smoothballer
- Garrett Griffin (GUNZ) - knotahumanbeing
- Brent Willis (brentwillbgw) - freighttraindane
- Al Fortney (BigAl)
- Ben Seath (SEATH308) - mulisha
- Grant Higa (HIGA MONSTER) - Trebin
- Patrick Raquet (P Diesel) - Zechy68
- Jeremy Hoornstra (J-HO) - Phil800101
- Jay Nera (Jay Nera) - Theonidus
- Kade Weber (Pale Rider) - LoneWolf45
- Tom "Rage" Fuller
- Ibn Mahama (ibnmahama)
- Jordan Wong (J Wong)
- Anthony Serafin (Enforcer)
Lady Ignite
02-27-14, 2:25 pm
Two more added to the list...
- Dan "BOSS" Green - rhd132
- Frank "Wrath" McGrath - H.Redman
Yes! can't wait, this is a chance of a lifetime, very much looking forward to this
02-27-14, 3:06 pm
I believe RAGE and I are doing some Hellraiser Arm work...
Should be a terrifying experience.. LOL
02-27-14, 5:36 pm
If big Al is still available it would be a blast to train with him
02-28-14, 6:32 pm
I have 3 new members coming up with me tomorrow that was trying to get there abc event ticket and there order wouldn't go thru! They have there t-shirts and everything ready and there box information all filled out. i was wondering if i could get some help on getting them in with me because i've had my ticket for about 3 weeks.. Thanks
02-28-14, 7:17 pm
I have 3 new members coming up with me tomorrow that was trying to get there abc event ticket and there order wouldn't go thru! They have there t-shirts and everything ready and there box information all filled out. i was wondering if i could get some help on getting them in with me because i've had my ticket for about 3 weeks.. Thanks
I am pretty sure it sold out a few days ago, they were capping it at 200 this year
03-02-14, 2:05 am
Helped Trebin out with his squat form.
At the same time, BOSS was training his pick on his squat form too.
Ibn Mahama also jumped in and squatted with these guys, then Stan "The Rhino" Efferding also started squatting with us.
Then, Ibn and I decided to jump in and do some deadlifts with some of the guys.
I just warmed up with 500 lbs x 3 reps, then 585 lbs x 2 reps, then 625 lbs x 2, and closed it with a 675 lbs single. No belt.
A great time at the ABC.
Thanks to Corp for putting this together and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!
03-02-14, 5:48 am
I got to train arms with Frank. Easily one the the most memorable times of my life. Super humble guy and cool as fuck. I just wanna say thanks again for everything and I cannot wait until next year!
03-03-14, 12:35 pm
I had a great bench coaching session with J-HO. He really helped me with my form, and even though we were only able to work on flat bb bench I learned a lot. I can't thank Animal enough for the opportunity, and many thanks again to Jeremy for taking the time to work with me and help me improve.
03-03-14, 1:45 pm
I got to train arms with Frank. Easily one the the most memorable times of my life. Super humble guy and cool as fuck. I just wanna say thanks again for everything and I cannot wait until next year!
Good meeting you brother. I agree, it was a great time.
03-03-14, 2:32 pm
The Ant
I can't thank Richard and Animal enough for this opportunity. I had the chance to get a deadlifting clinic with Richard from the ground up. He started with the same points as his video but went into more specifics and answered all of our questions. Even though there were only 2 of us lifting there was a crowd around taking mental notes of every word he said. After the basics he went through our forms rep by rep and improved every aspect of our form. For me it was clear that I needed core and hip strength. He wanted to me to keep the weight light and up the reps. I never realized how much the decent part of the deadlift mattered for getting stronger. I always focused on lifting up the most weight as possible for the low reps and basically started from a full dead stop every time. Now I will be going for reps and doing touch and go (not bouncing or dropping) but controlled. Even after our session was done he worked with others on their form and constantly gave back the whole ABC. I learned so much in this opportunity and cannot say enough about Richard. He is technically sound, very clear, and motivating. Thanks again Richard.
03-03-14, 4:48 pm
Although Andre was sick and unable to make I did get work witha few other Animals and was able to hit my openers for my comp this coming Saturday. I received some coaching and a lot of support, which is what I needed the most. I look forward to this even next year. See y'all then.
Universal Rep
03-03-14, 4:56 pm
Although Andre was sick and unable to make I did get work witha few other Animals and was able to hit my openers for my comp this coming Saturday. I received some coaching and a lot of support, which is what I needed the most. I look forward to this even next year. See y'all then.
Dayum, wut happened to Andrey? I know he hasnt been 100% since Raw Unity...
03-03-14, 5:05 pm
I'm not 100% sure. I don't think it was anything serious. I seen him at the cage earlier that day.
Brent Willis stepped in and coached me up on my dead lift. He even took the time to talk with me afterwards. Great Guy.
Dayum, wut happened to Andrey? I know he hasnt been 100% since Raw Unity...
Ken u gave him one of those quesadilla dident you lol
03-03-14, 5:22 pm
ken u gave him one of those quesadilla dident you lol
I new it !!!!!!!! Pure evil !!!
Dang u ken I told u paragraph 2 section 5 of the animal hand book clearly states no food shale be made in the shirt press U BREACHED PROTOCOL
03-03-14, 7:22 pm
My buddy and I got to train arms with Anthony (enforcer) and had an awesome time. learned a few new things and got a pretty intense workout in. Just wanted to say thanks again for the awesome opportunity.
03-03-14, 8:48 pm
We were all tired, sweaty carb depleted... I thought I was doing a public service.
I new it !!!!!!!! Pure evil !!!
03-03-14, 9:33 pm
Good meeting you brother. I agree, it was a great time.
It was good meeting you as well. That was a solid workout haha. Cant wait for the next abc gathering.
Thanks again to higa for fixing my squat, shout out to Brent Willis for helping me on deads.
03-04-14, 9:34 am
Thanks again to higa for fixing my squat, shout out to Brent Willis for helping me on deads.
Your welcome brother!
03-04-14, 9:37 am
I posted in my journey, but I figured since everyone else is posting here, I'd post as well. I can't express enough how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to train with Garrett, from the moment I arrived in the Cage saturday morning, he was coaching from the go. Then to get to the ABC and the advice on how to adjust my training and how to ensure I stay tight through out the lift. All of the little kinks, here and there have resonated to get hopefully propel me to the next level with my bench. I thank Garrett and Animal for the opportunity to train with him. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that provided so much invaluable knowledge.
Your welcome brother!
When it is all said and done you are one of the biggest reasons I am where I am.
03-04-14, 10:12 am
When it is all said and done you are one of the biggest reasons I am where I am.
Bro, I just offer advice and willing to help in anyway.
You actually took the step through the door, so thats something to be proud of.
03-04-14, 11:34 am
I wanted to say a big thanks to Brent Willis for giving me some deadlift help at the National ABC. Learned alot and realized I have a long way to go to get to where I want. Definitely can't wait to get in the gym this week and use some of the tips I got for my deads.
03-06-14, 10:53 am
My buddy and I got to train arms with Anthony (enforcer) and had an awesome time. learned a few new things and got a pretty intense workout in. Just wanted to say thanks again for the awesome opportunity.
Was great training with you also brotha, keep up the hard ass work, and hit me up whenever you have any questions
03-20-14, 5:15 pm
Hey brother I apologize for posting this here, feel free to delete it but I was told by the moderator on your ANIMAL Instagram account to hit you up about a name change here on the forums, can you help me out?
I would like to change my name to Farmstand-STRONG if possible, lemme know!
Thanks man, tried messaging you but it said your storage was at capacity for new messages