View Full Version : Andrey Malanichev: "Deadlifting With A Legend"

Universal Rep
02-19-14, 2:39 pm
http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t679/UniversalUSA/AndreyMalanichev_zps73a6bf2d.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/UniversalUSA/media/AndreyMalanichev_zps73a6bf2d.jpg.html)

02-19-14, 2:55 pm
[http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t679/UniversalUSA/AndreyMalanichev_zps73a6bf2d.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/UniversalUSA/media/AndreyMalanichev_zps73a6bf2d.jpg.html)

Can't wait for this!

Universal Rep
02-19-14, 3:33 pm
Can't wait for this!

Its gonna be, well, legendary... May be the only time for many to see Malanichev liftin in the US...

02-20-14, 6:11 am
We are in for a treat, Andrey is an awesome guy

02-20-14, 10:09 am
Strongest raw powerlifter in the world--watch and take notes!

P Diesel
02-20-14, 1:22 pm
i got to meet andrey yesterday for the first time and speak w him briefly. super interesting dude. every time he steps under a bar or takes the platform, keeps ur eyes open because we are watching history as it is created.


02-21-14, 12:32 am
i got to meet andrey yesterday for the first time and speak w him briefly. super interesting dude. every time he steps under a bar or takes the platform, keeps ur eyes open because we are watching history as it is created.


I can't wait to watch him lift, it's definitely going to be a privilege.

Universal Rep
02-21-14, 10:29 am
I can't wait to watch him lift, it's definitely going to be a privilege.

Should be a blast.

03-11-14, 11:17 am
All the way from Moscow

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r217/er1994/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140301_120717_zps85d3928f.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/er1994/media/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140301_120717_zps85d3928f.jpg.html)