View Full Version : Phil Harrington: "Squatzilla vs. The Iron"

Universal Rep
02-21-14, 10:54 am
Weighing in at 181, Squatzilla will attempt a 700+ raw squat in The Cage.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t679/UniversalUSA/PhilHarrington_zps25c91c37.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/UniversalUSA/media/PhilHarrington_zps25c91c37.jpg.html)

02-21-14, 12:47 pm
cant wait for this one.

02-21-14, 9:01 pm
Looking forward to finally meeting Squatzilla and seeing him do his thing

02-21-14, 9:27 pm
Looking forward to finally meeting Squatzilla and seeing him do his thing

Super nice guy and very intense lifter. I have gotten to see him a couple times at BLT.

02-22-14, 1:06 am
Can't wait to see this. . .

03-11-14, 12:16 pm
I think Phil gets the most intense lifter award from the weekend

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r217/er1994/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140301_154256_zps99e1d6f4.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/er1994/media/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140301_154256_zps99e1d6f4.jpg.html)

AJ Roberts
03-11-14, 4:53 pm
I'm not sure you'll meet a more intense guy than Phil period.

He took 1000lb reverse band squat one night at DoggHouse and I'm pretty sure had he not squatted the weight someone was getting killed.