View Full Version : Corey Hayes: "The Triple Bodyweight Squat"

Universal Rep
02-21-14, 1:04 pm
Corey Hayes will attempt to squat three times his bodyweight, and well over a third of a ton, raw.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t679/UniversalUSA/CoreyHayes_zpsf0a052a0.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/UniversalUSA/media/CoreyHayes_zpsf0a052a0.jpg.html)

02-21-14, 2:54 pm
Corey Hayes will attempt to squat three times his bodyweight, and well over a third of a ton, raw.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t679/UniversalUSA/CoreyHayes_zpsf0a052a0.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/UniversalUSA/media/CoreyHayes_zpsf0a052a0.jpg.html)

Corey is an impressive lifter and a really bright guy. So happy too see him in The Cage!

02-21-14, 3:35 pm
Great to see him lifting in the Cage!

Universal Rep
02-21-14, 3:50 pm
Great to see him lifting in the Cage!

Lotta new faces this year...

02-21-14, 4:39 pm
Lotta new faces this year...
That's not a bad thing at all! Well deserved bunch of lifters!

Universal Rep
02-21-14, 4:41 pm
That's not a bad thing at all! Well deserved bunch of lifters!

Think its a good thing for sure...

03-11-14, 11:16 am
Bleeding from the nose and all, great lift

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r217/er1994/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140302_142051_zps5da31647.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/er1994/media/2014%20URT%20to%20Arnold/IMG_20140302_142051_zps5da31647.jpg.html)