View Full Version : Project A - Testing W/ Kingdinz
06-20-14, 1:12 pm
What's up everyone!?! First I would like to say THANK YOU to J-Dawg for selecting me to partake in this ATP. I will give a quick rundown of myself and supps I take!
I will be 27 years old on the 30th of this month. I train 5 days a week and have my first powerlifting meet coming up this September that will be a charity event which I am happy to support. Currently, I have three part-time jobs (trainer at my gym, hotel & substitute teacher) and have a 3.5 month old daughter at home. I get at least 5.5-6 hours of sleep at night and I feel I can real function great on that, so once in awhile I get more. I have traditionally did the usual training style, then I found Brandon's Cube Method and ran that and noticed great results. Now, with my five day routine it is a mix. I train each muscle twice a week with two days designated for "POWER" days, while the other three are more hypertrophy days. Currently I am at maintenance as far as macros go: Protein: 205 Carb: Training: 185/150Rest and Fat: 50. This morning I weighed in at 170 flat.
Here are the supps I consume:
Beef Aminos-Daily
Fish Oil-Daily
RAGEXL-When needed
Atomic-7-Daily Intra
Torrent-Daily Intra & Post (1.5 scoop of each)
Ultra Whey Pro-Daily
That is it really when it comes to the supps. List looks long but the daily stuff is more health related to specific areas such as a preworkout. Obviously once, Project A gets here and when I read the directions Torrent may get switched out...we shall see.
Anyway, I am beyond thrilled to be apart of this and I will be updating as much as possible on here and on my Instagram: psujd. I have it public so come follow along! Thank you again and if you have questions feel free to ask!
06-22-14, 7:56 pm
Nice.. Following along.
Thanks brotha! I will be following along in yours as well! Can't wait to get the product and instructions in this week.
06-23-14, 5:17 pm
I received my two tubs in the mail today! I will start tomorrow as I already worked out this AM. I am pumped to get this added to the workout for the next few days! Also, the smell of the flavors are great! Can't wait to try them. Tomorrow is leg day too....
06-24-14, 10:45 am
Tomorrow is leg day too....
No better day than leg day to test this new recovery product
06-24-14, 1:45 pm
I received my two tubs in the mail today! I will start tomorrow as I already worked out this AM. I am pumped to get this added to the workout for the next few days! Also, the smell of the flavors are great! Can't wait to try them. Tomorrow is leg day too....
the courier was usps mail? nice that means i should have mine quickly as well
06-25-14, 8:59 am
Alright everyone! Like naturalguy mentioned in his Alpha A Testing thread, flavor 2 is really good. Flavor one was also tasty, however, I chose to take flavor one with my scoop of Rage. This is what went down:
Flavor 1 with one scoop of 1 scoop of RageXL (Lemon Slayed) (6 oz of water)
Flavor 2 alone with 10 oz of water and it was great. I may actually try it with 8oz next time!
Leg workout was a good one as well. Had clean energy and was about 2.5 hours fasted before I took my preworkout drink. This day I focused on Speed work for DL and some pause squat, along with other exercises (leg extensions, lying leg curls, stationary lunges and calf raises).
I had my usual soreness but again this was only day one.
I will have another update today and also check out my Instagram later today I will have my first video of something going on. INSTAGRAM: psujd
06-25-14, 3:22 pm
Great update, thank you!
Alright everyone! Like naturalguy mentioned in his Alpha A Testing thread, flavor 2 is really good. Flavor one was also tasty, however, I chose to take flavor one with my scoop of Rage. This is what went down:
Flavor 1 with one scoop of 1 scoop of RageXL (Lemon Slayed) (6 oz of water)
Flavor 2 alone with 10 oz of water and it was great. I may actually try it with 8oz next time!
Leg workout was a good one as well. Had clean energy and was about 2.5 hours fasted before I took my preworkout drink. This day I focused on Speed work for DL and some pause squat, along with other exercises (leg extensions, lying leg curls, stationary lunges and calf raises).
I had my usual soreness but again this was only day one.
I will have another update today and also check out my Instagram later today I will have my first video of something going on. INSTAGRAM: psujd
Thanks for the update! Definitely keep us posted on the amount of water you use with each flavor.
06-27-14, 8:20 pm
So a quick updates for the past three days...
I am loving the flavors and found the sweet spot for both at 10oz each. So far I am four days in and I will begin with day 2 since I already touched on day 1.
Day 2: Took Flavor 2 with Atomic 7 Rockin Razz Lemonade in 11oz water and then followed up with Flavor 1 alone with 10oz nice and sweet!
Day 3: Took Flavor 1 intra alone 10oz water followed up with post workout Flavor 2 along with one scoop of Vanilla Ultra Whey Pro (great taste)
Day 4: Took flavor 2 intra alone 10oz water and again followed up with post workout flavor 1 with one scoop of Vanilla Ultra Whey Pro (Again, Great taste)
Today was day 4 and I must say feeling good with recovery. I mean nothing insane like no doms or anything but I will comment on that the leg workout I had last night I am sore, but I just feel good (hard to put into words).
With taking this now for a total of 5 days I want to comment on the powders...
I have no issues with mixability at all. I know I mixed it in with protein and Atomic 7 at times, but alone no issues so great job.
Flavor wise I would be perfectly happy with these two flavors. Flavor 1 is where it needs to be. I recently started to crave this flavor and I am happy to say with this product at 10oz it isn't too diluted or over sweet. I think it is just right. Flavor 2 on the other hand I haven't tried a flavor like this to date. I really, really like this. Again at 10 oz is where I like it.
There is a quick update on the product, half way point tomorrow for some back and delts...
07-01-14, 8:28 pm
Alright people....
Today was day was day 8. I am enjoying the product thus far. For the crazy hours I am putting in for work and being home with my daughter and getting up in the middle of the night with her, I am still noticing an increase in endurance during the training sessions, along with increase in recovery time. This past weekend I was away for my birthday and my brother in law has a real nice set up in his huge basement. Talking, squat racks, benches & homemade DL platform. I was able to stick to my training sessions and use Project A.
So now that I am using this for over a week I do notice a increase in recovery and endurance in the workouts. This hit me about Saturday when I completed DL's. I hit an all new PR for 385 (on a cut and 5'7:168).
As far as the powders are concerned....
The sweet spot for me is both in 10oz of water. This makes the flavors really jump out at you. get that dark color you expect and again NO MIXABILITY ISSUES! Taste is a solid 9/10, not over/under with sweetness just right. F2...not sure exactly what the flavor is but again nice coloring to it, NO MIXABILITY ISSUES and taste is a solid 8/10. Both taste great alone and mixed with some Atomic 7 or some Ultra Whey Pro Vanilla.
Whatever, the product is I can't wait until it gets the green light for product because with the endurance and recovery aspect for which it is supposed to do I'M BUYING!
07-01-14, 8:47 pm
Do you think it will become a staple in your supp regimen?
07-01-14, 10:47 pm
Do you think it will become a staple in your supp regimen?
I could definitely see this being a staple. From my first post you see I don't really take anything outside the box other than some Torrent when I have extra cash for it. If the price is right, then yes. With the house I put in working at the jobs and being with my daughter, I would love to have this in my regimen. The decrease in DOMS is what I am loving the most. I don't feel as run down.
07-06-14, 8:09 pm
Winding down here to the finish of ProjectA....Will be posting my final review and right up on here later this week and will also have hopefully a couple more videos for sure and obviously a ending video! Hope everyone had a great holiday! Naturalguy I saw that bbq you made on Instagram...looked amazing!