View Full Version : Alpha - Project A - Chivalry
06-20-14, 9:09 pm
Can't wait to get going on this, but my current training has been hitting the main three movements to get back into them as I've had some injuries that have kept me from squatting or deading for a while, but I plan on starting the Cube again this coming Wednesday. Have had great results on it.
As far as supplements, they go as:
Digestive Enzymes
My instagram is:
06-23-14, 11:51 pm
Got my package in today, very excited to get this stuff going. Will start tomorrow when I hit shoulders.
06-24-14, 12:56 pm
Got my package in today, very excited to get this stuff going. Will start tomorrow when I hit shoulders.
I have three more days until I get mine. I'll follow along to see how it goes for you. Let us know!
06-24-14, 2:10 pm
in for gainz and science
I have three more days until I get mine. I'll follow along to see how it goes for you. Let us know!
you were provided with tracking info?
06-24-14, 2:18 pm
you were provided with tracking info?
Well, I assume it's this. haha I haven't ordered anything.
06-24-14, 3:36 pm
I have three more days until I get mine. I'll follow along to see how it goes for you. Let us know!
I'm surprised it got to me so quickly, honestly. It usually takes longer than usual to get stuff to where I live, considering it's back in the boonies, ha. Appreciate the following, brother.
06-24-14, 3:42 pm
Thanks for the follow, weights.
So, I tried my first dose today of Flavor 1. I mixed it in the recommended 12 ounces of water and I must admit the first taste was a little strong, but once I had the flavor palate down it mellowed out some. I loved how this tasted. It wasn't bitter nor was it sweet, imo, just the right mixture of in between. I actually might go with a little bit less water the next time I mix it, just for a stronger flavor profile.
06-24-14, 4:18 pm
I'm surprised it got to me so quickly, honestly. It usually takes longer than usual to get stuff to where I live, considering it's back in the boonies, ha. Appreciate the following, brother.
Crazy. I think they are just teasing me and made it take this long. Or the few times I ordered, I'm spoiled with second day. haha
Anytime brother! Excited to see what everyone thinks.
Thanks for the follow, weights.
So, I tried my first dose today of Flavor 1. I mixed it in the recommended 12 ounces of water and I must admit the first taste was a little strong, but once I had the flavor palate down it mellowed out some. I loved how this tasted. It wasn't bitter nor was it sweet, imo, just the right mixture of in between. I actually might go with a little bit less water the next time I mix it, just for a stronger flavor profile.
Very cool. I like to use a little less water than recommended as I'm a bigger guy.. or I use a little more product with recommended water. So with what you are saying, I might go less water first. Thanks for the info!
06-24-14, 4:50 pm
Very cool. I like to use a little less water than recommended as I'm a bigger guy.. or I use a little more product with recommended water. So with what you are saying, I might go less water first. Thanks for the info!
I would say about 10 oz would be right perfect, maybe a tad less.
06-25-14, 5:43 pm
Flavor 2 first impression mixed with 10 oz water - This flavor is incredible, I love the taste of it, even if I felt it was a little weak with just 10 oz. This is probably one of the better tasting supplements that I've had and again, not too sweet nor bitter, just the right amount. I think 8oz would make this just about perfect.
I can't decide which of the two is my favorite, until I find the right water amount for the best taste imo, but the two are very close already.
Looking good so far in here C!
06-27-14, 3:13 pm
I've decided I"m going to take two scoops of it during the days I work out, one intra and then one with my last meal of the night to see how much that affects recovery, compared to one scoop. One scoop during my days off.
I've found my preferred water mixture with the two of them, Flavor 1 with 10 ounces seems to work really well, it gives it a strong flavor, but not overpowering.
Flavor 2 with 8 ounces makes it the same way, it tastes even better with the less water.
Thanks J! Quality product already. I'm giving it a few days before I start to remark on the recovery/benefits of the product just because I feel like it takes a few days for products to really start taking affect and someone can really tell a difference.
07-02-14, 4:22 pm
So, I've found my preferred water ounces with both of them, two scopes, about 18 ounces seems to be just right in my opinion, one scope, 10 ounces hits the right mark.
I feel like taking two scopes on training days help make a difference, I mix mine up when getting to the gym and sip on it throughout most of the workout. I'm out of Rage XL or I would try a scope with it and then one intra, as I feel this might actually be an awesome combination.
The recovery is decent, nothing ground-breaking or anything, but it does help. I do feel better overall in general since taking this the way that I have, as in refreshed and not worn down like usual after heavy squats or deads, even if I do have DOMS.
Once I finish this up, which isn't much longer, I'll give a bigger break down.
So, I've found my preferred water ounces with both of them, two scopes, about 18 ounces seems to be just right in my opinion, one scope, 10 ounces hits the right mark.
I feel like taking two scopes on training days help make a difference, I mix mine up when getting to the gym and sip on it throughout most of the workout. I'm out of Rage XL or I would try a scope with it and then one intra, as I feel this might actually be an awesome combination.
The recovery is decent, nothing ground-breaking or anything, but it does help. I do feel better overall in general since taking this the way that I have, as in refreshed and not worn down like usual after heavy squats or deads, even if I do have DOMS.
Once I finish this up, which isn't much longer, I'll give a bigger break down.
man i wish mine would hurry up and get here already
07-02-14, 9:26 pm
man i wish mine would hurry up and get here already
Hopefully you'll get it soon. It's definitely a solid product already. I think you're gonna enjoy it quite a bit.
07-14-14, 5:20 pm
Definitely enjoyed taking this product, just wish I had more of it to go around. I finished my last dose yesterday, I'll have my full review up by tonight or tomorrow at the latest.