View Full Version : Upping the Ante: My Project-A log
06-26-14, 6:47 pm
"Project-A" will be the first new supplement i add to my regimen, in a long while.
My Current stack is very basic
Animal Pak
Animal Rage
Whey Protein
Milk Thistle
My entire regimen is laid out in detail in My Journey, and updated daily, (listed in my sig).
My Instagram is also in my sig.
I am currently cutting on a Carb-Cycling diet (100 grams carbs 6 days a week, 600 grams carbs 1 day a week) and i am always sore right now. I look forward to the expedited recovery to be had with Project-A.
06-26-14, 7:29 pm
Very cool. I'm in to follow. Will add you on IG too.
06-30-14, 12:09 pm
Morning, and happy Monday, Animals. So im sure theres been alot of people in and out of the Project-A forum this week, because im one of them! well my Project-A will be here on Saturday July 5th. im a little bit bummed that it wont be here for the entire 3 day weekend, but im gonna hold off training on saturday and sunday untill it comes in, which im certain will be early. (who knows it may show up a few days early and beat the holiday).
Any ways ive seen alot of people using it as an Intra Work out, im super curious to get a look at the ingredient profile my self, and make the call on when im going to use it. generally im of the mind set that what ever i want my body to absorb while im training, needs to be consumed prior to training, about 20-25 minutes prior for something primarily made of fast digesting components (aminos/preworkout type of drink, which im guessing Project-A is one or the other). so what im going to do is use 1 scoop prior to training for the first 5 days, i am going to use 1 scoop intra workout for the following 5 days, and im going to use 1 prior and 1 intra on the remaining 5 days (total of 20 servings used). i will alternate flavors every day, to notice any differences, as i believe different flavorings and coloring can have a minor difference in peoples responses to the supp. for example fruit flavored proteins like strawberry, always seems to digest better for me than vanilla or chocolate does.
07-04-14, 8:18 pm
last night i recieved my Project-A samples. 2 days earlier than expected. i was beyond stoked because this means i would get to use Project-A for all three of my sessions this weekend. Today was back day, i documented the load in my journey, which is listed in my sig.
i decided to use my samples as recommended, in a 10 day span. so i used 1 scoop pre workout, and packed one to go. there was a mis hap on the way to the gym which delayed me (gf dropped a gallon of water all over my shorts, had to go back and change). i ended up drinking the second scoop immediately upon arrival, before my warm up cardio. it felt like i may only need to take the one scoop next time.
heres how i feel about Project-A so far:
based on the ingredient profile, i knew i would like project a. i was able to make it through my workout with minimal fatigue, my stamina felt pretty good.
THE PUMP WAS VERY FULL, AND LONG LASTING, this is something i look for in any supplement i use, i will drop anything that doesnt increase blood flow and delivery when training, Project-A, isnt going anywhere.
it mixed ok, i rarely use a lid with my shakers as most of them are cracked or broken so i use a spoon to stir the supps, this left a slight film at the top of the water, but it was just a film, not powdery at all. the consistancy is a bit smoother than something like rage, but not as smooth as something like nitro. flavor 1 is the very similar to tang or sunny delight, and is very good. flavor 2 is not as good, i usully like drinks that are this flavor. this one not so much, could have been because i tried it shortly after flavor 1 tho. i filled the shakers with the same amount of water i use for every other supplement i use, which is 12 oz. and used this as a base. i will say that flavor 1 did not mix as well as flavor 2. the color is surpirsingly opaque for the amount of water i used, it was not like a protein would be, but it was no where near as clear as other supps. it was similar in color opacity to pedialite.
07-06-14, 2:06 am
today was my second run in with Project-A. i used 12g as recommended, rather than the full scooper which has a capacity of 15g. i used a food scale to get it accurate. i used flavor 1 about 20 mins prior to training, and packed flavor 2 for the gym. today flavor 1 tasted much better than it did yesterday, using the same amount of water (12 oz) im still not a giant fan but it was 10x better than what i remembered from yesterdays taste test. i didn't use the serving i had packed for the gym however, i wanted to see how well i responded to a single serving so i left it untouched in my gym bag. it felt pretty good, there was a noticeable difference between today and yesterday, although yesterday i took 2 scoops (approx 30g) spaced out by about an hour (15g/15g). my pumps as you can imagine were much better yesterday than today. tomorrow i plan to take 2 servings (24 grams) as recommended, for my arm day. i did how ever feel less fatigued in between sets, and after my training.
07-06-14, 9:06 pm
Whats up Animals? Hope every one had a great 3 day weekend, if you were lucky enough to get one.
Today was the third day i trained using Project-A. I was stoked to give it a shot today.
i used 2 Servings, again of 12g each as suggested. i opted to use flavor 1 pre workout, and flavor 2 intra work out. i finished my intra about half way through my work out. i see no point to drink an intra all the way through the end, as it wont digest until after your done if you do that, IMHO. i felt like i was able to move through my workout fairly quickly compared to my usual arm day. the rest periods were shorter, and my intensity was high. my pump was insane. i wish i would have had my tape because i am sure my arms were at least 19" when i finished training. currently 17.5" cold, so that's a substantial increase. (progress photo in journey).
i refrigerated flavor 1 today after i mixed it so that it would get a chance to chill before the gym. it tasted A LOT better cold than it had at room temp, again mixed with 12 oz. water. flavor 2 was used at the gym and i shook it up rather than stirring, it blended quite nicely, in 12 oz water, unlike when i had stirred it, and was delicious. Like most people are saying it tastes like tang, and i am a big fan of that.
as far as recovery goes, i have noticed a slight decrease in DOMS, generally i don't get sore, but since i have been on a cut for the last 2 months now, i was getting severe DOMS. and surprisingly for dead lifting on Friday, for the first time in at least 2-3 months, my back felt very good this morning, little to no soreness. my traps are a tiny bit sore from yesterday mornings session but it is minimal.
the only thing i dont like so far is the film that is left when i mix the powder with a spoon. this could be improved upon. other than that, so far, so good.
it is going to be difficult to train with out using Project-A when i run out. i have 7 days or 14 servings left. tomorrow is my cardio only day i do not plan to use any Project-A tomorrow.
07-09-14, 1:30 pm
well yesterday was my chest and traps, i document that in detail in my journey. i used Project-A for the 4th time. It was good. I used 24 grams total devised equally 12/12 one serving of either flavor.
i mixed it up about and hour prior:
12g of flavor two, in a mug with 12 oz water (forgot my shaker at home, and i was going straight from work to the gym), i placed it in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
-consumed 40 minutes prior to exercise
- it tasted excellent like this, and when i put it in the freezer it still had the "film" at the top, when i took it out everything was completely dissolved.
-i have been using room temp water to mix it, i will use a chilled bottled water (approx. 34-36 degrees f) today for mixing.
12g of flavor one in my gallon container which was about 1/2 way full (64 oz.)
-it mixed fine, and surprisingly still remained rather full-flavored despite being in so much water.
-lasted me 3/4 of my work out as an intra.
i felt fuller and very, very pumped. It helped me to consume more water because the water was flavored. generally i will drink about a quart while lifting, i don't force water intake when i'm training, i don't want to throw it up, along with valuable nutrients. it was no problem for me to pound half a gallon while lifting yesterday with the Project-A mixed in, mainly because of the flavor.
my recovery in between sets was up as it has been for the last 2-3 days, i was able to go set to set with maybe 75 seconds rest time, i usually rest about 90-120 seconds, sometimes less sometimes more. my workout went by fast tho, and my time during the set didn't decrease, i'm still doing my reps at the same pace with a squeeze and stretch.
so far Project-A seems pretty good, i like the pump i get, and the recovery while training is nice, whether i use it before, or before/intra it feels good. as for long term recovery, i feel like i am able to recover better, as in my body doesnt feel sore or achey when i wake up for the past day or two. My muscles feel fuller all day, despite being on a very low carb diet. Tonight i will be using it again with my front deltoid training.
07-10-14, 11:34 am
last night was my 5th day being fueled by Project-A, it was a shoulders day (front/lateral).
i consumed it in the same protocol i had the previous night 12/12 1 pre, one intra, one refrigerated, one mixed in .5 gal of water at room temp. except, i reversed the flavors of each. so i used flavor 1 pre workout, and flavor 2 intra. i also mixed flavor 1 in cold water like i said i would, it mixed horribly in cold water (34-36° F) there was clumps, and film all through out the powder, i refrigerated it hoping it would settle, and when i came back little while later to see if it had dissolved, it had not entirely. this is interesting to me because flavor 1 dissolves much better at room temp than flavor one. flavor 1 definitely tastes a lot better when mixed in room temperature water, but that's just preference, i saw someone mention that it was similar to a certain purple, child's cold medicine, well if you refrigerate it, the similarity is 2-3x more.
any ways. i used consumed flavor one in 12 oz cold water approx 30 mins pre work out, and sipped on flavor two intra. i wont be mixing it with my gallon any more because its too much water for me to drink while training, i was very bloated in my midsection, undoubtedly because of the volume of water, i consumed in the short 1.5 hour session, i saved about 12 oz of the fluid for my post workout, and drank it immediately pre cardio, i did notice iw as not very fatigued during my cardio. so far i have found my best results are from drinking both servings pre work out, or drinking 1 pre workout, and the other during the first 25-50% of my workout.
p.s. if any one whose reading this has been reading my journey, you will notice that i seem to be holding water, for the last 6 days, it may or may not be from the project a, it could be the increased water intake intra workout, it could be the sodium i consumed on 4th of July with my cheat meal (doubt it would still be holding 6 days later). my guess is the added water intake. i'm going to mix it in 12 oz pre, and 12 oz intra today, and see how i react, and check my weight as i usually do after my session, before cardio.
so far after being 1/2 way done with my project a log, i really like it, the pump is very good, and that is what i strive for when training. recovery time between sets its great, its been decreasing time wise, i'm at about 60-75 seconds consistent rest periods.
after tonight i will be able to rate it better, since i will be mixing it in a lot less water, and i will have been using it for 7 days. As it stands now i would buy Project-A if it was available.
07-10-14, 1:38 pm
Nice quick vid!
last night was my 5th day being fueled by Project-A, it was a shoulders day (front/lateral).
i consumed it in the same protocol i had the previous night 12/12 1 pre, one intra, one refrigerated, one mixed in .5 gal of water at room temp. except, i reversed the flavors of each. so i used flavor 1 pre workout, and flavor 2 intra. i also mixed flavor 1 in cold water like i said i would, it mixed horribly in cold water (34-36° F) there was clumps, and film all through out the powder, i refrigerated it hoping it would settle, and when i came back little while later to see if it had dissolved, it had not entirely. this is interesting to me because flavor 1 dissolves much better at room temp than flavor one. flavor 1 definitely tastes a lot better when mixed in room temperature water, but that's just preference, i saw someone mention that it was similar to a certain purple, child's cold medicine, well if you refrigerate it, the similarity is 2-3x more.
any ways. i used consumed flavor one in 12 oz cold water approx 30 mins pre work out, and sipped on flavor two intra. i wont be mixing it with my gallon any more because its too much water for me to drink while training, i was very bloated in my midsection, undoubtedly because of the volume of water, i consumed in the short 1.5 hour session, i saved about 12 oz of the fluid for my post workout, and drank it immediately pre cardio, i did notice iw as not very fatigued during my cardio. so far i have found my best results are from drinking both servings pre work out, or drinking 1 pre workout, and the other during the first 25-50% of my workout.
p.s. if any one whose reading this has been reading my journey, you will notice that i seem to be holding water, for the last 6 days, it may or may not be from the project a, it could be the increased water intake intra workout, it could be the sodium i consumed on 4th of July with my cheat meal (doubt it would still be holding 6 days later). my guess is the added water intake. i'm going to mix it in 12 oz pre, and 12 oz intra today, and see how i react, and check my weight as i usually do after my session, before cardio.
so far after being 1/2 way done with my project a log, i really like it, the pump is very good, and that is what i strive for when training. recovery time between sets its great, its been decreasing time wise, i'm at about 60-75 seconds consistent rest periods.
after tonight i will be able to rate it better, since i will be mixing it in a lot less water, and i will have been using it for 7 days. As it stands now i would buy Project-A if it was available.
Looking forward to the rating you'll give it. From checking some of the logs, I notice that the pump effects have been great as well as recovery--that's looking good so far!
07-11-14, 4:20 pm
last night was my 6th session using Project-A.
it was legs, and the most intense work out i've had while using Project-A. my pumps were good, recovery time remained between 45-75 seconds on everything except for lunges and hack squats, which may have been 75-120 seconds. my legs were very full, and surprisingly most of my other body parts were as well. it has definitely given me a fuller rounder more muscular through out the day. probably as a result of a few of the ingredients which i know to give me those effects.
last night i had 12g flavor 2 in 12 oz h20 30 mins pre work out, and 12g flavor 1 in 14 oz water intra workout.
out side of the gym i feel like i have fuller more muscular look as well, i particularly notice this the last day or 2. and nothing has changed in my diet, or training. i feel a bit more vascular as well.
i didn't notice any bloating, probably because i mixed in 14 oz rather the half gallon like the last two days. this proved to me that it was the water bloating me post work out, and not the use of Project-A. i do think that Project-A is responsible for my stagnated WEIGHT loss (not fat loss) because i feel like i am continually getting leaner, how ever my weight on the scale has stayed relatively the same for the last few days, i'm guessing i'm holding water at an intramuscular level, not so much subcutaneously or in my digestive tract. translation-muscles look bigger and fuller all day long.
i started using Project-A 7 days ago, i have used it 6 times, and 60% done with my samples. i feel i can give it a fair rating now, and i will not give another rating until i am out unless something dramatic occurs with it.
Just past half way done RATING
Flavor one 6/10 this flavor mixes better than flavor 2 in room temperature water, it does not mix in cold water, and does not dissolved if left in cold temp (fridge), it doesn't taste as good as flavor 2, and i notice more water retention with this flavor, it could be a side effect of the different coloring or flavoring chemicals. i also noticed that flavor one builds a higher pressure when mixed than flavor 2. i.e. when i put them both in the same shaker, and let it set after shaking it, flavor 2 will produce more of a "whoosh" when i pop the top, than flavor one, it also leaked when laid on its side, where as flavor 2 did not. this tens to be a problem with fluids this flavor, im guessing it is the chemical that gives it the flavor or a combo of them.
Flavor two 8/10. the only thing i don't like is the mix-ability, as seen in the video posted yesterday, there is a film at the top. it tastes great cold/room temp, and is very easy to drink. smells good, and isn't sticky and gross if it drips or spills.
if flavor 1 and flavor 2 were next to each other on a shelf, i would go for flavor 2 every single time.
again there has been no change in my diet or training, i eat the same thing at the same time every day, and i train the same exact time on weekdays (440 pm), and the same time roughly one weekends (11:30am-12:30pm)
i know my comparison seems like nit picking but i feel like its better to document EVERYTHING for future research, than look over something, no matter how small the detail.
07-12-14, 5:35 pm
so last night i was suppose to rest, but i decided not to and i trained arms. on the second day of my project-A log i only used 12g. so i had an extra 12g in one container. since this was an un scheduled training session for me i modified my training and did GVT, 10 sets of 10 reps, for one excercise, since i did arms i did it for bis and tries, my partner yesterday, Ty had invited me to train with him and try it out, so i did. i logged this in my journey if you are interested. any ways i used the extra 12g because it was an unscheduled day, but i mixed it with my girlfriends pre work out. it was an amazing combination to say the least.
today i trained back i used only 12g flavor 1 pre in 10 oz water this time, it was a little strong, but i dont like flavor one very much any ways so im sure it was just a personal feeling. 12g flavor 2 intra in 12 oz water, up until about 5 mins until i was done, just just prior to post, (i usually finish intra with 50-60% of my session left). it felt good it was a nasty back day, sickening even. energy was good, recovery time between sets was also as it has been, about 45-75 seconds. and i felt alot of blood in my back while iw as training. my pump didnt last as long as it had been but i feel incredable depleted today and thats probably why.
u cant wiat t get my hand on this stuff once its reeased!
07-13-14, 3:17 pm
This is a video from Friday night, I put in the freezer for about 20-40 minutes prior to drinking. That's the good stuff!!
07-14-14, 11:13 am
Whats up Animals,
Yesterday was my 9th session training with Project-A,
i used 12g flavor 1 pre, 12g flavor 1 (yep all flavor 1 today) intra/post for my rear deltoid session (detailed in journey if curious)
my pumps were good as it has been while training, i feel like my body is getting used to the dosage i have been using and i may need to increase the dose if i want to get the continued effect, i.e. skin busting pumps, and vascularity. although i have been depleted for the past 2 days. I carbed up yesterday tho, so we will see how tonight's session with Project-A goes. i didn't notice the all day "fullness" i had had the prior 7 days, starting Saturday, but again i was depleted so this could have been the cause.
any ways, while training my pump was good, and i was able to feel the squeeze and stretch of every rep very well, and it powered me though my cardio with no problems. I'm going to be really bummed when i run out.
as i mentioned i have changed nothing in relation to diet/training, other than adding an extra very short arm day in on Friday. i know i had mentioned that i had been mixing with higher amounts of water, my overall water intake did not change for those days, only the time the water was consumed at, i.e. during training, rather than after.
since i only used 12g on days 2, and 7, i have 4 more full servings at least, so that should give me days 10, today, and 11, Wednesday, to finish my testing.
07-15-14, 10:40 am
Good Tuesday to you fellas,
yesterday was my 10th day using Project-A, i had an arm workout, and it was pretty good, my pump was back to how it should be, skin-splitting, and my forearms looked like they were tangled in twine and strings due to the vascularity. i have one more work out with Project-A, as i stated due to only using 1 servings on 2 days.
last night i used 12g flavor 2 in about 8 oz water, it mixed pretty well and still retained a not-to-pwerful taste even tho it was 4 oz short of my usual prefered mixture, pre. as well as 12g in 16 oz water of flavor 1 which was still a bit strong for my taste, during the second half of my training, and post workout before finishing my cardio. my cardio was also better while using Project-A, i feel like it makes me sweat a bit more than usual, which is not an issue as i dont mind losing the water.