View Full Version : ATP Project A- Ray
07-02-14, 11:16 am
Im at work right now but should be getting my package today.
Ill be deadlifting tomorrow so stoked to try out this product.
I have my Instagram in my sig so everyone can follow along there as well as here.
Awesome! Can't wait to hear your thoughts Ray.
07-02-14, 1:54 pm
In for sure.
07-08-14, 11:58 am
Hey guys wanna apologize for no posts yet. I have been sick as crap and out of the gym so i havent started up yet. ill be getting back after it tomorrow and start my product then. Again very sorry for it taking so long.
07-10-14, 3:10 pm
Yesterday was my first time using the product. I used flavor 1 first. I took it with 10oz water during my training at 12pm. opened it smelled it and was worried as flavor 1 is not something I would normally buy nor am I a fan of it. To my surprise this was great really enjoyed it and its definitely my favorite of the 2. It was a little sweet in 10oz of water as far as a intra drink goes. I personally get upset stomach training and drinking some what sweet stuff. i think 11-12 oz of water would make it better for me personally. I sipped it during training and as it got warm the flavor wasnt nearly as good dropped a few ice cubes in and was much better. aldo took next to nothing to mix this stuff up. a lot of powdered supplements usually take awhile to mix and dissolve as it always ends up at the bottom of my shaker. his mixed well mixed quick nothing at the bottom of the shaker.
Today was a back session full of row work. Normally I dont have a separate day for back nor do i do a ton of rep work. Today i did ton of reps and to my surprise my muscular endurance was better then i expected. I crushed my session in a hours time also a surprise and I felt great throughout the session.
My recovery has been lacking lately so i will be able to monitor how that changes while using this supplement.
07-10-14, 3:12 pm
took flavor 2 in 11 oz of water took itbetween meals well after training. Flavor again not something i would normallybuy but this was pretty good. Not as good as flavor 1 but still good none the less.
So far so good no complaints nothing bad to say about this.
07-10-14, 7:24 pm
So far I like Flavor 2. Flavor 1 is okay and I'd get it if Flavor 2 wasn't available.
Good stuff brother.
Yesterday was my first time using the product. I used flavor 1 first. I took it with 10oz water during my training at 12pm. opened it smelled it and was worried as flavor 1 is not something I would normally buy nor am I a fan of it. To my surprise this was great really enjoyed it and its definitely my favorite of the 2. It was a little sweet in 10oz of water as far as a intra drink goes. I personally get upset stomach training and drinking some what sweet stuff. i think 11-12 oz of water would make it better for me personally. I sipped it during training and as it got warm the flavor wasnt nearly as good dropped a few ice cubes in and was much better. aldo took next to nothing to mix this stuff up. a lot of powdered supplements usually take awhile to mix and dissolve as it always ends up at the bottom of my shaker. his mixed well mixed quick nothing at the bottom of the shaker.
Today was a back session full of row work. Normally I dont have a separate day for back nor do i do a ton of rep work. Today i did ton of reps and to my surprise my muscular endurance was better then i expected. I crushed my session in a hours time also a surprise and I felt great throughout the session.
My recovery has been lacking lately so i will be able to monitor how that changes while using this supplement.
Interesting thoughts so far Ray! And glad to see you're back to health.
07-11-14, 2:48 pm
So far I like Flavor 2. Flavor 1 is okay and I'd get it if Flavor 2 wasn't available.
Good stuff brother.
Well put SPP!!! I like flavor 2 the best i would definitely buy this flavor regularly. Flavor 1 is okand agree 100% if it was only thing available i would definitely buy it.
07-11-14, 2:49 pm
Interesting thoughts so far Ray! And glad to see you're back to health.
Thanks J -Dawg
07-11-14, 2:57 pm
Day 2 took flavor 2 during the day while at work between meals same thing taste is good not great but i would buy it.
took flavor 1 during training i put it in 12 oz of water no stomach issues so that problem was easily fixed with another oz or 2 of water.
as far as the "does this product work?" im only 2 days in but i never do rep work and both sessions have been rep sessions a ton of reps. I had been on some what of a hiatus so i expected my work capacity to be way down, and at times i could feel fatigue but not everlasting. rest 90 seconds and keep killing it. I have com[pletely destroyed both sessions while taking this stuff and both sessions were way outside the norm for me so that i think is a plus.
recovery has been a struggle for me i mean squat and still sore 5 days later. i smoked back on wednesday was sore thursday and today friday no really to sore if at all. so that seems to also be a plus but we still have some time to determine this.
ill be hitting rep deadlift tonight. gonna be smashed come tomorrow so we will get a good gauge on how well i recover from that.
07-12-14, 12:19 pm
Hit deadlift yesterday and worked a decent amount of reps. I gotta say i recover like a boss between sets. could be good nutrition could be the animal supplement. Probably a combination of both. I have said it a lot in this log so far but I was very surprised at the work load I was able to handle. Beside that Im recovering between sessions. I was shocked at how sore i wasnt this morning after the session i had last night.
as far as mixing it i was tired of carrying so many shakers to the gym i added this stuff in with 16oz of water and enough sports drink mix of the same flavor to hit my carbs.
Really enjoying this stuff now. and ill have to spend the money to purchase it when it comes out if i keep feeling as good as i have during training sessions.
07-14-14, 11:01 am
Sunday 7/13/14
Hamstrings straight lit up from my deadlifting friday. woke up this morning (monday 7/14/14) feeling pretty decent.
SO far my short time using this stuff I think there is a little recovery factor there aiding my recovery some. But definitely can tell a difference performance in the gym. I recover faster between sets fatigue doesnt set in as bad.
I have a Bench session tonight full of reps so we will see how i hold up.
07-15-14, 3:04 pm
Sunday 7/13/14
Hamstrings straight lit up from my deadlifting friday. woke up this morning (monday 7/14/14) feeling pretty decent.
SO far my short time using this stuff I think there is a little recovery factor there aiding my recovery some. But definitely can tell a difference performance in the gym. I recover faster between sets fatigue doesnt set in as bad.
I have a Bench session tonight full of reps so we will see how i hold up.
That's good stuff
07-18-14, 9:30 am
Ok ill continue to post after this but at this point of taking this i dont think my opinion is gonna change. My recovery again wasnt helped a ton, but with that being said i went from doing all low rep stuff to pounding a ton of rep work. Had i stayed working the same lower rep work who knows maybe my recovery wouldve been better. the amount of reps and workload im doing right now i can only expect to recover a bit slow until my body adapts to the workload so definitely not a knock on the product at all.
As far as in training. i love this stuff i recover like a boss between sets. i have sustained drive and muscle endurance throughout my training session. since starting it i havent had a bad session and this is following a month or 2 of nothing but terrible sessions.
Im a little upset at how well i have trained using this stuff because now when it hits the market im gonna have to spend more money on supplements to use it at least through the rep portions of my training lol.