View Full Version : PROMO: Train With An Animal
Lady Ignite
02-17-15, 11:53 am
Hey Guys!
This year at the National ABC on Saturday, March 7th, from 7pm - 9:30pm at Metro Fitness in Columbus, OH, all of the guys will be gathered under one roof to train. We are giving FORVM members a chance to train with an athlete of their choice.
Here is what you need to do:
-Register for the ABC here:
-State what you would like to train, which athlete you would like to train with, and why. Each athlete will be choosing one person.
Here is the list of guys that will be there:
Dan "Boss" Green
Jay Nera
Garrett "GUNZ" Griffin
Andrey Malanichev
Frank "Wrath" McGrath
Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne
Jeremy Hoornstra
Sam "Big" Byrd
Jason "HUGE" Huh
Kevin Oak
Roman Fritz
Kade "Pale Rider" Weber
Ibn Mahama
Dorian "HeavyD" Hamilton
Patrick "P Diesel" Raquet
Brandon Lilly
Jordan Wong
BJ Whitehead
Derek Kendall
02-17-15, 1:15 pm
So excited for this. Already registered for the event the other day when you put out the 2015 ABC ticket. I'd ideally love to train with Brandon Lilly, would love to get tips from the best of the best! Just started really getting into "powerlifting" over the last few months, would love to see what adjustments he'd like me to make to my set ups. My goal is to enter a competition by the end of the year. Seeing as i'm 6'3.5" 270lb, i'm sure there are adjustments that could be made to utilize my frame and size better. I have had a few knee surgeries on my left knee, last one in 2008. Seeing as Brandon has gone through what he has, i'm sure he can relate. Would also like pointers on how to grow an epic beard!
Regardless if i get picked for him, i'm just excited to go and get any kind of advice possible from the amazing athletes that will be at "our disposal."
See you in a little over 2 weeks!
I'd really like to bench with Gunz, the guy is a monster and I'd love to be able to learn from one of the best.
Hell yeah, I'm gonna throw my hat into this.
I'd love to be able to bench and learn from Hoornstra. He's one of the best in the business at this, and currently it seems that benching and other upper body work is what my broken body is gonna let me train hard at the given time, so I might as well do whatever I can to maximize this opportunity.
It would be an honor to lift and get some tips from the master himself, GUNZ. One of the coolest dudes i ever met and seriously goes lights out every time he touches the iron. The dude's almost possessed when he lifts so i'm in for this!!
02-17-15, 1:52 pm
I wanna' train legs with P Diesel for sure. I want to train legs because I can push a good bit with them, but before I start taking them to an all new level, I feel I could use some pointers and would be honored if they came from him. He has a very visible passion for the iron, one that seems fueled by no other motives than the reward of lifting that barbell up and slammin' it back home. I know that working with him, I would leave Columbus with my mind full of new knowledge and tips to help me one step further on my journey, to wade through the rubble of my former self and come out bigger and badder than ever.
I would be honored to train with BJ Whitehead. After having a bit of a set back in my training about a year ago I found a new motivation and drive keeping up with BJ's instagram and facebook. Always responding to comments and being positive to his followers says just what an all around awesome guy he is. I would like to mainly work on my bench but help with in my squat and deadlift form as well. He is such a well rounded powerlifter with impressive numbers in all lifts I feel like I could learn so much. Oh! and how to work traps so I can get in on the trap game!
02-17-15, 2:22 pm
This is such an awesome opportunity for forvm members!! I already registered for the ABC event and It would be incredibly amazing to train chest with Frank "Wrath" McGrath! I feel like everyone wants to train arms with Frank because he's got freaky size and vascularity but Id like to train chest and get pointers from one of the most inspirational bodybuilders in the game, every year he gets better and better and id be a fool to not soak up as much knowledge as I can! This is a one of a kind opportunity and just bad ass!!
02-17-15, 2:34 pm
This is such an awesome opportunity for forvm members!! I already registered for the ABC event last week and It would be incredibly amazing to train chest with Frank "Wrath" McGrath! I feel like everyone wants to train arms with Frank because he's got freaky size and vascularity but Id like to train chest and get pointers from one of the most inspirational bodybuilders in the game, every year he gets better and better and i'd be a fool to not soak up as much knowledge as I can!
I went through a very similar accident in 2010 when Frank did while I was at work, Wrath's articles were the reason I didn't give up after the surgeries and didn't listen to the doctors and the doubters. If he could come back from his shit, then so could I. This is a bad ass what Animal is doing and a phenomenal opportunity.
02-17-15, 4:29 pm
I have been going to the cage and the national ABC foe years now and love every moment of it! Since I have started I have trained wit G Diesel who sets an amazing example of hard work and intellect that I absorb every year, I have trained with tommy "rage" fuller multiple times and he shows a certain level of concentration and demonstration of each movement that has truly been a cornerstone in my training since meeting him. I have trained with Josh Landry who is a true inspiration and demonstrates hard work, he was just a fan at one time himself to become a universal athlete. All of these athletes have showed me something that has made me stronger and more focused every year. Now this year I would love an opportunity to train with the great PDiesel. I have watched Patrick every year in the cage helping people and talking to everyone showing them just how personable he really is. Others have told me how much he helps and would love to learn and absorb what he has to offer! I have great respect for everyone on this list but Patrick who I have been waiting to train with for some time now.
02-17-15, 4:33 pm
I would love to be able to train w/ Roman Fritz. Since he's joined Animal, I've followed him constantly. I really admire his work ethic, his training style and philosophies about everything.
I'd like to train shoulders or arms...after some injuries with a labrum and slightly torn biceps, they're my overall weaker points. Being able to learn some things from Roman, and being able to train with him would be an honor.
02-17-15, 10:04 pm
Before this thread even started, I was thinking Dan Green. I've been watching his videos on facebook and YouTube for a very long time and have kept up with his progress/training throughout the years. I haven't been doing powerlifting long but would definitely like to learn from the best out there especially on the squat and perhaps the bench. I feel like those, especially squat, is a weak point of mine and Dan has an awesome workload when doing squats. I have a wide stance just like he does and stand roughly same height. I would think since we have same build and also same weight class(220s) that I could learn a lot from him. I have been to 7 Arnold Classics but never in the cage or at Metro with the guys. I'm hoping this will be my first for both of them. If picked, I would be honored and take in as much as I can to better my lifts and progress even more. Once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
02-18-15, 12:24 am
I really want to train with Sam Byrd. My squat used to be my best lift but has suffered in the past few years. I'd like some advice from a world class squatter on what I can do to improve form. I also highly respect what he's been able to accomplish despite injuries. I think his CAT style of squatting and his approach to diet, training and conditioning are exactly what I need to learn. I plan to pick his brain about all of the above and how he manages training and a career outside powerlifting.
02-18-15, 1:35 pm
Frank has always been my favorite bodybuilder, I remember the first time seeing his pictures thinking "I'd kill to have veins like that" haha. Getting to train with my idol would be a dream come true. I've been to the past 3 National ABC's being able to train and learn from an experienced pro would take the overall experience of the Animal Barbell Club to the next level. Getting the opportunity to train with someone who is the true definition of not giving up on their dreams and being able to work one on one with someone with that mindset would be truly incredible, and something I would remember and draw on for my own journey to becoming the best bodybuilder I can be.
02-18-15, 7:24 pm
I'd really like to bench with Gunz, the guy is a monster and I'd love to be able to learn from one of the best.
That dude is awesome. Got the chance to learn from him a few years ago.
Great to see that Roman and Andrey will both be there. I know its a hell of a haul for both of em.
02-19-15, 2:27 pm
This would be a hard choice. Frank has perfect technique and is such a veteran of the game. Just listening to him talk one on one would change an up and comers entire mentality. But Jason Huh is such an interesting person and his half rep constant pressure technique blows me out of the water. Ive tried a few things ive seen him explain in videos and I can tell there is good results. but I would love to get some one on one insight. regardless, Animal athletes are some of the most knowledgable and experienced guys out there. It would be an honor.
G Diesel
02-19-15, 3:13 pm
A good time. And a great opportunity to train with the best.
Peace, G
02-19-15, 9:39 pm
Well, if given the chance, I'd love to train with Jason Huh. His philosophy and outlook on life and lifting, combined with his massive frame he's built is inspiring. If possible, I'd want to train back with him, because his lat development is unreal. It's like action figure status. Even just shooting the sh*t would be cool. Plus his food always looks killer, so maybe i could steal a recipe or two from him!
02-20-15, 10:59 am
I'd like to either train Squat with J-Wong, or Deadlift with Dan Green.
Squat with J-Wong, cause he's a great squatter. I follow him on ig and I'm aware that he won a squat contest a couple months ago (he won overall, I won my old weight class, cause not too many women entered.) I started squatting low bar about a month ago and after the first disappointing month, it's now finally coming together and helping my squat. I'm getting better at it but I think if he looks at my form, that might be the difference between me getting 282-7 and 292 for my final squat attempt at my meet the next week. This is the only lift I've really been improving on lately, so I'm hoping I can make the most of it and improve my total at my meet on 3/14. Also, he lives in FL so my chances of seeing him at other upcoming meets or possibly training with him again is more likely than most of the other Animals.
Deadlift with Dan Green cause he's one of my favorites and one of the best deadlifters out there. I've been missing the same # on my deadlift for the last 7 months. This Saturday, I'm gonna try Sumo again. I don't know if it's too late to switch or how it will go but I'll have a better idea after this weekend. Either way somethings been off for a while with my deadlift and needs fixing. I know Dan pulls Sumo in competition but I've seen him pull conventional in training. Maybe he can also help me decide if I'm still not sure by then. I'm a little heavier than I was when conventional was progressing and maybe my leverages have changed and he can look at my form and see which one suits me better now. I need to pull at least this 350 at that meet (That's gonna be my second attempt, then 364 for my final I think, unless 350 moves real fast and I go heavier for the final) and maybe he can help me make it happen.
It would be awesome if either one picked me, I really don't have a preference.
02-20-15, 3:59 pm
I would love the opportunity to train with Roman Fitz. I had never heard of him before he became an Animal athlete, but I quickly started following him more. I think Animal made a killer choice in signing him! After watching the interview videos he did it was really inspiring to see how much he went through as a little kid and still kept grinding eating only apples haha. I like how he said he not only wanted to be big but completely shredded too. After seeing some of his recent off-season pictures he is doing an awesome job of accomplishing both. I would love the opportunity to train with an elite level athlete to receive more knowledge on training and nutrition. Also I would like too see if I can keep up at his training level intensity. I would also love to hear more about how things like bodybuilding and general lifestyles are in Germany.
02-22-15, 8:03 am
Well, if given the chance, I'd love to train with Jason Huh. His philosophy and outlook on life and lifting, combined with his massive frame he's built is inspiring. If possible, I'd want to train back with him, because his lat development is unreal. It's like action figure status. Even just shooting the sh*t would be cool. Plus his food always looks killer, so maybe i could steal a recipe or two from him!
Hell yeah, I'm gonna throw my hat into this.
I'd love to be able to bench and learn from Hoornstra. He's one of the best in the business at this, and currently it seems that benching and other upper body work is what my broken body is gonna let me train hard at the given time, so I might as well do whatever I can to maximize this opportunity.
Would have to suggest these guys as a chance to train with a pro. Great stand up guys that deserve the chance.
02-22-15, 9:41 pm
Would have to suggest these guys as a chance to train with a pro. Great stand up guys that deserve the chance.
Appreciate the sentiment Layzie.
I want to train w/ GUNZ, I know he is probably gonna get picked by a bunch of people because he really is a badass. My bench is a little stuck and I need some love on figuring out my setup and moving myself towards that 405 mark. Plus I picked up some of the Iron Rebel Rhinos and need to see how they work.
02-23-15, 11:49 am
I'd love to get the chance to train with Grant for the night. He's got a holy hell of a lot of experience in Competitive Strongman. Of course I want to work any of the main events allowed by the available equipment but even without any of those I want to see your accessory work as well as mobility. Going into my 3rd amateur SM competition in May (STL Strongest Man) and would love any advice possible.
02-23-15, 3:51 pm
A lot of new faces on the Animal roster this year. Gonna be a good time for those who show up. An education in the art of hoistin'.
02-23-15, 6:49 pm
I'd love to get the chance to train with Grant for the night. He's got a holy hell of a lot of experience in Competitive Strongman. Of course I want to work any of the main events allowed by the available equipment but even without any of those I want to see your accessory work as well as mobility. Going into my 3rd amateur SM competition in May (STL Strongest Man) and would love any advice possible.
I will see you there my Braddah! Let's talk shop and figure out a plan for you.
will look at the contest Events for your contest. That way I can plan ahead for you and what equipment you have.
I'd like to either train Squat with J-Wong, or Deadlift with Dan Green.
Squat with J-Wong, cause he's a great squatter. I follow him on ig and I'm aware that he won a squat contest a couple months ago (he won overall, I won my old weight class, cause not too many women entered.) I started squatting low bar about a month ago and after the first disappointing month, it's now finally coming together and helping my squat. I'm getting better at it but I think if he looks at my form, that might be the difference between me getting 282-7 and 292 for my final squat attempt at my meet the next week. This is the only lift I've really been improving on lately, so I'm hoping I can make the most of it and improve my total at my meet on 3/14. Also, he lives in FL so my chances of seeing him at other upcoming meets or possibly training with him again is more likely than most of the other Animals.
Deadlift with Dan Green cause he's one of my favorites and one of the best deadlifters out there. I've been missing the same # on my deadlift for the last 7 months. This Saturday, I'm gonna try Sumo again. I don't know if it's too late to switch or how it will go but I'll have a better idea after this weekend. Either way somethings been off for a while with my deadlift and needs fixing. I know Dan pulls Sumo in competition but I've seen him pull conventional in training. Maybe he can also help me decide if I'm still not sure by then. I'm a little heavier than I was when conventional was progressing and maybe my leverages have changed and he can look at my form and see which one suits me better now. I need to pull at least this 350 at that meet (That's gonna be my second attempt, then 364 for my final I think, unless 350 moves real fast and I go heavier for the final) and maybe he can help me make it happen.
It would be awesome if either one picked me, I really don't have a preference.
Sounds good to me! See you there! Comment to me on IG so I know who you are by the way so I know who to look for.
Also, I am sure Dan will be more than happy to help you out as well.
I will see you there my Braddah! Let's talk shop and figure out a plan for you.
will look at the contest Events for your contest. That way I can plan ahead for you and what equipment you have.
Watch out Grant...he is an ass grabber....
02-24-15, 10:52 am
Hell yeah, I'm gonna throw my hat into this.
I'd love to be able to bench and learn from Hoornstra. He's one of the best in the business at this, and currently it seems that benching and other upper body work is what my broken body is gonna let me train hard at the given time, so I might as well do whatever I can to maximize this opportunity.
You and me man, looking forward to it. Hit me up on facebook if you could...
I would love the opportunity to train with Roman Fitz. I had never heard of him before he became an Animal athlete, but I quickly started following him more. I think Animal made a killer choice in signing him! After watching the interview videos he did it was really inspiring to see how much he went through as a little kid and still kept grinding eating only apples haha. I like how he said he not only wanted to be big but completely shredded too. After seeing some of his recent off-season pictures he is doing an awesome job of accomplishing both. I would love the opportunity to train with an elite level athlete to receive more knowledge on training and nutrition. Also I would like too see if I can keep up at his training level intensity. I would also love to hear more about how things like bodybuilding and general lifestyles are in Germany.
You got it. We´ll train.
Let´s decide on the day what we´re going to be hitting.
I feel honored by you picking me out of all these great athletes. Thank you.
But honestly, I don´t feel comfortable training with you since you have those injuries that I don´t know anything about. I´ve never had any shoulder issues and therefore my knowledge of how to train with one is limited at best.
No hurt feelings I hope, brother.
Looking forward to meet you there and chat!
02-24-15, 11:02 am
It is such a great opportunity that Animal puts out there for us.
I would like to train with Derek Kendall. I know he is doing Military press in the Cage, but I am down to train just about anything. I am also looking forward to picking his brain about how he utilizes his BB'ing background in his training to maintain a physique while getting massively strong. Also interested to see how he has trained around some recent injuries since I am working around a torn meniscus. Thanks for the consideration and I hope I get to train with the big fella.
You and me man, looking forward to it. Hit me up on facebook if you could...
Hell yeah. No problem.
02-24-15, 12:18 pm
I will see you there my Braddah! Let's talk shop and figure out a plan for you.
will look at the contest Events for your contest. That way I can plan ahead for you and what equipment you have.
Aww yeah brudda! Can't freakin wait. I'll message you later today. Thanks so much man!
Watch out Grant...he is an ass grabber....
why do you think he picked me?
02-24-15, 12:21 pm
You got it. We´ll train.
Let´s decide on the day what we´re going to be hitting.
Awesome! I am beyond pumped!
I am down to train whatever. Maybe shoulders or arms as those are my weaker areas.
See you there, thanks again
I'm new to the FORVM/Animal and accordingly think it would be awesome to train with another new face in Jason "HUGE" Huh. Since joining I have been surfing through info on all the athletes and have yet to soak it all up but I am very interested in learning more about HUGE's constant tension techniques, I'm a sucker for continuous learning and what he is doing is obviously working haha. The guy's philosophies are awesome, I love it how he gives ZERO fucks what anyone thinks (as evident in the awesome quote below) and its great how dedicated to his family he is, I don't have children but I am the oldest of 6 siblings and we are super close and I wouldn't have it any other way! If given the opportunity I would like to work on how he gets his shoulders so damn big or on getting my back even 1/2 as wide as his but I would train anything and try to learn as much as I could. See everyone in the Cage and at the gym.
Haha well for 1 I would tell them to be worried about why they're worrying about what I'm fucking doing hahaha
In your rise to achieve anything great in life 90+ percent of the people around you will be there to tell you that you can't you're crazy you shouldn't and stop. Why? Why is this? It's because they don't possess the drive discipline or motivation to accomplish anything great in their own meager fucking life.
02-24-15, 7:42 pm
Watch out Grant...he is an ass grabber....
Then we will get along just fine! lol
02-25-15, 9:52 am
Dorian "Heavy D" Hamilton
I've gotten to see this guy training with Fouad Abiad & Frank McGrath, he's a beast. Young and hungry, chasing that pro card, it would be a blast to train back. Thanks guys.
I would like to Bench with Garrett Gunz. I went to ASF2014 for the first time and it changed my life. I walked by the Animal Cage and realized everything I thought I knew about powerlifting was completely wrong. I looked up Gunz on youtube and I've been watching all the Animal athletes ever since. I will be competing in my first meet in April 2015 and it would be cool to have The man that got me interested help me reach my goal.
02-25-15, 10:42 pm
Dan Green
I have been around Animal legion for a long time now and the person I have gotten the most insight out of their videos (both through Animal and before he signed) is Dan Green. I really dig his approach to training that you can't avoid the everything else and simply just do benching, squatting, and deadlifting in their basic form. What impresses me the most is that he is so humble about everything. He is the best but you wouldn't know it because there is no boasting or anything. No bullshit, just letting the weights on the platform speak for themselves and constantly setting the bar higher. What I would really like to pick his brain and learn from the best would be his benching technique and how I can improve mine. I have paid attention in his videos and I do realize everyone's technique is different but the fundamentals are the foundation. What I really need is work on my leg drive and I know that's when Dan said his bench really started to take off when he learned how to horizontally drive. I am thinking this is exactly what I need to get my bench moving in the right direction because it has been stuck in the same general weight ranges for some time now and I cannot pass up an opportunity to be able to learn from Dan and break through those plateaus.
It would be an absolute honor and an amazing experience to be able to learn from such an experienced and knowledgeable master of the sport.
Not to mention who could resist training with Steve Lattimer's twin from the Program!
If given an opportunity I would love to join forces with the Canadian trained boys Jay and Kade. Unfortunately for myself I am recovering still from shoulder surgery and am super limited to hands on training at the moment. That being said I am all ears and would at least love to hear any advise and techniques they utilize on the platform and in the big 3 and watch their craft in action, that Would be unreal.
If given an opportunity I would love to join forces with the Canadian trained boys Jay and Kade. Unfortunately for myself I am recovering still from shoulder surgery and am super limited to hands on training at the moment. That being said I am all ears and would at least love to hear any advise and techniques they utilize on the platform and in the big 3 and watch their craft in action, that Would be unreal.
EDIT: Join forces with ONE of the Canadian boys, Jay OR Kade :).
02-26-15, 9:05 am
I signed up to train with Dan "Boss" Green. I cant think of anyone better to train with. Working my way back up into the 200s from a long drop weight period. I have always love to watch the way Dan lifts and his take on training. Coming form a bodybuilding style to more powerlifting i would love to hear more about his day to day training and how he preps for meets. Hopefully doing my first 3 lift this year and cant think of a better opertunity to learn all i can from a true legend! Thanks Animal for giving us bros a chance to stand in the spotlight for a lil while! Cant wait for this years ABC National......
Jay Nera
02-26-15, 10:19 am
If given an opportunity I would love to join forces with the Canadian trained boys Jay and Kade. Unfortunately for myself I am recovering still from shoulder surgery and am super limited to hands on training at the moment. That being said I am all ears and would at least love to hear any advise and techniques they utilize on the platform and in the big 3 and watch their craft in action, that Would be unreal.
For sure man, hit us up on IG so we know who to look for or just load up a pre workout of maple syrup and rage and come hand it to us at the ABC Meet up. See you there.
For sure man, hit us up on IG so we know who to look for or just load up a pre workout of maple syrup and rage and come hand it to us at the ABC Meet up. See you there.
You got it!. Can I still register for the event even though the thread is closed? Or can I just show up, thanks! IG:Jabalee1
You got it!. Can I still register for the event even though the thread is closed? Or can I just show up, thanks! IG:Jabalee1
Here is what you need to do:
-Register for the ABC here:
its sold out I would reach out to see if there are any opening, like if someone signed up and now can't make it that does happen
its sold out I would reach out to see if there are any opening, like if someone signed up and now can't make it that does happen
Dang, thanks
02-26-15, 2:58 pm
You got it. We´ll train.
Let´s decide on the day what we´re going to be hitting.
I feel honored by you picking me out of all these great athletes. Thank you.
But honestly, I don´t feel comfortable training with you since you have those injuries that I don´t know anything about. I´ve never had any shoulder issues and therefore my knowledge of how to train with one is limited at best.
No hurt feelings I hope, brother.
Looking forward to meet you there and chat!
AHHH its okay man…I figured I could learn a few things because they're weaker body parts. No problem though. Im interning at the cage so I look forward to talking to you there.
Brandon Lilly
02-27-15, 1:41 pm
So excited for this. Already registered for the event the other day when you put out the 2015 ABC ticket. I'd ideally love to train with Brandon Lilly, would love to get tips from the best of the best! Just started really getting into "powerlifting" over the last few months, would love to see what adjustments he'd like me to make to my set ups. My goal is to enter a competition by the end of the year. Seeing as i'm 6'3.5" 270lb, i'm sure there are adjustments that could be made to utilize my frame and size better. I have had a few knee surgeries on my left knee, last one in 2008. Seeing as Brandon has gone through what he has, i'm sure he can relate. Would also like pointers on how to grow an epic beard!
Regardless if i get picked for him, i'm just excited to go and get any kind of advice possible from the amazing athletes that will be at "our disposal."
See you in a little over 2 weeks!
You're gonna get your wish!! Look forward to it!!
02-27-15, 3:42 pm
You're gonna get your wish!! Look forward to it!!
Ohhhhhh man, so stoked, see you in a little over a week!
I'd really like to bench with Gunz, the guy is a monster and I'd love to be able to learn from one of the best.
Brother its on, you threw my name out first on here so we can get it in!! hope you ready.
I'd really like to bench with Gunz, the guy is a monster and I'd love to be able to learn from one of the best.
It would be an honor to lift and get some tips from the master himself, GUNZ. One of the coolest dudes i ever met and seriously goes lights out every time he touches the iron. The dude's almost possessed when he lifts so i'm in for this!!
I want to train w/ GUNZ, I know he is probably gonna get picked by a bunch of people because he really is a badass. My bench is a little stuck and I need some love on figuring out my setup and moving myself towards that 405 mark. Plus I picked up some of the Iron Rebel Rhinos and need to see how they work.
I would like to Bench with Garrett Gunz. I went to ASF2014 for the first time and it changed my life. I walked by the Animal Cage and realized everything I thought I knew about powerlifting was completely wrong. I looked up Gunz on youtube and I've been watching all the Animal athletes ever since. I will be competing in my first meet in April 2015 and it would be cool to have The man that got me interested help me reach my goal.
Guys I had to pick one and just went with first person who asked to train with me, but in the past iv had 5-6 guys standing around and learning and also working in on the bench, I have no problems with us all getting on one bench and just really working the set up and flat bench technique. No one left behind, ill stay and help everyone as long as it takes. Get ready, time to hit some PRs
Jay Nera
02-28-15, 12:27 am
Guys I had to pick one and just went with first person who asked to train with me, but in the past iv had 5-6 guys standing around and learning and also working in on the bench, I have no problems with us all getting on one bench and just really working the set up and flat bench technique. No one left behind, ill stay and help everyone as long as it takes. Get ready, time to hit some PRs
I'll be training the guns with you at some point too. Even though I haven't been picked by you.
Jay Nera
02-28-15, 12:29 am
You got it!. Can I still register for the event even though the thread is closed? Or can I just show up, thanks! IG:Jabalee1
I honestly don't know the answer to that question. Hopefully on eof the boys who knows the answer to that will read this and let you know.
Guys I had to pick one and just went with first person who asked to train with me, but in the past iv had 5-6 guys standing around and learning and also working in on the bench, I have no problems with us all getting on one bench and just really working the set up and flat bench technique. No one left behind, ill stay and help everyone as long as it takes. Get ready, time to hit some PRs
Sounds good, if it gets too busy I can always go show Higa and BamBam how to deadlift.
Awaiting response, thanks Jay :), I'll be there hell or high water if possible. Like I said, won't be lifting...just learning.
I'll be training the guns with you at some point too. Even though I haven't been picked by you.
We can go out GUNZ blazin! lol
Pale Rider
02-28-15, 7:29 pm
If given an opportunity I would love to join forces with the Canadian trained boys Jay and Kade. Unfortunately for myself I am recovering still from shoulder surgery and am super limited to hands on training at the moment. That being said I am all ears and would at least love to hear any advise and techniques they utilize on the platform and in the big 3 and watch their craft in action, that Would be unreal.
Thanks man look forward to seeing you at the ABC
02-28-15, 11:46 pm
Sounds good, if it gets too busy I can always go show Higa and BamBam how to deadlift.
This fuckin guy.
You gonna show us with your CrossFit style Deadlifts? Touch & go?
Guys I had to pick one and just went with first person who asked to train with me, but in the past iv had 5-6 guys standing around and learning and also working in on the bench, I have no problems with us all getting on one bench and just really working the set up and flat bench technique. No one left behind, ill stay and help everyone as long as it takes. Get ready, time to hit some PRs
Sounds good. I'll stand there and learn or work in if it works out. I won't pass up this opportunity. I'm down for whatever!
Mr. Dead
03-02-15, 11:22 am
I never understood why this thread is not flooded with entries each year. This is a golden opportunity to get some firsthand knowledge from the best in the game. I still have all of the notes I took when I got selected to train with a Pro.
This fuckin guy.
You gonna show us with your CrossFit style Deadlifts? Touch & go?
I will wear a pink tutu and my junk headband and show you my snatch...
Derek Kendall
03-02-15, 3:26 pm
It is such a great opportunity that Animal puts out there for us.
I would like to train with Derek Kendall. I know he is doing Military press in the Cage, but I am down to train just about anything. I am also looking forward to picking his brain about how he utilizes his BB'ing background in his training to maintain a physique while getting massively strong. Also interested to see how he has trained around some recent injuries since I am working around a torn meniscus. Thanks for the consideration and I hope I get to train with the big fella.
For sure man. We could use that weight to put up some big weights.
03-02-15, 3:42 pm
For sure man. We could use that weight to put up some big weights.
Awesome!! looking forward to it!
I signed up to train with Dan "Boss" Green. I cant think of anyone better to train with. Working my way back up into the 200s from a long drop weight period. I have always love to watch the way Dan lifts and his take on training. Coming form a bodybuilding style to more powerlifting i would love to hear more about his day to day training and how he preps for meets. Hopefully doing my first 3 lift this year and cant think of a better opertunity to learn all i can from a true legend! Thanks Animal for giving us bros a chance to stand in the spotlight for a lil while! Cant wait for this years ABC National......
This sounds good man. I'll be there. Time to train!
03-03-15, 11:56 am
This sounds good man. I'll be there. Time to train!
I signed up as well. You taking on more than one that day?
03-03-15, 11:57 am
I trained arms with Wrath last year and I'd be down to do it again.
03-03-15, 12:05 pm
Updated list with who has been selected by the Pros:
Dan "Boss" Green - npcdusty
Jay Nera - jabs2
Garrett "GUNZ" Griffin - rudyn14
Andrey Malanichev
Frank "Wrath" McGrath
Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne
Jeremy Hoornstra - Nix0r
Sam "Big" Byrd
Jason "HUGE" Huh
Kevin Oak
Roman Fritz - Brunos400ex
Kade "Pale Rider" Weber - jabs2
Ibn Mahama
Dorian "HeavyD" Hamilton
Patrick "P Diesel" Raquet
Brandon Lilly - sgerwel1985
Jordan Wong - AJones148
BJ Whitehead
Derek Kendall - freighttraindane
Updated list with who has been selected by the Pros:
Dan "Boss" Green - npcdusty
Jay Nera - jabs2
Garrett "GUNZ" Griffin - rudyn14
Andrey Malanichev
Frank "Wrath" McGrath
Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne
Jeremy Hoornstra - Nix0r
Sam "Big" Byrd
Jason "HUGE" Huh
Kevin Oak
Roman Fritz - Brunos400ex
Kade "Pale Rider" Weber - jabs2
Ibn Mahama
Dorian "HeavyD" Hamilton
Patrick "P Diesel" Raquet
Brandon Lilly - sgerwel1985
Jordan Wong - AJones148
BJ Whitehead
Derek Kendall - freighttraindane
Unfortunately for me I did not make the cut off for the ABC event to register and there are no spots left I was told:(. If anything changes I will be there in a heartbeat. Come track me down in the booth if so, I really screwed myself over not registering in time...
03-03-15, 1:23 pm
Yea, bummed I didn't make the cut either. This is such a great opportunity to learn from the best athletes in these sports. But if he hasn't made up his mind yet, Jason Huh, it would be awesome to train. Its a name I've been familiar with for a while, and when I heard he was signing with Animal, I was excited. I'm extremely interested in his training style and philosophies, and really think I could gain a lot of knowledge from him. Plus we are both South Korean haha…Represent!!!
03-03-15, 1:30 pm
One of the elite lifters totaling over 2000 and a knowledgeable person in all that he does. Kevin Oak would be a great person to train with and get some pointers from. He has a hell of a squat and bench. Maybe those are some he can help me with. Gloing to be doing my first meet soon and would love this opportunity.
03-03-15, 3:32 pm
HOLY CRAP! i see the list and cant believe my eyes. Dan "Boss" Green has my name next to it. Level is now off the chart!!!! Man ill drive through 20ft of snow if i have to to get there!!!!
Updated list with who has been selected by the Pros:
Dan "Boss" Green - npcdusty
Jay Nera - jabs2
Garrett "GUNZ" Griffin - rudyn14
Andrey Malanichev
Frank "Wrath" McGrath
Richard "The Ant" Hawthorne
Jeremy Hoornstra - Nix0r
Sam "Big" Byrd
Jason "HUGE" Huh
Kevin Oak
Roman Fritz - Brunos400ex
Kade "Pale Rider" Weber - jabs2
Ibn Mahama
Dorian "HeavyD" Hamilton
Patrick "P Diesel" Raquet
Brandon Lilly - sgerwel1985
Jordan Wong - AJones148
BJ Whitehead
Derek Kendall - freighttraindane
03-03-15, 3:35 pm
Dan, thanks a ton already! Truly looking forward to taking away everything i can from the ABC and this tops it all!
This sounds good man. I'll be there. Time to train!
03-04-15, 6:02 am
Yea, bummed I didn't make the cut either. This is such a great opportunity to learn from the best athletes in these sports. But if he hasn't made up his mind yet, Jason Huh, it would be awesome to train. Its a name I've been familiar with for a while, and when I heard he was signing with Animal, I was excited. I'm extremely interested in his training style and philosophies, and really think I could gain a lot of knowledge from him. Plus we are both South Korean haha…Represent!!!
What's up my korean brotha, I'm in the same boat as you. Looks like too many of the forum faithful may have missed out... Planning to try and be standby, if there is such a thing.
03-04-15, 3:16 pm
What's up my korean brotha, I'm in the same boat as you. Looks like too many of the forum faithful may have missed out... Planning to try and be standby, if there is such a thing.
Hahaha! whats going on? Yea man, I know what you mean. Should a great experience no matter what…definitely getting a good workout in for sure.
03-05-15, 7:26 pm
One of the elite lifters totaling over 2000 and a knowledgeable person in all that he does. Kevin Oak would be a great person to train with and get some pointers from. He has a hell of a squat and bench. Maybe those are some he can help me with. Gloing to be doing my first meet soon and would love this opportunity.
I'm down, see you there. Flick my ear or something so I know it's you. Or maybe just tap my shoulder or something.
03-05-15, 9:40 pm
I would really like to get some tips, feedback, advice, etc.on squats from Sam Byrd. I recently hit a lifetime squat PR and did it without knee wraps. It would be great to keep the momentum going with a little help from a guy that squats almost 400 lbs more than I do.