View Full Version : Arnold VIP access......What would you do?????
02-26-15, 2:03 pm
Hey guys. If you know about the VIP access or don't know, let me tell you. You get early admission, 30 minutes before everyone else, into the expo each day of the weekend. If you had that, what booths would you go see first? I know a lot of times you can get those free t-shirts and sups if your one of the first ones. I want to here you guys thoughts and opinions.
Hey guys. If you know about the VIP access or don't know, let me tell you. You get early admission, 30 minutes before everyone else, into the expo each day of the weekend. If you had that, what booths would you go see first? I know a lot of times you can get those free t-shirts and sups if your one of the first ones. I want to here you guys thoughts and opinions.
The Cage...
02-26-15, 2:55 pm
The Cage...
I second that…the only "booth" worth going to.
02-26-15, 2:58 pm
I second that…the only "booth" worth going to.
02-26-15, 3:03 pm
If you're looking for supps or gear in particular, go pick it up early if you know the booths will be smashed. If not, go straight to the cage. No other place worth being.
02-26-15, 6:27 pm
How much is a VIP pass !?
How much is a VIP pass !?
Free as can be:
02-26-15, 11:50 pm
Cage...unless you're competing and/or sponsored by a company..this is the only place that matters...then the national ABC
02-27-15, 12:18 am
Hey guys. If you know about the VIP access or don't know, let me tell you. You get early admission, 30 minutes before everyone else, into the expo each day of the weekend. If you had that, what booths would you go see first? I know a lot of times you can get those free t-shirts and sups if your one of the first ones. I want to here you guys thoughts and opinions.
First, I don't like having products shoved in my face every three steps. I feel sorry for the people who have to stand there the entire weekend handing out products so I usually take the stuff they offer and just give it all away when I get back home.
Second, my perspective on other companies booths is they set them up supposedly so we can interact with our hero/role models. In actual practice, you stand in line like a medieval peasant waiting to be granted an audience with royalty. Then after how ever long in line, you get a picture to prove that you had a brief contact with something greater than yourself. You come home and show your friends and bask in their jealousy at your good luck at being able to share oxygen with a famous person.
Not for me. So why do I go in the first place?
Animal for me is a family and I actually enjoy spending time around other like minded people. In the middle of the zoo that is the Arnold, surrounded by people putting on airs and all of the guys suffering from Imaginary Lat Syndrome, Animal creates an island where we can hang out oblivious to the outside world. If the Cage and National ABC occurred in some no name gym without a festival of any kind surrounding it, I'd still go. I mean I travel to local ABCs just for the camaraderie and The Cage and National ABC are just bigger and better versions of what I enjoy doing.
Getting to see feats of strength is a bonus but really, for me the community aspect is the whole point. So to try to answer your question, The Cage is a family reunion and when I leave to visit another booth for something, it's like being sent to the store during the reunion to get more steak sauce or lunch meat. It's stuff I need but I can't wait to get back to the reunion.
So VIP pass might be cool to save you a long wait in line but that's about it for me.
02-28-15, 9:01 pm
If you're looking for supps or gear in particular, go pick it up early if you know the booths will be smashed. If not, go straight to the cage. No other place worth being.
LE Gear sells out VERY FAST, get it before its gone.
03-01-15, 11:45 am
LE Gear sells out VERY FAST, get it before its gone.
Is this Limited Edition or what?
03-01-15, 12:57 pm
Is this Limited Edition or what?
Yes sir...once its gone, you will never see it again.
03-01-15, 6:12 pm
When will we be getting a sneak peak of the LE gear ?!
03-05-15, 12:33 pm
Hey guys. If you know about the VIP access or don't know, let me tell you. You get early admission, 30 minutes before everyone else, into the expo each day of the weekend. If you had that, what booths would you go see first? I know a lot of times you can get those free t-shirts and sups if your one of the first ones. I want to here you guys thoughts and opinions.
Probably the Cage, to pick up the Cage tee first. Maybe the booth, as they give out a lot of good swag, but is probably one of the longest lines to wait in. That's about it, unless you know if there's any big name athletes you've been waiting to meet. But most of the ones I've seen are only arriving around noon.