View Full Version : Thanks to all who worked in The Cage/The Shop
I just wanted to send a BIG thank you too all who worked with us in The Cage and The Shop this past weekend. From the athletes, to the staff, to the interns, to the fans, you all play a big role in making The Cage the awesome event that it is.
To my brothers and sisters who worked with me in the trenches in The Shop, thank you for all of your hard work throughout the weekend. The Shop ran as smooth as ever and that's because the head interns and daily interns put their nose to the grindstone and helped out in a big way wherever we needed 'em. It means so much to me that you guys take time from your busy schedule to help us out. You guys rock!
03-10-15, 10:55 am
Ditto, I wasn't in the Shop but I heard it went well.
We really appreciate your efforts!
I just wanted to send a BIG thank you too all who worked with us in The Cage and The Shop this past weekend. From the athletes, to the staff, to the interns, to the fans, you all play a big role in making The Cage the awesome event that it is.
To my brothers and sisters who worked with me in the trenches in The Shop, thank you for all of your hard work throughout the weekend. The Shop ran as smooth as ever and that's because the head interns and daily interns put their nose to the grindstone and helped out in a big way wherever we needed 'em. It means so much to me that you guys take time from your busy schedule to help us out. You guys rock!
Ditto, I wasn't in the Shop but I heard it went well.
We really appreciate your efforts!
I miss you all already. BRB road trip to Jersey.
I miss you all already. BRB road trip to Jersey.
I miss you too big guy. Definitely need to come to NJ!
03-10-15, 12:18 pm
What a great time. Crazy motivated, and ready for next year already.
My feet still kill me haha.
What a great time. Crazy motivated, and ready for next year already.
My feet still kill me haha.
I cut mine off out of frustration and pain.
What a great time. Crazy motivated, and ready for next year already.
My feet still kill me haha.
Saw you hit that big 600 squat post-Arnold. Motivation is through the roof!
03-10-15, 3:19 pm
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you all... The weekend was crazy busy, but it always blows my mind how quickly it goes by!!
Surprisingly, my feet didn't hurt as much as my HANDS did... I have cardboard cuts under my nails (insert bad words here) and my fingertips just My body ached yesterday, so I didn't get off the couch all day, except let the furnace repairman in and then again to pay him... Like I said, "No "cares" we're given!!"
I wanted to thank the other Heads, the Athletes, and Corp folks for taking me under your wing and helping break me in... I know you see now why I'm called a "DEEsaster" I'm either bumping into, knocking over, dropping something and/or making a mess, but like I said my recovery is usually
I can't say it enough.... THANK YOU!!
03-10-15, 4:36 pm
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you all... The weekend was crazy busy, but it always blows my mind how quickly it goes by!!
Surprisingly, my feet didn't hurt as much as my HANDS did... I have cardboard cuts under my nails (insert bad words here) and my fingertips just My body ached yesterday, so I didn't get off the couch all day, except let the furnace repairman in and then again to pay him... Like I said, "No "cares" we're given!!"
I wanted to thank the other Heads, the Athletes, and Corp folks for taking me under your wing and helping break me in... I know you see now why I'm called a "DEEsaster" I'm either bumping into, knocking over, dropping something and/or making a mess, but like I said my recovery is usually
I can't say it enough.... THANK YOU!!
FYI................D stayed for the entire breakdown helping to organize everything going back to corporate. Thanks D, you didn't have to but that was a big help.
All you guys/gals stepped up including some who were not picked to be interns.
03-10-15, 4:56 pm
Saw you hit that big 600 squat post-Arnold. Motivation is through the roof!
Thanks J! Absolutely, I'm ready to make big moves this year. Theres talk of an Ohio crew coming your way if you guys are in to do a meet....
I'll bring chalk.
Haha.... I'll have your back if you can't find some.
03-11-15, 8:30 am
All the Interns and especially the Head Interns did a great job this year. Everything seemed to run really smoothly especially considering how crazy the Cage was and the never ending line of people to buy Animal gear and supplements. It was nice to see some new faces and some veterans in the mix and everyone busted their asses to get shit done.
Had a great time and really blown away by the head interns you guys take work ethic to a whole new level. The Animal staff could not be a better group of people, it is truly what make Animal so great and successful. Thank you for the opportunity and the new friendships gained through out the weekend.
03-11-15, 2:12 pm
FYI................D stayed for the entire breakdown helping to organize everything going back to corporate. Thanks D, you didn't have to but that was a big help.
All you guys/gals stepped up including some who were not picked to be interns.
It was my pleasure to help... Like I said, being somewhat "close" to home is an asset, and I know it's a necessary evil to do. I was thinking on the lines of just trying to expedite the process... You guys were there longer than anyone, and I figured if you moved the heavy stuff, I could handle the "small" stuff... ;-)
It is great that the others Legion members stepped up, interning or not and took care of what needed done... We had a lot of new faces in the mix, so they were a little unsure of how things run... Thank you to all that helped, it takes a lot off of the minds of everyone knowing that areas were covered...
P Diesel
03-11-15, 2:26 pm
i dnt think Deanna sat down, took a break or rested once all weekend
No, THANK YOU guys. As always, this past weekend didn't disappoint and will be the highlight of the year for me. Love seeing each and every one of you, even if only for a few minutes.
03-12-15, 11:22 pm
i dnt think Deanna sat down, took a break or rested once all weekend
Lol.. I did take a couple potty breaks (daily) and there were 3 meals and a Proteon bar were eaten in all 3 days (at The Cage) Being around the excitement and energy, I didn't even realize that I had gone so long without a meal... On Sunday, Oscar made me sit and eat.. I was just in the zone, I guess
All in all, I wouldn't change a thing... ;-)
P Diesel
03-13-15, 9:45 am
Lol.. I did take a couple potty breaks (daily) and there were 3 meals and a Proteon bar were eaten in all 3 days (at The Cage) Being around the excitement and energy, I didn't even realize that I had gone so long without a meal... On Sunday, Oscar made me sit and eat.. I was just in the zone, I guess
All in all, I wouldn't change a thing... ;-)
its not the cage without u
03-13-15, 9:48 am
its not the cage without u
Awww... Thank you... That means a lot to me...
03-30-15, 12:11 pm
The CAGE is always top shelf! Unless you've been part of it, you have no idea how much work it takes to put on such an amazing event!