View Full Version : THE CAGE March 4-6, 2016 (Columbus, Ohio)
It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.
09-23-15, 4:30 pm
BOOM. Headshot...
It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.
Heard the new Chuck II are quite the upgrade.
In terms of the shop i think last year it ran smoother than it ever has. We had consistent runners bringing out new merch and/or organizing and that line we had going was smooth with a guy standing and directing traffic. Not quite sure how to improve this process if it needs to be?
Heard the new Chuck II are quite the upgrade.
In terms of the shop i think last year it ran smoother than it ever has. We had consistent runners bringing out new merch and/or organizing and that line we had going was smooth with a guy standing and directing traffic. Not quite sure how to improve this process if it needs to be?
We are looking at the possibility of overhauling The Shop experience completely (both at the event and after). People what to see and touch and feel what they are buying. We are thinking about taking credit cards orders if it makes sense, if there is a demand, and if we can pull it off right. We are looking into ways to make watching the events easier and avoiding the 5-6 deep crowds that making watching difficult. We want to make athletes even more accessible to the fans and get them out of The Cage more often. In short, we want to and know we need to up our game. Everything we do, it's with one singular purpose to make the experience better for those who make the trip to visit us in Columbus.
We are looking at the possibility of overhauling The Shop experience completely (both at the event and after). People what to see and touch and feel what they are buying. We are thinking about taking credit cards orders if it makes sense, if there is a demand, and if we can pull it off right. We are looking into ways to make watching the events easier and avoiding the 5-6 deep crowds that making watching difficult. We want to make athletes even more accessible to the fans and get them out of The Cage more often. In short, we want to and know we need to up our game. Everything we do, it's with one singular purpose to make the experience better for those who make the trip to visit us in Columbus.
Well there were booths that accepted CC's so it can be done (Gasp for example). The real question is the mobs hahaha and how to organize it all.
Some ideas maybe having all shop items outside of the cage altogether
maybe a fully separate booth set a row or two over from the cage
Credit cards and pre-orders, even early pickup of gear would be great
it may be tough to organize, but what if you made all gear avail. to forvm members before hand, so they could pay before and
pickup on a Thursday nite, before the expo even started
maybe as a part of the special promo, forvm members help cage setup, and help in the sale of gear on Thursday nite at a predetermined ABC location
before the expo even starts
just thinking outside the box
The only thing I can think of is adding to the brotherhood. Every time I go to The Arnold, because I'm wearing an Animal shirt and I have the lanyard that lets us into The Cage, I have guys asking me how they can get in and what Animal is all about. So every year, we get guys who get let into The Cage for whatever reason, the Marine recruiters, The Barbell Shrugged crew, etc. Every year, we complain about these people being let in because they're not in but obviously, they come in because they want what we have. Also, every year we have people who want to get in but can't because they're not on The Forvm then they watch other people, not wearing Animal, get in. When I was in that situation, before I got on The Forvm, I was like what's the secret? How do I get in? So let's level the playing field and add to the family where we can.
So if there was a way to help people in either group sign up in exchange for getting in that would be an improvement. There's already a sign up sheet outside The Box so people can get in, let's expand that. We get their email, they can pick a handle and then they get signed up on The Forvm after the weekend is over. Corporate sends them the same email we all got, saying that their Forvm membership is live and they're good to go. That's the perfect way to say you can't be a fair weather friend, show up and vanish when the weekend is over. You're either in or you're outside staring through the links like all of the other Ordinary Joes.
I'm even in favor of including a spot for whatever state they're in and cc'ing whoever is coordinator for that state so they know to contact them, welcome them into the brotherhood and encourage them to get active on The Forvm. Some will ignore all of this but some will jump all over it and appreciate the love.
My two cents.
Some ideas maybe having all shop items outside of the cage altogether
maybe a fully separate booth set a row or two over from the cage
Credit cards and pre-orders, even early pickup of gear would be great
it may be tough to organize, but what if you made all gear avail. to forvm members before hand, so they could pay before and
pickup on a Thursday nite, before the expo even started
maybe as a part of the special promo, forvm members help cage setup, and help in the sale of gear on Thursday nite at a predetermined ABC location
before the expo even starts
just thinking outside the box
We have talked about a completely separate Shop, unattached from The Cage portion itself maybe for 2017. Pre-orders. Now that is a very interesting idea. That would reduce the stress and the crowds, even if a little plus guarantee an item people who want them. We'll look into this.
FORVM members have always participated in The Cage, from the setup to running the booth through the Internship program. That won't change this year. Unless you are imagining different roles?
The only thing I can think of is adding to the brotherhood. Every time I go to The Arnold, because I'm wearing an Animal shirt and I have the lanyard that lets us into The Cage, I have guys asking me how they can get in and what Animal is all about. So every year, we get guys who get let into The Cage for whatever reason, the Marine recruiters, The Barbell Shrugged crew, etc. Every year, we complain about these people being let in because they're not in but obviously, they come in because they want what we have. Also, every year we have people who want to get in but can't because they're not on The Forvm then they watch other people, not wearing Animal, get in. When I was in that situation, before I got on The Forvm, I was like what's the secret? How do I get in? So let's level the playing field and add to the family where we can.
So if there was a way to help people in either group sign up in exchange for getting in that would be an improvement. There's already a sign up sheet outside The Box so people can get in, let's expand that. We get their email, they can pick a handle and then they get signed up on The Forvm after the weekend is over. Corporate sends them the same email we all got, saying that their Forvm membership is live and they're good to go. That's the perfect way to say you can't be a fair weather friend, show up and vanish when the weekend is over. You're either in or you're outside staring through the links like all of the other Ordinary Joes.
I'm even in favor of including a spot for whatever state they're in and cc'ing whoever is coordinator for that state so they know to contact them, welcome them into the brotherhood and encourage them to get active on The Forvm. Some will ignore all of this but some will jump all over it and appreciate the love.
My two cents.
You are specifically referencing the Box? Or The Cage? In general, everyone is welcome and is encouraged to be a part of what we do.
We have talked about a completely separate Shop, unattached from The Cage portion itself maybe for 2017. Pre-orders. Now that is a very interesting idea. That would reduce the stress and the crowds, even if a little plus guarantee an item people who want them. We'll look into this.
FORVM members have always participated in The Cage, from the setup to running the booth through the Internship program. That won't change this year. Unless you are imagining different roles?
That sounds like it could work as long as it doesn't take away from the whole experience. I remember when Sam worked the booth a couple years back she sent me on break so i went to watch an event in the Cage but Sam needed help on something ASAP so for her to be able to just walk into the Cage and grab me was convenient. When it was done i was able to walk a few steps and was back watching the event.
Preorders now that sounds cool!
That sounds like it could work as long as it doesn't take away from the whole experience. I remember when Sam worked the booth a couple years back she sent me on break so i went to watch an event in the Cage but Sam needed help on something ASAP so for her to be able to just walk into the Cage and grab me was convenient. When it was done i was able to walk a few steps and was back watching the event.
Preorders now that sounds cool!
As a former intern, do you think we need more interns? Or less?
09-24-15, 9:10 am
I had the honor of being an intern at this year's Cage. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday selling mercy, which was great. The process and the order of things in the shop was really smooth and easy. However, the biggest issue I had, and didn't like doing, was turning away customers because they didn't have cash, only card. So I agree with many of the posts above...possibly implementing a way we can take credit cards in an easy and efficient way?
I'm definitely in for preorders, but I'm not sure that it would 100% make an imediate impact on crowds- I imagine that the people that will preorder things will be the same ones that are also first in line for the shop. I know for myself, the first thing I do when I walk in on day 1 of the expo is go immediately to get all my gear from Animal. That being said, knowing that you're guaranteed your stuff would be great as well and could have a small impact on the overall length of the line as everyone here would know that their stuff was locked down. As someone who also collects sneakers, one thing that the guys at Nike have done with things like preorders is to stagger times when people would come pick up their stuff, so that there is never a huge gathering in front of the store.
As far as other improvements, while I recognize that this isn't specific to actually being in the venue, but live streaming of all the events would be cool (I think that was tried one year, but cant remember if it happens regularly- I usually try to be there).
09-24-15, 9:14 am
As far as other improvements, while I recognize that this isn't specific to actually being in the venue, but live streaming of all the events would be cool (I think that was tried one year, but cant remember if it happens regularly- I usually try to be there).
Live streaming...that is a great idea. (I know YouTube does live streams and stuff like that.)
As a former intern, do you think we need more interns? Or less?
I think we're good actually how we've handled the group especially last year. We have just enough. The only time it can get crazy is lunches haha. There were only a couple times when we had quite a few of them on lunch haha. Some went late so that's probably the reason... But as far as when the schedule runs smoothly, we're always good with numbers.
Universal Rep
09-24-15, 9:51 am
I'm definitely in for preorders, but I'm not sure that it would 100% make an imediate impact on crowds- I imagine that the people that will preorder things will be the same ones that are also first in line for the shop. I know for myself, the first thing I do when I walk in on day 1 of the expo is go immediately to get all my gear from Animal. That being said, knowing that you're guaranteed your stuff would be great as well and could have a small impact on the overall length of the line as everyone here would know that their stuff was locked down. As someone who also collects sneakers, one thing that the guys at Nike have done with things like preorders is to stagger times when people would come pick up their stuff, so that there is never a huge gathering in front of the store.
As far as other improvements, while I recognize that this isn't specific to actually being in the venue, but live streaming of all the events would be cool (I think that was tried one year, but cant remember if it happens regularly- I usually try to be there).
Mebbe a separate line or area for those just pickin up their preordered jazz and away from the main checkout area?
Live streaming...that is a great idea. (I know YouTube does live streams and stuff like that.)
I think since Corporate invests in the video production of the CAGE every year, thats the focus and not a livestream... Like this.
I'm definitely in for preorders, but I'm not sure that it would 100% make an imediate impact on crowds- I imagine that the people that will preorder things will be the same ones that are also first in line for the shop. I know for myself, the first thing I do when I walk in on day 1 of the expo is go immediately to get all my gear from Animal. That being said, knowing that you're guaranteed your stuff would be great as well and could have a small impact on the overall length of the line as everyone here would know that their stuff was locked down. As someone who also collects sneakers, one thing that the guys at Nike have done with things like preorders is to stagger times when people would come pick up their stuff, so that there is never a huge gathering in front of the store.
As far as other improvements, while I recognize that this isn't specific to actually being in the venue, but live streaming of all the events would be cool (I think that was tried one year, but cant remember if it happens regularly- I usually try to be there).
Live streaming...that is a great idea. (I know YouTube does live streams and stuff like that.)
Live streaming has been attempted in the past. There were some issues that popped up each time we gave it a whirl; crappy expo internet connection, lots of mic interference / poor audio quality, I think one time I had do get some malware off of a machine. Just a lot of little things that can hinder the overall quality of the stream.
That being said, having the film crews to do the full productions of the CAGE have been absolutely fantastic.
Mebbe a separate line or area for those just pickin up their preordered jazz and away from the main checkout area?
I think since Corporate invests in the video production of the CAGE every year, thats the focus and not a livestream... Like this.
Yeah a separate line would do wonders!
09-24-15, 10:01 am
I think since Corporate invests in the video production of the CAGE every year, thats the focus and not a livestream... Like this.
Live streaming has been attempted in the past. There were some issues that popped up each time we gave it a whirl; crappy expo internet connection, lots of mic interference / poor audio quality, I think one time I had do get some malware off of a machine. Just a lot of little things that can hinder the overall quality of the stream.
That being said, having the film crews to do the full productions of the CAGE have been absolutely fantastic.
Good point, that makes sense. I think the film production Animal has is nothing short of amazing. There is no other company in the industry that has videos like that.
09-24-15, 10:32 am
It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.
This past Arnold was my first time there, and i plan on making this a yearly thing. Such an awesome experience/event. For my first time there, the cage was everything i expected and then more, so i really wouldn't change too much. The only changes i'd make to the actual animal expo portion would maybe include expanding the shop. While the line was run very efficiently and quickly, something a little bigger would be nice, but not totally necessary if it's run efficiently again. I just remember the line for the shop sort of eating up one entire section of the cage entirely. Not sure if that's by design or not.
Here are a few things i'd like to see added/done however:
-With the "big can" promo you guys have been doing on here lately, i think it would be great if you did some sort of raffle for a few of those cans. Proceeds going to wounded warriors or some great cause. This may have been done, while i was around the cage a lot i did a lot of walking around to really take in the event. So maybe i just missed it.
-Lifters, would really love to see Chris Duffin. Think he is just one bad mother effer and incredibly knowledgeable. I think having him in/around the cage would be great, just love hearing his insights on lifting/training.
-Gear wise, really liked the photo i saw of Jason "huge" with the "black/yellow" animal. Also related, a lot of the limited release items, would love to see a limited quantity available at the store/cage for purchase.
- Sample/promo stuff, really think just some standard animal phone shell would be sweet. At the very least, for those die-hards that sign up for the box and etc.
Sorry if some of the stuff i stated has been done before, like i said it's my first time so i could be speaking ignorantly.
The credit card idea...just a thought- get a couple of the squares and smart phones. have one of the phones run as a hot spot so you will remain on a closed wi-fi source and you should have no issues running credit cards on the squares...unless wifi just sucks in the building no matter whom the service provider is. Just a thought
Universal Rep
09-24-15, 1:45 pm
This past Arnold was my first time there, and i plan on making this a yearly thing. Such an awesome experience/event. For my first time there, the cage was everything i expected and then more, so i really wouldn't change too much. The only changes i'd make to the actual animal expo portion would maybe include expanding the shop. While the line was run very efficiently and quickly, something a little bigger would be nice, but not totally necessary if it's run efficiently again. I just remember the line for the shop sort of eating up one entire section of the cage entirely. Not sure if that's by design or not.
Here are a few things i'd like to see added/done however:
-With the "big can" promo you guys have been doing on here lately, i think it would be great if you did some sort of raffle for a few of those cans. Proceeds going to wounded warriors or some great cause. This may have been done, while i was around the cage a lot i did a lot of walking around to really take in the event. So maybe i just missed it.
-Lifters, would really love to see Chris Duffin. Think he is just one bad mother effer and incredibly knowledgeable. I think having him in/around the cage would be great, just love hearing his insights on lifting/training.
-Gear wise, really liked the photo i saw of Jason "huge" with the "black/yellow" animal. Also related, a lot of the limited release items, would love to see a limited quantity available at the store/cage for purchase.
- Sample/promo stuff, really think just some standard animal phone shell would be sweet. At the very least, for those die-hards that sign up for the box and etc.
Sorry if some of the stuff i stated has been done before, like i said it's my first time so i could be speaking ignorantly.
I like the charity angle... In years past, Corporate has done stuff for Wounded Warrior Project, etc. Would be great again this year...
09-24-15, 2:19 pm
Things I thought were great from the past:
- Interns. I can't express how awesome this is for FORVM members to be part of the Animal team.
- The Box. Key for loyal FORVM members to see the events.
- I liked the dedicated MC. He did an awesome job last year.
- The National ABC and Train with a Pro have to happen
- Pros vs Bros is always great to have people lift with their idles in the magic of the Cage
- Not sure how you are going to top Green vs Poundstone from last year but a new bar level has been set for a main event.
New Ideas:
- Credit Cards as long as it is efficient. If it takes twice as long to checkout it will be a nightmare.
- Need some new gear products. I know I would buy the heavyweight hoodie everyone has been asking for years. I would love to see a tri-blend shirt. So comfortable. Maybe some Animal athletic shorts.
- Blue and Black would be some sweet colors for next year. That blue can with the shirt from was the shit.
- A event or two of non big 3 lifts. I thought the P's one arm snatch was pretty damn cool to watch as well as Kendall's MP. Maybe the return of a strong man event.
Universal Rep
09-24-15, 3:00 pm
- Need some new gear products.
I agree. (
[QUOTE=Animal;1418996]We have talked about a completely separate Shop, unattached from The Cage portion itself maybe for 2017. Pre-orders. Now that is a very interesting idea. That would reduce the stress and the crowds, even if a little plus guarantee an item people who want them. We'll look into this.
FORVM members have always participated in The Cage, from the setup to running the booth through the Internship program. That won't change this year. Unless you are imagining different roles?
An expanded role -- what if the ABC was held earlier then the actual event, maybe on Wednesday or Thursday -- How about a few hours in the morning before the actual expo starts? Who would be animal enuff for that!
and the actual animal interns from the Forvm would help inefficiently running the ABC, and in dispersing all the pre-orders before the expo, and the entire crew working the cage could put together a full battleplan before hand
The athletes, the limited edition gear, and the experience of the Cage always has people talking, and brings people into Animal -- the real challenge is getting those people to
stick with Animal (as supplement buyers are very fickle these days), try and buy the products and begin to create a bond between the co. and the newbies coming in so you gain
repeat loyal customers
And I think that is done by being prepared, with pre-sale/credit card orders, separate sales areas etc would work to not only help current forvm members, but ease flow through the cage allowing more time for that connection to be made between the athletes, animal staff, forvm members and new people coming through
The supps are quality and work, the gear is cool, and the experience is out there, put that altogether with prepared excellent service and less of a madhouse, and I think u will see more people connect and become loyal to the brand
We have talked about a completely separate Shop, unattached from The Cage portion itself maybe for 2017. Pre-orders. Now that is a very interesting idea. That would reduce the stress and the crowds, even if a little plus guarantee an item people who want them. We'll look into this.
FORVM members have always participated in The Cage, from the setup to running the booth through the Internship program. That won't change this year. Unless you are imagining different roles?
You are specifically referencing the Box? Or The Cage? In general, everyone is welcome and is encouraged to be a part of what we do.
The Box. Since the entry tickets are on the table outside The Cage I'm just suggesting adding a section for people to sign up for The Forvm on that form.
09-24-15, 9:56 pm
I know I'm not the first person to bring this idea up, but I think a series of monitors/TVs to show the events would be awesome. It would make it a lot easier for people both inside and outside the Cage to see things.
I'm thinking a closed-circuit system with a few static cameras set up with optimal viewing for squats, one for bench, one for deadlifts, etc. No need to worry about sound, and the footage could be recorded and utilized as part of the film that is edited together after the event. As for the monitors/TVs, the top of the cage itself has space to mount them, and flatscreen TVs/monitors are relatively inexpensive. If all the monitors/TVs were facing inward, they could be seen from both inside and outside the Cage so people in the back of the Box would have a good view too. Maybe put a couple in the shop as well. Power would potentially be an issue, but that could be managed. It would add to set-up and take down time of course, but probably not too bad.
When there isn't an event going on, maybe show a loop of the video from last year...or the training series DVDs...or something new (silent commercials for products, perhaps?).
This has sort-of been done before. Years ago there was a projection screen hanging over the shop showing Animal DVDs.
Universal Rep
09-25-15, 8:56 am
The supps are quality and work, the gear is cool, and the experience is out there, put that altogether with prepared excellent service and less of a madhouse, and I think u will see more people connect and become loyal to the brand
Theres controlled chaos, which is good and perfect for the CAGE, and then theres just chaos which can be bad...
Universal Rep
09-25-15, 8:57 am
This could be cool in The Shop... (
09-25-15, 9:24 am
This could be cool in The Shop... (
Those would be awesome. I mean i'm happy with my jaybird, but as everyone here who lifts knows, you can never have too many headphones/earbuds! One thing i'd like, and i know you make an animal/universal dufflebag, but something maybe a little more lightweight. Something, when at the gym i can keep my straps/chalk/wraps in.
Sort of like:
Universal Rep
09-25-15, 9:44 am
Sort of like:
That bag is sporty and athletic... But is it ANIMAL? Put another way, wut would Machine or Wrath or Roman do? Could ya imagine them walkin to the gym sportin this bag?
09-25-15, 9:50 am
Those would be awesome. I mean i'm happy with my jaybird, but as everyone here who lifts knows, you can never have too many headphones/earbuds! One thing i'd like, and i know you make an animal/universal dufflebag, but something maybe a little more lightweight. Something, when at the gym i can keep my straps/chalk/wraps in.
Sort of like:
The Animal gym bags that have been out are great. I've had one for years, its durable, lightweight and not bulky at holds all of the essentials with plenty of space to spare.
09-25-15, 2:18 pm
That bag is sporty and athletic... But is it ANIMAL? Put another way, wut would Machine or Wrath or Roman do? Could ya imagine them walkin to the gym sportin this bag?
Could i imagine it... I could see frank opening up and using one to carry all those snacky snacks around! Roman, no way though, guy never has a snack... EVER! lol.
I get your point though. I was more so thinking of it as a "paid bag" you can opt for at the shop at the cage when you mentioned promo like stuff. I needed like 8 arms to carry all the crap away at that expo. Such a fun time!
Any possibility of bringing Phil "Squatzilla" Harrington back to the CAGE?
That dude's energy is off the damn charts.
09-25-15, 2:52 pm
Any possibility of bringing Phil "Squatzilla" Harrington back to the CAGE?
That dude's energy is off the damn charts.
09-27-15, 7:15 pm
lifters whether own event or head to head :
Tee Cummins
Dan Green
Pete Rubish
Kade Weber
Jesse Norris
Andrey Malaichev
Bj Whitehead
Garret Griffen
Jay Nera
Jeramy Hornstra
Jordan Wong
Larry Williams
Brandon Lilly
Richard Hawthorne
Sam Byrd
Derek Kendall
Chris Duffin
Luigi Faigni
Bj Barabas
Mark Miller
Josh Morris
Gear :
Animal Shorts
Custom shirts with last name /nickname on back like in 2014 i believe
hats, shirts
animal socks
Universal Rep
09-28-15, 10:09 am
Any possibility of bringing Phil "Squatzilla" Harrington back to the CAGE?
That dude's energy is off the damn charts.
Anythin possible. Continue to post up ur suggestions...
That bag is sporty and athletic... But is it ANIMAL? Put another way, wut would Machine or Wrath or Roman do? Could ya imagine them walkin to the gym sportin this bag?
Ha ha...I cant even get that thing over my arms and shoulders. I would be walking around with a fucked up mini parachute thing on my back that is stretched out right below my neck. ill stick to OG style Animal bag and carry it in the gym.
09-28-15, 11:16 am
I think we're good actually how we've handled the group especially last year. We have just enough. The only time it can get crazy is lunches haha. There were only a couple times when we had quite a few of them on lunch haha. Some went late so that's probably the reason... But as far as when the schedule runs smoothly, we're always good with numbers.
Wait... We had a lunch break??
I did write some suggestions from last year that could possibly be implemented again this year, but anxious to see what changes other suggestions are going to bring!!
09-28-15, 11:34 am
im gettin goosebumps thinking about the cage for next year
09-28-15, 12:35 pm
I like the charity angle... In years past, Corporate has done stuff for Wounded Warrior Project, etc. Would be great again this year...
I posted this idea a couple of years back, but how about having a set of calibrated plates, (like a pair of red 25KG ones or 4x blue 20KG ones), and have every featured lifter in the Cage sign them, as well as having them used in every lift in the Cage too, be it squats, deads, OHPs etc. Pretty easy to pick out them in photos, videos etc. for the next part...
Raffle them for charity. Or something like that. Maybe give a ticket away with each purchase of gear for one of them and Ebay the other? How valuable would a pair of plates be that are not only signed by some awesome athletes, but have been used for huge lifts too?
I agree. (
I like!
Wait... We had a lunch break??
I did write some suggestions from last year that could possibly be implemented again this year, but anxious to see what changes other suggestions are going to bring!!
hahaha i know i know.
- Not sure how you are going to top Green vs Poundstone from last year but a new bar level has been set for a main event.
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
GREAT IDEA!! I second this!
this year will be my first time attending the cage! that being said, I hope the preorder thing happens! not sure what the steps to get in the cage to watch some events are but I will be paying attention to try!
10-01-15, 5:52 pm
lifters whether own event or head to head :
Tee Cummins
Dan Green
Pete Rubish
Kade Weber
Jesse Norris
Andrey Malaichev
Bj Whitehead
Garret Griffen
Jay Nera
Jeramy Hornstra
Jordan Wong
Larry Williams
Brandon Lilly
Richard Hawthorne
Sam Byrd
Derek Kendall
Chris Duffin
Luigi Faigni
Bj Barabas
Mark Miller
Josh Morris
Gear :
Animal Shorts
Custom shirts with last name /nickname on back like in 2014 i believe
hats, shirts
animal socks
i remember the customer shirts back in 2013. I didnt get it because i was low on cash so couldnt get it and was like ill get it next year. 2 Arnold's later and it still havent came back yet :-(. Hopefully it comes back 2016
Looking forward to 2016! It just gets better and better every single year.
I'm on board with having a female being show cased! Susan Salazar anyone?
10-02-15, 12:17 am
I'm on board with having a female being show cased! Susan Salazar anyone?
10-05-15, 11:27 am
Biggest and Best yet, I like the sound of this! CC is key, in this day and age, from my experience, cash is not as prevalent.
Hate the idea of accepting credit cards. The only way I keep myself from going broke at the Arnold is to withdraw cash beforehand and only spend that. My wife will kill me if I can swipe away at the animal booth...
10-07-15, 10:41 am
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
Jay Nera
10-30-15, 10:26 pm
Looking forward to this!!
10-31-15, 8:43 am
It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.
what does a brother have to do at the arnold and at the Cage to be able to get a pair of these said shoes?? i hope to make this my first year attending as this will be right after getting back from deployment so hopefully the wife is down. id literally try to set up the entire cage if i could get a pair of those shoes haha. i have a pair of 2.0s and they are stupid comfortable.
10-31-15, 8:44 am
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
i agree with this.
10-31-15, 8:46 am
The only thing I can think of is adding to the brotherhood. Every time I go to The Arnold, because I'm wearing an Animal shirt and I have the lanyard that lets us into The Cage, I have guys asking me how they can get in and what Animal is all about. So every year, we get guys who get let into The Cage for whatever reason, the Marine recruiters, The Barbell Shrugged crew, etc. Every year, we complain about these people being let in because they're not in but obviously, they come in because they want what we have. Also, every year we have people who want to get in but can't because they're not on The Forvm then they watch other people, not wearing Animal, get in. When I was in that situation, before I got on The Forvm, I was like what's the secret? How do I get in? So let's level the playing field and add to the family where we can.
So if there was a way to help people in either group sign up in exchange for getting in that would be an improvement. There's already a sign up sheet outside The Box so people can get in, let's expand that. We get their email, they can pick a handle and then they get signed up on The Forvm after the weekend is over. Corporate sends them the same email we all got, saying that their Forvm membership is live and they're good to go. That's the perfect way to say you can't be a fair weather friend, show up and vanish when the weekend is over. You're either in or you're outside staring through the links like all of the other Ordinary Joes.
I'm even in favor of including a spot for whatever state they're in and cc'ing whoever is coordinator for that state so they know to contact them, welcome them into the brotherhood and encourage them to get active on The Forvm. Some will ignore all of this but some will jump all over it and appreciate the love.
My two cents.
I am all about expanding the brotherhood as this was how I was brought in. Gunrock and CammaRHINO.
You asked for suggestions about lifters that should feature in The Cage in the original post. Have you seen the crazy shit Tom Martin is doing since leaving the IPF? He had a 350KG deadlift in that federation. He is now tripling that. He is a seriously strong lifter.
11-09-15, 2:54 pm
This suggestion came my way this past weekend... I told them I would throw it out there...
A bench off between some super heavies that are 650+ raw (now) such as Mike Wolfe, Leroy Walker, Eric Spoto, Josh Morris, Maddox, etc...
11-09-15, 10:09 pm
Shit, its already time to start planning for the Arnold. Holy fuck, where did the summer Im just hoping I get the chance to join the Animal Crew yet once again and be part of the Cage experience
Shit, its already time to start planning for the Arnold. Holy fuck, where did the summer Im just hoping I get the chance to join the Animal Crew yet once again and be part of the Cage experience
Man i was just thinking the same thing! It's cool because by the time you really get depressed because it's over, you immediately have to start planning for next year! haha. Gonna be rough for me to get out there just with everything going on obviously. We'll see what happens. I want to give this a big YES i'll be there but being away for so long might be too much.
P Diesel
11-10-15, 10:01 am
I'm on board with having a female being show cased! Susan Salazar anyone?
11-10-15, 10:39 am
Man i was just thinking the same thing! It's cool because by the time you really get depressed because it's over, you immediately have to start planning for next year! haha. Gonna be rough for me to get out there just with everything going on obviously. We'll see what happens. I want to give this a big YES i'll be there but being away for so long might be too much.
Is it fair to say that I'm a little excited?? I have my substitute scheduled and have my room booked already... No waiting for Cyber Monday THIS
I had a suggestion last year, but mentioned it too late in the planning process. I would love love LOVE to see some lifters from Some Assembly Required. I think they are more than worthy of the honor. US military and civil servants who have lost limbs in service and yet have risen above and proven there are no excuses to keep you from achieving amazing feats.
Now as for the Cage itself I personally feel there are some safety issues that need to be addressed. The Cage and Box were crazy this past year. People were blocking the path that leads to the exhibition floor and at one point I started bouncing individuals (Gunrock, you can attest to this). What if an athlete, God forbid, got hurt and emergency personnel needed to get through. .. or what if the crowd itself was the cause of an accident?
I love the Cage; the Box is my sanctuary during the Arnold, it's home. It's where I get to see all my AnFam from across the country. Faces I only see on a screen via social media, individuals who inspire, motivate, and push me, people who believe in me. We have so many new individuals on the Forvm that it would be nice if members had a separate lanyard card with a space for us to write in our Forvm handles.
Just a couple ideas for now.
Blondie Weapon X
11-12-15, 4:52 pm
2016 is going to be most Epic Ever!
Workshirts for the interns this year? Yes?
11-17-15, 9:26 pm
Kilted Sunday. Who's in?
MAB, P Diesel, flex-em I'm looking in your direction...
Kilted Sunday. Who's in?
MAB, P Diesel, flex-em I'm looking in your direction...
As a ScottIrish gal, with Highland Game throwing implements currently residing in the back of my Jeep, I will, of course, be sporting one, or more of my family tartans.
Kilted Sunday. Who's in?
MAB, P Diesel, flex-em I'm looking in your direction...
Just remember Phil, you have to wear some type of undergarment this time underneath it.
P Diesel
11-18-15, 11:08 am
Kilted Sunday. Who's in?
MAB, P Diesel, flex-em I'm looking in your direction...
phil in a kilt mmmm... i mean .... girls in kilts ;) mmmmm
Thunder Chicken
12-04-15, 11:11 am
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
I wanna see this as well lol
12-07-15, 12:59 am
Workshirts for the interns this year? Yes?
Sounds good... And again, I'll be ready and willing!
Can't wait!!!!
Blondie Weapon X
12-07-15, 4:41 pm
Heads UP
ONLY 87 more days!
Please make your final adjustments now!!! lol
Blondie Weapon X
12-08-15, 8:51 pm
Times ticking.
Hell yeah it is
Gonna be here in no time
Looking forward to 2016! It just gets better and better every single year.
I'm on board with having a female being show cased! Susan Salazar anyone?
susan goes hard as fuck!!! still would like to see my girl Jeanine whittaker get in there too...a 550 raw squat to go along with the 567 she just pulled this past weekend for a new world record...woman is a freak!!
12-10-15, 9:00 am
susan goes hard as fuck!!! still would like to see my girl Jeanine whittaker get in there too...a 550 raw squat to go along with the 567 she just pulled this past weekend for a new world record...woman is a freak!!
You gonna be there??
Blondie Weapon X
12-11-15, 3:45 pm
susan goes hard as fuck!!! still would like to see my girl Jeanine whittaker get in there too...a 550 raw squat to go along with the 567 she just pulled this past weekend for a new world record...woman is a freak!!
Jeanine is a beauty of a beast!
She has my support! !
You gonna be there??
yes sir I will be!! wouldn't miss this big homie!! you coming out this year I hope!?!?!?
12-20-15, 7:02 pm
Best way to solve cards is using Ipads.
Uploading your inventory to the ipad's and this way you can click and select and do e-pay through scanning the card, or typing in the card numbers or the security code on the back.
While it may take a few extra minutes compared to cash only, you are not turning down sales, but it may deplete the inventory a bit quicker.
You can even Email the receipt to the customer or text it to the customer so that way they can get a hard copy of it in return.
It may be a headache for the animals to get this setup with the massive supp line they bring for sale + accessories + gear
But honestly if you could set this up,
pre-orders (MAYBE) for those who will be there early thursday, friday/saturday/sunday sales and then even consider some kind of advance pay for those who cannot attend the arnold classic so they do not miss the LE Gear. I know personally myself every year i go i buy stuff for people on the west coast who cannot attend and ship it to them when i return home. They do the same favor for me at the Olympia since I can never attend being on the other side of the US.
May be a great way for all the Universal/Animal Fans that cannot attend the Arnold to somehow get their fair share, and possibly an easier way to run the booth with more technology & Ipads if you upload the list of sales and event to the ipad. Select the item, maybe work some kind of bundle deals to sweeten the pot (buy 2 shirts get a hat free) something along those lines to help push / pitch sales. Either way.... it usually is never a problem to pitch sales because people are jumping in line to buy their gear.
12-29-15, 4:37 pm
There is one way, and one way only.
Naturalguy vs. J-DAWG.
It needs to happen.
Worth the price of admission to the arnold classic alone.
12-29-15, 9:35 pm
Def hoping to be a part of the Cage in 2016, I missed out last year and am chomping at the bit to be a part of the Cage yet once again
Blondie Weapon X
12-29-15, 9:53 pm
Def hoping to be a part of the Cage in 2016, I missed out last year and am chomping at the bit to be a part of the Cage yet once again
Would be AWESOME to see you in there again!!!
12-30-15, 8:51 pm
Def hoping to be a part of the Cage in 2016, I missed out last year and am chomping at the bit to be a part of the Cage yet once again
If you will miss out, and you need some LE Gear, shoot me a PM With your sizes and what you want when the list goes live to the public. I will make sure to send you a goody box if you wanna cover the cost for the stuff.
[QUOTE=Animal;1418951]It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.[/QUOTE
2 years ago was the first time I saw the CAGE. 2015 I walked through the doors when it opened and stood at the Cage as long as I possibly could and that's my plan for 2016. My only complaint is for example on Saturday I got my spot when the doors opened and stood all day to see Dan Green deadlift but there were so many random people inside the cage that I could barely see anything. I can understand the athletes and wives, girlfriends, etc but I'm talking about people aside from them and there was a lot that got in the cage and made it hard for us outside of the cage to see. I don't know how that can be fixed but I hope there's a way to change some things.
01-01-16, 11:01 pm
Most def. Any excuse to rock one is a good excuse! Hyped!!
Kilted Sunday. Who's in?
MAB, P Diesel, flex-em I'm looking in your direction...
Finally got a chance to get a peek at the new Chuck Taylor II's. very nice! But throw on an "A" and we're in business.
I will def make my appearances but I hope some of you assholes will come see me at the weightlifting meet. I am taking a much larger role in helping them run it this year. Looking at 400+ olympic weightlifters...gonna get crazy.
01-07-16, 10:19 am
I will def make my appearances but I hope some of you assholes will come see me at the weightlifting meet. I am taking a much larger role in helping them run it this year. Looking at 400+ olympic weightlifters...gonna get crazy.
Great to hear man, it'll be good to see you.
The olympic weightlfting group is a bunch of good folks. You guys helped us out big time with chalk last year.
01-07-16, 10:25 am
Great to hear man, it'll be good to see you.
The olympic weightlfting group is a bunch of good folks. You guys helped us out big time with chalk last year.
You better grace us with your presence Mister... :)
***Congrats on the new changes in your life too FF!!***
01-07-16, 10:56 am
You better grace us with your presence Mister... :)
***Congrats on the new changes in your life too FF!!***
Thanks mama! Really excited for the future. Hope everything is great with you.
01-07-16, 10:59 am
Thanks mama! Really excited for the future. Hope everything is great with you.
Oh, I'm sure you are... Excited for you!! Things are good here, same old... Can't wait to catch up!!
I am sure we can help out this year if necessary as well.
So my boy John Rivas had an insane 2015 and 2016 is going to be even better. He definitely wants to show Animal and the animal cage crowd what he is all about. Here is a vid he put together. He is the real deal when he gets on the platform he preforms. I would loved to see him go head to head with another lifter or smash big squat or deallift.
01-14-16, 7:17 pm
So my boy John Rivas had an insane 2015 and 2016 is going to be even better. He definitely wants to show Animal and the animal cage crowd what he is all about. Here is a vid he put together. He is the real deal when he gets on the platform he preforms. I would loved to see him go head to head with another lifter or smash big squat or deallift.
01-15-16, 8:30 am
Can't wait. I'm competing on Friday, but I'm always down to help out or sling some weights with Tark
So my boy John Rivas had an insane 2015 and 2016 is going to be even better. He definitely wants to show Animal and the animal cage crowd what he is all about. Here is a vid he put together. He is the real deal when he gets on the platform he preforms. I would loved to see him go head to head with another lifter or smash big squat or deallift.
I FULLY support John Rivas getting to lift in the cage. He is very strong and is the #3 ranked raw w/ wraps guy at 242. Very humble and always willing to help too.
Is anyone putting a Friday night dinner together? Last year was great. My crew said it was one of the best things of Arnold 2015.
01-15-16, 10:21 am
So my boy John Rivas had an insane 2015 and 2016 is going to be even better. He definitely wants to show Animal and the animal cage crowd what he is all about. Here is a vid he put together. He is the real deal when he gets on the platform he preforms. I would loved to see him go head to head with another lifter or smash big squat or deallift.
Can't wait. I'm competing on Friday, but I'm always down to help out or sling some weights with Tark
Yes sirrr
Yes sirrr
Still got goosebumps from watching Tark and knot tear it up in there.
Still got goosebumps from watching Tark and knot tear it up in there.
If knotahumanbeing wasn't doing the arnold xpc meet this year we should have upped it to 600 for reps this year. That could have always been fun
01-20-16, 3:15 pm
Got the word I will be at the Cage this year, can't wait to see everyone there. If anyone wants to train just let me know
Can't wait. I'm competing on Friday, but I'm always down to help out or sling some weights with Tark
Rob... So the power lifting is on Friday? I know Eddie is competing as well and I really wanted to watch you guys! I'm sure I'll see quite a few other faces I know that I'll want to cheer for. Plus I can keep Steff company!
Rob... So the power lifting is on Friday? I know Eddie is competing as well and I really wanted to watch you guys! I'm sure I'll see quite a few other faces I know that I'll want to cheer for. Plus I can keep Steff company!
Xpc is at the fairgrounds I'm pretty sure..this where it was held at year...come out and watch! I'll be wrapping knees
01-20-16, 11:11 pm
Rob... So the power lifting is on Friday? I know Eddie is competing as well and I really wanted to watch you guys! I'm sure I'll see quite a few other faces I know that I'll want to cheer for. Plus I can keep Steff company!
Xpc is at the fairgrounds I'm pretty sure..this where it was held at year...come out and watch! I'll be wrapping knees
Yep, we compete on Friday at the fairgrounds. Although Ed may be competing on Saturday (pro day). Tark, if I'm recovered by Sunday we could try to squat 600 for reps then.
P Diesel
01-21-16, 10:11 am
Got the word I will be at the Cage this year, can't wait to see everyone there. If anyone wants to train just let me know
ill try and hang w universal soldier. Enforcer emerges from a cryo chamber and goes to work. refuel, repeat.
Yep, we compete on Friday at the fairgrounds. Although Ed may be competing on Saturday (pro day). Tark, if I'm recovered by Sunday we could try to squat 600 for reps then.
I'm going to be the smarter of us two right now and say that shouldn't happen man..don't want something stupid happening man after you just put your body through hell..there will always be other times brotha! I still might end up pulling in the pros vs Bros though and hold us down! #ohioagainsttheworld
01-21-16, 1:49 pm
How bout some female lifters in the cage?
And Animal deadlift socks pls pls pls?
How bout some female lifters in the cage?
And Animal deadlift socks pls pls pls?
I'm going to repeat my call for Kim Walford, Susan Salazar or Samantha Coleman.
Xpc is at the fairgrounds I'm pretty sure..this where it was held at year...come out and watch! I'll be wrapping knees
Sooooo I've got some brand new knee wraps, haven't used them yet. I need an AJ Tarkany Knee Wrapping 101 crash course... You seem to have it down to a science!
ill try and hang w universal soldier. Enforcer emerges from a cryo chamber and goes to work. refuel, repeat.
P, you rooming/ lifting with Captain America?! Who's that make you? The Incredible Hulk or Iron Man?
01-24-16, 5:33 am
We are looking at the possibility of overhauling The Shop experience completely (both at the event and after). People what to see and touch and feel what they are buying. We are thinking about taking credit cards orders if it makes sense, if there is a demand, and if we can pull it off right. We are looking into ways to make watching the events easier and avoiding the 5-6 deep crowds that making watching difficult. We want to make athletes even more accessible to the fans and get them out of The Cage more often. In short, we want to and know we need to up our game. Everything we do, it's with one singular purpose to make the experience better for those who make the trip to visit us in Columbus.
Not to take anything from others but I would be thinking something similar to six pack coolers if you've been there and looked around. So bare with me here. If you've ever walked into an AT&T or verizon wireless you walk in get greeted and sat at one of the tables to wait for a sales person. No think of an open room cage surrounding us with an open view of what's going on in the lifting side. It a few barrel with the wood on top like we are use to selling off of but all spread out with a sales person at each one with 1 of everything we are selling clothing wise so they can see it and hold it up. We can go in the back and get the sizes we need or have someone stay back there and get what we need as we need it. If we use credit cards we can have a tablet we pack with us to complete the order. The pros can just walk around and mingle withing the shop area and the lifting area. Maybe have shelves with empty cans on it so they can read the labels.
Sorry if it's hard to picture lol I can see it in my head but hard to describe lol
01-24-16, 5:39 am
It's on the map and on our radar. Our goal is to create the biggest, best edition of The Cage ever. We are in the planning stages. If you have ideas about what we should do, not do and do more of, this is the place to make your suggestions. We can't do everything, but we will listen to anything from the guest lifters and the events you'd want to see to what we should sell and sample in The Shop. This is your chance. Be heard.
For the Animal athletes and crew, the new Chuck Taylor All Star II, all black with the white A logo. That decision has already been made.
As far as a powerlifter I think would be awesome for people to see.... Brandon Franklin. He has the second highest squat in the 198 weight class20lbs behind ernie Lillybridge he plans on breaking it this year. He just hit 830lbs this past weekend weighing in at 230lbs and had a 2,000lb overall meet. I'm a little biased he is one of my best friends but this man has dreamed of lifting in the cage for years and I think he would truly be something to see in the weight range that would be easy for people to associate with not the super human sized weight class lol however still lifting unbelievable numbers. He down to earth and an overall great guy. Give him a look guys
01-24-16, 8:09 pm
Anyone else getting antsy for the cage??
40 days away.....
Coming fast.
01-25-16, 9:16 am
Anyone else getting antsy for the cage??
40 days away.....
Coming fast.
Yes sir!
01-25-16, 12:50 pm
Anyone else getting antsy for the cage??
40 days away.....
Coming fast.
This will be my first Arnold and looking fwd to the cage the most
01-25-16, 1:00 pm
This will be my first Arnold and looking fwd to the cage the most
Oh, just wait... As you can see/read, most of the time, once you come to the Cage, that's all there is... Back in 2007, I made my first trip to the Expo, 2008 I spent the entire weekend in the Cage, and well... I haven't left
The Expo itself is a site to see, it HUGE, people of all sorts (some are a positive viewing experience, some NOT) but you will find your home away from home in the "comfort" of the Cage... As crazy as it is, at least you are in good company!!!
01-25-16, 1:05 pm
Oh, just wait... As you can see/read, most of the time, once you come to the Cage, that's all there is... Back in 2007, I made my first trip to the Expo, 2008 I spent the entire weekend in the Cage, and well... I haven't left
The Expo itself is a site to see, it HUGE, people of all sorts (some are a positive viewing experience, some NOT) but you will find your home away from home in the "comfort" of the Cage... As crazy as it is, at least you are in good company!!!
Living right by the Animal headquarters and being friends with the staff I've heard all about it. I finally said now's the year I go. I've bee watching all the Cage videos lately as I get my cardio done. I respect everyone and can't wait!
01-25-16, 1:56 pm
This will be my first Arnold and looking fwd to the cage the most
It's going to be a heck of an experience for you, glad you are finally making it
01-25-16, 5:53 pm
It's going to be a heck of an experience for you, glad you are finally making it
The Cage and the ABC are the main things I'm looking forward to the most. I follow powerlifting almost as much as bodybuilding. I even followed some of the American Cup over the weekend at the LA Fit Expo. Big lifts there. I'll see you out in Columbus.
01-25-16, 9:30 pm
I think adding the ability to take credit cards week be a big help. I know it was asked about alot in previous years.
I like to see a Cage tank top. We all have drawers and closets full of Animal t shirts.. But how about some shirts to wear in the gym where the work is actually done.
Also keep the t shirt style from last year, more form fitting and less like a huge tent. Most of us work our asses off to get jacked. Finding a shirt that fits our arms and shoulders and doesn't look like a circus tent around our waist is always a plus.
01-26-16, 8:30 am
Got the word I will be at the Cage this year, can't wait to see everyone there. If anyone wants to train just let me know
01-26-16, 3:31 pm
Ah, the feeling returns, home away from home, The Cage where an Animal can be an Animal!!!! Cant wait to see everyone there again this year!
01-26-16, 4:23 pm
I think adding the ability to take credit cards week be a big help. I know it was asked about alot in previous years.
I like to see a Cage tank top. We all have drawers and closets full of Animal t shirts.. But how about some shirts to wear in the gym where the work is actually done.
Also keep the t shirt style from last year, more form fitting and less like a huge tent. Most of us work our asses off to get jacked. Finding a shirt that fits our arms and shoulders and doesn't look like a circus tent around our waist is always a plus.
I think you'll like what we have in store. All of the above is on the table, we are really looking to step up our game this year
01-26-16, 4:39 pm
Game-time decision for Phil this year.
Trying to establish a real career and stop being a 31-year-old teenager means I might have to miss out on all the fun.
If I can't make it, I expect someone to spend the weekend eating Easter candy...somebody has to do it, those mini eggs don't eat themselves.
Pete Rubish
01-26-16, 9:27 pm
Can't wait for this! I think we'll see some impressive feats of strength as always.
01-26-16, 10:28 pm
Game-time decision for Phil this year.
Trying to establish a real career and stop being a 31-year-old teenager means I might have to miss out on all the fun.
If I can't make it, I expect someone to spend the weekend eating Easter candy...somebody has to do it, those mini eggs don't eat themselves.
:( ... I get it, but... :(
Missed the last 3 years, not this year though! Will be out for Friday and Saturday. Can't wait to camp out and see some crazy lifts
01-27-16, 6:47 pm
Game-time decision for Phil this year.
Trying to establish a real career and stop being a 31-year-old teenager means I might have to miss out on all the fun.
If I can't make it, I expect someone to spend the weekend eating Easter candy...somebody has to do it, those mini eggs don't eat themselves.
Totally understand bro.
01-27-16, 8:15 pm
Totally understand bro.
I was in the same boat for a while. I hate to say it but I actually changed careers so that I could go to events like this. It's the one benefit of being in the fitness industry haha.
01-31-16, 7:32 pm
I think you'll like what we have in store. All of the above is on the table, we are really looking to step up our game this year
Looking forward to it. Cage is always the best booth, and always getting better. See you there!
01-31-16, 11:21 pm
Got the word I will be at the Cage this year, can't wait to see everyone there. If anyone wants to train just let me know
Dude that would be awesome! A National ABC session?! What do you usually train on Saturdays? If you say cardio I'm bailing though lol
01-31-16, 11:24 pm
Rob... So the power lifting is on Friday? I know Eddie is competing as well and I really wanted to watch you guys! I'm sure I'll see quite a few other faces I know that I'll want to cheer for. Plus I can keep Steff company!
Kyle is competing Friday as well. He trains with us at Colerain Barbell. I'll be wrapping him so I'll be there as well. Going to be a fantastic weekend!
01-31-16, 11:30 pm
As far as a powerlifter I think would be awesome for people to see.... Brandon Franklin. He has the second highest squat in the 198 weight class20lbs behind ernie Lillybridge he plans on breaking it this year. He just hit 830lbs this past weekend weighing in at 230lbs and had a 2,000lb overall meet. I'm a little biased he is one of my best friends but this man has dreamed of lifting in the cage for years and I think he would truly be something to see in the weight range that would be easy for people to associate with not the super human sized weight class lol however still lifting unbelievable numbers. He down to earth and an overall great guy. Give him a look guys
I've shared the platform with him a few times. Definitely worth a look. Maybe some squats with Tee?
Uncle Boo
02-01-16, 9:08 pm
When will we be able to sign up to get cage? You know the VIP joint
02-02-16, 10:52 am
Looking forward to the cage as well as the ABC Saturday night
Cant wait for this. Already told everyone I'm going with to forget seeing me for a while while I rush to the cage as soon as I walk in....
02-02-16, 4:03 pm
Looking forward to the cage as well as the ABC Saturday night
Where is the ABC held at?
02-02-16, 11:21 pm
Cant wait for this. Already told everyone I'm going with to forget seeing me for a while while I rush to the cage as soon as I walk in....
Nice! Glad to hear you're gonna be out there my man.
02-03-16, 12:44 am
Where is the ABC held at?
Metro Fitness on E. Long Street... Not far from the Expo...
Got the word I will be at the Cage this year, can't wait to see everyone there. If anyone wants to train just let me know
The familiar faces, it just keeps gettin better...
02-03-16, 9:04 am
Metro Fitness on E. Long Street... Not far from the Expo...
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
02-03-16, 9:39 am
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
I've never trained at a Powerhouse gym. This should be interesting
02-03-16, 10:36 am
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
Oops... Forgot...
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
oh interesting.
02-03-16, 1:32 pm
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
Tickets will need to be purchased again through the shop this year, correct? Seemed like it worked pretty well last year.
02-03-16, 1:50 pm
Any suggestions on gyms to train at otherwise during that weekend? I'll be there Thursday-Sunday.
02-03-16, 1:58 pm
Any suggestions on gyms to train at otherwise during that weekend? I'll be there Thursday-Sunday.
I dont know if there are many others
Any suggestions on gyms to train at otherwise during that weekend? I'll be there Thursday-Sunday.
I dont know if there are many others
We've hit this place up before, and will undoubtedly be back again this year:
02-03-16, 2:47 pm
We've hit this place up before, and will undoubtedly be back again this year:
Yep, we usually hit BLT on Friday and then the Metro/Powerhouse for ABC on Saturday... Rich Lauro (the owner at BLT) loves it because we invade his space on Friday and then everyone who ISN'T Animal goes there on BLT has something for everyone, PL, strongman, BB, and CF...
02-03-16, 3:01 pm
Yep, we usually hit BLT on Friday and then the Metro/Powerhouse for ABC on Saturday... Rich Lauro (the owner at BLT) loves it because we invade his space on Friday and then everyone who ISN'T Animal goes there on BLT has something for everyone, PL, strongman, BB, and CF...
Sounds like a great place. I'll definitely look into it.
02-03-16, 3:19 pm
We've hit this place up before, and will undoubtedly be back again this year:
Ahh thats right, im so very out of the loop!
Ahh thats right, im so very out of the loop!
02-03-16, 3:35 pm
Getting closer now!!!
02-03-16, 3:37 pm
ill try and hang w universal soldier. Enforcer emerges from a cryo chamber and goes to work. refuel, repeat.
You know it brotha, like the fuckin terminator
02-03-16, 6:24 pm
Yep, we usually hit BLT on Friday and then the Metro/Powerhouse for ABC on Saturday... Rich Lauro (the owner at BLT) loves it because we invade his space on Friday and then everyone who ISN'T Animal goes there on BLT has something for everyone, PL, strongman, BB, and CF...
I didn't get a chance to go to BLT or the ABC last year so I'm excited to finally get to go to both!
We've hit this place up before, and will undoubtedly be back again this year:
This is new to me.. Decent group goes here??
02-03-16, 8:58 pm
I dont know if there are many others
World Gym North in Worthington is a nice facility. And then there are 4 Power Shack locations north south east and west are all nice places as well. Then there is the Mecca of powerlifting Westside Barbell but that one is a private facility.
02-03-16, 10:33 pm
It's actually changed ownership and is now Powerhouse gym
Hope they got some good "clips" with the new ownership.
That's the one thing I thought was horrible with that gym. lol
02-03-16, 10:34 pm
This is new to me.. Decent group goes here??
Beyond Limits is a GREAT gym.
Power, strongman, Oly lifting, general provides it.
Rich Lauro is a cool dude.
02-04-16, 12:17 am
This is new to me.. Decent group goes here??
Usually, yeah. The last few years a good number of us went to Beyond Limits Thursday/Friday.
Powerhouse (formerly Metro) gets crazy crowded, especially on Friday. Beyond Limits is a solid place that will get busy but not too bad.
02-04-16, 3:51 am
Usually, yeah. The last few years a good number of us went to Beyond Limits Thursday/Friday.
Powerhouse (formerly Metro) gets crazy crowded, especially on Friday. Beyond Limits is a solid place that will get busy but not too bad.
Plus... Rodizio with friends afterward!
Plus... Rodizio with friends afterward!
Chicken hearts for everyone!
02-04-16, 8:45 am
Usually, yeah. The last few years a good number of us went to Beyond Limits Thursday/Friday.
Powerhouse (formerly Metro) gets crazy crowded, especially on Friday. Beyond Limits is a solid place that will get busy but not too bad.
Keep me in the loop!
02-04-16, 8:53 am
Plus... Rodizio with friends afterward!
Chicken hearts for everyone!
IF we all decide on this again, I need those that do not like their beef MOOING to PLEASE sit with me.... I hate to drop $35 for a dinner and have nothing but seared pineapple and a salad bar...
02-04-16, 1:44 pm
IF we all decide on this again, I need those that do not like their beef MOOING to PLEASE sit with me.... I hate to drop $35 for a dinner and have nothing but seared pineapple and a salad bar...
I'm with you. Pink is okay. Red is not my thing lol
02-04-16, 2:11 pm
IF we all decide on this again, I need those that do not like their beef MOOING to PLEASE sit with me.... I hate to drop $35 for a dinner and have nothing but seared pineapple and a salad bar...
I'm with you. Pink is okay. Red is not my thing lol
Bloodier the better....
And no table can handle what Higa, Nix, BamBam, and I do to that place.
IF we all decide on this again, I need those that do not like their beef MOOING to PLEASE sit with me.... I hate to drop $35 for a dinner and have nothing but seared pineapple and a salad bar...
I'm with you D! I don't like it when my food is still moving around, I want it to already be dead and cooked when I get my fork into it! Still crossing my fingers that I will be able to be up there. But if I'm in Columbus I definitely want to hit Rodizio for the first time.
Bloodier the better....
And no table can handle what Higa, Nix, BamBam, and I do to that place.
There are no words to properly describe that carnage.
02-04-16, 2:52 pm
I'm with you. Pink is okay. Red is not my thing lol
The BEST was 2 years ago, when Tee came out with us... When that first slice hit his plate, our eyes met and we BOTH said "I can't eat that!" Poor kid, his first experience
Bloodier the better....
And no table can handle what Higa, Nix, BamBam, and I do to that place.
I will say, you guys had some YUMMY desserts too!!!
I'm with you D! I don't like it when my food is still moving around, I want it to already be dead and cooked when I get my fork into it! Still crossing my fingers that I will be able to be up there. But if I'm in Columbus I definitely want to hit Rodizio for the first time.
Oh, I can't handle it the way most do... I ask for mine well, but it takes forever and 2 days because they never seem to be able to get past the FIRST table (ahem, Nix Higa and with meat!!!
I did have pineapple, a couple pieces of bacon wrapped turkey, and some kind of chicken, but NOT $35 The company was great, I just could have eaten all I could for $ PLUS the pineapple makes my tongue hurt.. :(
Done being a Debbie Downer, if we choose to go again, I'm sure I will
Bloodier the better....
And no table can handle what Higa, Nix, BamBam, and I do to that place.
I'm insulted
02-05-16, 11:42 am
Tickets will need to be purchased again through the shop this year, correct? Seemed like it worked pretty well last year.
Correct, it should be the same process
02-05-16, 1:29 pm
I want in on this this year. Missed out on it last year. Keep me in the loop!
The BEST was 2 years ago, when Tee came out with us... When that first slice hit his plate, our eyes met and we BOTH said "I can't eat that!" Poor kid, his first experience
I will say, you guys had some YUMMY desserts too!!!
Oh, I can't handle it the way most do... I ask for mine well, but it takes forever and 2 days because they never seem to be able to get past the FIRST table (ahem, Nix Higa and with meat!!!
I did have pineapple, a couple pieces of bacon wrapped turkey, and some kind of chicken, but NOT $35 The company was great, I just could have eaten all I could for $ PLUS the pineapple makes my tongue hurt.. :(
Done being a Debbie Downer, if we choose to go again, I'm sure I will
02-05-16, 1:49 pm
Do you know when the link will go up for that this year, I know we are anxiously waiting!!!!!
Correct, it should be the same process
02-05-16, 2:40 pm
I want in on this this year. Missed out on it last year. Keep me in the loop!
I can do that!!
02-05-16, 6:28 pm
There are no words to properly describe that carnage.
You have to be there to understand...CARNIVORES
You have to be there to understand...CARNIVORES
And fancy desserts 12b659072aef7c7b7d63a0&oe=572586EC
02-05-16, 6:58 pm
And fancy desserts 12b659072aef7c7b7d63a0&oe=572586EC
That's GREAT!!!
That's GREAT!!!
Everyone else had tapped out except for HIGA and myself, so we thought it would be a good idea to mock the group and get dessert.
02-06-16, 12:35 am
And fancy desserts 12b659072aef7c7b7d63a0&oe=572586EC
Lol so good!
02-06-16, 6:32 am
Beyond Limits is a GREAT gym.
Power, strongman, Oly lifting, general provides it.
Rich Lauro is a cool dude.
Usually, yeah. The last few years a good number of us went to Beyond Limits Thursday/Friday.
Powerhouse (formerly Metro) gets crazy crowded, especially on Friday. Beyond Limits is a solid place that will get busy but not too bad.
Beyond Limits now has a few more locations. If you go to their website Rich opened up 2 more spots in Columbus.
If you have a few minutes you can drive 7 miles north and go to metro fitness in Worthington. There will be no where in there, and the gym is massive
Dumbbbells up to 200lbs, a full room of free weights, full room of hammer strength, and 8 squat racks.
Highly suggest it for a good gym.
IF we all decide on this again, I need those that do not like their beef MOOING to PLEASE sit with me.... I hate to drop $35 for a dinner and have nothing but seared pineapple and a salad bar...
I hope you guys will let us come again this year. Had a blast with all of you last year. I should have a head count for you soon. who is putting it together?
02-09-16, 6:53 pm
I hope you guys will let us come again this year. Had a blast with all of you last year. I should have a head count for you soon. who is putting it together?
Well, the last couple years have been Phil and Josh... Josh had to smooth talk them last year so that they didn't require a down payment... Ugh ...
No one has stepped up, but stay tuned!!
Alpha Bench
02-09-16, 7:31 pm
im excited
02-09-16, 11:18 pm
im excited
I'm with ya Adrian... I can't believe it's almost here!!
So close, yet so far away....
02-10-16, 5:50 pm
Are we still doing a train with the Pros sign up for the National ABC?
02-11-16, 9:56 pm
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
02-11-16, 10:11 pm
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
Understand completely... Like I said, I promise to save ya a seat next year!!!
02-12-16, 9:39 am
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
We will miss you brother
P Diesel
02-12-16, 10:16 am
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
we will all meet again my friend.
02-12-16, 10:50 am
Pros vs Bros:
02-12-16, 5:16 pm
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
As much as I love The Cage, there are more important things. We will see you soon brother.
02-12-16, 6:35 pm
Understand completely... Like I said, I promise to save ya a seat next year!!!
We will miss you brother
we will all meet again my friend.
As much as I love The Cage, there are more important things. We will see you soon brother.
Thanks everybody. The feeling is mutual.
02-15-16, 8:26 am
Pretty much a certainty that I won't be there this year.
On the plus side, it's because I'm in the process of becoming an IBEW apprentice (electrician). I have a mandatory class two nights a week. So, at least it's for a good reason.
Setting yourself in the Union is great mean, itll pay off big time.
02-15-16, 1:18 pm
When will we be able to sign up to get cage? You know the VIP joint
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
02-15-16, 1:40 pm
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
Whoa, big changes coming!
02-15-16, 1:47 pm
This should def help with the view of the action. Will be hard to keep your ass on a seat however! Lol
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
02-15-16, 2:28 pm
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
Well, that's cool....
02-15-16, 3:11 pm
Whoa, big changes coming!
This should def help with the view of the action. Will be hard to keep your ass on a seat however! Lol
Well, that's cool....
Sometimes you have to try something new to make the experience better for everyone. We won't really know until we give it a shot. In theory it sounds like an improvement.
02-15-16, 3:31 pm
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
This was decided after Phil said he wouldn't be in attendance wasn't it? Lol This will be interesting.
02-15-16, 4:17 pm
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
Sometimes you have to try something new to make the experience better for everyone. We won't really know until we give it a shot. In theory it sounds like an improvement.
I am curious to see how this works out. The VIP Box has been a staple of the Cage for as long as I can remember and to be honest being in there is one of my favorite parts of the weekend.
02-15-16, 4:54 pm
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
Does this mean that these (photo below) will be pointless this year and we can't say what's up to our favorite animal athletes in the cage? AKA is it strictly for animal athletes only?
Hoping that photo works, but if not, it's a picture of a VIP cage pass with an animal lanyard.
02-16-16, 7:53 am
Does this mean that these (photo below) will be pointless this year and we can't say what's up to our favorite animal athletes in the cage? AKA is it strictly for animal athletes only?
Hoping that photo works, but if not, it's a picture of a VIP cage pass with an animal lanyard.
We probably won't have the VIP badges but you'll be able to say hello and interact with the athletes
02-16-16, 8:28 am
Sometimes you have to try something new to make the experience better for everyone. We won't really know until we give it a shot. In theory it sounds like an improvement.
This year we are not going to have the "box" VIP section. We are trying something different so more people can see the action. We are going to have bleachers where people can sit and watch the events.
We probably won't have the VIP badges but you'll be able to say hello and interact with the athletes
Should be interesting, in theory it will allow some of the masses access to the inner sanctum that is the Cage and allow for better viewing and interaction with the Animal Athletes, but could the loyal brotherhood that spends the weekend in the "box" decide to wander around more without the barriers between us and the "free sample crowd", or with the loyal crew intermingle with the masses to promote the forvm and grow the group.
In the words of the forum elite, we will find out, Soon.....
02-16-16, 10:10 pm
Setting yourself in the Union is great mean, itll pay off big time.
Thanks man, I'm counting on it.
Sometimes you have to try something new to make the experience better for everyone. We won't really know until we give it a shot. In theory it sounds like an improvement.
Can I heckle you from the bleachers?
Can I heckle you from the bleachers?
I am definitely going to be throwing popcorn.
02-19-16, 10:39 am
Just did one of the best options of the weekend, Secured a spot for National ABC, check the shop out guys, the time has come!
02-19-16, 11:09 am
Just did one of the best options of the weekend, Secured a spot for National ABC, check the shop out guys, the time has come!
Get your tickets to the ABC here:
Get your tickets to the ABC here:
Done, can't wait definitely my favorite part of the weekend.
02-24-16, 9:53 am
Is there going to be a Cage T-Shirt this year?
02-24-16, 10:07 am
Was looking forward to the "Concert tee" myself again! hope so!
Is there going to be a Cage T-Shirt this year?
02-24-16, 10:20 am
Is there going to be a Cage T-Shirt this year?
Was looking forward to the "Concert tee" myself again! hope so!
YES! form coming soon
02-24-16, 10:22 am
As always ANIMAL does not let us down!!!!!
YES! form coming soon
02-24-16, 10:27 am
As always ANIMAL does not let us down!!!!!
I was getting worried with no form being posted yet! I have the cage shirt from every year and am stoked to hear it will still be continued
02-24-16, 11:08 am
YES! form coming soon
I have missed out on so many cage shirts :( I am so excited, little over a week away.
02-24-16, 2:57 pm
YES! form coming soon
Saweet. Was hoping to see this soon. I will be wearing last years Cage T to the event this year. Can't wait to see this years shirt....
Also can't wait to see some of this new gear in person. And can't wait for the "BOSS" Training Seminar.... and....and...and.... starting to get pumped for sure.
Just too bad I can only make it Friday this year. A ton of great things going down around the Animal booth as always.
02-26-16, 10:08 am
7 DAYS AWAY!!!!! The big A banner is flashing right before my eyes
02-26-16, 1:24 pm
Due to injury, Derek Kendall will not be lifting in this years The Cage, scheduled for Saturday at 11am. We will post a schedule update.
02-26-16, 1:36 pm
Due to injury, Derek Kendall will not be lifting in this years The Cage, scheduled for Saturday at 11am. We will post a schedule update.
I guess 800+ front squats can lead to injury from time to time, what a freak