View Full Version : Rage XL Grape Review
So I ran out of Animal Rage and was wanting to try the grape, so I ordered on Amazon and got a container of XL the next day to have it for my next work out. I got to say its the best tasting one yet! being a fan of Slaughter Melon when it was around and having a large supply of Apple Jacked for awhile and also trying Mango Unchained, this one tops them all. The flavor is great and the focus and energy is just as good. The scoop is smaller as before so I take a scoop and a quarter and I'm good to go. I fill my shaker bottle only a quarter of the way so I can get a full taste of the flavor. I sip it on my way to the gym and by the time I get there its game on! Highly recommended.
11-02-15, 10:26 am
Big fan of the grape!
Currently using grape myself. Would love to see orange, apple, melon, return in XL form.
11-02-15, 2:20 pm
Slaughtermelon. Man, that brings me back. I have mango unchained and that's delicious. Universal and Animal always does grape really well so I can see it being legit.
11-02-15, 2:29 pm
I have been using Rage XL grape with Juiced Aminos grape for the past month.
Great combo!
11-03-15, 1:08 pm
Grape Rage w/ grape Juiced Aminos, and Mango Rage w/ orange Juiced Aminos is where its at!
Grape Rage w/ grape Juiced Aminos, and Mango Rage w/ orange Juiced Aminos is where its at!
Eat 3 slices of Joey Tomatoes pizza from the boardwalk a night before a workout, you'll kill it.
G Diesel
11-04-15, 10:50 am
2 scoops of grape Rage XL is my daily training staple. Awesome stuff.
Peace, G
2 scoops of grape Rage XL is my daily training staple. Awesome stuff.
Peace, G
Grape rage will taste good in my new LE shaker cup I just ordered. ;)