View Full Version : Pros vs Bros
02-12-16, 10:48 am
Details aren't finalized yet but we will have a Pros vs. Bros event on Sunday, 3/6 @ 3:00pm at The Cage. The event will be comprised of diverse members of the Animal Crew (athletes & staff) We will then add several members from the FORVM in a throw-down for lifting supremacy. Staying with the powerlifting theme of The Cage, the fellas will go rep-for-rep on the Big Three—bench, squats and deadlifts.
If you're interested in competing in our 2016 edition of Pros vs. Bros, add your name and the lift you'd like to compete in here. Please be aware that slots will be limited. Get your entries in sooner, rather than later!
Keep in mind we may not be able to accommodate everyone. If there is someone specific you'd like to lift against feel free to call them out.
02-12-16, 11:17 am
02-12-16, 11:20 am
I want in!
02-12-16, 11:26 am
JMASS and Enforcer want a piece of you....................................
02-12-16, 11:31 am
I'm down, I think I want to team up with C Coronato and put it to a couple of our boys, details to follow. Can't wait for this shit
02-12-16, 11:45 am
You know I'm in.
Deadlift for reps.
P Diesel
02-12-16, 11:55 am
Everyone is talkin real big haha that's a mistake. Be careful what u wish for.
02-12-16, 11:59 am
CammaRHINO, Looking forward to catching up with you this year, tried to inbox you but your full!
I'm down, I think I want to team up with C Coronato and put it to a couple of our boys, details to follow. Can't wait for this shit
02-12-16, 12:10 pm
CammaRHINO, Looking forward to catching up with you this year, tried to inbox you but your full!
holy shit I'm gonna clear it out now, sorry brother. hit me anytime or fb too man
02-12-16, 12:13 pm
Everyone is talkin real big haha that's a mistake. Be careful what u wish for.
02-12-16, 12:13 pm
You know I'm in.
Deadlift for reps.
Let's take on the some of the best in both our weight classes:
Gracie V (148) and Susan Salazar (132)
You all down?
I deadlift 135 for a couple reps
come at me
02-12-16, 12:31 pm
All good brother! Be seeing you on about 22 days! Looking forward to it, maybe we can work in something together at ABC this year!
holy shit I'm gonna clear it out now, sorry brother. hit me anytime or fb too man
02-12-16, 12:37 pm
Let's take on the some of the best in both our weight classes:
Gracie V (148) and Susan Salazar (132)
You all down?
Did we just get a called out Susan?!? #BEK
Down AF!! Say the word and the schedules will be CLEARED!
I say Raw deadlifts for reps?
02-12-16, 12:37 pm
Let's take on the some of the best in both our weight classes:
Gracie V (148) and Susan Salazar (132)
You all down?
*****, did we just get a called out Susan?!? #BEK
Down AF!! Say the word and the schedules will be CLEARED!
I say Raw deadlifts for reps?
Im not sure what I got myself into....
the mother fucking already know im going to put my name up in this
Did we just get a called out Susan?!? #BEK
Down AF!! Say the word and the schedules will be CLEARED!
I say Raw deadlifts for reps?
Im not sure what I got myself into....
you already know my wife beth is down for this!! she pulled 315 or 325 or whatever it was for 13 last year and ive already told her she better go bigger this year!
fuck it im throwing my name and my wifes out there if you guys will allow her to do this as well...she would like to pull for reps and ill either squat or pull for reps...anyone trying to let me go 550 or 6 with wraps for reps on a squat?
Everyone is talkin real big haha that's a mistake. Be careful what u wish for.
02-12-16, 1:00 pm
you already know my wife beth is down for this!! she pulled 315 or 325 or whatever it was for 13 last year and ive already told her she better go bigger this year!
315 for reps, let's go! We got this, Kelly. 🙃
315 for reps, let's go! We got this, Kelly.
we be kick ass to see some women do their thing in the cage with the pros vs bros! you guys always put on a show and go hard as fuck!!
JMASS and Enforcer want a piece of you....................................
525? How about we actually put some weight on the bar. How about 585 or 6?
02-12-16, 1:12 pm
Everyone is talkin real big haha that's a mistake. Be careful what u wish for.
HIGA is no joke
HIGA is no joke
No doubt...homeboy always shows up and shows out
HIGA I know you are the king of this event. I mean this with all the respect in the world, im coming for your crown sunday.
HIGA I know you are the king of this event. I mean this with all the respect in the world, im coming for your crown sunday.
I like this guy already
02-12-16, 1:45 pm
I'd like to get in on this.
I'm good for a few reps at 600 on dead lift, but Id rather give bench a shot.
you already know my wife beth is down for this!! she pulled 315 or 325 or whatever it was for 13 last year and i've already told her she better go bigger this year!
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
we be kick ass to see some women do their thing in the cage with the pros vs bros! you guys always put on a show and go hard as fuck!! fuhhhhh!!!!
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
I'M excited as hell for this! That's a stacked crew right there!!
Animal Rep
02-12-16, 3:03 pm
I know the bros are out there, don't tell me there aren't just as many guys out there in the brotherhood coming out that want to do battle that aren't signing up here. This is your chance, this is your moment. Man up, Stand up, and THROW DOWN. Let's go!
02-12-16, 3:26 pm
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
Thats gonna be pretty crazy
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
Amenah razeghi said she wants in too if at all possible..she's a mid 4s puller too isn't she Gracie?
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
That's gonna be a strong squad.
02-12-16, 3:44 pm
Susan/Beeps/Amanda/Beth/Grace...dream team <3 <3 <3 everyone can hang for 315 for reps!! #mightyminis
Ladies going HAM
P Diesel
02-12-16, 3:51 pm
I think the ladies got it covered. God damn.
Oh and all u boys tryin to go after HIGA realize it's dead stop reps w no belt right?
I think the ladies got it covered. God damn.
Oh and all u boys tryin to go after HIGA realize it's dead stop reps w no belt right?
If they don't know now they knowwww
I know the bros are out there, don't tell me there aren't just as many guys out there in the brotherhood coming out that want to do battle that aren't signing up here. This is your chance, this is your moment. Man up, Stand up, and THROW DOWN. Let's go!
Man, don't tempt me with an opportunity to embarrass the hell out of myself...
02-12-16, 4:24 pm
I think the ladies got it covered. God damn.
Oh and all u boys tryin to go after HIGA realize it's dead stop reps w no belt right?
I'd say belt is optional, it doesn't have to be no belt, not looking for anyone to get hurt
02-12-16, 4:43 pm
I'd say belt is optional, it doesn't have to be no belt, not looking for anyone to get hurt
It's Strongman. Not WEAKman....
Man the fuck up or don't sign the Waiver to lift in The Cage.
Meanwhile, this 45 year old Hawaiian will be ready and willing.
Lifts do the talking...can the rookies handle the pressure of lifting in The Cage? We'll see...
02-12-16, 6:57 pm
Amenah razeghi said she wants in too if at all possible..she's a mid 4s puller too isn't she Gracie?
Oh boy...I have a low 4 pull so I'm gonna get trampled by the best of the's okay, I'll be there to do the best I can do. And to get the shit slapped outta me by Gracie ;)
P Diesel
02-12-16, 7:50 pm
Oh boy...I have a low 4 pull so I'm gonna get trampled by the best of the's okay, I'll be there to do the best I can do. And to get the shit slapped outta me by Gracie ;)
Getting left in the wake of the best there is can only make u better. Break ur limits.
P Diesel
02-12-16, 7:52 pm
I'd say belt is optional, it doesn't have to be no belt, not looking for anyone to get hurt
Ur ruining my fun E haha! Just sayin, against HIGA I go no belt.
Oh boy...I have a low 4 pull so I'm gonna get trampled by the best of the's okay, I'll be there to do the best I can do. And to get the shit slapped outta me by Gracie ;)
Nahhh it's not like that..shit like this makes you rise to the occasion and bring out shit in you you never knew was there...P is absolutely right when he said this will only make you better
Tark you gonna squat in the cage again? You killed it last year
02-12-16, 10:15 pm
Getting left in the wake of the best there is can only make u better. Break ur limits.
Nahhh it's not like that..shit like this makes you rise to the occasion and bring out shit in you you never knew was there...P is absolutely right when he said this will only make you better
Very true. This is gonna push my ass to work even harder in the training days to come.
P Diesel
02-12-16, 10:29 pm
I heard sum talk of absurd weight for reps in p vs b by my brotha. We will see when he puts it out and who responds
02-12-16, 10:53 pm
Tentatively putting my hat in the ring again, as long as Friday goes well
02-12-16, 10:57 pm
I'd love to do the pros vs bros!! My name is Ryan Romey and I would like to deadlift! I'm so excited for the cage I come every year and I've always wanted to lift in the cage
02-12-16, 11:08 pm
Let's take on the some of the best in both our weight classes:
Gracie V (148) and Susan Salazar (132)
You all down?
YUP....always down to DEADLIFT!!
02-12-16, 11:14 pm
Did we just get a called out Susan?!? #BEK
Down AF!! Say the word and the schedules will be CLEARED!
I say Raw deadlifts for reps?
We sho did!!!! Always ready to pull...! Let's do this, G!!!
Tark you gonna squat in the cage again? You killed it last year
I would like to...hope they will let me go either 550 or 6 for reps instead of 500 this time
Tentatively putting my hat in the ring again, as long as Friday goes well
Round 2 6 hundo for reps in wraps?
02-13-16, 5:49 am
Round 2 6 hundo for reps in wraps?
Let's do it
Let's do it
My man... look forward to it homie
Ethan Dew
02-13-16, 12:35 pm
I'm down for 600 for reps on dead
02-13-16, 3:38 pm
I wanna see the PvB where DellFave, who doesn't train biceps, BB curled 95lbs for 69 reps and walked off.
P Diesel
02-13-16, 6:57 pm
I wanna see the PvB where DellFave, who doesn't train biceps, BB curled 95lbs for 69 reps and walked off.
Hahaha remember that?!
P Diesel
02-13-16, 6:59 pm
I think regardless of gender the deadlift for reps needs to have down commands for sure. I see a lot of mutha fuckas not lockin out reps. I offer my services for a guest judge.
I think regardless of gender the deadlift for reps needs to have down commands for sure. I see a lot of mutha fuckas not lockin out reps. I offer my services for a guest judge.
Remember when Higa brought in his own official judge?
P Diesel
02-13-16, 7:39 pm
Remember when Higa brought in his own official judge?
HIGA triiiiied to bring one of the gillinghams. I brought Ed coan. Had to one up him sum how :)
02-13-16, 10:28 pm
I agree with P, I'd love to pull in the cage PvsB I think there should be a down command every rep
02-13-16, 11:25 pm
I think regardless of gender the deadlift for reps needs to have down commands for sure. I see a lot of mutha fuckas not lockin out reps. I offer my services for a guest judge.
You're real concerned with every small detail of this event ...
P Diesel
02-13-16, 11:29 pm
You're real concerned with every small detail of this event ...
02-13-16, 11:31 pm
Just sayin, I've never seen any bulls**t go down in the cage. I don't see them letting any go down this year either.
P Diesel
02-13-16, 11:40 pm
Just sayin, I've never seen any bulls**t go down in the cage. I don't see them letting any go down this year either.
No there won't be and never will be. Because everyone from corporate to sponsored athletes to forvm members all make it that way by discussing it before hand in detail and adding to it from all of their various experiences. That is animal. Ull learn that the more u are around.
And yes ur correct I'm concerned with details of this event and every other one, as we all are, every year. Because more than anything I'm a fan of strength athletics and the athletes that will represent all of us by being permitted to lift in the cage.
Good luck with ur pursuits
well i tested out sumo reps with 315 today and think i'd be able to hang :-) i'll post up a video in here tomorrow!
No there won't be and never will be. Because everyone from corporate to sponsored athletes to forvm members all make it that way by discussing it before hand in detail and adding to it from all of their various experiences. That is animal. Ull learn that the more u are around.
And yes ur correct I'm concerned with details of this event and every other one, as we all are, every year. Because more than anything I'm a fan of strength athletics and the athletes that will represent all of us by being permitted to lift in the cage.
Good luck with ur pursuits
This post right here should be listed in the description of what the Forvm is.
Details aren't finalized yet but we will have a Pros vs. Bros event on Sunday, 3/6 @ 3:00pm at The Cage. The event will be comprised of diverse members of the Animal Crew (athletes & staff) We will then add several members from the FORVM in a throw-down for lifting supremacy. Staying with the powerlifting theme of The Cage, the fellas will go rep-for-rep on the Big Three—bench, squats and deadlifts.
I have nowhere near the numbers to lift in this event, but I know a lot of fellow Forvm members do. I don't know what you have planned video wise, but I'd love to see a whole chapter on the Bros Vs. Pros lifting. This sort of event is what strives me to want to lift more.
02-14-16, 7:59 am
I think regardless of gender the deadlift for reps needs to have down commands for sure. I see a lot of mutha fuckas not lockin out reps. I offer my services for a guest judge.
I would lift to any standard that members of Animal would find fit.
It's an honor just to be able to get the opportunity to lift next to some of the most well respected athletes in this sport.
02-14-16, 8:59 am
I think regardless of gender the deadlift for reps needs to have down commands for sure. I see a lot of mutha fuckas not lockin out reps. I offer my services for a guest judge.
After serving many years working in The Cage, and being a victim of this myself, I agree with this. Full reps with a down command. Some guys get caught up in the moment and reps starts to get slack jawed. Doesn't need to be anything formal, but someone within the Cage just saying 'down' isn't too hard to implement.
P Diesel
02-14-16, 10:04 am
well i tested out sumo reps with 315 today and think i'd be able to hang :-) i'll post up a video in here tomorrow!
I saw :)
P Diesel
02-14-16, 10:12 am
We sho did!!!! Always ready to pull...! Let's do this, G!!!
Greatness in the cage
I had Beth test her 315 for reps after all her working sets and was still pretty impressive even after she put her work in...fresh she is going to hit some shit
P Diesel
02-14-16, 1:19 pm
Looks like we have a ton of ppl that are down to pull which warms my heart :) and AJ and Rob to throw down sum big squat numbers for reps. Is anyone benching?
02-14-16, 3:45 pm
Greatness in the cage
Thanks P!!! ;)
02-15-16, 8:21 am
I wanna see the PvB where DellFave, who doesn't train biceps, BB curled 95lbs for 69 reps and walked off.
Quite possibly the greatest P v B there has been !
02-15-16, 11:03 am
I would like to see a little bench action call out as well. Mine is down a bit right now due to some lag time but would give it a shot if I had to!
QUOTE=P Diesel;1427734]Looks like we have a ton of ppl that are down to pull which warms my heart :) and AJ and Rob to throw down sum big squat numbers for reps. Is anyone benching?
I wanna see the PvB where DellFave, who doesn't train biceps, BB curled 95lbs for 69 reps and walked off.
Hahaha remember that?!
Or this one. One of my all time favorites:
02-15-16, 1:15 pm
RIP big Nick ^^^^^
02-15-16, 1:24 pm
Or this one. One of my all time favorites:
One of the original bros here.. throwing my name in the ring.. and as always.. I promise.. I will reply the bros proudly and make it my duty to school you clowns. Or fucking die trying..
Pink chucks laced up.. bring your shit
Deadlifts. What else is there..?
will work on cleaning up the lockouts :-)
Now I have a crush on Gracie.
02-16-16, 11:07 pm
RIP big Nick ^^^^^
~ Life Is Beautiful ~
P Diesel
02-16-16, 11:07 pm
Now I have a crush on Gracie.
I thinks it's a good idea if u proclaim ur love to her in the cage
02-17-16, 8:33 am
I thinks it's a good idea if u proclaim ur love to her in the cage
We could have our first Cage proposal
02-17-16, 12:32 pm
So far here is what we have for matchups:
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
As for the others who have applied, let's get a matchup that makes sense and we will make it happen
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20 YASSS!!!!! Thank you!!!
02-17-16, 5:14 pm
Love me some Gracie!!!! So excited!
02-17-16, 6:21 pm
YASSS!!!!! Thank you!!!
EEEEEEeeeeeeK Whoo hooo! Ya ya, thank you, Naturalguy!!
So far here is what we have for matchups:
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
As for the others who have applied, let's get a matchup that makes sense and we will make it happen
Look forward to this! Thank you for the opportunity again!
02-17-16, 8:11 pm
Look forward to this! Thank you for the opportunity again!
Yes sir. Can't wait guys. Thank you, we will not disappoint.
02-17-16, 10:00 pm
So far here is what we have for matchups:
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
As for the others who have applied, let's get a matchup that makes sense and we will make it happen
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm getting an opportunity to lift with the best of the best in the Cage this year....I can't thank you guys at Animal enough for making this happen!
It's gonna be one of hell of an event!
02-17-16, 11:42 pm
So far here is what we have for matchups:
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
As for the others who have applied, let's get a matchup that makes sense and we will make it happen
I'd bench if I were given the opportunity!
02-18-16, 3:54 pm
Details aren't finalized yet but we will have a Pros vs. Bros event on Sunday, 3/6 @ 3:00pm at The Cage. The event will be comprised of diverse members of the Animal Crew (athletes & staff) We will then add several members from the FORVM in a throw-down for lifting supremacy. Staying with the powerlifting theme of The Cage, the fellas will go rep-for-rep on the Big Three—bench, squats and deadlifts.
If you're interested in competing in our 2016 edition of Pros vs. Bros, add your name and the lift you'd like to compete in here. Please be aware that slots will be limited. Get your entries in sooner, rather than later!
Keep in mind we may not be able to accommodate everyone. If there is someone specific you'd like to lift against feel free to call them out.
500 for reps deadlift at 155, or a 9x body weight total in under 45 minutes.
Yes sir. Can't wait guys. Thank you, we will not disappoint.
Bet your ass we won't disappoint #ohioagainsttheworld
02-18-16, 9:09 pm
As the current #1 148 pounder in the US, from the Ohio Valley, I'm looking for a Pro to try and keep up with me squating 500 for as many reps as possible........ But I'll settle for pulling 500 for more reps than even ANT!
02-18-16, 9:27 pm
Bet your ass we won't disappoint #ohioagainsttheworld
Josh is a lil Monster, just hitting 10x his BW in his last raw meet at just 22 yrs old..... Id love to see one of you Pros out there going head to head with him either in the squat or deadlift. I've seen his rep capacity and even think he can go rep for rep with the ANT...... Where are you Mr. Hawthorne?
02-19-16, 9:29 am
I see we have some new forum members getting in on the action, First off welcome to the Animal Family rockyroadgym and JoshMarosi! A lot if us have been around here a long time so I give you props for the call outs on the bros vs. pros, I guess it will be up to them to accept, however if they don't another way will be to come to the National ABC on Sat night and show what you got. Just giving you the heads up, since your membership to the forum is new. Again welcome the to fam, looking forward to seeing everyone soon! As for the call outs, well Give em Hell!
02-19-16, 9:32 am
I see we have some new forum members getting in on the action, First off welcome to the Animal Family rockyroadgym and JoshMarosi! A lot if us have been around here a long time so I give you props for the call outs on the bros vs. pros, I guess it will be up to them to accept, however if they don't another way will be to come to the National ABC on Sat night and show what you got. Just giving you the heads up, since your membership to the forum is new. Again welcome the to fam, looking forward to seeing everyone soon! As for the call outs, well Give em Hell!
That is a good point, we won't be able to accommodate everyone during pros vs bros but everyone is welcome to train at the ABC.
P Diesel
02-19-16, 9:35 am
I see we have some new forum members getting in on the action, First off welcome to the Animal Family rockyroadgym and JoshMarosi! A lot if us have been around here a long time so I give you props for the call outs on the bros vs. pros, I guess it will be up to them to accept, however if they don't another way will be to come to the National ABC on Sat night and show what you got. Just giving you the heads up, since your membership to the forum is new. Again welcome the to fam, looking forward to seeing everyone soon! As for the call outs, well Give em Hell!
and fellas no need to get all wordy with u can do or who u r gnna beat. sponsored athletes are that for a reason, dnt let ur mouth write checks. know wha tim sayin? express ur interest in competing in the pros v bros nad let ur lifts do the talking if u are selected. a great point that was made, even if u arent picked then the ABC is a great place to throw down and be seen.
02-19-16, 9:49 am
That is a good point, we won't be able to accommodate everyone during pros vs bros but everyone is welcome to train at the ABC.
ABC first come first serve this year or going to have the sign up in the shop again?
Animal Rep
02-19-16, 10:23 am
ABC first come first serve this year or going to have the sign up in the shop again?
yeah bro, will be posted up to get a crack at it today
02-19-16, 10:27 am
And it begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the good times Roll.....
yeah bro, will be posted up to get a crack at it today
02-19-16, 10:36 am
and fellas no need to get all wordy with u can do or who u r gnna beat. sponsored athletes are that for a reason, dnt let ur mouth write checks. know wha tim sayin? express ur interest in competing in the pros v bros nad let ur lifts do the talking if u are selected. a great point that was made, even if u arent picked then the ABC is a great place to throw down and be seen.
P with the truth.
Confidence is a fine trait to have, no doubt. But a slice of humble pie goes a long way.
02-19-16, 10:38 am
Check the Shop, go to gear, Its up!
ABC first come first serve this year or going to have the sign up in the shop again?
02-19-16, 10:49 am
and fellas no need to get all wordy with u can do or who u r gnna beat. sponsored athletes are that for a reason, dnt let ur mouth write checks. know wha tim sayin? express ur interest in competing in the pros v bros nad let ur lifts do the talking if u are selected. a great point that was made, even if u arent picked then the ABC is a great place to throw down and be seen.
Sorry about the smack talk, it's all in fun trying to help my boy get a shot in the cage....... We would love to have him compete Sat but we are training for the USPA meet in April. Where can I find the details to train at the ABC? Thanks in advance.
02-19-16, 10:52 am
it was just posted, go to the shop and go into gear, youll find the ticket info there, good luck!
Sorry about the smack talk, it's all in fun trying to help my boy get a shot in the cage....... We would love to have him compete Sat but we are training for the USPA meet in April. Where can I find the details to train at the ABC? Thanks in advance.
02-19-16, 10:53 am
Sorry about the smack talk, it's all in fun trying to help my boy get a shot in the cage....... We would love to have him compete Sat but we are training for the USPA meet in April. Where can I find the details to train at the ABC? Thanks in advance.
Also typically, the pro's that are doing a lift in the cage (i.e. the Ant) don't usually compete in the Pro v Bro competition. Would be tough to max out 2 days in a row
02-19-16, 11:02 am
Sorry about the smack talk, it's all in fun trying to help my boy get a shot in the cage....... We would love to have him compete Sat but we are training for the USPA meet in April. Where can I find the details to train at the ABC? Thanks in advance.
This is where you can find out about grabbing a ticket to train... It's free, but you have to get a "ticket confirmation" to get in.... They shut down the Powerhouse Gym (formerly Metro Fitness) on Saturday night and ONLY Animal folks with a ticket confirmation can get it (checked at the door)....
If you guys are able to get there for Sat night, I highly suggest grabbing a ticket.... At the ABC, you can meet and greet, train with and shoot the shit with athletes and the rest of It's a great time, great atmosphere and definitely nothing like you've ever seen before (and then we will be able to get one in the works for Rocky It's just what we do!! NOTHING matches the NATIONAL ABC though....
Glad to see that you guys made it to The Forvm!! You'll find your way around, meet great people, and then you will be able to see why we are so different from everyone else... It's about support, brotherhood, family, inspiration, motivation, and perseverance... Welcome to our "humble" abode... :)
If you have any questions, just message me...
02-19-16, 1:10 pm
Did this after pulling 667 lbs for a single.
02-19-16, 1:45 pm
Higa coming for yall, good luck at the comp bro!!!! See you soon!
Did this after pulling 667 lbs for a single.
Did this after pulling 667 lbs for a single.
I'll take you on...
02-20-16, 9:01 am
I'll take you on...
Good match-up. BamBam puts in mad work and Higa is the heavy weight/high rep king.
P Diesel
02-20-16, 9:16 am
Good match-up. BamBam puts in mad work and Higa is the heavy weight/high rep king.
Agree, bambam would be a good addition.
02-23-16, 1:35 pm
CammaRHINO and myself, vs who?? 225 Bench for reps!
02-23-16, 2:01 pm
CammaRHINO and myself, vs who?? 225 Bench for reps!
Throwin it down. Everyone wants to lift in The Cage. Here's your chance, what's up?
02-23-16, 3:01 pm
Throwin it down. Everyone wants to lift in The Cage. Here's your chance, what's up?
Somewhere in the world, Josh Halladay is rubbing his hands together.
Somewhere in the world, Josh Halladay is rubbing his hands together.
Oh my God this.
I'd be interested in 450 deads for reps with someone...
Throwin it down. Everyone wants to lift in The Cage. Here's your chance, what's up?
Don't want none.. I'll bench if you want.
02-24-16, 3:22 am
CammaRHINO and myself, vs who?? 225 Bench for reps!
I'd love to! Not a big bencher but would love to do this with you guys. I can at least get to a double digit number of reps I think.
Throwin it down. Everyone wants to lift in The Cage. Here's your chance, what's up?
I'll jump in on that.
02-24-16, 5:54 am
CammaRHINO and myself, vs who?? 225 Bench for reps!
225 for reps? I'm pretty sure I can crank out a few more than I did last year. I'd love to give it a go again.
02-24-16, 8:54 am
Ill be glad to give it a shot, i'm a bit down from my last rep of 225 not to mention the ole bodyweight but what the hell I got nothing to lose!!!
225 for reps? I'm pretty sure I can crank out a few more than I did last year. I'd love to give it a go again.
P Diesel
02-24-16, 10:02 am
Somewhere in the world, Josh Halladay is rubbing his hands together.
3/4 rep champion :)
02-24-16, 11:45 am
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
I'm down for that.
02-24-16, 11:58 am
3/4 rep champion :)
maybe we could go head to head, you can count my reps, and we can who wins that one :)
02-24-16, 11:59 am
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
He can only have subway subs and baked lays
02-24-16, 12:06 pm
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
Let's make it a triple threat match. Fuck training I came here to eat
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
We still tease G-Six all the time about his squats from The Cage from a few years ago. Poor J.Wong had to put in double the effort due to Gary's extra high squatting.
I'm down for that.
Let's make it a triple threat match. Fuck training I came here to eat
Sounds like we need to add an eating contest to The Cage.
02-24-16, 12:17 pm
Now we are talking!!!!!
Sounds like we need to add an eating contest to The Cage.
02-24-16, 12:19 pm
Oh my God this.
hahah just started benching again this year - dont think i could ever pull off what i once did, but im always game :)
Sounds like we need to add an eating contest to The Cage.
You should see what happens at Rodizio...
02-24-16, 1:09 pm
You should see what happens at Rodizio...
It's magical
P Diesel
02-24-16, 1:58 pm
maybe we could go head to head, you can count my reps, and we can who wins that one :)
haha knew he'd come out for that one. i dnt think i can count that high
02-24-16, 2:04 pm
oh my god this.
3/4 rep champion :)
maybe we could go head to head, you can count my reps, and we can who wins that one :)
I challenge G-six to a burger eating contest....wait am I in the right place?
Can I get in on this? About the only thing im good at...
02-24-16, 2:43 pm
hahah just started benching again this year - dont think i could ever pull off what i once did, but im always game :)
So, this means.... I'm gonna get to see ya this year???
Woo Hoo!!
I kept score that year.... I do believe that I still have the stat sheets for That was definitely one for the books.... Can't wait to see what this year brings!!
Since nobody takin this seriously..
I'll bench against Rhino and CC... AND.. I'll deadlift against who the fuck ever.
Plus who knows.. maybe I'll earn an intern spot for throwing down the gauntlet once more..
Since nobody takin this seriously..
I'll bench against Rhino and CC... AND.. I'll deadlift against who the fuck ever.
Plus who knows.. maybe I'll earn an intern spot for throwing down the gauntlet once more..
I don't know where you got the idea that I wasn't serious. But I am.
02-26-16, 9:11 am
I don't know where you got the idea that I wasn't serious. But I am.
GunRock my brother, it would be a pleasure.
02-26-16, 10:05 am
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
02-26-16, 10:11 am
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
Going to be one helluva close to the weekend...
02-26-16, 10:11 am
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
No room for the much anticipated NG vs. J-Dawg matchup everyone is waiting to see???
02-26-16, 10:55 am
No room for the much anticipated NG vs. J-Dawg matchup everyone is waiting to see???
yeah, what the hell?
02-26-16, 11:06 am
yeah, what the hell?
I was hoping to see you in a deadlift until you drop competition
02-26-16, 11:09 am
I was hoping to see you in a deadlift until you drop competition
Never again... I was so out of it, I thought P gave me mouth to mouth when I got my shit together.
Please remember to BREATHE friends.
02-26-16, 11:13 am
Never again... I was so out of it, I thought P gave me mouth to mouth when I got my shit together.
Please remember to BREATHE friends.
You mean you hoped P gave you mouth to mouth.
I remember you asking me to take pics of you doing the event. I looked up from your phone and your eyes were rolling back into your head and down you went. Hardcore bro
02-26-16, 11:50 am
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
Can't wait to see the ladies kill it!!!!!!
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
I'm honored to be included. Thanks a lot guys!
Going to be one helluva close to the weekend...
Yeah, what a way to introduce my youngest son to The Cage. Juaquin will be blown away!
No room for the much anticipated NG vs. J-Dawg matchup everyone is waiting to see???
There's ALWAYS room for that! I want to see it live, none of this Periscope business!
02-27-16, 8:53 am
I was hoping to see you in a deadlift until you drop competition
Ahhhhh!!! I forgot all about that!!!
That was nuts!!!
02-27-16, 8:55 am
Yeah, what a way to introduce my youngest son to The Cage. Juaquin will be blown away!!
That's awesome!! He'll be hooked!!
02-27-16, 10:03 am
GunRock my brother, it would be a pleasure.
Should be fun. I've never done a Pros vs Bros and I honestly hadn't planned on getting in it this year; but when you and Cam threw down the gauntlet to the entire Forvm I decided I wasn't going out like that.
See you guys in a few days, I'll be the one holding up the LE Gear line because I'm buying stuff for three or four other people from the Forvm who can't make it lol!
Good times.
Should be fun. I've never done a Pros vs Bros and I honestly hadn't planned on getting in it this year; but when you and Cam threw down the gauntlet to the entire Forvm I decided I wasn't going out like that.
See you guys in a few days, I'll be the one holding up the LE Gear line because I'm buying stuff for three or four other people from the Forvm who can't make it lol!
Good times.
Let's give em hell brother
02-28-16, 4:38 pm
Ok here are the final matchups. Unfortunately we don't have time to fit anymore.
Deadlift for reps - weight TBD (you guys tell us what you want to pull)
Squat rematch - 600 for reps w/wraps
knotahumanbeing vs tark
Ladies Lift Off - deadlift for reps 315
KDbeepbeep, supermanda & beth (tark's lady) vs GracieV & SuperS20
HowMuchYaBench - 225 for reps
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
Boom motha fuckas- see you all at the Cage
02-28-16, 9:24 pm
I was hoping to see you in a deadlift until you drop competition
He has no competition though lol. That was pretty killer! I'll see many of you Friday night at Beyond Limits. Can't wait!
02-29-16, 9:23 am
CCoronato & CammaRHINO
Gunrock & BamBam
Who's gonna win? I know BamBam has been trying to take me out for years ..
P Diesel
02-29-16, 9:35 am
Never again... I was so out of it, I thought P gave me mouth to mouth when I got my shit together.
Please remember to BREATHE friends.
i would have :)
i did however cradle u in my arms and will u away from the light. first person u saw when u regained consciousness. our special little moment haha
02-29-16, 9:54 am
i would have :)
i did however cradle u in my arms and will u away from the light. first person u saw when u regained consciousness. our special little moment haha
These special moments I cherish.
Who's gonna win? I know BamBam has been trying to take me out for years ..
There is no try.... only do...
Perhaps this will be the dethroning...?
03-01-16, 10:54 am
There is no try.... only do...
Perhaps this will be the dethroning...?
Are those fighting words?? haha
Are those fighting words?? haha
Benchin' words brother
Benchin' words brother
Great meeting C. Coronato today and talking shop with CammaRhino. Can't wait until Sunday. Already having a blast up here!
03-04-16, 8:28 pm
Pete almost pulling 900 was RIDICULOUS
Hated that I missed seeing Rob and Tark squat and of course the ladies put in work. I want a rematch on the bench for reps next year too. Not happy at all with my performance. Had fun... but not satisfied.
03-07-16, 3:02 pm
It was an honor to compete in the pros vs bros in the cage. We went dead last and closed out the cage for 2016, thank you to everyone who stuck around and cheered us on even with no music playing. It the energy that the fans bring that makes the cage what it is
03-08-16, 8:49 am
It was an honor to compete in the pros vs bros in the cage. We went dead last and closed out the cage for 2016, thank you to everyone who stuck around and cheered us on even with no music playing. It the energy that the fans bring that makes the cage what it is
The show isn't over until NG ends up in expo jail
You guys did awesome and what a great end to an amazing weekend.
Thanks for also giving us ladies an opportunity to lift in the cage as well! I'm still cruising on a high from Sunday just from watching my idols lift in person.
I wanted to stay so bad and watch this. JayHenry was a huge help carrying that dumbell though before you guys. That motherfucker gets heavy.
03-08-16, 10:26 am
The show isn't over until NG ends up in expo jail
You guys did awesome and what a great end to an amazing weekend.
Thanks for also giving us ladies an opportunity to lift in the cage as well! I'm still cruising on a high from Sunday just from watching my idols lift in person.
Almost happened, G Diesel and I were getting the business from Columbus's finest
P v B this year was crazy, lots of great energy there. The ladies event was a big hit!
03-08-16, 10:57 am
I got to see most of the PvB except for Enforcer, JMass, and Higa (which I am not happy about missing) but I did get to hear it from the Shop side!!! I hope someone grabbed some video!!
I want to say that I am so proud of our ladies and their pulls in the event... It is SO inspiring to see young ladies embracing their strength. I know that those that are involved in the lifestyle see it as "normal" but as an educator of young minds, we as ladies are conditioned to be the weaker sex... Well, times they are a changin' and I want my students to embrace their strength and use it to empower themselves toward independence... I know that wasn't the goal that they set forth to achieve, but that's what I want women to take from it!
All of the ladies kick ass and I can't wait to see your progression in this crazy world!!! I especially want to metion Beth, Kelly, and Amanda... You all did a great job on Sunday!! You are setting the bar high... Keep inspiring!!
03-08-16, 11:21 am
Another great PvB event, the squats blew my mind. Glad to got to see that front and center, its all i saw all weekend!
Just want to say thanks to you guys for letting me participate again this year! Had an absolute blast even though I was a little disappointed in my performance to be quite honest. The women's event was absolutely nuts!! They went hard as fuck and to be honest that was one of events I had been waiting for all weekend and damn it didn't disappoint!
That was a great event. The ladies stole the damn show!!
03-08-16, 1:14 pm
This was one of the few events I planned on being in the Cage for the entire time...and shit, I'm glad i did.
But seriously though, the ladies fucking killed it! One of the most intense moments this weekend.