View Full Version : Dan "BOSS" Green --- Boss of Bosses 3 Training Log
I'm essentially training 6x per week right now: 3 Bench/chest/shoulders/tris days Sunday, Tues, Thurs and hitting Squats/Deads/Back/Bis on Mon, Wed, Fri
It's a lot to track but this split gives me a chance to hit all the angles for each body part
Follow along as I get my shit together for BoB3
Tuesday's are my light days, meaning the motions are still equally hard, but the exercises are ones with lighter poundages.
Seated DB Press
40 x 20
80 x 10
113 x 6
133 x 6
143 x 6
148 x 5
143 x 5
DB Lateral Raises
60 x 4 x 8
Close Grip Pin Press (1/2 thumb distance from smooth)
405 x 5
365 x 6
385 x 6
405 x 6
365 x 6
BW+80 x 10
BW+133 x 10
BW+180 x 3 x 8
Steep Incline Skull Crushers CG EZ Bar
105 x 10
155 x 10
175 x 10
195 x 8
175 x 10
155 x 10
125 x 10
Wednesday's are generally more upper back and biceps
Bent Rows CG from top of knees
154 x 10
264 x 10
330 x 8
374 x 8
396 x 2 x 8
374 x 8
Underhand CG ChinUps
BW+53 x 2 x 10
BW+35 x 2 x 10
BW x 12
Dumbell Incline Curls
30 x 2 x 10
30 x 8 then drop set
25 x 6 then second drop set
20 x 8
Cable rope curls
35 x 20
25 x 20
25 x 12
06-23-16, 10:30 am
That is a lot of frequency, do you lower that as a meet gets closer?
Altered Beast
06-23-16, 10:38 am
Dang! Impressive amount of work.
I'm sore just thinking about it! LOL!
*What are the goals for BoB3?
Dang! Impressive amount of work.
I'm sore just thinking about it! LOL!
*What are the goals for BoB3?
Goals would be to win my class, then best lifter, then PRs
That is a lot of frequency, do you lower that as a meet gets closer?
Not necessarily the frequency, but I will taper the volume
Universal Rep
06-23-16, 4:12 pm
Goals would be to win my class, then best lifter, then PRs
I like the way you think.
Today is the "medium" bench day
Paused Buffalo Bar Wide Grip Bench (24 kg bar)
163 x 10
284 x 8
317 x 6
339 x 6
361 x 6
372 x 6
383 x 6
361 x 6
Flat DB Flyes
75 x 3 x 8
Extra Close Grip Bench (hands 10" apart)
319 x 6
341 x 6
363 x 5
319 x 7
EZ Bar Skull Crushers (flat bench, close grip, from pullover position)
105 x 15
155 x 2 x 10
125 x 2 x 10
105 x 12
Pushdowns (EZ Bar attachment)
105 x 15
125 x 10
135 x 10 drop set
95 x 6 drop set
65 x 12
Diamond Pushups (hands on end of 20" bench)
7 sets to failure (slow tempo)
Getting everything I can in on the tris each bench day from varying close grips to pumping up with high reps. Last week my top set on Buffalo Bar was 363 x 5... so strength increased a lot with the volume
06-24-16, 10:20 am
How do you get to those numbers, do you go by feeling or just use percentages?
How do you get to those numbers, do you go by feeling or just use percentages?
I have a set/rep scheme for the day like 5x8 so I start at a moderate set of 8. Then I can add weight. Depending on how hard the next set of 8 is, I can go up again, repeat or lower the weight. I keep doing this until I complete all 5 sets. So basically by feel
06-24-16, 3:46 pm
Awesome thread Dan, looking forward to seeing how your progress to the meet!
Been taking it easy all week on the lower body, but just felt
a little off on the deads this week. Also, I was having a hard time just gripping the bar, but I think I know the issue.
Anyway, deads felt off, but I kept with the trend of heavy upper body training again to make up for it.
Conventional Deads (warmup)
275 x 8
Sumo Deads
275 x 8
385 x 5
495 x 3
606 x 1
716 x 1
(Belt on...)
782 x 2 (felt off and grip was already slipping)
Conventional (no belt)
716 x 4
771 x 1
Pull-ups (overhand just outside shoulder width
BW x 10
BW + 88 x 5
BW + 88 x 3
BW x 18
BW x 17
BW x 15
EZ Bar curls
85 x 3 x 15, 12, 10
Seated DB Curls (palms up)
30 x 10
25 x 8
20 x 12
Hammer Curls
20 x failure (used light swinging here)
06-25-16, 2:42 pm
Your conventional has been looking really strong.
Your conventional has been looking really strong.
I always try to maintain that as well. Not usually to max but for reps for mass and strength
Today I benched with my competition setup and all reps paused as the first exercise
Paused Bench
154 x 10
275 x 8
330 x 5
396 x 5
418 x 5
435 x 5
Close Grip Bench w/ RAM
(thumb distance from smooth)
462 x 5
484 x 4
506 x 2
462 x 6
440 x 6
DB low Incline Bench (focus on stretch)
133 x 10
148 x 10
153 x 10
133 x 10
--DB Incline Chest Supported Row (2 sec contraction)
--DB alternating Front Raise
75 x 8 -- 50 x 8 each
75 x 8 -- 60 x 6 each
75 x 8 -- 60 x 6 each
75 x 8 -- 50 x 6 each
--Hammer Curls
--Tate Press
45 x 10 -- 45 x 15
45 x 10 -- 45 x 15
45 x 10 -- 45 x 15
45 x 10 -- 45 x 17
***all 16 sets of super sets completed in 20 minutes
Altered Beast
06-27-16, 12:47 pm
Goals would be to win my class, then best lifter, then PRs
I can dig it!
Knee was bothering me last week so squats were lighter this week. It's also the beginning of the second 8-week training phase before Boss of Bosses 3 so I really just wanted to hit some volume and get some work in on the legs without going too heavy or suffering any kind of setback
Low Bar Squats
165 x 10
286 x 8
396 x 5
462 x 5
506 x 5
...belt on...
551 x 5
595 x 5
Paused High Bar Squats
352 x 2 x 5
Pull-Ups (overhand shoulder width)
BW x 18
BW x 18
BW x 15
BW x 14
EZ Bar Curls
85 x 12
95 x 10
85 x 10
75 x 10
06-28-16, 11:36 am
with your working sets do go to failure or leave one in the tank?
with your working sets do go to failure or leave one in the tank?
None of the squats were really close to max reps, the pull-ups were max reps each set, but I didn't fail any (none in the tank) and curls I don't really overanalyze
06-28-16, 10:53 pm
None of the squats were really close to max reps, the pull-ups were max reps each set, but I didn't fail any (none in the tank) and curls I don't really overanalyze
cheers thanks,great thread by the way
More shoulders and more tris today
Seated DB Press
40 x 20
80 x 10
118 x 6
133 x 6
148 x 6
148 x 5
133 x 5
DB Lateral Raises
60 x 4 x 8
Close Grip Pin Press (3" above chest)
375 x 6
395 x 6
405 x 6
385 x 6
BW+150 x 8
BW+210 x 8
BW+190 x 8
BW+170 x 8
BW+100 x 12
JM Press
135 x 5 x 12
Slow Tempo Diamond PushUps
7 x failure
Normally I would've front squatted today but my knee has been acting up so that was passed up today. Just basically hit a bodybuilding workout.
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows (Med-Wide grip)
135 x 15
180 x 12
205 x 8
225 x 8
235 x 8
250 x 8
225 x 8
Close Grip Underhand Chin-Ups
BW x 20
BW x 18
BW x 17
BW x 16
BW x 15 (all sets for max reps)
Incline DB Curls (palms up)
30 x 12 (25 degrees)
30 x 11 (25 degrees)
...drop set...
30 x 10 (25 degrees)
25 x 4 (40 degrees)
20 x 6 (60 degrees)
Cable Bent Rows (rope attachment on low pulley)
100 x 20
100 x 25
Cable Hammer Curls (rope attachment on low pulley)
32.5 x failure
22.5 x failure (basically pumping up lats/traps then biceps on the last two exercises)
Pete Rubish
06-30-16, 10:58 am
I don't know how you do it! Your volume is like 3x higher than mine! Can't wait to compete alongside you for the first time since Raw Unity in 2014 again!
Altered Beast
06-30-16, 12:19 pm
I don't know how you do it! Your volume is like 3x higher than mine!
Training 6 days a week with high volume on not much sleep due to being a busy businessman. Very admirable indeed!
I don't know how you do it! Your volume is like 3x higher than mine! Can't wait to compete alongside you for the first time since Raw Unity in 2014 again!
I like it that way best. I'm finally getting a reasonable amount of sleep on a regular basis so it's making it a lot easier. And plus I need the high volume to cut body fat effectively. In the end it only matters how we lift at the meet, but I'm enjoying myself right now.
Today is essentially my "medium" bench day. The main exercise is wide grip paused bench with the buffalo bar. And then triceps!!
Wide Grip Buffalo Bar Bench (Paused)(bar is 24 kg)
163 x 10
273 x 8
339 x 6
372 x 6
389 x 6
400 x 6 (this is my best set of 6 that I can remember and it felt strong)
372 x 6
DB Flyes
75 x 3 x 8
Close Grip Bench (1 finger on smooth part of bar)
308 x 6
352 x 6
352 x 6
330 x 6
DB Tate Presses Incline
40 x 4 x failure
35 x 2 x failure (excellent triceps pump doing these!!)
06-30-16, 8:29 pm
how many of your sets do you consider warm ups and work sets Boss?
I've been having some grip issues due to lingering torn calluses on both hands, so things didn't exactly go to plan today... But gave me some new training ideas. All pulls were on the extra stiff Eleiko power bar. It's a very hard steel, 29 mm diameter (DL bars are 27 power bars are 28.5) and it's very short so the plates are closer. Everything factors in to make the bar bend less so it makes you work much harder to break the floor.
Conventional DL
275 x 8
Sumo DL
275 x 8
495 x 5
606 x 1
...belt on...
716 x 1
760 x fail ...couldn't secure my grip...
716 x 4 ...more grip issues...
1.5" Deficit Sumo DL (no belt)
628 x 4
650 x 4
672 x 4
Even though my calluses are totally fucked right now, I'll be able to do some training with straps the next few weeks to let them heal, but I'll also do some side work for my grip instead. Normally I've done fat bar double overhand deads on a smooth 2" diameter axle. Great for grip strength but easy on the calluses.
Saturday is off then back to more benching Sunday
how many of your sets do you consider warm ups and work sets Boss?
Normally I only do warmups on the first exercise. For bench days I usually do 4-5 work sets and all for the same number of reps.
07-02-16, 11:43 pm
Normally I only do warmups on the first exercise. For bench days I usually do 4-5 work sets and all for the same number of reps.
Are you doing anything different diet wise for this meet?
Are you doing anything different diet wise for this meet?
I've lowered fat intake and increased carbs/protein quite a bit. It's very low fat but that allows a lot more carbs/protein and I'm finding my energy levels/performance/cravings to be much steadier. I'm already lighter and leaner than I was last year
Hey Dan,
I have a few questions regarding training,but also soccer.
First of all,as a (former,i guess) soccer player,are you following the europe cup right now ? If yes,which country do you want to win ?
And regarding training : Did your training change,when you went into competition-prep,and if yes, how ?
And now a question regarding deadlifts. Would a few very light sets of maybe cable rows or cable pullovers help activating my lats/traps in order to work better in the deadlift ?
Best greetings from Germany,the country of soccer :D
Have a nice one :)
Hey Dan,
I have a few questions regarding training,but also soccer.
First of all,as a (former,i guess) soccer player,are you following the europe cup right now ? If yes,which country do you want to win ?
And regarding training : Did your training change,when you went into competition-prep,and if yes, how ?
And now a question regarding deadlifts. Would a few very light sets of maybe cable rows or cable pullovers help activating my lats/traps in order to work better in the deadlift ?
Best greetings from Germany,the country of soccer :D
Have a nice one :)
I did see a few of the results from the quarterfinal round but not since then. I'm not sure where the tournament is at now.
The biggest change is the frequency. I'm training 6 times per week now with a lot of additional volume of the main lifts and accessories. This is needed to diet down effectively as well as to set up the peaking phase when I'm close to competition.
As for the activation I'm not so sure. If you're not warmed up then it could be important, otherwise your focus should be on technique of the whole body and acceleration of the bar not necessarily on just one or two body parts
Did paused bench, competition-style here. Strength felt ok, but I think my technique has felt better with a ring-finger on rings grip so I'll likely switch back to that.
Paused Bench
154 x 10
264 x 8
330 x 5
386 x 5
424 x 5
440 x 2 x 4 Just couldn't maintain my tightness here to get the fifth reps, hence switching back to the other grip. Was wider at middle fingers on rings here
Close Grip Bench with Titan Ram (thumb distance away from smooth part of bar)
462 x 5
473 x 5
479 x 4
462 x 5
DB Incline Bench
133 x 10
148 x 9
148 x 7
133 x 9 Just felt harder after all the bench volume, so didn't try to force any reps
DB Front Raises
50 x 4 x 10
DB Hammer Curls
50 x 3 x 10
45 x 10
Cambered Bar bench (alternated between moderate and wide grips here)
176 x 8 sets
132 x 2 sets
Wasn't sure how it would go given my knee being annoyingly temperamental of late, but my ART guy worked on me earlier in the day and it paid off
Safety Squat Bar Squats
187 x 2 x 8
297 x 6
308 x 4
495 x 1 (paused)
…belt on…
562 x 5
628 x 5 (ties PR here but felt "easy" like I was good for 1-2 more)
…light wraps… (wraps are just some old 2m all black APT wraps…not sure the model)
650 x 5 (this was very easy. I had the balance dialed in really well here)
Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings (no belt)
407 x 5
440 x 5
462 x 5
407 x 5
Back was smoked. Thought about moving on to upper back but did 10 pull-ups and decided to just be done. everything felt both strong and fluid so no complaints, plus my knees and hips feel good today so that's a plus
07-05-16, 3:26 pm
That 650X5 looked crazy strong.
That 650X5 looked crazy strong.
Yeah that one felt very strong. I wanted to hit the GMs hard also or I might've pushed those even more
Altered Beast
07-06-16, 12:30 pm
GM's with the SS Yoke Bar are a real bitch! Impressive work.
GM's with the SS Yoke Bar are a real bitch! Impressive work.
Yup those are rough. Thanks
Switched to Military from the seated DB presses the last few weeks. This is to fight off burning out a little longer, although it's adding up as I'm pretty much sore constantly.
Military Press
132 x 10
187 x 8
220 x 5
253 x 5
275 x 5 ...hard but very strong. Pressing power was good but stability was hard
253 x 5 ...smoked these. Last time I went this heavy I was 15 lbs heavier do I'm pleased
220 x 5
DB Lateral Raises
60 x 4 x 8
Close Grip Pin Presses (1/2 thumb distance from smooth)
375 x 6
405 x 6
415 x 6 ...PR again on these for 2nd week in a row
385 x 6
153 x 8
215 x 7
195 x 8
175 x 8
108 x 13
Steep Incline French Press EZ Bar (narrow)
105 x 12
155 x 12
135 x 12
125 x 12
105 x 18
Last post was actually from Tuesday not Wednesday. Today was rows, pull-ups and curls. Building a strong back takes attention to detail--quality and form--and a lot of volume--quantity. Getting both quality AND quantity is not easy and takes discipline and hard work. It takes time to do enough good quality reps. And it takes toughness to keep disciplined to the quality of the reps when the workload puts you out of your comfort zone. Anybody can push beyond their comfort zone, but when you get there, you must make sure you execute perfect reps if you want to be a champion.
Today I did 67 rows and 69 pull-ups. A total of 136 reps on back. Every rep was perfect or close to it. No jerking motions and no swinging. A stretch and a contraction every rep. 200-300 rows and chins in a week is a great way to build your upper back. That's 1000 per month. But 1000 good reps is a lot different than just 1000 reps... But that's why we're all here right?!?
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows (med-wide grip)
135 x 15
180 x 12
225 x 8
260 x 8
250 x 8
235 x 8
220 x 8
Neutral Grip Pull-Ups
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 12
BW x 12
One Arm Barbell Curls
45 x 8
45 x 7
45 x 6
45 x 5
Started with Buffalo Bar Bench again for the fourth week in a row. I feel like it's probably run its course though. I still put weight on the bar but it felt like more of a grind so next Thursday I'll likely swap in a different wide grip variation as well as a different close grip variation. I've been doing the buffalo bar bench with my index fingers on the rings, which are Olympic distance not power rings, so it's actually about 3 cm wider than the power rings. At that "illegally wide" grip, the curve of the bar creates an extra 1" of ROM.
Wide Grip Buffalo Bar Bench (Paused)
-- 163 x 10
-- 273 x 8
-- 339 x 6
-- 383 x 6
-- 405 x 6 (heavier than last week but a much harder grind)
-- 394 x 6
-- 377 x 6 (overall my sets were higher on average so that was good)
DB Flyes
-- 75 x 3 x 8
Decline CG Bench (index finger on smooth)
-- 315 x 6
-- 365 x 6
-- 345 x 6
-- 325 x 7
Incline Tate Press
-- 50 x 3 x AMRAP
-- 40 x 3 x AMRAP
Had to use straps today to facilitate healing up torn away calluses. I always have a hard time getting a good start position and this was no exception. Kinda frustrating. My back was still sore going in as a holdover from Monday with the safety bar session so I didn't need to hit huge numbers just put in work.
Stiff Bar Sumo Deads 1.5" Deficit
275 x 2 x 8
385 x 6
495 x 4
606 x 2
672 x 1
716 x 4
Stiff Bar Sumo Block Pulls 1.5"
782 x 3
Stiff Leg Deficit Deads 3" Deficit
606 x 5
Neutral Grip Pull-Ups
BW x 2 x 15
Today I benched with the comp grip and felt like I wasn't transferring power well through the transition of the bench... Where the elbows are at 90... I haven't been doing as much direct work touch and go with the comp grip but realized that despite all the close grip training this is more closely related to the technique so I switched the workout on the fly and added those... More of those to come for sure. Seems needed
Bench (ring fingers on rings)
132 x 12
220 x 8
308 x 6
375 x 3
Paused Bench
418 x 1
440 x 4
Bench w Ram
462 x 5
473 x 5
484 x 4 ... Felt like time to switch
Bench (touch n go pinkies on rings)
396 x 4
396 x 4
396 x 4
396 x 4
396 x 4
396 x 7
Cambered Bar Bench (4" camber)
319 x 8
308 x 7
220 x 15
Cable Crossover
60 x 12
70 x 3 x 12
60 x 12
A--Handstand Push-ups on bars
5 x 3,3,3,4,3
5 x 12,13,12,11,14
Plate Front Raises
44 x 4 x 15
Wanted to get a little more volume with a bit more weight. So I used the old black wraps I have from APT. They're stretchy and light-moderate as wraps go. These are great for weights in the 600-700 range. I can have a little to a good amount of support and they're easy to use. Namely my feet won't go numb like they do in the Titan Gold's... Which I've never been able to use to do more than 3 reps with any weight. Great for 1-3 though!
Squats -- Low Bar
165 x 8
286 x 5
396 x 4
506 x 1
...belt on...
594 x 2
...wraps on...
661 x 5
705 x 5 felt smooth and easy... Plenty in the tank
Pull-Ups (overhand just wider than shoulder width)
BW x 20
BW x 15
BW x 15
EZ Bar Curls
100 x 12
111 x 10
111 x 10
100 x 10
Great thread!!!
can you tell me, with which BW you started? what's your actual BW?
The volume is crazy! but seam to be perfect for you!
i like your Lifting-style, because of your DL-Style, i changed from conventional to Sumo (and because of a disc Prolapse). now i am on the way to 440 (my conventional pr) which i will achieve this year.
Are you gonna upload any of these training sessions to your youtube channel in the future?
07-19-16, 10:45 am
Bench looks strong.
Are you gonna upload any of these training sessions to your youtube channel in the future?
Just uploaded one of the bench days last week!
Bench looks strong.
It's been the lift I've been able to train the most effectively and with the least limitation from injury. I actually just was able to set up some seated barbell shoulder presses at my gym where I wasn't able to before and it may be my new favorite exercise. I have trained heavily seated DB presses which are great, military press standing, which I like but find that training between 1xBW - 1.5xBW becomes more of an exercise in torso stability and risky loading to the spine than it effectively builds my delts, and seated behind the head presses, which I've done here and there, never really convinced of their merit as they're similar to the seated DB motion. The seated "military" is all shoulders no back so I think this will be good for future progress and will carry over well to bench...
I've been a little limited in building my back and legs due to injuries. when I started this training cycle I couldn't do stiff leg deads as the angle of the pull was killing my healing collarbone (SC joint) so I haven't felt like I've had a good foundation in my hams and lower back and abs this time around. I haven't been able to do much high bar or front squatting due to a quad issue and hip impingement issue, respectively, so my leg drive is hard to develop. I've basically only been able to offset this a little by really working on my hip flexibility and being able to utilize my wide stance again while squatting and deadlifting. Basically better leverage with not as good of quad drive... a trade off.
I guess we'll see how things go soon!
07-31-16, 10:09 am
It's been the lift I've been able to train the most effectively and with the least limitation from injury. I actually just was able to set up some seated barbell shoulder presses at my gym where I wasn't able to before and it may be my new favorite exercise. I have trained heavily seated DB presses which are great, military press standing, which I like but find that training between 1xBW - 1.5xBW becomes more of an exercise in torso stability and risky loading to the spine than it effectively builds my delts, and seated behind the head presses, which I've done here and there, never really convinced of their merit as they're similar to the seated DB motion. The seated "military" is all shoulders no back so I think this will be good for future progress and will carry over well to bench...
I've been a little limited in building my back and legs due to injuries. when I started this training cycle I couldn't do stiff leg deads as the angle of the pull was killing my healing collarbone (SC joint) so I haven't felt like I've had a good foundation in my hams and lower back and abs this time around. I haven't been able to do much high bar or front squatting due to a quad issue and hip impingement issue, respectively, so my leg drive is hard to develop. I've basically only been able to offset this a little by really working on my hip flexibility and being able to utilize my wide stance again while squatting and deadlifting. Basically better leverage with not as good of quad drive... a trade off.
I guess we'll see how things go soon!
Very insightful. It's pretty amazing how well you've brought everything up despite the injuries. And you may peak just right.
08-02-16, 1:23 pm
That seated 315X2 military press was awesome. And yeah I see what you're saying it puts it all on the shoulders and without the limitation of having to get the dumbbells to position. You're pushing it to another level, it should carry over.
Very insightful. It's pretty amazing how well you've brought everything up despite the injuries. And you may peak just right.
Yes, I am feeling pretty good on all the lifts as of the last week of training!
That seated 315X2 military press was awesome. And yeah I see what you're saying it puts it all on the shoulders and without the limitation of having to get the dumbbells to position. You're pushing it to another level, it should carry over.
Yeah I'm getting a tremendous front delt pump because with these the elbows dip well below parallel with the shoulders--the hands are basically level with the shoulders--so it's a full ROM for the delts whereas the seated DBs are only from parallel up or from slightly below parallel. Basically the top half of the ROM
Finishing off the workouts with plate front raises for the burn
I was gonna ask how you set up those military presses, but saw it in that Instagram gym has a military bench, but it's impossible to use because it racks way behind my head and is just dangerous as fuck without a liftoff. I've tried setting it up in our squat rack, but the rack is installed on a platform that's a few inches out from the wall, so the backside of the incline benches sit down in that gap when placed inside the rack.
Guess I'll be sticking with the smith machine for seated military presses...
Also, I noticed the bench you were using for cambered bar presses is orange and black - just a coincidence, or is that to rep the Giants?
I was gonna ask how you set up those military presses, but saw it in that Instagram gym has a military bench, but it's impossible to use because it racks way behind my head and is just dangerous as fuck without a liftoff. I've tried setting it up in our squat rack, but the rack is installed on a platform that's a few inches out from the wall, so the backside of the incline benches sit down in that gap when placed inside the rack.
Guess I'll be sticking with the smith machine for seated military presses...
Also, I noticed the bench you were using for cambered bar presses is orange and black - just a coincidence, or is that to rep the Giants?
No it's just orange electric tape by chance... just to mark the correct spacing of where the rings normally would be on a bar
Paused Bench Singles
There hasn't really been much response or interest in the training log so I haven't updated it much, but yesterday just did some singles on bench
132 x 2 x 10
220 x 8
264 x 5
308 x 3
352 x 2
Paused Bench
396 x 1
429 x 1
462 x 1
484 x 1
484 x 1
484 x 1
Slingshot (black)
518 x 3
540 x 2
562 x 1
Paused Wide Grip Bench
407 x 7
407 x 7
Close Grip Bench
363 x 9
319 x 14
220 x 12 (drop set)
08-08-16, 6:29 pm
Paused Bench Singles
There hasn't really been much response or interest in the training log so I haven't updated it much, but yesterday just did some singles on bench
132 x 2 x 10
220 x 8
264 x 5
308 x 3
352 x 2
Paused Bench
396 x 1
429 x 1
462 x 1
484 x 1
484 x 1
484 x 1
Slingshot (black)
518 x 3
540 x 2
562 x 1
Paused Wide Grip Bench
407 x 7
407 x 7
Close Grip Bench
363 x 9
319 x 14
220 x 12 (drop set)
There's definitely interest! I think most are just in awe of the weights being lifted.
08-08-16, 8:59 pm
That 4th single flew up. That was ridiculous.
08-09-16, 9:10 am
There's definitely interest! I think most are just in awe of the weights being lifted.
I agree! Checking in daily to see if there's any new update, stalker alert.
08-09-16, 9:51 pm
Bench looks good, Squat looks good.
08-10-16, 10:28 am
Do you do another deadlift session or is it too close?
08-10-16, 11:14 am
To echo what people have already mentioned - there's definitely interest in your log, Dan! I check back every couple of days, I just don't comment, but I should!
Its Mike btw - interviewed you during your stay in Vancouver, BC! Hope you're well man. Stoked to watch you kill it at BOB3!
Altered Beast
08-10-16, 11:56 am
Dan has a separate thread for questions, yall:
There's definitely interest! I think most are just in awe of the weights being lifted.
Ok I can see now lol. Thanks
That 4th single flew up. That was ridiculous.
Interestingly, I'd been watching some of the older videos I have of me benching and was able to notice how I was setting my shoulder blades was a bit off and fixed it on the 3rd and 4th single so those were strongest with the best trajectory off the chest. Trajectory is everything!
I agree! Checking in daily to see if there's any new update, stalker alert.
Everybody chiming in is all good! strength in numbers. Thanks
Bench looks good, Squat looks good.
Yes I've been able to improve my squat by slowly regaining knee health through stretching and a variety of different treatments like LED, graston, ART, a ton of stretching and of course... Advil. Getting my knees to stop hurting sooner in my warmups has built my confidence of late really well and the heavy stretching I've been doing has also worked great for opening up my stance again in the sumo and squat. This has finally allowed me to get stronger despite being unable to really train high bar or front squats much this training cycle (knees and hips).
My deads have gone pretty well to plan:
--hit stiff bar block pulls up to 893x3 and 915x1 all early on in the training so there wouldn't be any last minute injuries (a triple is a good indicator of a deadlift bar max off the floor)
--hit 771x3 stiff bar off the floor last week--last year I hit a harder 782x3 the week before I pulled 881 in training, so the strength is there
--I didn't attempt anything over 826 this time around from the floor, so I've stayed much healthier and more injury-free going into the meet (get strong but save the big pull for the meet in other words)
--hands are healthy, grip has been solid the last two weeks after a slight technique adjustment
My bench has also been solid and now that I'm tapering a lot of the arm accessory stuff and just pressing, I'm dialing in the tech and feeling stronger
BW is as low as it's been in 3 years so the cut should be easy, and I have a plan to stay hydrated/cool during the meet this year!
Do you do another deadlift session or is it too close?
I have 1 more light squat day today followed by some moderate pulls and back/abs accessories
Thursday I will bench
Saturday or Sunday will be my final heavy squat day and I'll do some light pulls after
Possible final bench day to follow on Monday...
Given the interest everyone has expressed I'll get these workouts up for you guys going down the home stretch
To echo what people have already mentioned - there's definitely interest in your log, Dan! I check back every couple of days, I just don't comment, but I should!
Its Mike btw - interviewed you during your stay in Vancouver, BC! Hope you're well man. Stoked to watch you kill it at BOB3!
Thanks Mike, I thought so from the username!
08-10-16, 10:41 pm
Hey Dan, this thread is awesome. I saw your squat video where you squatted 804 x 3. The 2nd rep went up really fast.
I've noticed in some of your squat videos, your 2nd rep in the squat seems to be more explosive. Am I wrong?
I have the same thing going for me where I am very good at hitting doubles and triples. My first rep isn't always the smoothest or cleanest however,
Any suggestions?
08-12-16, 5:17 pm
Yes I've been able to improve my squat by slowly regaining knee health through stretching and a variety of different treatments like LED, graston, ART, a ton of stretching and of course... Advil. Getting my knees to stop hurting sooner in my warmups has built my confidence of late really well and the heavy stretching I've been doing has also worked great for opening up my stance again in the sumo and squat. This has finally allowed me to get stronger despite being unable to really train high bar or front squats much this training cycle (knees and hips).
My deads have gone pretty well to plan:
--hit stiff bar block pulls up to 893x3 and 915x1 all early on in the training so there wouldn't be any last minute injuries (a triple is a good indicator of a deadlift bar max off the floor)
--hit 771x3 stiff bar off the floor last week--last year I hit a harder 782x3 the week before I pulled 881 in training, so the strength is there
--I didn't attempt anything over 826 this time around from the floor, so I've stayed much healthier and more injury-free going into the meet (get strong but save the big pull for the meet in other words)
--hands are healthy, grip has been solid the last two weeks after a slight technique adjustment
My bench has also been solid and now that I'm tapering a lot of the arm accessory stuff and just pressing, I'm dialing in the tech and feeling stronger
BW is as low as it's been in 3 years so the cut should be easy, and I have a plan to stay hydrated/cool during the meet this year!
This is great stuff. Measured aggression balanced against intelligent restraint. The disciplined mindset of a champion.
Love hearing your training progress, and we're all so happy to hear that your injury from last year has not only recovered, but has helped you adapt and improve your programming.
After you last heavy workout before the meet (probably on Monday as you said), do you do anything particular for the rest of the week, besides cutting weight and resting up?
Do you do any "active recovery" methods, like foam rolling, light cardio etc.?
No it's just orange electric tape by chance... just to mark the correct spacing of where the rings normally would be on a bar
Hey Dan, at what angle the bench should be set when u do seated military presses? I know 90 degrees is killing the shoulders and i am not very mobile however i don`t want to turn it into a seated incline bench press either lol
Martin Haddock
08-19-16, 7:03 am
A decent workaround for sested barbell overhead for people in a garage gym with only a flat bench and a rack next to a wall, is to put the bench at a very steep incline aginst the wall and floor (think I put mine at 80 degrees, can't be 90 because the bench won't be against the wall and floor and fail!) And set the safety pins to just under shoulder height, once your set up you'll have to lift the bar off the bars a little (maybe an inch or 2) to get in place, but then your good to go, you'll be able to hit full ROM and the bar will never hit the safeties.
Hit 102.5kg for 3 doing it this way, and it can be a little difficult to get the bar up those couple inches at first but you get used to it.
Better than not doing them though!
08-21-16, 8:25 am
Very impressive comeback after the injury. Congratulations!!!
Randy Sullivan
08-25-16, 1:10 pm
Great Job at Boss of Bosses III Dan! It's always great watching you lift.
Hey Dan, this thread is awesome. I saw your squat video where you squatted 804 x 3. The 2nd rep went up really fast.
I've noticed in some of your squat videos, your 2nd rep in the squat seems to be more explosive. Am I wrong?
I have the same thing going for me where I am very good at hitting doubles and triples. My first rep isn't always the smoothest or cleanest however,
Any suggestions?
This is how it is for me because I am able to adjust from the first to the second rep. Either my speed or positioning, so I'm executing the lift with more strength because my technique improved faster than my fatigue slowed me down. I like the doubles and triples for the time under tension, but I may take more singles in the future especially since I have a monolift and that makes wrapped training way easier.
Love hearing your training progress, and we're all so happy to hear that your injury from last year has not only recovered, but has helped you adapt and improve your programming.
After you last heavy workout before the meet (probably on Monday as you said), do you do anything particular for the rest of the week, besides cutting weight and resting up?
Do you do any "active recovery" methods, like foam rolling, light cardio etc.?
The main things here would be:
1. Additional treatments like massage/chiro/etc
2. Extremely light workout is ok, but for me I just like to warm up and stretch thoroughly as stretching has always helped me
3. Extra hours of sleep is helpful for peaking. I've even been advised that using a c-pap for this last week can be a secret weapon
Hey Dan, at what angle the bench should be set when u do seated military presses? I know 90 degrees is killing the shoulders and i am not very mobile however i don`t want to turn it into a seated incline bench press either lol
Should be tilted back only 5-10 degrees. But one with no head rest will allow you to do them correctly. With a full head rest you need to basically either just do a steep incline or press behind the neck
A decent workaround for sested barbell overhead for people in a garage gym with only a flat bench and a rack next to a wall, is to put the bench at a very steep incline aginst the wall and floor (think I put mine at 80 degrees, can't be 90 because the bench won't be against the wall and floor and fail!) And set the safety pins to just under shoulder height, once your set up you'll have to lift the bar off the bars a little (maybe an inch or 2) to get in place, but then your good to go, you'll be able to hit full ROM and the bar will never hit the safeties.
Hit 102.5kg for 3 doing it this way, and it can be a little difficult to get the bar up those couple inches at first but you get used to it.
Better than not doing them though!
Another good home remedy is to put the bench in the rack to sit on, set the hooks behind you with a 4 foot long board (2" x 12" x 4') across at mid-upper back height (for a back support) and the pins just above the board. You then just press from the pins like you described. I saw this in one of the old Westside videos
Very impressive comeback after the injury. Congratulations!!!
Thanks. I'm feeling relatively good now and hoping to keep it that way
Thanks. I'm feeling relatively good now and hoping to keep it that way
Hey Dan, do you intend to update the log in the future? I had I great time reading about your training and are curious for more.
I'm following a workout routine inspired by your training right now!
Hey Dan, do you intend to update the log in the future? I had I great time reading about your training and are curious for more.
I'm following a workout routine inspired by your training right now!
I actually had a more recent log preparing for the WRPF European Championships that was this year. I don't have one currently though, as I'm not prepping for a meet at the moment. Soon enough though...
Thanks man