View Full Version : Suggestions, Thoughts & Ideas for 2017
Place them here if you'd like to provide some input.
I missed the Arnold last year, so not familiar with how the setup went, but...tell the lifters to stop getting injured, lol
I missed the Arnold last year, so not familiar with how the setup went, but...tell the lifters to stop getting injured, lol
Injuries always require work arounds. But I agree, being 100% healthy makes for a great event. Some possible new changes to the floorplan this year.
01-31-17, 5:13 pm
I also think it would be awesome to have a few of the bodybuilders hit some poses in the cage or booth. From Animal and Universal side!
01-31-17, 6:15 pm
Big back G Diesel and Raw Mcgraw's seminar where they just shoot the shit and answer questions
01-31-17, 8:24 pm
Light show, smoke, more hype! You guys are featuring some of the best the sport has to offer. Make it special. I know you guys like it raw but this is quite an event. Have introductions to rival NBA intros. Just a thought you guys are doing a great job.
Place them here if you'd like to provide some input.
1.Another Dan Green seminar would be cool for sure
2. Gotta get Jesse Norris back in the cage
3. Deadlift party with Garrett and Simon from Massthetics
4. Pete Rubish is a must!
5. The hypeman pushing Gunzs to another cage PR is always the highlight for me.
02-04-17, 11:57 am
Bring back the Box. Bleachers were a nice idea but being outside the Cage didn't work. Too many random people just camped out there the whole day. Lost some of that family feel that has always been part of going to the Cage.
Also alot of wasted space and alot of confusion with the clothing racks. A few samples hanging or hung up would have been better.
But as always looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Blondie Weapon X
02-04-17, 10:36 pm
Light show, smoke, more hype! You guys are featuring some of the best the sport has to offer. Make it special. I know you guys like it raw but this is quite an event. Have introductions to rival NBA intros. Just a thought you guys are doing a great job.
Oooooo can we have confetti too!!!
02-05-17, 1:53 am
Oooooo can we have confetti too!!!
But I'd hate to be the guy sweeping up after.
Blondie Weapon X
02-07-17, 8:42 am
But I'd hate to be the guy sweeping up after.
Ummm who can we volunteer
02-07-17, 11:53 am
It appears you have a host of loyal subjects lol
Thunder Chicken
02-08-17, 11:24 am
me personally thought the bleachers where a good idea but last years animal booth was so packed I didn't get near it as much as years past. good for the company bad for me lol I always wanted to see the booth get bigger and from rumors it looks like that's gonna happen. last year you guys had a spot for Athletes to sign autos outside the cage, I think set up a few at each corner thought out the day to get more opportunity's to meet them all.
02-08-17, 11:33 am
Set up and structural issues aside (whatever they may have been from last year), I trust Animal will adjust and make it the best experience possible this year...and from what I hear it is going to be just that.
I can just remember that last year, I had TONS of people asking me if they could buy any of the paks. Pak and Flex especially. Definitely could have sold a ton of that last year even though I know this would be a lot of extra stuff to bring and may complicate the store a little more...Just a thought.
02-08-17, 12:09 pm
Last year I spent at least an hour everyday walking around the booth and the cage picking up empty wrappers, bottles, hangers etc. If I had a broom I would have done that as well. However I def would hate to see the confetti show, that's just not ANIMAL! think the Black and White dungeon fill is much better...
It appears you have a host of loyal subjects lol
Blondie Weapon X
02-09-17, 12:20 am
Last year I spent at least an hour everyday walking around the booth and the cage picking up empty wrappers, bottles, hangers etc. If I had a broom I would have done that as well. However I def would hate to see the confetti show, that's just not ANIMAL! think the Black and White dungeon fill is much better...
Loud music
Fire and brimstone
Pete Rubish
03-21-17, 9:22 pm
Random idea for 2018...
Do a contest where the fans get to be the handler for each of the lifters during the Cage. For instance, each fan would get invited in when their respective lifter is lifting and help put plates on, spot, and just shoot the breeze with their athlete.
Universal Rep
03-22-17, 7:54 am
Random idea for 2018...
Do a contest where the fans get to be the handler for each of the lifters during the Cage. For instance, each fan would get invited in when their respective lifter is lifting and help put plates on, spot, and just shoot the breeze with their athlete.
There might be liability issues, I don't know. Also, wouldn't each lifter want a specific type of handler who could handle specific types of things? You can't just pull anyone from the audience, right?
Mr. Dead
03-22-17, 9:10 am
There might be liability issues, I don't know. Also, wouldn't each lifter want a specific type of handler who could handle specific types of things? You can't just pull anyone from the audience, right?
Could do it, as more of a"Roadie"-type thing. Do it as a PROMO, like what was done with "Train With The Pros". And let the Athletes pick the winners.
03-22-17, 10:12 am
One suggestion I would have would be to mount a tv or 2 to the top of the cage that has a live video of what's going on inside. This is sort of a selfish request, as I found myself being bummed to not see any of the lifts on Saturday while working the merch table, but it would definitely benefit all the people who get crowded out, or who are standing in line to buy stuff. Might have to tell higa not to climb shit, tho...
Pete Rubish
03-25-17, 11:59 pm
There might be liability issues, I don't know. Also, wouldn't each lifter want a specific type of handler who could handle specific types of things? You can't just pull anyone from the audience, right?
Yeah, it could get tricky, but I think a lot of people would jump at the chance. I know that Richard Hawthorne invited people in to critique their deadlifts during his portion and people loved that, so it just gave me the idea. I would have no issues with having someone do it, but I know a lot of lifters can be more specific about who they have helping them.
01-28-18, 1:26 pm
Anyone thinking about Arnold / Cage 2018?
Blondie Weapon X
01-30-18, 9:07 am
Anyone thinking about Arnold / Cage 2018?
This girl is!!! Lol
Just 30 days to go!!
Any word on the Cage lineup? Will there be a ABC event this year?
Print more black and white baseball tees...a LOT more!
01-30-18, 8:37 pm
Not sure about a line up but there are going to a lot of awesome lifts! Also as far as ABC , I checked in that today and yes there is going to be a national ABC at a new location this year!
QUOTE=Coney;1458331]Any word on the Cage lineup? Will there be a ABC event this year?[/QUOTE]
Not sure about a line up but there are going to a lot of awesome lifts! Also as far as ABC , I checked in that today and yes there is going to be a national ABC at a new location this year!
QUOTE=Coney;1458331]Any word on the Cage lineup? Will there be a ABC event this year?[/QUOTE]
Awesome!!! Thanks for the response. Even with the over crowded Gym last year we had the chance to squat with Rob “Savage” Hall so I’m definitely pumped about the new location.
01-31-18, 9:31 am
After last years mess the gym caused im am pretty sure that issue wont happen again. If last year was any ones first National ABC then you are in for a real treat this time!!! Animal always does a great job on it and last year was out of the hands of Animal but I know this year will be so much better!!!
Awesome!!! Thanks for the response. Even with the over crowded Gym last year we had the chance to squat with Rob “Savage” Hall so I’m definitely pumped about the new location.[/QUOTE]
01-31-18, 11:02 am
Yeah, last year was my first go-round, and the whole thing was Definitely not how I’d heard it described in the past, lol. I had like 20 dudes staring me down while I was deadlifting downstairs because I got there before them and used up all the 45s...and some dude was trying to do a photo shoot with some girls in the corner between my sets. I could tell it definitely wasn’t the sort of event animal was trying to put on.
02-01-18, 1:22 am
[QUOTE=npcdusty;1458358]Not sure about a line up but there are going to a lot of awesome lifts! Also as far as ABC , I checked in that today and yes there is going to be a national ABC at a new location this year!
Soon my braddah!
02-01-18, 8:18 am
ill be there for sure. Hopefully i can snag a bleacher seat (if thats available this year, was there last time i went 2016) so it will be easier to hold my one year old son n for him to watch
02-01-18, 8:46 am
Yeah, last year was my first go-round, and the whole thing was Definitely not how I’d heard it described in the past, lol. I had like 20 dudes staring me down while I was deadlifting downstairs because I got there before them and used up all the 45s...and some dude was trying to do a photo shoot with some girls in the corner between my sets. I could tell it definitely wasn’t the sort of event animal was trying to put on.
It was an awful situation last year, none of which was in our control. Thats not how it usually is. This year's will definitely be better!
02-01-18, 10:21 am
Yeah, last year was my first go-round, and the whole thing was Definitely not how I’d heard it described in the past, lol. I had like 20 dudes staring me down while I was deadlifting downstairs because I got there before them and used up all the 45s...and some dude was trying to do a photo shoot with some girls in the corner between my sets. I could tell it definitely wasn’t the sort of event animal was trying to put on.
Oh yeah, don't judge the ABC on last year's cluster**** ... This year will be better... It's at a different location, not as "close" to the venue as before, but the short jaunt will be worth not having to deal with last year's mess, I'm sure...
02-01-18, 10:23 am
Anyone thinking about Arnold / Cage 2018?
🙋 ...
02-01-18, 10:47 am
Oh yeah, don't judge the ABC on last year's cluster**** ... This year will be better... It's at a different location, not as "close" to the venue as before, but the short jaunt will be worth not having to deal with last year's mess, I'm sure...
Hopefully that girl & guy will still be there this year in front of the mirrors doing their photo shoot though
02-01-18, 11:44 am
Hopefully that girl & guy will still be there this year in front of the mirrors doing their photo shoot though
Ahahahha!!! Unreal... but, by today's "fitness" standard, I expect nothing less... 😂
02-01-18, 1:49 pm
Ahahahha!!! Unreal... but, by today's "fitness" standard, I expect nothing less...
*Instagram is deleted* aaaaaand suddenly you're not a fitness model/expert anymore
02-01-18, 3:56 pm
*Instagram is deleted* aaaaaand suddenly you're not a fitness model/expert anymore
Haha... I love it... That's why I love the Forvm... It doesn't matter if you have good lighting, the right angle or 5k followers, real is real....
02-01-18, 3:59 pm
Maybe I should swing by powerhouse this year on Sat night just to let the ole Fire Marshall know how things are going again this year, bahahahahahahahhaha
02-01-18, 4:19 pm
Maybe I should swing by powerhouse this year on Sat night just to let the ole Fire Marshall know how things are going again this year, bahahahahahahahhaha
You'll forever be my hero for that.... bwahahaha!!
02-01-18, 10:22 pm
Maybe I should swing by powerhouse this year on Sat night just to let the ole Fire Marshall know how things are going again this year, bahahahahahahahhaha
Hahahahaha...legendary move.
If I haven’t received an email yet should I assume I didn’t get selected for the 2018 Arnold ABC?
02-25-18, 9:03 pm
If I haven’t received an email yet should I assume I didn’t get selected for the 2018 Arnold ABC?
I would check everything...junk mail, spam. It would be from "National ABC Event".
I would check everything...junk mail, spam. It would be from "National ABC Event".
I guess I didn’t make the cut. I got nothing
02-25-18, 10:06 pm
I guess I didn’t make the cut. I got nothing
Damnit...Ill check in with someone tomorrow and make sure that not getting an email means not getting in.
Maybe I should swing by powerhouse this year on Sat night just to let the ole Fire Marshall know how things are going again this year, bahahahahahahahhaha
Man...a friend of mine is trying to go to the mark bell deadlift event there Friday night, but I seriously don’t even want to step foot in there after that bullshit last year...fuck that place!
02-26-18, 10:02 pm
QUOTE=Nmowery;1459177]Man...a friend of mine is trying to go to the mark bell deadlift event there Friday night, but I seriously don’t even want to step foot in there after that bullshit last year...fuck that place![/QUOTE]
02-27-18, 12:06 am
I guess I didn’t make the cut. I got nothing
I talked to Dan Vella today and if you haven't received any type of e-mail by now then you didn't make the cut. There are very limited spots this year, and it filled up super quick...Sorry brother.
02-27-18, 12:07 am
Man...a friend of mine is trying to go to the mark bell deadlift event there Friday night, but I seriously don’t even want to step foot in there after that bullshit last year...fuck that place!
I don't even want to think about what its gonna be like in there!
I talked to Dan Vella today and if you haven't received any type of e-mail by now then you didn't make the cut. There are very limited spots this year, and it filled up super quick...Sorry brother.
That SUCKS! Thanks for checking on it for me.
That SUCKS! Thanks for checking on it for me.
Closed mouths don’t get fed! As always I spent all 3 days at the Cage. I got a chance to talk to Eric, Dusty, and Darin so the epic weekend was saved and I got a chance to go to my 4th Arnold ABC. Thanks for all the help and thank you Animal for another awesome 3 days at the Cage.
03-06-18, 2:05 pm
Closed mouths don’t get fed! As always I spent all 3 days at the Cage. I got a chance to talk to Eric, Dusty, and Darin so the epic weekend was saved and I got a chance to go to my 4th Arnold ABC. Thanks for all the help and thank you Animal for another awesome 3 days at the Cage.
Glad that you were able to get in... I'm not sure what the process was, but I know a lot that felt as you did...
03-06-18, 2:33 pm
Sometimes showing up does the trick! was so glad you came and were able to join in brotha!!! we had a great time that's for sure!
Closed mouths don’t get fed! As always I spent all 3 days at the Cage. I got a chance to talk to Eric, Dusty, and Darin so the epic weekend was saved and I got a chance to go to my 4th Arnold ABC. Thanks for all the help and thank you Animal for another awesome 3 days at the Cage.
Glad that you were able to get in... I'm not sure what the process was, but I know a lot that felt as you did...
Thanks. We basically just asked to be alternates if people didn’t show. Then we showed up and hoped for the best.
Sometimes showing up does the trick! was so glad you came and were able to join in brotha!!! we had a great time that's for sure!
Thanks again! We were pumped to have a chance at it. I can’t wait till next year!