View Full Version : Animal Cuts FAQ #2: What makes the Cuts more complete than other fat burner
Animal Rep
05-18-07, 11:57 am
Q: What makes the Cuts better than other fat burners?
A: Animal Cuts is complete. Unlike 99% of all the fat burners out there, Animal Cuts is more than just a thermogenic. It's also a metabolic. It's also a diuretic. But it doesn't stop there. Animal Cuts targets 8 important functions associated with total weight loss such as energy, thyroid output, thermogenesis, cortisol inhibiting and water shedding, giving you the total package.
In terms of energy how does it affect it?
Giant Killer
08-13-07, 8:41 pm
In terms of energy how does it affect it?
It definitely increases energy.
so then if i chose to take it will i lose muscle. how would i prevent this
Giant Killer
08-13-07, 8:50 pm
so then if i chose to take it will i lose muscle. how would i prevent this
Why do you think you would lose muscle?
When I was cutting, before cardio, I would take BCAA tabs to preserve lean mass.
great man, reassuring to hear someone tell me i wont lose muscle while cutting. Thanks bro for the advice
Giant Killer
08-13-07, 8:57 pm
great man, reassuring to hear someone tell me i wont lose muscle while cutting. Thanks bro for the advice
Just remember to take it slow. Don't try to crash diet and lose a bunch of weight at one time. Small goals will get you there without losing muscle.
yea def im thinking of dieting for 2 1/2 to 3 months. So i dont lose any muscle.
01-10-08, 4:12 pm
I've been taking the Animal cuts since the 1st of Jan. So that makes it 9 days that I've been taking them. So far, I've lost a total of 10 lbs(as of today), and the energy level is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I've tried other fat burners or cutters, and with the Animal cuts, its a totally different story. No jitters, No hair crawling feeling, No excellerated heart rates. With everything else I've taken, I've always had all those side effects. With Animal Cuts, the only side effect I've had is loss of weight. Ok, enough with my commerical for Cuts. LOL These things are awesome!
I've been taking the Animal cuts since the 1st of Jan. So that makes it 9 days that I've been taking them. So far, I've lost a total of 10 lbs(as of today), and the energy level is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I've tried other fat burners or cutters, and with the Animal cuts, its a totally different story. No jitters, No hair crawling feeling, No excellerated heart rates. With everything else I've taken, I've always had all those side effects. With Animal Cuts, the only side effect I've had is loss of weight. Ok, enough with my commerical for Cuts. LOL These things are awesome!
10 pounds in 9 days, or you just been on cuts for 9 days and you lost 10 pounds on you on time.
01-10-08, 10:57 pm
10 pounds in 9 days, or you just been on cuts for 9 days and you lost 10 pounds on you on time.
I started loosing when I started taking the cuts and doing cardio. These things are freakn GREAT!
02-04-08, 11:30 am
If you do decide to go on a diet just make sure you diest the rite way. You should still eat 5-7 meals a day but just eat more protein in those meals and less carbs. You should stop eating carbs around 3 in the afternoon this way by 8PM they will be all burned up. If you eat carbs too late in the day they won't fully digest and that's how you can get heavy. Also in order not to lose alot of lean muscle don't overdue it on cardio. Say 4-5 times a week for 30 min a day (i love walking at a steady pace on an incline.) Also by taking Animal Cuts you will give yourself the energy you need to get through your workouts as well as carve out hat hard dense muscle you are looking for.
02-11-08, 7:53 am
If you do decide to go on a diet just make sure you diest the rite way. You should still eat 5-7 meals a day but just eat more protein in those meals and less carbs. You should stop eating carbs around 3 in the afternoon this way by 8PM they will be all burned up. If you eat carbs too late in the day they won't fully digest and that's how you can get heavy. Also in order not to lose alot of lean muscle don't overdue it on cardio. Say 4-5 times a week for 30 min a day (i love walking at a steady pace on an incline.) Also by taking Animal Cuts you will give yourself the energy you need to get through your workouts as well as carve out hat hard dense muscle you are looking for.
Couldnt agree more. Also remember 3 weeks on 1 week off
I always had problems with my losing body fat and after trying dozens of fat burners since 1997, and I mean more than a dozen type of fat burners in the market, ANIMAL CUT was the only one that could really cut it right away. Not even Hydroxycut Hardcore gives me the same results as ANIMAL CUT. This is not a commercial info I'm giving you, this is purely my personal experience along the years. Follow exactly the instructions, 3 weeks on and 1 week off. Even just the first cycle was already stunning with the results, I lost so much body fat (just make sure that you do at least 3-4 times cardio per/week).
And remember, there are no miracle pills that will take your fat away from your body, unless if you combine it with a good cardio workout.
And remember the old saying: Abs are done in the kitchen!
07-31-08, 8:54 am
Why do you insist on poisoning people with guggelsterones in Cut?
Why do you insist on poisoning people with guggelsterones in Cut?
Then, could you recommend any other fat burner ?
Cuts is THE complete fat burner... It addresses all aspects of loosing weight... thermogenically, thryoid support, and water retention, and energy enhancement... you really cant go wrong... i dont know a single other product out there that hits fat from a more complete level...
Another product you might wanna try though if you had to choose would be zero G... probably the most underated fat burner on the market right now
Cuts is THE complete fat burner... It addresses all aspects of loosing weight... thermogenically, thryoid support, and water retention, and energy enhancement... you really cant go wrong... i dont know a single other product out there that hits fat from a more complete level...
Another product you might wanna try though if you had to choose would be zero G... probably the most underated fat burner on the market right now
I totally agree. CUT was the only fat burner that I really could see results and real results I mean.
Thought, I have to disagree, BASED on my personal experience with the Zero G, it did not work for me at all and it was a waste of money. Having that said, every body reception is different, so what it didn't work for me, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work for you or anyone else. But for me, Zero G was a no go. Tried once and no results.
07-31-08, 1:06 pm
Why do you insist on poisoning people with guggelsterones in Cut?
huh? then all the gugglesterones on the market are a poison? knowing the fda, if cuts had something wrong, it wouldn't have lasted till today
07-31-08, 3:45 pm
Can you take Cuts multiple times on the same cut, to finally achieve your desired body fat?
Like say twice during a 10-12 week cut?
Can you take Cuts multiple times on the same cut, to finally achieve your desired body fat? Like say twice during a 10-12 week cut?
As long you take it 3 weeks (finished the can), then take 1 week off, you can go back for another cycle. A-CUT is the way to go. Highly recommend to anyone.
07-31-08, 10:29 pm
Cuts is THE complete fat burner... It addresses all aspects of loosing weight... thermogenically, thryoid support, and water retention, and energy enhancement... you really cant go wrong... i dont know a single other product out there that hits fat from a more complete level...
Another product you might wanna try though if you had to choose would be zero G... probably the most underated fat burner on the market right now
ditto brother...
08-01-08, 4:01 pm
vascularity is probably one of the biggest things i should see using cuts right, considering it'll kill water and body fat with my diet & cardio & exercise in check.
another question i have is say I drink 144oz of water a day, how much do I bump it up for taking Cuts. I was thinking 168oz a day for the first 3 weeks, then 192oz a day for 3 weeks, obviously if I want to drink more ....I will
01-18-09, 2:49 am
can animal cuts be used by women as well?
can animal cuts be used by women as well?
Yes there is no reason not to, remember its a supplement to your diet, get everything right with Cuts as the icing and you have a great combination for fat loss.
Quick question - because there is 200 mg of caffeine in each Cuts pack, would it be wise to also have coffee in the morning? Or should that be skipped?
05-05-09, 9:46 pm
Quick question - because there is 200 mg of caffeine in each Cuts pack, would it be wise to also have coffee in the morning? Or should that be skipped?
Thats a personal preference thing for sure. I personally would cut out the coffee, because that is alot of caffeine and plus you wont need the coffee if your taking the cuts, trust me . . .
Animal Rep
07-07-09, 11:27 am
Quick question - because there is 200 mg of caffeine in each Cuts pack, would it be wise to also have coffee in the morning? Or should that be skipped?
See how you feel. Like MM said .. it could be personal. For me i didnt need the coffee, but some still do.
This is my first time taking Animal Cuts, I have to say this is the best fat burner around. I had no jitters, heart racing, or crashes.
I've been taking it for 1 month now and I can tell a difference, my weight has gone done 5 pounds and my pants are getting looser..
I've taken different fat burners before, Animal Cuts blows them out of the water..
01-28-10, 2:19 pm
Apparently animal cuts is meant to make you feel really good while you're taking it. I was just wondering from anyone who has taken it, do you consequently feel like shit after, when you're not taking it!?
01-28-10, 3:04 pm
Did you take it for an extended period of time? How much water were you taking in while on it?
01-28-10, 8:22 pm
I've never taken it before. I heard that it has the effect of making you feel really good, I believe its fromt he thyroid stimulation. I was just curious if you become dependent on it, as in you feel like shit when you're not taking it.
Animal Rep
02-09-10, 3:51 pm
I've never taken it before. I heard that it has the effect of making you feel really good, I believe its fromt he thyroid stimulation. I was just curious if you become dependent on it, as in you feel like shit when you're not taking it.
Like anything, if you are on it for longer than the recommended dose, then yes you will become dependent of it.
02-19-10, 6:25 pm
can animal cuts be used by women as well?
Did you try cuts? How did it work for u or your wife ? Did you do 3 weeks on 1 week off?
Mr. Dead
02-19-10, 6:28 pm
Did you try cuts? How did it work for u as a women? Did you do 3 weeks on 1 week off?
My wife was one of the Testers for the new formula, and generally doesn't respond to a lot of products... She lost 9 lbs, during the first 3 week cycle... But, yes, 3 on 1 off...
02-19-10, 9:51 pm
thank you,
I'm really excited I have just now recieved my package containing the Cuts 42 serving can!
I have taken my first dosage as i'm writing.. But how long did it take for you guys to see any results from this product?
04-17-12, 1:05 pm
I'm really excited I have just now recieved my package containing the Cuts 42 serving can!
I have taken my first dosage as i'm writing.. But how long did it take for you guys to see any results from this product?
Everyone is different. As long as your diet and cardio are on point, you should start seeing results fairly soon.
huh? then all the gugglesterones on the market are a poison? knowing the fda, if cuts had something wrong, it wouldn't have lasted till today
actually, unless a supplement gets the FDA to approve their product by its manufacturer, then the FDA may not even look into it. Not saying that about Animal Products, but just keep that in mind when getting supplements, research the product before you buy because they are regulated at all like medications and foods are.