View Full Version : Animal M-Stak FAQ #1: Is the new Animal M-Stak better than the old one?
Animal Rep
05-18-07, 11:59 am
Q: Is the new M-Stak better than the old one?
A: The original Animal M-Stak was introduced six years ago, and at the time, though the formula was cutting-edge, non-hormonal, anabolic supplements utilizing "flavones" were still in their infancy. Fast forward to today and potent new compounds have come onto the supplement scene. The all new Animal M-Stak incorporates these advanced ingredients along with some of the best elements of the old formula--but now in more potent dosages. Today's M-Stak now provides superior and enhanced "nutrient-partitioning" effects as well as a host of new benefits designed to deliver a powerful, non-hormonal dual anabolic/anti-catabolic response. While the old M-Stak was something of a generalist, the new M-Stak is a specialist, targeted specifically for the classic "hardgainer". In other words, if you have a hard time adding lean mass, the new M-Stak is your choice. You now have options--use the M-Stak to boost anabolism non-hormonally, Stak 2 to simultaneously boost and optimize ratios of natural hormone production (such as testosterone) or stack them together for greater gains.
For a discussion about the differences between the old and new M-Stak: A thread about the differences between old and new M-Stak:
For full Alpha Testing on the new Animal M-Stak:
Is the only place to get the new M-stak or does have it?
07-13-07, 2:36 pm
Just got the new version from yesterday.
07-18-07, 5:28 pm
I purchased a can about 14 days ago. I have about another week of cycle left. From what I've heard I have the new one. Great stuff, Get's me going in about 20 minutes after taking it.
nucking futs
07-26-07, 12:01 am
i got mine from
07-26-07, 11:45 am
I prefer the new one.( I know tribulus was one of the common ingredients between stak2 and mstak and I already use tribulus by itself. I am 40 years old and find it does help and it's still legal and cheap.) The new mstak packs a much bigger kick than the old and i get solid, rock hard gain from it stacking it with pump and storm.
07-29-07, 5:32 am
exactly how many mg of ecdysterone is in m-stak?.. and where is it derived from? i'm hoping a rep can answer that for me, thanks.
12-02-07, 12:59 pm
So i have been on the Hardgainers M-stak (with the blue pills). But i think they don't work.
In my work out, The Anabolic M-stak makes my heart race out of my chest, which makes me lift heavier.
Hardgainers does not. Is this suppose to do that, and am i the only one that noticed?
so the new version has blue pills and the old does not?
I got a can a little while ago and I want to make sure it's the new version
12-02-07, 1:42 pm
so the new version has blue pills and the old does not?
I got a can a little while ago and I want to make sure it's the new version
blue capsules, white tablets, and a red one - new mstak
Old M-STAK - I had better strength gains and better workouts.
New M-STAK - I gained more lean mass and sweated my bollox off...
12-07-07, 5:21 pm
So i have been on the Hardgainers M-stak (with the blue pills). But i think they don't work.
In my work out, The Anabolic M-stak makes my heart race out of my chest, which makes me lift heavier.
Hardgainers does not. Is this suppose to do that, and am i the only one that noticed?
So this has gone from bad to worse today: I trained Triceps and of all my excursizes i was losing my top, which is normally no problem. But now i am getting weaker.
So the question is: Can i stop in the middle of the cycle, wait 1 week and go back on the old M-stak?
12-14-07, 11:48 am
should i take m stak on non training days?
12-15-07, 9:22 am
should i take m stak on non training days?
Read the label - take for 21 consecutive days. It has recommended use for training and non-training days. Look for answers before you post a question.
Does the new M Stak have any stimulant pills in the pack like Pump?
Just curious since I am using Shock Therapy right now....would not like too much caffiene.
Does the new M Stak have any stimulant pills in the pack like Pump?
Just curious since I am using Shock Therapy right now....would not like too much caffiene.
Yes, the new formula of M-Stak has an energy complex contained in the red pill.
12-16-07, 9:42 am
Does the new M Stak have any stimulant pills in the pack like Pump?
Just curious since I am using Shock Therapy right now....would not like too much caffiene.
The can says right on it the energy complex is contained in the red pill. Read the label.
02-19-08, 2:53 pm
Looked around for a suitable thread - this is the only one I came up with.. sorry to bother you if I'm out of line.
Q: I have heard that the contents of M-stak sold here in Sweden do NOT correlate with the M-stak that is sold in the U.S.; supposedly some of the contents has been taken out of the packs, as a response to new regulations. Is this possibly true? Do certain European countries have different standards and restrictions when it comes to selling this product? Does anyone know anything about this?
Cheers /panzer
03-05-08, 10:51 am
I was a tester for MStack and I loved it. Thinking about it again in the future
04-07-08, 5:53 pm
i actually got a hold of M-stack at GNC, i couldnt buy it online as my only way of online pay is Paypal (and paypal wont let you buy "HGH" based products) but i went to GNC to get some more protein, and i saw a shelf with all the animal products on it.
with a GNC card and the first week of the month, it cost less or the same as would be with shipping so ya :D
i just started using it as of last week, so ive yet to see too much results, though i have upped a lot of my lifts more than i usually do over a course of three workouts...
i actually got a hold of M-stack at GNC, i couldnt buy it online as my only way of online pay is Paypal (and paypal wont let you buy "HGH" based products) but i went to GNC to get some more protein, and i saw a shelf with all the animal products on it.
with a GNC card and the first week of the month, it cost less or the same as would be with shipping so ya :D
i just started using it as of last week, so ive yet to see too much results, though i have upped a lot of my lifts more than i usually do over a course of three workouts...
Gotta eat a ton of food and then some. The only way the new M Stak is gonna work is if ya eat.. it's called the hardgainers stack for a reason because it makes you wanna eat more( for me, increased appetite). I had some friends go on it and they complained about how it didn't work for them... I asked then how much they ate and they ate not much...
I smacked them hard and bump their calories 2fold, and sure enough, they gained around 7lbs each.... gotta eat...
04-07-08, 6:22 pm
ya, ive been eating all i can (as clean as possible too) but i just cant eat more than 3K cals a day without feeling like im going to puke, so i got a hold of some universal real gains today (yay!) and ill be taking that when i can to add the needed cals/protein/carbs i need :D
ya, ive been eating all i can (as clean as possible too) but i just cant eat more than 3K cals a day without feeling like im going to puke, so i got a hold of some universal real gains today (yay!) and ill be taking that when i can to add the needed cals/protein/carbs i need :D
Yeah, if ya can't stuff your face with whole foods, don't be afraid to drink them... 2 RG shakes a day and you will blow up.... Also, go for some fastfood/cheat meals... this is a bulk, remember, and M Stak is a nutrient partioning agent, meaning that it directs the calories you consume into working muscle tissue, thus allowing faster recovery time and increase in lean mass. I speak from expeirence. Try it out and let us know... 3k is not nearly enough to make M Stak work for ya. Does this clear up some confusion?
04-07-08, 7:11 pm
use to have the problem of feeling "full", but if you drink more water(bump it a near half gallon more), rather than like 2.5hrs before a meal, wait 3hrs, and work out a bit harder with the concious of food and you'll savage all the food in sight(no joke im not even on mstak or anything besides the Pak) and I'm skinny fat yet eating a lot!
04-09-08, 9:10 pm
ya i got my RG shakes now, and im seeing more improvement, ive bumped calories from around 3K to 4K :D
04-18-08, 11:10 pm
Can I take M-Stak pills at lunch, but the red pill(stim) right before I workout, even if I'm taking an alternate pre-workout supplement?
And can I take them prior to cardio?
04-22-08, 1:52 pm
Whichever followed months must I take animal M stack?
Is it necessary to stop some months?
04-22-08, 6:41 pm
Just curious does the M-Stak get you really going in terms of sweating, cause even on yesterday's cardio day of medium intensity i got going.
Today in the gym, within my 2nd set I was sweating like a pig, and felt my pump really doing well. My strength is low, cause I suck, but i mean the intensity was high as hell.
A 22 minute workout today, compared to the exact same workout I did 4 months ago in 48 minutes. No rests this time, except for different body parts.
Went 2 cycles of biceps, rested for a minute, 2 cycles of triceps, rested for a minute, 2 cycles forearms, rested for a minute, then did 40 reps for two different calve exercises. For that limited amount of work, I got a good pump and I was feeling good. Need to continue to progressively overload. I'm also finding it very hard to find a way to go 400g protein per day, I got 330 yesterday, and will get about 380 today, but how do I break it up. I'm thinking about adding a shake upon wake, then eating my breakfast about 20 minutes later. Too much in too little time? Opinions?
actual proof
04-23-08, 9:26 am
Your body sweats as a natural way of cooling it's self. Your intensity while working out may have increased which is what caused you to start sweating more. I do not think it was related directly to the product. Though again it is possible it is your genetic make up that reacts with the products ingredients in that fashion. But, IMO I still feel it is because you have increased your intensity.
actual proof
04-23-08, 12:00 pm
Can I take M-Stak pills at lunch, but the red pill(stim) right before I workout, even if I'm taking an alternate pre-workout supplement?
And can I take them prior to cardio?
From what I have read, yes you can do that.
Just to throw it out there...M-stak is amazing. I am stacking it with pump and omega and some other generic multis and aminos and i think i am in love. I have a job that requires a ton of walking and I was scared that I was going to lose all of my weight. I did, but then began my stack and now have gained it all back, but now it is completely solid.
Stacking multi, amino, omega, pump and m-stak
dropped body fat
gained weight
now: 6'1 210 6% bf
11-08-08, 12:46 am
I liked the way it worked my buddy latimer316 gave me a sample but I puked at the end of lifting. Has that happened to anyone else?
11-18-08, 8:27 am
never happend to me bro,take it about 30-45 min pre workout and you should be alright.
11-19-08, 5:33 pm
No, Bro... Never Happened, Since My Point Of View, You Should Try It Again And See If That Was Only A Bad Moment Or Anything Really Serious....
02-17-10, 1:22 pm
I have asked about stacking these two.. and i got just take it 3-4 hours apart. I work out in the evening around 6. so i am starting to take it around 1:30 question is it better/more effective to use it pre workout like I am or after my work out around 8:30? would appreciate the help thanks
02-17-10, 1:25 pm
You would want both of them before your workout, and take one of them 30 mins before.
The other a few hours before.
02-17-10, 1:42 pm
thanks brotha
04-02-11, 3:40 pm
I’m not sure if this is the right place for this post but I wanted to know if running 2 cycles of M-Stak back to back is ok… or if the off week between the 2 cycles is necessary … I was thinking of this 42 day cycle and after that about 2 weeks off and repeat… Something like the Test stack…
The Iron Gumby
04-02-11, 5:36 pm
I’m not sure if this is the right place for this post but I wanted to know if running 2 cycles of M-Stak back to back is ok… or if the off week between the 2 cycles is necessary … I was thinking of this 42 day cycle and after that about 2 weeks off and repeat… Something like the Test stack…
"We generally recommend one week off for every three week cycle of M-Stak. That said, the new M-Stak formula contains no hormonal manipulators and as such will cause no negative effect such as the suppression of natural hormone production over periods of prolonged use. Remember, however, that the human body adapts easily, and the use of any specialty supplement for too long could reduce that product’s efficacy."
04-03-11, 12:03 pm
Thanks bro I have read this already but was thinking that maybe someone did this and had some feedback. Think I’ll stick to what the label says. Can’t go wrong with that.
The Iron Gumby
04-03-11, 12:13 pm
Thanks bro I have read this already but was thinking that maybe someone did this and had some feedback. Think I’ll stick to what the label says. Can’t go wrong with that.
That's what I go by, we trust them to put the right ingredients in the packs so trust them to put the right directions on the label right?
04-03-11, 12:19 pm
Agreed. Was just thinking if it was a good idea.
The Iron Gumby
04-03-11, 4:28 pm
Agreed. Was just thinking if it was a good idea.
Have you done M-Stak before?
I'm going to try the classic Test/Stak 42 days followed by M-Stak 21 days in a few months from now.
06-14-11, 1:45 pm
Have you done M-Stak before?
I'm going to try the classic Test/Stak 42 days followed by M-Stak 21 days in a few months from now.
Did you end up running that brotha? How was it? I love that stack. Try the Test/Stak/M-Stak together. Thats no joke!
Did you end up running that brotha? How was it? I love that stack. Try the Test/Stak/M-Stak together. Thats no joke!
I haven't ran that yet. I'm running M-Stak and Stak now. I remember running the M-Stak/Stak/Stak2 back in the day and that was pretty sick.
03-02-12, 5:21 pm
I never used the old version... recently added m stak to my arsenal to support lean mass from my gains with test (good shit by the way) I can say I will be using m stak as long as I can afford it because it worth the money. I use all the fundational animal products but pump... I'm learning how to do my cycle by trial.. so far I am debating myself if I should use m stak with cuts and stak with test or stak with cuts and mstak with test... I think m stak works better with test that stak... any suggestions?
03-02-12, 5:42 pm
I never used the old version... recently added m stak to my arsenal to support lean mass from my gains with test (good shit by the way) I can say I will be using m stak as long as I can afford it because it worth the money. I use all the fundational animal products but pump... I'm learning how to do my cycle by trial.. so far I am debating myself if I should use m stak with cuts and stak with test or stak with cuts and mstak with test... I think m stak works better with test that stak... any suggestions?
i really like mstack and test together....and cuts and stak, just my 2 cents.....if you want a lot of testoserone and a ton of rage run test and stak together followed by a can of mstack....very good as well.
04-29-14, 1:59 am
Looked around for a suitable thread - this is the only one I came up with.. sorry to bother you if I'm out of line.
Q: I have heard that the contents of M-stak sold here in Sweden do NOT correlate with the M-stak that is sold in the U.S.; supposedly some of the contents has been taken out of the packs, as a response to new regulations. Is this possibly true? Do certain European countries have different standards and restrictions when it comes to selling this product? Does anyone know anything about this?
Cheers /panzer
i wanted to push his post since i found no answer as well.
10-28-14, 11:02 pm
What are some of the best ways to use M-Stak? Ive heard about taking out the stimulant pill, cycling, etc. Probably the most general question but whats the best way to get the best results?