View Full Version : Animal Nitro FAQ #1: If I’m using Nitro, when do I take Storm and Torrent?
Animal Rep
05-18-07, 12:38 pm
Q: If I’m using Nitro, when would I take Storm and Torrent?
A: For best results with the aforementioned supplements take one pack of Nitro along with a serving of Storm, pre-workout. Follow up your workout with another serving of Nitro and then, 15-30 minutes later, have a Torrent shake.
Adrenaline Junkie
04-05-08, 2:09 am
thats what i usually do, and it works great!
In this scenario - after weight / before cardio, should I still take the Nitro with grape juice, or just water?
04-26-08, 11:45 pm
grape juice and water are both good to take it with. For the recorded, i take my nitro with my torrent post workout. So goes G. And i find it works great too.
grape juice and water are both good to take it with. For the recorded, i take my nitro with my torrent post workout. So goes G. And i find it works great too.
?? I read somewhere in this forum that it was neccesary to take nitro with grape juice and that drinking it with water limited it or something..I can't seem to find the thread though..I take nitro with water but does anyone know if this really makes a difference and why drink with grape juice!? Also are there alternatives to grape juice??
Hit us back up plz im a little dying for an explanation.
08-10-09, 8:45 am
?? I read somewhere in this forum that it was neccesary to take nitro with grape juice and that drinking it with water limited it or something..I can't seem to find the thread though..I take nitro with water but does anyone know if this really makes a difference and why drink with grape juice!? Also are there alternatives to grape juice??
Hit us back up plz im a little dying for an explanation.
Taking Nitro with grape juice allows the Nitro to get into your system faster. Grape juice provides quick carbs in the form of sugar, which shuttles the aminos into your system at a quicker rate than if you had it with water. Sure, you can have it with grape juice, but you don't necessarily have to. I usually take my pack of Nitro with my last sip of Intra-Aid OR my first sip of Torrent.
You can also look into EAA Nitro (formerly Animal Nitro G). EAA Nitro is the same exact amino acid blend as Animal Nitro, only it contains 35g of carbs to help you shuttle the aminos in faster. In a sense, EAA Nitro is Animal Nitro+Grape Juice all in one.
?? I read somewhere in this forum that it was neccesary to take nitro with grape juice and that drinking it with water limited it or something..I can't seem to find the thread though..I take nitro with water but does anyone know if this really makes a difference and why drink with grape juice!? Also are there alternatives to grape juice??
Hit us back up plz im a little dying for an explanation.
Ideally, EAAs should be taken with some sort of carb so that you can replenish your glycogen as well. If you're dieting or on a keto diet, you don't necessarily need to take extra carbs with Nitro. Depends on what your goals are and what else your are consuming around the workout time.
You can also look into EAA Nitro (formerly Animal Nitro G). EAA Nitro is the same exact amino acid blend as Animal Nitro, only it contains 35g of carbs to help you shuttle the aminos in faster. In a sense, EAA Nitro is Animal Nitro+Grape Juice all in one.
Well said A. EAA Nitro is indeed essentially Animal Nitro plus the carbs. For what it's worth, I have had some of my best strength performances when having cosumed EAA Nitro Fruit Punch during my workout. It could be mental but I'm sticking with it intra-workout.
08-10-09, 9:49 am
Well said A. EAA Nitro is indeed essentially Animal Nitro plus the carbs. For what it's worth, I have had some of my best strength performances when having cosumed EAA Nitro Fruit Punch during my workout. It could be mental but I'm sticking with it intra-workout.
I've been hearing a lot of good things about EAA Nitro lately. I've never used it. I think I'll be hopping on that product as soon as my prep is over.
Is it a good idea to take my Nitro 1/2hr pre training with a half a bottle of powerade,, and the second dose of Nitro immediately after training w. the second half of the powerade? Rgds from Sweden
Is it a good idea to take my Nitro 1/2hr pre training with a half a bottle of powerade,, and the second dose of Nitro immediately after training w. the second half of the powerade? Rgds from Sweden
You can if you want to. You can also take Nitro with water and drink Powerade during workout.
My goal is to reduce bodyfat and regain muscles and strength! haven't been training since 2002! ad gained a lot of fat, the problem is that I can't handle the cuts, bloodpreasure issue,
My question is as follow:
Shall I take my Nitro with the pump about 20-30 minutes before training? Then the second dose of Nitro as suggested, directly after training then about 30-45 minutes later my torrent? I'm training about 1,5 hours after breakfast.
My other scheme is like this:
Morning: Animal Pak
Lunch: Animal Omega
Dinner: Animal Flex
With regards
My goal is to reduce bodyfat and regain muscles and strength! haven't been training since 2002! ad gained a lot of fat, the problem is that I can't handle the cuts, bloodpreasure issue,
My question is as follow:
Shall I take my Nitro with the pump about 20-30 minutes before training? Then the second dose of Nitro as suggested, directly after training then about 30-45 minutes later my torrent? I'm training about 1,5 hours after breakfast.
My other scheme is like this:
Morning: Animal Pak
Lunch: Animal Omega
Dinner: Animal Flex
With regards
I'd suggest space out Nitro and Pump a bit, maybe Pump 20 min pre workout then Nitro right before workout.
I would love to take Nitro pre-workout, but it's advised that Nitro should be taken on an empty stomach. I always eat a nice meal before I workout, I deplete too easily without one.
I would love to take Nitro pre-workout, but it's advised that Nitro should be taken on an empty stomach. I always eat a nice meal before I workout, I deplete too easily without one.
I think if your meal and workout are at least a hour apart, then you can still take Nitro 10-15 minutes or right before you workout.
Is one pack of NItro enough or should i take two?
Universal Rep
01-05-10, 1:55 pm
Is one pack of NItro enough or should i take two?
What does your postworkout nutrition look like?
What does your postworkout nutrition look like?
Hey Rep, my nights are working out from 7-9 then taking a 40g whey shake, then bed around 1030.
Universal Rep
01-05-10, 2:02 pm
Hey Rep, my nights are working out from 7-9 then taking a 40g whey shake, then bed around 1030.
You carb sensitive and avoid carbs at night?
You carb sensitive and avoid carbs at night?
I don't think so i mean i don't eat a meal that late if that's what your'e asking. (?)
Universal Rep
01-05-10, 2:05 pm
I don't think so i mean i don't eat a meal that late if that's what your'e asking. (?)
I'd try taking a single pack of Nitro right after lifting, maybe with some fruit juice. Then, if you are sensitive to carbs, I'd take that whey shake 30 minutes later or so. If you're not carb sensitive, maybe throw in some carbs--dextrose or maltodextrin or oatmeal. Experiment.
I'd try taking a single pack of Nitro right after lifting, maybe with some fruit juice. Then, if you are sensitive to carbs, I'd take that whey shake 30 minutes later or so. If you're not carb sensitive, maybe throw in some carbs--dextrose or maltodextrin or oatmeal. Experiment.
Ok sounds like a good plan! Thanks Rep!
01-05-10, 3:50 pm
I take the one pak about 20mins into lifting. But I eat 3 more meals after I train.
definitely going to pick up Nitro on my way home tonight...if they have Torrent too my wallet is in trouble since i just ordered a bag LOL
i usually work out at night around 545-6ish, depending on my work schedule. but usually i get out around 8ish so i take 1 pack right after, and usually waiting 30-45 mins after to drink a shake is a little to late, eating around 930ish sucks, so i just take the pack and then wait like 45mins and eat a nice meal and have some time left over to settle for bed. Im thinking about taking one pack like 5mins before training but i dont want to run through the can so quick, so i might just pick up some eaa and drink during.
02-10-10, 12:49 am
Is Animal Nitro and EAA Nitro redundant if you're already using Intra Aid during your workout? I'm speaking specifically as a post-workout supplement.
04-09-10, 10:43 am
I'm starting to take Nitro, How long after do I eat a whole meal?
Mr. Dead
04-09-10, 10:48 am
I'm starting to take Nitro, How long after do I eat a whole meal?
15-30 minutes...
Mr. Dead
04-09-10, 10:49 am
Is Animal Nitro and EAA Nitro redundant if you're already using Intra Aid during your workout? I'm speaking specifically as a post-workout supplement.
No... A flood of aminos post workout aids greatly with recovery...
I take Pump 30 minutes preworkout, then funky coctail during with intra aid as on of ingredients, I take Nitro right as I start my last set cause I want it hitting before 15 minutes then I eat my 1000 cal gainer 30 minutes after!
04-09-10, 3:16 pm
15-30 minutes...
Thanks for the info
Mr. Dead
04-09-10, 3:19 pm
Thanks for the info
No problemo...
Thinking of replacing Pump with this plan:
For best results with the aforementioned supplements take one pack of Nitro along with a serving of Storm, pre-workout. Follow up your workout with another serving of Nitro and then, 15-30 minutes later, have a Torrent shake.
In other words gonna pick up and try Storm. Anyone have any better results from a different plan?
05-02-10, 7:46 am
Is taking Shock Therapy pre wo and Nitro post wo overdoing on the NO supp’s?
05-02-10, 7:57 am
Crap... I wanted to say Pump not Nitro... Wrong thread and wrong post... Sorry about that...
Crap... I wanted to say Pump not Nitro... Wrong thread and wrong post... Sorry about that...
Both ST and Pump are for pre workout, you can take Pump on non training days if you want to. Most people alternate the two to get the most out of them, it'll also allow you to switch between pills and powder.
I prefer to do about 20-25 minutes of cardio right after training, for fatloss, Should I wait and take the Nitro with grape juice until I have finished the cardio or should I take them right before the cardio, after I have finished the weight training?
05-12-10, 9:11 am
Right after cardio is fine my man.
Right after cardio is fine my man.
05-12-10, 2:33 pm
I prefer to do about 20-25 minutes of cardio right after training, for fatloss, Should I wait and take the Nitro with grape juice until I have finished the cardio or should I take them right before the cardio, after I have finished the weight training?
Everyone does their supplementation differently, especially when it comes to amino intake. Personally, I always train, take my aminos, and then do my cardio. Post-cardio is when I'll have my actual postWO shake.
I just started taking nitro instead of an amino powder, less to drink. On off days, what should I follow. Just one pack with juice?
06-14-11, 1:46 pm
I just started taking nitro instead of an amino powder, less to drink. On off days, what should I follow. Just one pack with juice?
Sounds good to me bro.
03-29-12, 2:24 pm
Budget is a little tight right now but dont want to go without my nitro. If I have to chose to take a pak pre workout or immediately post workout which would you think would be best?
04-04-12, 2:37 pm
Budget is a little tight right now but dont want to go without my nitro. If I have to chose to take a pak pre workout or immediately post workout which would you think would be best?
I personally like it post workout.