View Full Version : Animal Pump FAQ #5: Can I use the Animal Pump and Animal Cuts together?
Animal Rep
05-18-07, 1:28 pm
Q: I am looking to drop some fat, can I use the Cuts and the Pump together? If so, would that be too many stimulants to consume prior to my workout?
A: You can use them both, together. In fact, this would be quite an effective combination as Pump helps a dieting athlete to maintain strength and performance even when in a state of caloric deficit. Animal Pump works to draw water into the muscle (intracellular). Animal Cuts on the other hand pulls water from under the skin (extracellular). The two will not cancel each other out if taken in the same cycle. Just be sure to leave 3-4 hours in between the doses, taking Pump immediately preworkout. If you are sensitive to caffeine and stimulants, avoid using these products within 4-6 hrs of bedtime.
For feedback on Cuts/Pump "stack":
07-03-07, 8:48 pm
Is the stim in cuts the dark brown capsule or dark brown tablet?
07-09-07, 10:46 am
think I heard someone saying it's the capsule
03-04-09, 5:15 pm
its the red capsule as stated on the can!
Little Z
03-22-09, 5:15 pm
its the red capsule as stated on the can!
they are discussing cuts here bro, not Pump.. when referring to the capsule.. simmer
and I believe the stims in Cuts is a blend, so there is not 1 pill or cap that you can remove..
07-30-09, 1:29 pm
It is a blend, but most of it can be found in the dark brown capsule.
Sorry but do any one have a suggestion about how to spread the pump and cuts out, for me?
I usually awake about 6:30 in the morning, have breakfast, and Animal Pak( around 07:00)
Then I train about 08:30 in the morning w. Nitro just before and after, and Pump about 20-30 minutes before training
If I shall use the Cuts, when shall I take it/ them ( Pump and Cuts) on training days and the days of no training? or shall I trow out the Pump at the moment? Because my first goal is weight loss, I'm really "Bulked up" sorry I meant fat, about 60 pounds!
My other supplements are:
My basic stack
- Animal Pak
- Animal Omega
- Animal Flex
- Uni-Liver
- Animal Nitro
- Animal Pump
- Universal Ultra Whey Pro
12-25-09, 7:01 pm
Dont take cuts unless you have a competition coming up, its not a weigh loss supplement for long term. If you wanna lose fat I would take out PUMP because of the creatine and add shock therapy. Start every work out with a solid balls to the wall cardio for 30 mins. Another thing is if you are tryin to lose weight I would work out before you eat in the morning that way you body is burning fat not the calories you just ingested.
I will save the Pump, and use Cuts/stak for a while, and switch over to the pump later on!
Animal Rep
12-28-09, 3:36 pm
Sorry but do any one have a suggestion about how to spread the pump and cuts out, for me?
I usually awake about 6:30 in the morning, have breakfast, and Animal Pak( around 07:00)
Then I train about 08:30 in the morning w. Nitro just before and after, and Pump about 20-30 minutes before training
If I shall use the Cuts, when shall I take it/ them ( Pump and Cuts) on training days and the days of no training? or shall I trow out the Pump at the moment? Because my first goal is weight loss, I'm really "Bulked up" sorry I meant fat, about 60 pounds!
Take Cuts as soon as you wake up in the AM at 630, then Pump at 8.
Dont take cuts unless you have a competition coming up, its not a weigh loss supplement for long term. If you wanna lose fat I would take out PUMP because of the creatine and add shock therapy. Start every work out with a solid balls to the wall cardio for 30 mins. Another thing is if you are tryin to lose weight I would work out before you eat in the morning that way you body is burning fat not the calories you just ingested.
You are correct it is not for long term use, but you can absolutely use it if you dont have a show coming up, there is no problem there.
And Shock Therapy has the same amount of Creatine in at that Pump does.
I need some advice regarding loosing body fat without loosing any muscle, or even with a minor muscle gain. I will post more details regarding my training and progress so far so you can have all the necessary info to advise me in the right direction.
novice weightlifter (5 months serious lifting)
age: 22
weight: 98.5 kg - was 112kg when i started a serious program
body fat: ~25% - was at around 35% when i started a serious program
lean mass: 73,9 kg now (72,7 kg then) - only subtracted the fat so may differ
diet: mostly controlled ( protein intake between 150-200 daily, 75-100 from protein shakes 100% whey product [3 a day], caloric intake between 2300-2700 a day, all split in 5 meals)
training: 6 days a week ( day 1 40 min weightlifting 20 min cardio, day 2 30 min weightlifting 30 min cardio, repeat )
training program: day 1 compound exercises, major group, free weights; day 2, isolated exercises, minor group for the previous major one [ aka day 1 chest; day 2 triceps ] and so on)
i change my training every 3 weeks from a mass program to a strength program.
GOAL: 90kg and 10% body fat ( lean mass 81kg ) and then mentain it till future goals arrive
Currently i am taking animal PAK for the previous 5 months and i intend to continue using it, my questions now:
1. Can a stak of pak + cuts + pump send me in the correct direction ( lose bf and gain muscle ) or should i use pump till i get the mass needed while trying to shed bf only based on diet and cardio and then stop using pump and use cuts till i get the desired body fat
2. I am from Romania so i'd have to sacrifice 1/3 of my monthly income if i want to have proteins, animal pak + pump + cuts so i will not intend to keep using pump for an unlimited period of time like i intend to use pak so im wondering if by not using pump will my muscles seem smaller and will i risk having a deflated look?
3. After using cuts, can i mentain my body fat around the same % +/-2% only based on diet and cardio?
06-17-10, 11:21 pm
so dont take pump and cuts directly together? I usually take them before i go to the gym. Cuts when i wake up then 6 hours later i take pump 30 mins before the gym and cuts 15 after i take pump. Is this ok?
Animal Rep
06-28-10, 3:13 pm
so dont take pump and cuts directly together? I usually take them before i go to the gym. Cuts when i wake up then 6 hours later i take pump 30 mins before the gym and cuts 15 after i take pump. Is this ok?
Yes thats fine. Take one of the red caps out as well so you are not getting extra stimulants.