View Full Version : Training FAQ #4: Are free weights superior to machines?
Animal Rep
05-25-07, 4:39 pm
In general, it is much more difficult to stabilize and control barbells and dumbbells and, as such, the work done with these free weights is most conducive to superior muscle growth. That said, machine exercises offer the ability to focus on isolating the targeted muscle group and as such do serve a significant purpose especially when warming up or as a finishing movement. Depending on your goals and your approach to lifting, you may choose to combine each, or emphasize one over the other. If the latter, we're hoping you're talking about free weights.
05-25-07, 4:40 pm
real talk here
In general, it is much more difficult to stabilize and control barbells and dumbbells and, as such, the work done with these free weights is most conducive to superior muscle growth. That said, machine exercises offer the ability to focus on isolating the targeted muscle group and as such do serve a significant purpose especially when warming up or as a finishing movement. Depending on your goals and your approach to lifting, you may choose to combine each, or emphasize one over the other. If the latter, we're hoping you're talking about free weights.
08-12-07, 12:05 pm
I use them both they each have there own benefits
08-21-07, 12:20 am
i agree with AR.....for warm ups or to finish off, machines are the way to go....but to build real strength and to put on size its free weights hands down
09-10-07, 12:14 am
free weights will help you gain muscle mass faster. machines are good to warm up with or to start out with if you aren't use to doing some of the exercises. It is still good to do machine exercise every few weeks to shock the muscle and mix the work out up.
09-13-07, 11:46 am
The Only Prolplem I Have Encountered With THe Machines Is That The Weights Can Be Might Pump Out 250 On The Machine And 200 On Which Is Correct? Gotta Bro Who Is A Machine Junkie And Swears By Them, Where As I Swear By The Free Weights..... Raw Iron That Exercises Your Stabilizin Muscle While Really Pushin Can't Bail Out Of A Rep Of Bench With Free Weight Where As With A Machine You Might Give In Abit Early..... Machines I Think Are Good For Certain Things But You Gotta Have Free Iron In YOUR Regimine...........
09-13-07, 12:52 pm
The Only Prolplem I Have Encountered With THe Machines Is That The Weights Can Be Might Pump Out 250 On The Machine And 200 On Which Is Correct? Gotta Bro Who Is A Machine Junkie And Swears By Them, Where As I Swear By The Free Weights..... Raw Iron That Exercises Your Stabilizin Muscle While Really Pushin Can't Bail Out Of A Rep Of Bench With Free Weight Where As With A Machine You Might Give In Abit Early..... Machines I Think Are Good For Certain Things But You Gotta Have Free Iron In YOUR Regimine...........
No doubt the machines lie a little. Basic knowledge on how pullies work will tell ya that. Machines eliminate the need for a spotter, so you can really try to throw some ridiculous weight if you want. Obviously nothing wrong with free weights though. I like to use both. I don't know if necessarily one or the other is "correct", more just what works for you. I know a guy who use's a machine primarily, and the dude is pretty impressive.
09-13-07, 1:03 pm
fuck guys my gym is so rusty and I don't have any of those fancy machines you got there... just lots of dumbbels, plates, and also some cables and the bench press... that's about all ... but I like it like this... old-school, that is
09-15-07, 12:11 pm
for most exercises im gonna say yeah free weights kick ass....cus you have to keep more balanced your using intercoastal muscles more to stay stable so you target more fibres and reach more growth as compared to a machine which keeps control for you, though for some exercises machines can be very usefull in maintaing the strictest possible its really up to your personal preference,,,,,just dont let the machines rule your workouts or youll never go large
only diff i can see is that i use machines for bench and shit when im goin heavy with no spotters....limits decapitation and stuff
they each have their own advantages...the Smith machine for example...if your benching all you have to do is push the weight up, its on sliders so you dont have to stabilize the bar. you can put all your strength into gettin your reps. free weights build your core, build your stabilizer muscles....i dont know which is "better", but i feel both should be used in your workouts. shock the muscles, keep em guessing, build muscle
Shawn J
11-27-07, 10:17 pm
Everyone knows that the free weight exercises recruit more stabilizer muscles. Thus making it more difficult to complete the exercise. This is tested every time I bench on the Smith and try to do the same weight on a standard bench. Great way to stay humble!!!
For mass and density, free weights. For isolation and safety, machines. I hate the smith machine for squats and military presses. It doesn't feel natural and seems to bother my joints. Hammer Strength equipment is excellent if you don't have a spotter their machines feel the closest to a free weight movement as you can get. I also think the smith machine is abused too much. I've seen people actually doing deadlifts on the damn thing! Give me a break! People stack the thing thinking they are bad ass, when the bar by itself only weighs 15 by itself! For the big three, unless you have an injury that just won't allow it, stick to the bar.
12-14-07, 7:49 pm
free weights will help you gain muscle mass faster. machines are good to warm up with or to start out with if you aren't use to doing some of the exercises. It is still good to do machine exercise every few weeks to shock the muscle and mix the work out up.
100% agree
In my opinion,
i don't use machines because i feel like i just started bodybuilding..
i would say is good for womens or for starters who can't hold the free weights well.
guys you wana get big? go back to the old-skool stuff
Adrian Andras
02-09-08, 1:28 pm
I can't stand machines, they just feel so unnatural to me.
Carpe Diem P.T
02-10-08, 8:50 am
There is so much talk about the stabiliser muscles yet i would be interested to see if many people here actually know where they are, and how much growth is jeapordised through supportive machines. The word 'stabilisers' is thrown about so much like the word 'core'. Everyone reads so much about it and love to talk about it but really know very little.
02-11-08, 1:27 pm
Plus with the machines, you are limited to some of the exercises you can do, most machines it's just one exercise per.
I go to a local place, & it's about half machines & half free weights. I like 'em both, but prefer the free weights.
Polish Prince
02-13-08, 2:04 pm
free weights are deffinately better. you have to use all of your muscle fibers to balance out the weight. however machines are good for burning out with less worry of injury and can give you some different angles to help stimulate the muscle. i reccomend using both but favoring the free weights!
03-09-08, 1:12 am
At my home gym I use barbells, dumbbells, plates, and my body weight to complete all my exercises. I tend to also stick with the free weights at the gym except when completing additional back and leg exercises after Squats and Deadlifts.
03-09-08, 3:21 am
Free Weights are better than machines hands down for building muscle mass and strength. Machines are good for rehab and maybe a change of pace every now and then.
03-13-08, 2:30 pm
In my opinion, machines are good, free weights are king.
I like to get big the old fashion way, plain ole heavy metal. I just can't picture Serg Nubret or Reg Park using too many Cybex machines.
MeGa MaK
03-15-08, 1:31 pm
in my opinion
i think that free weight are more effective than the machines , but i use both of them cuz each one has its own effect on each body part that you aretraning on.
04-22-08, 5:31 pm
The only machines the I ever use are cables, and most of the time, I just diss them with free weight exercises. I really think machines are useless, no offense to the hammer strength, smith machine, or cybex enthusiasts...
05-02-08, 6:30 pm
What is 1 set to failure? How to do this on dips?
05-06-08, 9:11 pm
In my opinion, machines are good, free weights are king.
I like to get big the old fashion way, plain ole heavy metal. I just can't picture Serg Nubret or Reg Park using too many Cybex machines.
Seriously can't remember the last time I used any machine. Growing and getting stronger faster than ever so I must be doing something right...
sazali samad
06-25-08, 9:58 pm
for me free weight is a lot better than machine.i gain 10kgs in past 6 months just doing free weight.but i go as heavy as possible.
06-30-08, 10:39 am
In general use machines when the movement is circular. For ex when doing pec flyes it is better to use the pec fly machine than DBs because the machine puts constant stress on the muscle. The machine converts the circular movement into a straight up and down movement, meaning that your arms are moving circular but the weight is moving straight up and down. This places constant stress on the pecs. Same goes for laterals for deltoids. Using a cable machine for the laterals does the same thing.
Hola Bola
07-06-08, 6:21 pm
Use them both... find out what works for you and run with it. There are no necessary exercises.
07-07-08, 10:29 am
When all my friends are on the machines and their doin machine precher curls at 50 lbs for 5 reps I'm over by the free weights doing precher curls at 75lbs for 15-20 reps. LOL and the same with leg day. My friends can do alot on the leg press, but I tell them to go over and squat and they can only do around 95-100 lbs LOL. I hate ignorance in people who use machines only.
I think all movements have their place in a workout, machines and free weights.
What would a leg day be without machine extentions and ham curls?
Leg Pressing is a great way to rack on some extra poundage to the legs, keeping the back supported - but you gotta squat, shit its not legs if you dont squat at some point!
I Always start with my free weights (other than leg day when sometimes i'll throw in the extentions before squatting, hits the quads F'in hard)!
Once the free weights start becoming dangerous, failure comes in, and shit gets risky, then i hit the machines just for those extra few sets and pump!
07-10-08, 4:20 pm
true that HULK i got the same goin on with the free and then all machines.
07-24-08, 4:13 am
New to bodybuilding. I want to use the minimum amount of machines possible. I agree that free weights have to be more effective at building mass and strength, but how can you have a complete leg day without incorporating machines? The Squat is the king of all exercises, but you have to throw in the leg press somewhere in there.
11-04-08, 2:18 am
Free weights work and so do machines, use em all and use them intensely, and they all make your grow, dont use either exclusively. Just hit whatever your using hard and heavy and youll grow.
11-04-08, 3:05 am
New to bodybuilding. I want to use the minimum amount of machines possible. I agree that free weights have to be more effective at building mass and strength, but how can you have a complete leg day without incorporating machines? The Squat is the king of all exercises, but you have to throw in the leg press somewhere in there.
nah, it's cool, the leg press is a pretty compound movement as well... load some heavy weight and have fun
the squat is the king, but you should do everything, from leg presses to hack squats to stiff-leg deads, and even leg extensions and curls, they all serve their purpose
11-04-08, 5:51 am
New to bodybuilding. I want to use the minimum amount of machines possible. I agree that free weights have to be more effective at building mass and strength, but how can you have a complete leg day without incorporating machines? The Squat is the king of all exercises, but you have to throw in the leg press somewhere in there.
I usually start off with free weights like squats, then end off with machines like the leg press. That way, I can go really fucking heavy without fear of getting crushed when my muscles are near failure.
11-06-08, 9:47 pm
for a powerlifter would it be better to do free weights then machines?
and just curious to find some new workouts but what are some more good workouts to get deadlift up other then of course deadlift?
11-07-08, 11:34 am
for a powerlifter would it be better to do free weights then machines?
Free weights, Free weights more free weights.....then when you can do no more free weights hit the machines
BJ Shaffer
05-21-09, 5:06 pm
I think free weights are alot more beneficial than machines. But some machines are good as well. I think you should have a mixture of both and not just all one or the other
I live by Machine Preachers. They keep tension on the biceps the whole time. 3 sets of 12, then a drop set. My bi's are super pumped, and destroyed.
08-11-09, 10:35 pm
free weights are diff more harder and better for you... but they both have there benifts
12-04-09, 12:20 am
Generally for me free weights is the way to go. I have seen the most gains this way. However I like to mix it up especially the hammer strength equipment we have at our gym. I am older and new to the game so I like to target weaker body parts with machines. When I was younger I was into Olympic Style Weightlifting and there is nothing like good old school movements for overall development but hell what do I know?
David P
03-01-10, 9:49 pm
for a powerlifter would it be better to do free weights then machines?
and just curious to find some new workouts but what are some more good workouts to get deadlift up other then of course deadlift?
100% free bro it shouldn't even cross your mind with machines you can use them for warm-ups but keep them out other than that
and as far as deadlift one of the best things you can do is straight leg dl and some powercleans cleans'll get you some much needed explosion so you can pull heavy quicker
Girevik 69
03-03-10, 11:06 am
Regarding the debate of free weights vs. machines, it was summed up best by powerlifting coach Louie Simmons:
"...check out the weight facility. If there are more machines than weights and you're not in the snack room, think twice before entering."
05-17-10, 4:39 pm
Machines are good for going to absolute and complete failure. Maybe do 1 set of machines as a warm up, 2 sets of free weights, and a final set on machines until absolute and complete failure. Some people belive in going to failure on the last set, and not even counting the reps. Its all a matter of your school of thought. But like pretty much everybody has said, each has their own advantages.
In this when you mistake something you learn from your mistakes.
So Machine can't make all the shape of your body.
It's make our body fast but it's not stabilize long time.
If you leave to make body with machines so it's not good for body.
In this when you mistake something you learn from your mistakes.
So Machine can't make all the shape of your body.
It's make our body fast but it's not stabilize long time.
If you leave to make body with machines so it's not good for body.
very correctly, I agree, it is really
08-02-10, 12:01 am
When somone poses a question like this...the only response I can muster is the following:
Are free weights superior to machines?
Superior implies finality, its almost like when people say guilty or not guilty, those terms dont really apply. There si no superior or inferioir, there is no wright or wrong, there is only what we choose to do and what we do not do. What else can a logical man measure his world by?
09-15-10, 11:56 am
machines are safer but less beneficial
free weights are more dangerous but more beneficial due to working stabilizer muscles and like what everyone else said, better for strength n growth. Only "machine" ill use is the Lat Pulldown, other then that, all DB and BB work
Last year my friend asked me for helping him with his introduction into weightlifting. But he was really skinny and weak and couldn't do many excercises I would normally expect everyone to do because the weight just wobbled in his hands (even BB Bench Press with only the bar wasn't possible for more than 6 reps). He looked like he really has the dedication to go into the gym even tough he was the weakest person I've ever seen so I made a 3 day routine for him that consisted of bodyweight excercises, deadlifts and machines. It worked fantastic. So I'd say them machines are great for begginers. Not that I never use them but for me free weights are the rule. Of course I recently forced my friend to change to free weights, but machines are great for building the first "something".
11-16-13, 3:51 pm
In general, it is much more difficult to stabilize and control barbells and dumbbells and, as such, the work done with these free weights is most conducive to superior muscle growth. That said, machine exercises offer the ability to focus on isolating the targeted muscle group and as such do serve a significant purpose especially when warming up or as a finishing movement. Depending on your goals and your approach to lifting, you may choose to combine each, or emphasize one over the other. If the latter, we're hoping you're talking about free weights.
12-23-13, 10:16 pm
Machines are linear and restrictive in their movement.I personally feel free weights
allow a lifter to build ones stabilizer muscles better. Hence a truly stronger athlete.
Henri Skiba
Machines are linear and restrictive in their movement.I personally feel free weights
allow a lifter to build ones stabilizer muscles better. Hence a truly stronger athlete.
Henri Skiba
I believe free weights are the way to go. Also I feel as if machines just make certain lifts easier then it should be.
04-11-15, 10:59 am
Coming from an era where the only machines available were crudely made and quite limited. I feel the need arose out of necessity. Yes free weights far and away the greatest thing since sliced bread. However we needed more. Try doing thigh curls with a 100 lb. DB between your feet not so much fun when you drop it on your nuts! Thank goodness for the thigh curl machine! Machines allow you to work muscles from a variety of angles. Where free weights engage more muscle activity machines give you the option of isolating an area. I would never give up my free weights but machines certainly do have there place in the lifting arena.