View Full Version : Training FAQ #6: What can I do to get rid of my stretch marks?
Animal Rep
05-25-07, 4:41 pm
Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended. If you hate them that much try cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E. They won't disappear, but it is likely that they will fade over time. They are a byproduct of excessive growth and that is what bodybuilding is all about. And if that's not what you're trying to achieve, why are you here?
For a useful discussion about stretch marks, check out this thread:
05-25-07, 4:44 pm
from now on i love my strech marks
Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended. If you hate them that much try cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E. They won't disappear, but it is likely that they will fade over time. They are a byproduct of excessive growth and that is what bodybuilding is all about.
[QUOTE=Animal Rep;95652]Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended. If you hate them that much try cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E. They won't disappear, but it is likely that they will fade over time. They are a byproduct of excessive growth and that is what bodybuilding is all about. And if that's not what you're trying to achieve, why are you here?
I am pumped because I am getting them basically everywhere and makes me realize the hard work pays off...but if u dont want the cocoa butter.
05-30-07, 10:13 pm
I am still pist that I dont have them on my calves.
Just got some on my shoulders, sweet shit bros, i've been punishing them hard enough looks like...
I have them every where. Bi's, tris, delts, pecs, lats, and legs. Getting tan will do the most. Ive been in the sun only a couple days this summer and it has already made a difference.
I am still pist that I dont have them on my calves.
I have had it confirmed by two very skeptical individuals (the wife and my friend).
I managed to add 3/4 inch in about 4 months, and get stretch marks, albeit small ones, on my calves.
PM me for the pain.
I have a philosophy in the gym: If I am trying to grow, then stretch marks are a GOAL.
Please don't get all self-conscious on us here. Besides the fact that they itch like hell, stretch marks are our battle-scars, and should be considered prizes from a war hard fought.
09-10-07, 12:24 am
try using coco butter or udder cream. tanning also helps them fade faster
10-07-07, 10:18 pm
cocoa butter works really well if its that bad that you need to get rid of them strivectin is a prescription strength for stretch marks but its expensive
Infinite Fury
02-08-08, 7:24 pm
[QUOTE=Animal Rep;95652]Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended. If you hate them that much try cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E. They won't disappear, but it is likely that they will fade over time. They are a byproduct of excessive growth and that is what bodybuilding is all about. And if that's not what you're trying to achieve, why are you here?
I feel like a whole new person now. My stretch marks are like battle scars.
Polish Prince
02-13-08, 2:07 pm
i've been bulking and a lot of times it goes straight to my gut and i deffinately have them there! YIKKKEESSSSSSSSSSSSS
everywhere else i love 'em though
yea, i have a few on my stomach from when i was FAT bak in high school..
i got a bunch on my lower back too from i dunno... they're horizontal goin left to right.. and ive seen skinny people with em too.. maybe its from growth spurts during puberty?
09-30-08, 11:47 pm
I have the stretch also but just remember that the beast in us never notices them.
My stretch marks are insane. I look like a zebra, no joke. I just started getting stretch marks on my forearms now.
10-31-08, 3:27 am
[QUOTE=MHar;539134]My stretch marks are insane. I look like a zebra, no joke. I just started getting stretch marks on my forearms now.[/QUOTE
if i were you, i'd be proud to show em off. but thats me.
On Letting Go
11-03-08, 7:50 am
i got a bunch on my lower back too from i dunno... they're horizontal goin left to right.. and ive seen skinny people with em too.. maybe its from growth spurts during puberty?
I have these too, and im relatively skinny. Way back, my dermatologist told me they were just from growth spurts during puberty. I hate the fact that they're there, but no use worryin about it cuz there isnt shit i can do about it.
if i were you, i'd be proud to show em off. but thats me.
If somebody asks me I'll show them. People usually find it gross but I don't really care. To me it actually shows my hard work is paying off, which is what really counts.
05-17-09, 10:20 pm
so i got a question. i get them on my arms. i've been on some supplements recently for the first time in about 5 years. my upper body has gotten a lot bigger. i eat about 2000 calories a day, and yet i get them on my sides still. the only thing i can think of is that my chest is gettin bigger and my shoulders are a lot wider now. i will be measuring myself in a few days to see how much i have put on in just 4 weeks. but i just dont understand why i would get them on the side of my "love handles" that i am tryin to lose. i weigh in at 305 now but i've put 10 lbs of muscle on in 4 weeks. any help what might be goin on?
06-20-09, 10:57 am
Ive got em on the back of my shoulders, at 18 its kinda gross, but i wear em proudly.
If you really want to lose them, use lard. It sounds ridiculous, but my mom has given birth to two kids and doesn't have a single stretch mark. That goes for all the women in my family. Lard is made of cells, so it replaces the old used ones.
07-27-09, 11:20 am
I went through this huge muscle growth spirt within 2 months and now I have stretch marks under my armpits. I definitely do wear them with pride, but my gf doesn't like it, but I dont care cuz it means Im doing something right.
Brothas I got them too. Mines are across my front delts and upper pecs. I even got them on my biceps. I've had them for years and even though I've got size, Ive always hated them....
Animal Rep wrote: Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended.
Well smack my ass and call me molly! That's Pimping dog. It never dawned on me to view it from that perspective. Write on brah for the incite.
08-02-10, 12:03 am
This is a pointless exercise in futility...the only people I expect to hear that question form are pregnant or previously pregnant women.
Good will need it.
09-15-10, 11:54 am
I just see them as battle scars
10-20-10, 3:58 am
Chicks dig ummm, you can compare your stretch marks to theirs, good times. Bring on the battle scars!!!!
10-27-10, 10:01 am
I have a 5 inch strech mark on my armpit onto my sholder and I love ever inch of it and wear it like its a fucking war medal.
02-22-13, 12:13 pm
i wear them with 100% percent pride. they remind me of how small i was in the not so distant past.
04-22-13, 3:05 pm
Wear them with pride. You're an Animal, not a "weekend warrior". They are the manifestation of limits transcended. If you hate them that much try cocoa butter, aloe and vitamin E. They won't disappear, but it is likely that they will fade over time. They are a byproduct of excessive growth and that is what bodybuilding is all about. And if that's not what you're trying to achieve, why are you here?
Thatīs exactly my take on the topic! And look at all the the dudes out there (even proīs) with incredible physiques and they nearly all have stretch marks too you just donīt see them as clearly because they fade away after time...Anyway they are part of the game for must of us and thatīs good!
I have stretch marks they fade in time used to be red, now there not so noticeable. Just means ur growing
Aziz the great
04-04-14, 8:29 pm
You don't!! stretch marks should be your pride and honor becasue they show that youve worked you damn ass offfffff