View Full Version : Training FAQ #10: Is it normal for bodybuilders to have a bad day?
Animal Rep
05-25-07, 4:35 pm
Yeah, even the pros have off days. If it’s the off-season, they sometimes take a day off. Now it shouldn't happen that often, but we are all human. We all have bad days. Now if you’re training for a show, then you never take off unless you’re really, really, really, sick. But on the days that you have to leave, don’t give it a second thought. Your body needs rest. Some guys take months off at a time. You just roll with the punches. You go back the next day when you feel good and start over.
06-13-07, 8:42 pm
It's funny, alot of the people who say overtraining doesn't exist will be fast to say that they have off days every once in awhile and need that day off or to take it easy. If you plan to have a week or 2 off or to take it easy every 4-12 weeks of hard training I think that will almost completely eliminate bad days unless of course your diet and rest aren't in place.
Polish Prince
02-15-08, 5:02 pm
it is normal for people to have a bad day. even week/weeks. do a search for the threat called "a day in the life of vinny galanti" and he talks about how he's been in about a 2 week rut right now!
i read somewhere that a week every 8-10 weeks is good for your gains
BiG in NYC 823
03-30-08, 6:10 pm
i read somewhere that a week every 8-10 weeks is good for your gains
i'd say that is accurate. I tend to do 3 months of training and take a week "off" at the last week to rest my body and mind from the strenous training. It works for me, but everyone is different and their body reacts differently.
03-31-08, 4:11 pm
yeah i tend to have a bad day here and there. its easy to notice it with me. because i wont be able to finish cardio and i wont want to start hittn the iron. At that point I just grab my shit and head home and relax. that usually fixes things to get ready to hit it the next day as hard as can be like always.
yeah for sure, i've had days where i just couldn't concentrate or I just didn't feel totally there....if you know what i mean. This stuff just happens so some times you just have to go with the flow for a day. Then when you feel up to hit that shit harder then ever.
i'm all for listening to your body and easing up when you really need it...
but the key to this is HONESTY. if you've trained hard, trained right and trained consistently then sure, take a day or two to recharge. but if you're just a bit tired after work, put your man suit back on and lift.
05-29-08, 3:34 pm
i read somewhere that a week every 8-10 weeks is good for your gains
There is even some new research that less time in between is beneficial. However, those are looking at doing a week or two of submaximal work in between your hard, 100% workouts.
05-30-08, 3:55 am
somedays your just exhuasted, there have been times where leg day has whipped my ass so bad I cant hardly do anything the next day. The body needs rest ... its that simple
06-02-08, 2:42 am
yea people have bad days where they dont want to be in the gym because they are tired or have personal issues on their mind. but this is what seperates the winners from the losers
06-17-08, 4:28 pm
Sometimes you need to take a personal day. It could be many reasons overtraining, personal issues whatever you just take that day off and straighten things out before the next day.
08-11-09, 10:39 pm
yea for sure it normal to have bad days... everyone i have ever talked to has had them. but if u think of something to get you pumped or get a good song going it can make those bad days a lot better.
11-03-09, 5:43 am
Yeah, i definitely agree...
sometimes even though ifocus real hard on putting myself in the "lifting mood" istill got a lot of stuff on mymind, whether at home, at work, etc...
it happens just not feeling it today, or i look at myself in the mirror and i just feel like this ain't an super intense training session, which i hate!!.....even though i try to make it one....
it happens sometimes, which is when i finish that training session, and hop in the next day for another fresh one!!
Keep it real!
06-13-10, 7:18 am
My workout is after work, so sometimes my demon tells me I'm too tired and don't feel like I have the energy, so fuck it. I go anyway and usually have a great workout. There are bad days, and you have to force yourself to make the best effort. Some of the bad starts turn out better than expected. There are days, about every few weeks, when I don't go. Those are the days when I'm listening to what my body is telling me and has nothing to do with how I feel in general after work. The body needs adequate rest and you don't want to beat it down too much. The extra day off can rejuvinate the body and it shows on the next workout day.
Nobody can be totally 100% all of the time. How you deal with an off day or a slightly longer rut depends on your split. For example, say you take 2 rest days every 7, but they are separate from each other, then pop them right next to each other for the week cos you might just need that little bit extra to fully charge up the batteries again.
If you already have a couple of rest days together, here and there its not goin to hurt to throw a 3rd in along the line, listen to your body.
Something i've found can help is to treat urself to a bit of a treat day to give your body an unexpected flow of different nutrients/minerals/food in general so it can sponge it up.
As mentioned above, some days Ive just not been feeling it wen i've got to the gym, just not up for it but have pushed through it with the mindset of "grind it out" & most of the time those sessions have turned out to be some of the best Ive had. Maybe its cos you dont have such high expectations of that session if you're not feeling up for it beforehand so anything out of that session feels like a bonus.
08-02-10, 12:08 am
There are no such things as bodybuilders...
There is no such thing as a bad day...
There is no such thing as normal...
There is only what one does and does not drive acceptable outcomes in your training life. All the rest is extemporaneous bullshit and doulble talk. Try to focus on what happens between the time you open your mouth to speak and the time you put your theories into practical application.
Good luck.
I tend to have a "bad day" every 4 months or so it seems, and it sucks because I'm a PT at a gym so even on my shitty day I am still stuck being there for the rest of my shift so it tends to be my PMS day. But haven't had one in awhile once i got over the mental barriers and I kept saying to myself Stop being a pussy and I was good haha
11-16-13, 3:54 pm
If we didn't have bad days from time to time we wouldn't be human. lol
Yeah, even the pros have off days. If it’s the off-season, they sometimes take a day off. Now it shouldn't happen that often, but we are all human. We all have bad days. Now if you’re training for a show, then you never take off unless you’re really, really, really, sick. But on the days that you have to leave, don’t give it a second thought. Your body needs rest. Some guys take months off at a time. You just roll with the punches. You go back the next day when you feel good and start over.