Jacked up in a car accident 2 years ago. Rear ended by a truck, distracted by his cell phone, I was stopped at a light he came in full bore. Saw him coming - braced, elbows, shoulders, thoracic spine damage. Not debilitating but couldn't lift or handle any load for a year and a half. Chiropractor worked out the adhesions on the spine got good thoracic mobility. Used to lift when I was younger, back to the gym 4 months ago, to rehab, mostly upper body GVT moving up slow but steady. Legs just a 45lb vest first on the elliptical at a 40% incline for 45 minutes, then outdoors to a Sledding hill and realized I needed more. Started following a meal plan, fighting to keep weight under 200, get enough protein and not deplete.
Upper body keeps moving up pulldowns with 200lbs 10 sets 4-6 reps. Remembered the powerlifting days. Started internet searches, research, read articles by Dan Boss Green.
I'm 54 what the F am I doing?
Bought squat shoes, adipowers, still had my belt.
Found this site.
Started squating.
Found the groove right away, quads sore as hell.
It'll take a year.
I love squatting. Let's see what happens.