Bench Press
135X10X3sets,7X2sets Paused
Tricep Pressdown
Superset with:
Rotator Cuff External rotation
I was pretty sure I could grind out 7 sets of 3 at 225, it just felt like the form wasn't there and I wasn't helping myself. Actually the best part of the workout I thought was the paused sets at 135. Massive chest pump from tha.t From the paused position I was finding the groove real nice, so I think I'm going to give that a try going forward. Shoulders feel real good. I can't remember them feeling this good after a bench workout. I like that rotator cuff movement, I'll move to the 7.5lb dumbbells next time. By the time I got to the tricep pressdowns the tris were done. I've been under 1800 calories a day since last thursday and the weight is coming off pretty good. Faster than I should be doing it, but we don't have a lot of time and we got to look beachy. 187lbs this morning. Squatting on friday. Loving this programming!