Yesterday I trained wheels. What follows are my supplements for the day...
3 NOX3
1g Vitamin C
2 N1-T
2 Tribulus Pro
1 pack Animal Test
Late Morning:
1 Animal Pak
1g Vitamin C
1 pack Animal Pump
1 pack Animal Test
1 Vanadyl Sulfate
2 Tribulus Pro
During Training:
2 servings EAA Stack w/ 25g Carbo Plus
2 packs Animal Nitro
Before Bed:
3 NOX3
2 N1-T
2 Tribulus Pro
1g Vitamin C
My main supplemental protein source has been Animal Max (Vanilla), which I used 10 scoops of yesterday. Some days I use more, some days I use less.
I change my supp regimen every few weeks, so I'll update my protocol in a couple weeks. In the meantime, what are you on?
Peace, G