Rep PA. 8 hour drive one way? no prob. Arriving thursday afternoon and leaving whenever I'm thrown out. see you guys there.
"There are those who say they could have, should haves...and those who simply stayed the course and are still here...thats what separates the champions from the rest of the crowd."
-Greg Long
Just booked a hotel and got tix. Me and my boy from the VA ABC are on the way.
"It's all a fucking waste if you're not eating right... if you're not supplementing right... if you're not taking the proper steps to induce growth post workout you might as well stay home and jerk off." - G Diesel
this is gonna be my first time at the cage.. just was curious if they ever had a cage webcam online?? If not, I think that could be a cool idea for all the animals who can't make it to the arnold. It took me enough years to get everything aligned so I could make it this year. I think it would be awesome if you could log onto animal pak and watch the cage on the website. Just an idea.
Feel The Power
Let nothing stop you from going to the gym and training hard! Even if you were to break every bone in your body a true gym warrior would still find something to train.
I'll be there reppin Sullivan County NY, w/ my 17 y/o son & longtime training partner Big Kev. Should arrive around 4:00 fri & there all weekend.
(G-when I find you, I'm shakin your hand; you are a real inspiration!)
I feel ya man, money is tight here as well so I wont get to stay as long as I want to. Plus I'm only doing the expo. As long as weather permits I'll be there Friday and some of Saturday.
Originally Posted by Pizzalamp
I was all set to go but now I cant
Money is tight and I have a good opportunity at work during that time
Cant wait to see the pics though!
Let nothing stop you from going to the gym and training hard! Even if you were to break every bone in your body a true gym warrior would still find something to train.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain