Fellow Animalz-
It is with great pleasure that I bring you my third journey. This voyage will be strictly aimed at putting on some good quality mass. I will be looking to bulk up, very slow and clean hoping to avoid any unnecessary garbage weight. I don't fear putting on a little as I know it is inevitable, but I am looking at bulking up in hopes of a show down the road. With that I bring you....
yohead's journey to becoming yoHUGE...welcome to BULKville
A quick recap of my previous journeys:
Journey One: Road to Being Jacked...was my first attempt at bulking with the aid of Animal Test. Put on some good size and a lot of garbage weight. But hey it was my first real bulk and I did get some good results from it. A lot more lean mass was added...but then I had to start out another journey to get rid of the garbage weight...
Journey Two: Cutting for abs to prove Peyton Manning wrong...had a great long cut. Too long of a cut in my opinion... in fact, fuck it I will just go for Keto next time after hearing how good my boy Broc is doing with it. I cut till I went on vacation (which I just came back from). I finally had abs and got great compliments down in Florida, best ones were You have a HOT BODY and watching all the eyes and heads following me as I stayed by the pool all day. Got some nice sun as well.
Vacation in Florida was great. I ate whatever I wanted for about a week and a half and felt like a fat ass when I got back. Felt good to take a week off of training to let the muscles recover and rest up.
I will be training my dad this summer as I try to get him through a cutting phase and so forth. Will be the great father-son duo and should be good fun. Also will be doing an externship at the District Attorney's office...should be a long 200 hours doing that. Therefore, I will be helping my father with cardio in the AM and lifting with him in the PM. Will be crazy changing it up this way...can't wait to see the results. I am finalizing my next Animal order (I am trying to wait for the new Iconic Ts to come out). I will be posting as much as I can and reading as much as I can of everyone else's journeys.
Thank you so much for everyone that has kept up with my logs and hopefully you will enjoy this one just as much as this will be a more permanent journey as I would like to do a show sometime down the road. I will also be writing down my thoughts, goals, diet, and everything I can with every entry.
It is time to get yoHUGE!